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Everything posted by DarkLordRulius

  1. The Star Forge. Now that's cool.
  2. That's not cool.
  3. The game was alright.
  4. That's not even a fair fight. Superman has NO way to resist force powers and the match would be over before Revan could even draw his sabers out.
  5. Anything a wookiee says is the worst line. Ever.
  6. I'd be Saul Karath. Admirals are always the coolest characters to me. For someone who doesn't actually *die*, Atton.
  7. I agree. Where's the Handmaiden?
  8. Damn, that DS pic of Visas is terrible. She's probably in her late twenties or early thirties and her skin's already cracking! Thank god that didn't happen to Basty. :D
  9. ...When thread after thread of this topic is made. <_<
  10. I found all answer choices "B" to be the ones I'd choose, except for the last one which I'd pick C.
  11. lol Can't say I disagree with you there. "Who needs persuasion when you have choke?"
  12. That's too bad. You don't know what you're missing out on. I mean, is the ending really all that it takes to keep a game from being enjoyable? And I'll just add that for Xbox, there are hardly ANY bugs. (For me at least anyway) If your PC is good enough, then like my friend's game it won't be buggy.
  13. Darkside. Ahem, even though I much prefer the post RotJ darkside.
  14. Well, they haven't been added *yet*. The KotOR 1 characters were added well after the game's release and is probably the same deal here. Regarding to grown people, I think that they *had* to accept adults because with all the darksiders popping up, they can't just send kids to battle these guys. After a while I think Luke will go back to accepting the bear clan, however I don't know much of the post RotJ events other than the Jedi Knight series and Yuuzhong Vong deal.
  15. I've wondered this myself too. Never saw anything to indicate it though.
  16. "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the darkside!" "You rebel scum!" Heh.
  17. Uh, no. Revan wasn't a Mandalorian, otherwise he wouldn't have been a Jedi and fighting for the Republic AGAINST the Mandalorians. I always thought Revan had his/her own name, and Revan was just what people reffered to them by. *shrugs* I'd say Revan would be a first name over last, however.
  18. Bro, please type more clearer. It's hard on my eyes. Anyway, try exploring the Enclave first, and then go back to the caves.
  19. Well, easy for Revan. Just put him/her in Revan's robes with hood, mask, etc. That way... you know. Exile, have him wear Nihilus mask since he could pick it up. If he/she went LS, then he doesn't deserve to be mentioned... ever. Heh heh.
  20. Well, here goes my summary. Peragus: Bad. You're joking, right? It only got interesting while aboard the harbinger. Droid after droid. How fun. Telos: Average. Wasn't bad, but resolving Telos' problems isn't something i'd want to do if I had a pick. Dxun: Great. They did well on Dxun, like the Korriban prestige deal in Kotor 1, this reminded me of it but was better. Onderon: Average. It was pretty damn boring resolving the whole Capt. Solio murder deal. If the city wasn't well designed, it'd be bad. Nar Shaddaa: Average. Was a long and dragging planet, didn't care about the whole GO-TO deal. Dantooine: Slighty higher than average. Definetly not as good as Kotor 1, especially the horrible music, but it wasn't too bad. Korriban: Slighty higher than average. Like Dantooine, not as good as in Kotor 1. I mean, the only thing of interest there is fighting sion and exploring the tomb. Malachor V: Bad. Ok, you go around a dead, maze planet and fight storm beasts, including one insane monster storm beast, and then when you finally get into the academy, you find out that all the rooms look exactly the SAME. How fun, eh? On top of that, the friggen Sith Marauders look like the Kotor 1 stand-in's, and all the dark apprenntices look the same too. If I wanted to face the exact same enemies over and over, i'd play the Jedi Knight series. <_< Uh... Ebon Hawk: Great.
  21. Uh, that's the point I was trying to make.
  22. I find that amusing. If Revan was such an 'average Jedi', then how in the blue hell could he have defeated Malak with the power of the star forge behind him? Did you not see the other 'average Jedi' that Malak defeated easily and used their power during the battle? Plus, if Revan was so 'average', and has NO special quialities, then how in the bluest of blue hell did he lead the entire Republic forces to victory in the war? In addition to actually finding the Star Forge that had been undiscovered for millienia. And, Bastila stronger than Revan? Say wha? Hmm, then how is it that with the LS ending, after Bastila repeatidly "re-charges", Revan *still* defeates her? I'm not even going to bother going into details with Vander.
  23. ... There's a bronze crystal? I dunno. Red is most common, but one time or two I went through it all without getting one blue crystal. I'd say Silver, or this 'bronze' that I have never heard of...
  24. Tulak-who? Oh, you mean that made up bioware Sith Lord in which the only thing we know about is that he was supposidly good with weapons?
  25. Hmm, only tried Telos swoop racing once. Since then I have not even bothered with it...(Damn that *** was hard!) And no, 500 creds wouldn't be worth it anyway. On my latest game I managed to gather up 116,000 credits... somehow... :ph34r:
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