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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm not sure where to put this. It's more musical than anything. Likely posted before at some point but I only saw it a couple weeks ago. Anyway, it's by the same guy who did a popular Data & Picard video w/the same concept. Takes sound effects and dialogue from movies/shows and turns them into a song. I like the way this one slowly builds and by the time you get to the axe thru the door and "play with us Danny" bits I feel like I've seen something majestic.
  2. Sadly, the BT clearing doesn't last but 5 minutes or so. I think I put around 350 hours into DS on console (2 playthrus). I bought it on PC and still haven't reached chapt. 3 on it. I'd like to replay it again with the uber nice graphics of PC but I guess twice is all I'm in the mood for, at least until another year passes maybe. As to what I'm playing ... nothing. I guess I'm just not in a gaming mood so I'm going to stop trying for a while. I've even downloaded free demos and games just to check stuff out without cost but nothing takes. But ... they sure do look (briefly) great on that OLED TV!
  3. ^ Sure, especially if it's the 6GB one (3GB would be ok too but... ). Even 1440/60 in many cases. I think it's about the equivalent as the 980 or at least very close to it.
  4. Isn't Natalie Portman like, 5 foot three or something like that? Maybe any taller than 6 foot male lead would make it too difficult/PITA to get her and him in easy scene-framing and shoulder-resting/kissin' distance. They probably had her standing on a box occasionally (or at least platform heels out-of-frame) as it was.
  5. On another forum, a thread went "Darth Vader passes away!" or something like that, and half the reactions were "I thought you meant James Earl Jones!" Anyway ... RIP to the man behind the mask.
  6. ^ I sent my cousin-in-law a funny-face picture a while back, when I first got the callphone account. Just a close up of my forehead-to-chin, sticking out my tongue, and she didn't recognize me - thought it was some random wrong number text from a ... teenager. Even tho I understood it, kinda (pic was a bit odd, ok), somehow/strangely I felt a tad affronted.
  7. Oh, forgot about NWN2, South Park and Outer Worlds ... although I haven't played any of those very long/much. OW is currently on the "need to play it more one day soon" list.
  8. I definitely liked FO:NV the best of the Obs games. Kotor2 probably 2nd. PoE was all right except the combat became excessively annoying by the end. DS3 was ok even if it was nothing like the original games. I had fun with it at the time anyway. *scratches head* I think that's all I've actually played. Lost interest after PoE1. Avowed might interest me but there's still basically no real info on it so who knows.
  9. *Pulls out piece of meat and a fry pan* - "I need to cook this before it goes bad, but first need to use the bathroom." (in the bathroom) "...the soap dish is gross, I'll just clean that out." "Is that mildew around the sink drain? ... it's so dusty in here ... I've neglected the floor grout too long. And..." ...two hours later... Hubby poking his head into the bathroom: "So, can I take a shower now?" Me: "OK." ... *flounces off to couch, plays slots on the tablet* ...an hour or so later... "I feel like I'm forgetting something." This is LC's brain.
  10. I Saw the Devil (2010, S. Korea) Based on some reviews, rented this one via Amazon. It's basically a revenge movie. Serial killer randomly offs a dude's fiance, fiance goes after him. There is hardly any characterization outside of a few moments here and there of the trope-y setup kind. Extremely brutal/violent, some great but brief h2h fight sequences, good acting/camerawork. But the protagonist goes way beyond anti-hero into someone I was completely unsympathetic with by the halfway point (this was probably the point, but it's hard to watch). This is no Hollywood style Taken or similar with one-liners to break mood occasionally. I don't know ... can't say I truly liked the movie, but it was well made and compelling at times to say the least.
  11. I don't really have any, outside of that it's less dislike then "it's not generally my type of game." When I bought the very first Metro ages ago, it was largely as a new system/gpu game test. Looked great at the time, my new rig (back then) ran it like a champ - I played it a little bit, ran around like a chicken with no head like I do in most 1st person shooter combat outside of Borderlands (haha), got kind of bored, then never picked it up again. So ... it's kind of the same thing here.
  12. Ok, I bought Metro Ex, Control and No Man's Sky. After doing the intro bits of all three, I feel like the only one I might spend some moderate play time in is No Man's Sky. If I can get a starting planet that doesn't immediately poison or burn me to death, that is, when you're a nub that has no idea how to play/avoid such. Metro ran w/RT at 4k and DLSS at an easy 60fps and looks nice on the OLED. But awesome looking scenery seems like the only reason I'd try to run through it. Control is one of those games where even if it looks good in a way, it has this constant greyish "haze" type of filtered lighting over everything that drives me insane. It might be interesting combat/play tho, I'll have to play it more.
  13. Now you see it, now you don't... ... I just can't get into the RT/reflection fuss. I mean chr. reflections could be used in stealth-based games in interesting ways I suppose, but other than that it just doesn't do much for me, especially for performance cost. Even when you're out on the street with more of those kind of reflections I hardly notice. I guess I simply don't look for/notice reflections much even in real life, like walking around downtown San Francisco. The 2080ti/9900k combo, with all max and max RT settings, managed a whopping ... 30-35fps at 4k (no DLSS) with this game. But it was actually a pretty smooth 30fps. Turn RT down a bit and other settings down and FPS went up to maybe 40fps. lol. Didn't try in DX11/noRT at all.
  14. If it really does end up at that price (granted, the EVGA version I'd likely want might be a bit more) ... as I said, I'd be tempted, if it's enough better than vanilla 3080 that is. Of course, I probably couldn't get a hold of one for a year or something, anyway ... probably for the best.
  15. Yeah, the delays/lack of stock etc are terrible if you want to build a new system right now. I'd be horribly frustrated if I was in that situation - and I'm an extra impatient person. :( Hope you can get the stuff when you expect/want, at this point.
  16. My current "problem" is I'd like to play with a controller when possible, and while I did order one that supposedly would work outside of Steam-bought games, I'm not 100% positive of that yet and won't for a few days. So do I buy on GoG and hope, or buy on Steam where I know my dualshock works, and would work today? No Man's Sky is half off too, with all the patches etc. I might give that a whirl now - I hear combat is fairly avoidable in that one,too. Eh ... can't decide. Also, I need a bigger SSD.
  17. When a few games you've been eyeballing, mostly out of idle curiosity, are on 30-60% sale but you're not sure you'd actually play them. --Control --Metro:Exodus --Deep Rock Galatic --Hades Hm. Maybe I'll just wait for Winter Sale...
  18. Tukoni - cute freebie click/point adventure/light puzzle game. Nice art style. Not very long.
  19. I can't eat potatoes/stuffing anymore. Well, maybe a bite... Makes me miss Boston Market. We used to go to one for Thanksgiving. They've mostly disappeared here tho. I used to cook (small) turkeys just for us but became fed up with the frozen store things that took 20000000000 hours to thaw out. Plus our current gas oven sucks. Anyway ... when I was a kid at the family dinners my mother did this thing where everyone would get a card and we'd write down a few things we were thankful for that year, and then she'd read them all before dinner. So ... ---I'm alive, fairly healthy, not quite wealthy and ... wise. Well, 2.5 out of four ain't bad... --the camaraderie of this forum that makes it a place I like to hang out is always appreciated, too. Cheers all. *raises glass*
  20. ^ I don't like xbox design/the way the joysticks aren't on the same "line" - makes me hold it not evenly, plus they're fatter. Small hands/short fingers + thumb/forefinger grip arthritis. Xbox makes the arthritis hurt a lot more. The way they changed the PS5 controller to be fatter and look more like xbox in a way, didn't make me happy. The Speedlink looks more my speed, it's $35 on Amazon I think. Hm. I'm guessing some of the center touchpad functions of the ps4 one wouldn't work with it but would work for most games. Might try it, thanks. Edit: actually seller prices vary from $8-$45. I can't tell the difference. EditEdit: Is this the one? https://www.amazon.com/Speedlink-Strike-Ergonomic-Gamepad-Black/dp/B01N9HJO8I
  21. Health insurance is a big reason hubby keeps working, he worries about it a lot. That and he has this cushy job where they luv him to death and where he can work remotely even if there was no covid. And hubby's the sort who is afraid he'll drop dead if he's too idle. We're not old enough for Medicare etc, and now I'm "sick" and need semi-regular stuff, too. Pffft. Speaking of which, I spent all week taking only one insulin shot per day (in the morning), to see what would happen. Morning blood sugar stays the same or sometimes a bit higher but still "fine." So I think I'm going to do that most of the time, as long as that remains so. If I over indulge food one day I can always take a shot for that one evening just in case. Even varying the shot location, my belly sometimes feels like a bruised pincushion - it likes not being punctured twice a day. Edit: also, late evening is when I'm most likely to forget a shot anyway...
  22. Sounds like a convenient controller, wish I had one.
  23. I'd probably like that one because of no frame line/image separation. It's not big enough, tho.
  24. Does GoG Galaxy have "native" controller support with games or do you still often need 3rd party to get them to work? Because it sure didn't work with Outer Worlds when not using Galaxy.
  25. You could get a bunch of those and sit in the middle! Put up an avi wallpaper of some beautiful environment and spin in your chair with arms flung wide like an actor in a movie. Like this, only with curved's. Of course, for me who loves huge screens - I need one of these!
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