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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Is weird the same as worst? Cause I'm not sure that's what he was asking (worst). Weirdness factor I'd have to go with Kreia/Di scene too, the one where she's repeating "Jedi..." while Di doesn't realize she's there. It's almost creepy the 1st time you see/hear it...with her echoing voice and all.
  2. I don't think anyone would deny Jolie has naturally full lips...particularly her bottom lip. And of course make-up/angle has a lot to do with it in pictures. That doesn't mean she doesn't have them augmented at times (maybe not all the time). As to her not caring enough to do it...she grew up w/a famous father, rich, her appearance is/was her bread and butter...I doubt it's something she would have anything against doing, if the mood struck her, like with her tatoos supposedly giving her confidence or something. " http://www.lipaugmentation.com/angelina_jolie_lips.htm (this site has a lot of before/after pics that shows how good lip augmentation results can often - but not always - be) Only she knows for sure, but..... :cool:
  3. Jolie can look like a fresh-scrubbed lady-next-door or a frightening example of what too much lip collagen can do.
  4. I wonder if Kaftan likes Michelle Yeoh?! " :D She's a great actress, indeed.
  5. I liked the first DS....the expansion was kind of fun but just more of the same, although those little lizard pet things were cute. My biggest personal complaint was about the SP game - it was so linear...no exploration at all. The MP maps were much better and I mostly played there, alone...paid no attention to the MP quest, just explored and killed stuff. heh I think I'll just wait for the game itself to check it out.
  6. I like postcards, because they don't take up much space...and you can turn an entire wall into a postcard showcase. :D
  7. Proboards....decent org. And I would call that daisy or goldenrod yellow.
  8. I'm aware of that...didn't say it was a bad game. I just hate turn limits (if you're going to have those at least make them fairly large) and it's too 'busy' a game for me. Such games are all essentially the same concept anyway...just depends on how much extra coding one wants to do to add personality and robust towns. I think Dragon Knight could be modded quite extensively...most people don't bother tho, cause most people aren't coders. :D
  9. The only thing I dislike about Dragon Knight so far is that often you can go a lot of clicks without anything happening. I think you can change that tho by altering the monster parameter or something. Anyway...I'll check out the other one...preliminary look is intriguing. Looks more robust. Edit - well there's that turn per day limit again. Better roleplay environment w/ all the cute little attack messages and such but I think I like the simplicity of DK better. And if I installed the GDragon one I'd have to change the colors. Gah. Something in-between would be nice.
  10. I just wanted to say that to me, the old thread was only 8 pages. :D
  11. While we're on animated characters...I loved this melancholy little elf. "I'll do what I can, but expect very little."
  12. Anyone hear of Dragon Knight? It's a free pre-made turn/browser based game ala kingdom of loathing that you can download and install on your server. I just installed & checked it out...a little bland in the reading/item category, but with some modding you could change that somewhat. At least it has no turns-per-day limit (unless you program them in of course...). I always hate that. Now I can click 'explore more' mindlessly all night long on my own server. *laugh* Edit: Forgot...you can get the actual program here: http://dragon.se7enet.com/dev.php
  13. How could I forget Ed Harris....although he's starting to look a bit old even for me...he was in his 'prime' in the mid-80's/early 90's....
  14. I've been told 'how to's' before...tho I don't remember if I ever tried that exact one. Was a while ago. But doesn't matter. I still don't see them.
  15. So I'm curious how many people can see those 'pictures' in the 3D random-noise looking displays that were the rage for a short time. I never could.
  16. Hope this isn't considered too spammy (or done before) - lock away if so. :D Someone posted this on another forum I go to and I thought it was mildly amusing. http://www.cyborgname.com/ Post your result.
  17. Yeah, that aspect of the whole Dxun thing bugged me too. I kept waiting for the convo option to appear that would be 'another time.' Never happened. I figured it was just conversational dialogue to flesh out the whole character thing...I mean, you return, it'd seem funny to have no one say anything. Maybe some unused content behind it tho...who knows. At least their various lines were pretty cute.
  18. Did anyone else think the vaunted Illusion #3, even with the swatch pulled 'down', the center pieces didn't look the same color? Close, but not exactly same. One was still more yellow than the other. The others tho - I've seen a lot of stuff like that before. My brother was really into them...plus I've been a guinea pig for...stuff.
  19. The accent he used in that one was incomprehensible....I guess it could be seen as funny.... :D
  20. Little too much foundation, but a nice pixie face. Benicio del Toro - he's weird, but talented...irritated the hell out of me in Usual Suspects but I started to love him after some of the films he was in after that...like Way of the Gun & Traffic.
  21. In general my 'type' in real life is still reflected quite strongly in fangirl-ism. But there are times where an actor captivates me because the role he's playing is so strong...ie, they have a lot of on-screen charisma that I personally like. Kevin Spacey, for example, isn't exactly my normal 'type'. But rrrowrr...he's seXy on-screen. And funny too.
  22. Michael Shanks. SG-1 glasses on or off, I think he's hot. Can't tell in this picture, but I love his blue eyes.
  23. Tsk Tsk.....suntan lotion! Wear it, roll around in it...it's your friend! I'll have to remember the tea thing the next time my husband decides he doesn't need lotion on his fair skin whilst doing yardwork.
  24. I am a huge fangirl of my webserver host Justin. I don't know what I'd do without him.
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