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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That smiley needs a cigar and Groucho glasses.
  2. I'm wondering why the thread says there's an attachment when I don't see one. We thought about moving to AZ once...lovely place. Decided to stay in CA tho.
  3. I am 37. I am woman hear me roar. I am eating beef jerky and drinking Dew. I am fond of sarcastic wit. I am listening to Nox's 'Minstrels Tale' I am married and still in love. I am typing on a P4 3ghz computer w/2GB RAM I am bored. P.S. I am Queen of typos.
  4. Too Bad - Nickelback
  5. Maybe story-wise but not in the movie. They just stood there like dufuses. I'm not convinced it makes sense for those 3 to be cut down like wheat while Mace is still standing between them. I suppose Sidious could be using his "only hits 3 at a time and not in the middle" combat move, but...well...whatever.
  6. The Airzooka. Or if someone likes art: this is kind of cool But I'm not sure how you'd get the profile of someone else without ruining the surprise factor.
  7. ...actually I was asking the OP, but the info about the Strawberry Shortcake is interesting. Companies are too sensitive...heheh
  8. Why would that be? (Dooku) Because he couldn't do stunts and they couldn't find a stuntman? As to the poll...Sidious. I mean, ok, so those three he cut down at once had to be the worst Jedi ever, but still...if he can put Yoda to a draw, well, hey, he's groovy. His cackling laughter distracts his opponents, too. But Maul was definitely the best in the cool flashy technique arena.
  9. So who is that guy in your sig anyway?
  10. Withnessing a newb birth...priceless. I feel all huggy now.
  11. Apparently I should apply for a non-clone job. "
  12. Disciple: Tom Cruise 71 Cary Grant 64 Billy Corgan 63 juan carlos ferrero 62 Al Pacino 61 In the pic they gave, Juan looks the most like him. So I guess Disciple likes to play tennis to relax.
  13. That's hysterical. I wonder what a picture of Disciple's face would come up with. lol Must try. Or Visas...would a veil over the face confuse the program? Hehe
  14. I'm listing both the men and women, because it's funny. And yeah, they do go all over the board...I tried a frontal picture, a side picture, and a 3/4 picture. First picture: Aung San Suu Kyi 54% Liza Minnelli 52% Shirley MacLaine 52% Audrey hepburn 45% Kenneth Brannagh 43% JK Rowling 43% Hillary Duff 41% Daniel Radcliffe 40% 2nd picture: Mamoru Oshii 70% Zhang Ziyi 64% Jose Carreras 59% Penelope Cruz 59% Aung San Suu Kyi 57% Mark Hamill 56% (hahahahahaha!!!!) Fay Wray 50% Bernardo Bertolucci 49% Bobby Fischer 48% Brad Pitt 48% 3rd picture: Drew Barrymore 61% Guillermo Coria 52% Charlize Theron 49% Aung San Suu Kyi 49% Elizabeth Taylor 49% Ava Gardner 49% Jane Fonda 48% Anne Rice 45% Shirley MacLaine 44% Aung San Suu Kyi shows up for all three, and while I'm Asian and she's Asian, I don't think I look anything like her. @Calax - did you click the arrow buttons to see the rest? That fooled me at first too...
  15. I like both styles...it really depends on the game more than anything else, IMO. Some types of games, the way they're made, real-time wouldn't work very well. Or at least, the options during combat (and, I'd assume, in level/combat design) would be decreased quite a bit because you don't have that pause-time to decide what to use. Some people find the lack of options annoying, some don't. My experience with real-time (no pausing) combat in action/action-RPG's is that ultimately, I'd end up using just three or six or eight out of a hundred 'attacks' because it was too much hassle to keep switching all the time, every time I left an area of one monster/situation for another. Either that, or the game gave you 20 slots of 8 choices each and you'd go batty trying to configure a hotkey combo for every situation...and then remember which one had what combo on it and what key to push to get to that slot. Not all gamers have the reflexes or memories of The One. Anyway, I like both...just depends. Because Kotor didn't have a real-time feel to it in the first place, with all the dialogue/cut-scene interruptions, many of them out of my control, the turnbased combat just felt like an extension of that same concept/playstyle. Same thing with BG etc. Morrowind did have a nice real-time combat system...so did Nox, for that matter...too bad neither game had much longevity/replay, to me. P.S. I remember some areas/levels in Might & Magic RPG series that would have been nigh impossible real-time.
  16. Is that worth buying? I love the..uh..main/end theme or whatever (I just listen to the title/end from the film DVD) but is the rest on par?
  17. With the way pollution may go, soon the air and the rain and the wind will cause cancer. And dirt will give cancerous skin lesions. And then sitting in a bubble playing on the computer 24/7 will be the way of the world, and the genius nerds shall rise to eternal power over all. Oh wait....too late... :D
  18. Tinker Toys!! :cool: Bedsheets+furniture+building blocks+a friend=a giant tent 'city' that covered my entire room. My mother wasn't too happy with that one. And yeah, there's probably lots of sites that review games for children. Shrek2 seems to be a popular one, but I don't know if that's really appropriate for 3 year olds or not. I have no clue about young children, really.
  19. LadyCrimson


    I like the spirit of Xmas...I just don't like the modern reality. A materialistic holiday that turns the spirit of giving/family/love into the spirit of shallow and narcissistic. Of course, not all people/families celebrate Xmas with that kind of mentality...and I applaud them for it. Me, I just ignore holidays. It's just another day...if I want to buy someone a gift or give them a hug or see someone I haven't seen in a long time, I don't wait for a holiday.
  20. Duke of Earl - the Platters
  21. My husband had his first smoke when he was around 5. His uncles or grandfathers or something. But their excuse was that times were somewhat different then.
  22. LadyCrimson


    Star Trek action figures from the early/mid 70's. I tortured Scotty. The 'Fireplace log' that a local station would play all day Xmas day...it was just funny & an inside type joke with friends.
  23. They did that for Morrowind, too...and Tombraider...and....
  24. I think the story-reasons are something about how it's a DS place, full of DS energy, that dampens out the LS energy, or something along those lines, however the SW universe might coin such concepts. As to the movitations of the actual level designers...who knows.
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