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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. There are dolphins in my island bay. Cute. Random trader ships are nice for photo mode shots. Graphics are "ok" overall, nothing special (especially if you zoom in close to the citizens...), but good enough for game type and the way you're going to largely view the game while actually playing. Now...let's see if Patron keeps me up all night or not.
  2. Played another hour of the Banished Patron demo. I liked a little bit more every 15 minutes or so. It's going to be more of a patience game at the start than Banished. You may be "stuck" with only 10-25 workers for the first 3-4 seasons, waiting for resources and cash to pile up (there's citizen taxes so you get some all the time). I think increasing workers/citizens is going to be slow going most of the time, outside of getting randomly lucky re: a few wandering immigrants offering to join your town. so rapid expansion/growth will be hard to force. Which to me = possible efficiency challenge and I start drooling. Another big difference was you can upgrade most buildings a few tiers. So it may be much more efficient (because, workers) to have one upgraded Hunter building vs. three lvl-1 ones. Reading a bit more, sounds like the demo is out of date and the full release will likely have some improvements in AI, UI, QoL, who knows what else. So I didn't want to play too long only to have it be super different tomorrow. Maps were a decent size too, for future expansion. Dunno if I'll play it as much as Banished, but ... efficient layout planning is my jam!
  3. ...leafy greens, veggies, leafy greens, veggies, leafy greens, veggies. Yes I can have a bit o' bacon and other non-plant protein/fat sources and I don't feel deprived. Still, sometimes...
  4. Tried the demo for about an hour. Based on a forum post it may have some time-played limitation re: resource generation (so you can't play the test map forever in one go/save). Anyway, it seems pretty cool. The research tree is massive, you can research one item at a time and it has short branches to make you choose what you want to do first re: resources required to research it. Can't build farms right away, for example, you need to research upgrade to Town Hall for that and it'll take a short while. Not sure how you get new immigrants if any, vs children being born/turning into adults. Anyway, seems worth $20 to check out full version. Even has a photo mode of sorts, which will clip through ground/things. Not that it's really a game for taking major shots of, lol. But at least you could get better angles or maybe distance for town design shots.
  5. I seem to be recovering ok from whatever was going on with me. I will still see a dentist to see if there is some dental infection related thing or something (still odd it was painless tho, if so). Key is I can hopefully now do so (in a week or so) without fitfully coughing and sniffling right into someone's face. Keto styled diet/two meals a day also still working/feeling great? Still no insulin required and that's felt like freedom, but still hoping glucose will go even lower over more time. Oh ... after watching me get cheerier and more energetic all the time (and seeing me not need insulin), hubby decided to try the same. Which meant he had to quit beer, because (his) daily beer consumption and Keto don't get along. He was quite grumpy for the first few days.
  6. I ... think I want this game. My main issue, as always these days, is will I actually get around to learning/playing, haha. They have a demo, might check it out later today. Supposedly full release tomorrow, supposedly will be around twenty bucks. Very much influenced by Banished, but appears a bit more detailed, a huge "research" tree or something, some map goals etc. No random gen. maps, they will be initially hand made with specific conditions/goals or some such, mods might change that, who knows.
  7. After a long absence, Roger came back with a new Honest Ad. Welcome back Roger. Please make at least one new video a month, pretty please.
  8. ^ Fiddling with my cookie settings (even "allowing all of them" type settings) didn't change anything. But I think I figured it out for me. Noscript had microsoft-com as untrusted and for some reason it didn't appear in the dropdown script list initially. Once I found it and put it as temp-trusted, the embeds show up now. I remember another "script" (amazonaws) that I had to allow after that big forum change/upgrade to make another feature here work. Strange it didn't seem to work before I installed noscript earlier, tho. Well, whatever, pc's are weird, seems to work now.
  9. Wish that worked for me. >.> ublock and Noscript are the only addons I use and the very first thing I did when I reinstalled browser was to check this forum, before even installing those addons. YT embeds still acted that way. I'm getting used to hitting prev and then next in rapid succession over and over again by now.
  10. I've had this issue with this forum very recently (wasn't like this up to a few/several days ago) where I often cannot see the embedded videos at all - it's just a blank forum space where they are. But if I click back a page in the topic and back again, suddenly there they are. It's been annoying. I disable browser addons, even total-uninstalled/reinstalled my browser thinking that was the problem, but nope, still there. Weird.
  11. Still stands ... need a new better broom. Or a plastic handle. Or ... there's always this method. You can even gussy it up a little, spice up that boring ol' broom handle!* *sanding it down would likely be more rational/easier tho
  12. This is usually a sign that the broomstick needs replacing. ----------- I think my cheek swelling has gone down slightly. Nose (and post nasal cough) the same. I will take this opportunity to extoll the virtues of the neti-pot again. Except my cheap plastic version has a tiny/slow leak. I guess I need a new/better one - I'll buy the solution packets separately. Side note, I tried using only the mega-carbon filtered tap water (almost all chlorine etc. removed) that we drink and learned even that is too painful in the nose. Need that saline stuff or whatever.
  13. I either have a sinus infection, deep cheek/gum infection (or both in combo - my left cheek is slightly swollen...no actual tooth pain or pain at all however), or maybe a .0001 chance of a really mild and oddball variant of ... covid? It started 3-4 days after I was out shopping at several stores, for example. Does one bother to get a test if it's this mild? What if it is dental/gets worse vs. better in a few days? Can I/should I see a dentist without a covid test first? Hmm...such is not so simple these days.
  14. I want this game, like, yesterday.
  15. Addition: but if y'all actually organized a forum party near me I'd probably make an exception and go*. I might even wear something besides my cat nightshirt for the occasion. But I'm not going to be the one to plan it, darnit. * I figure I'm safe saying that since it'll never actually happen, right?
  16. It would require planning, and leaving the house. Edit: I've met three 'net people in my life, all in my late 20's. Ppl I met on a depression newsgroup/usenet back in the day. It was all interesting but typically I just try to keep things separated these days.
  17. I try to be careful about what info gets out on the net so I can relate. You all don't really think all those pictures I posted over the years are really me, do you? I hired a model ages ago. If you open and resave the video in most editors, you can opt to remove/not have the embedded metadata/EXIF included. I do that with my camera/photos too if I'm posting to the 'net. Course that's an extra step. I think there are ways to elect to remove it in-phone too, but you'd have to Google that, probably depends on phone system/apps etc.
  18. I've heard that a few times. If he stayed more often in his serious but sorta rational mode vs. his "Klingon machoism" mode, maybe I'd agree. Still have never seen more than the first six or eight episodes of ss1 (and maybe a smattering of others) of DS9, tho.
  19. Eventually, a few of us wise up and stop paying attention to or watching most reboot? redone? re-started? stuff in the vague hope we'll think it's close to being "good." At least cynical old farts like me. Not for me. I found Worf (outside of some humorous interactions occasionally) and the Klingons in general to be one of the most boring things of STTNG. No offense to Mr. Dorn - he was fine. And when they added that son of his ... I usually turned those episodes off. Edit: I wonder if in part it was because I knew who Brian Bonsall was (the kid playing the son) - I remembered him from Family Ties. I didn't like him a whole lot there, either. EditEdit: didn't find his addition funny/that great to that series, I mean.
  20. Gotcha. Yeah, when they redid the forums that time all kinds of small annoyances re auto-formatting since. Re: uncle: I vote for massive prank with the aunt. Sounds more fun.
  21. ...it's just a cricket or katydid or something of that sort. I would've caught it and kept it as a pet for a day or two then put it outside. That said, despite my general love of insects as a whole, I'm only human: *in the shower* - "oh, poor little spider got wet and can't struggle up the tiles to get away from the water, I can't take watching it anymore, here let me rescue you." later ... "SPIDER CRAWLING ON MY PILLOW! DIIIIE!"
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