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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I guess they really wanted you to watch their movie. I wonder how "successful" they consider it to have been vs.typical meter of box office. Also, I think local grocery prices seem to be going up again. Not that I buy "super economy" style, mind. But fresh produce, (any) meat/fish etc. Doesn't help I can't buy/eat lots o' rice, potatoes, pasta, ofc. Another 15 years monthly grocery (food+other household grocery) is probably gonna be outta sight.
  2. ^ So maybe it's actually that you are not taking me seriously, then I take you too seriously, then you take me seriously (in a certain way), then I don't take you seriously, then you don't take me seriously either and then I take you seriously ... this could get worse than a badly written time loop! Anyway ... that scene with Eddie Murphy is funny yet kind of ironic (?), because in his stand up specials Delirious (before BH Cop) and Raw (after BH Cop), he dressed almost like that on stage. I always saw that scene as him poking self-aware fun at both that trend and himself. Or something.
  3. Condemnation? That's a rather strong turn of phrase. You take me way too seriously at times. That said
  4. I wasn't liking it all that much at first, but then for some random reason I put playback at .75 and it suddenly became much more my speed (pun intended). Now I must try this with many songs.
  5. If I *was* going to get one, I'd do the same. 64GB would be, like, are you mad, no, nope, no way. Now I'm wondering how FFXV would play on the thing....I'm guessing Ansel wouldn't work/be available on it tho. Or...
  6. 1 wasa cracker = 5 net carbs (total carbs minus dietary fiber carbs) broccoli/spinach mixture w/every meal = maybe 3 net carbs each meal some kind of not-low-fat beef = 0 net carbs 2-3 tablespoons plain 5% fat greek yogurt (heaped on that cracker) = maybe avg. 2 net carbs Total net carbs: 10 +/- carbs x 2 = 20 per day *Keto's supposed general net carb aim - 30-50. ...carbs in an average "large" choc. chip cookie - 8.5-9 ...does this mean I can have a cookie? *Note: I'm not currently trying to be severe Keto's, just trying some things out, we'll see
  7. I don't think I need either the Switch or Steam Deck to play slot or jigsaw puzzle apps, so ... nah. Not knocking them, I can understand/see their use. Such devices are not aimed at me is all. Speak for yourself. I'm the total opposite, where while I can use an xbox sort of controller, I can't stand their form, weight, or sticks - they make my hands hurt etc. Even before I became velcro-fingers. It's just an individual comfort. I always hear PS ones suck more re: breaking but I haven't had any issues re: ps4 sticks or buttons in 4+ years (I have 4), with 100s/1000's of hours of use. Maybe I'm just weirdly extra-gentle or something. Their rechargeable battery - how long before they don't hold a charge for as long - happens a little faster than I'd like, but dunno. The one I use on the PC I bought a long cable for it anyway so no issue there. I do wonder if having the buttons more directly to the side of the stick (Steam Deck) would be better for my trigger thumb/joint issues - so it'd be more of a slide over to them vs. (for me) a thumb stretch upwards. When the thumb has to stay almost ramrod straight, moving it over/upwards means sometimes sliding over the X(A) or square(X) button and accidentally hitting them while trying to reach for the triangle(Y) button. >.>
  8. ^ I play "annoy the husband." Which ultimately is the best game ever.
  9. I don't do MMO's anymore either, although I've occasionally been tempted by FF14. But I think my main problem is "I don't remember all those 20 different options and their controls ... whatever ... charrrrrrrrrrrrrrge!!!!" ...which is why in Death Stranding all I did 99% of the time was run up and punch bandits in the face. Luckily that was apparently ok.
  10. I need another non-linear exploratory, can-ignore-story, casual combat, lowish learning curve (easy to drop in and out of) but with busy-work, item collecting, open world-ish, decent/pretty 3D graphics game. Base building optional. That's not early access or underwater/outer space. Probably doesn't exist. *turns on the TV again*
  11. ^ We all thought we were so cool (style), in the 80's. We were wrong.
  12. Maybe they reproduce by budding clones, like some aphids. And eat mud and algae. And have very very tiny appetites from doing nothing but lying in said mud playing video games while avoiding sonar and giggling.
  13. I don't believe in souls, afterlife/reincarnation, etc, so no, I don't believe in paranormal. That's just my choice tho. People believe what makes them feel most comfortable within their own headspace. Heck, for we all we know, one's belief and desire is what somehow cosmically dictates what one will encounter upon death. And thus my mom will be waiting thru eternity for me to show up. Sorry, mom. Edit: for some reason this makes me think of Firefly/Serenity and "I'm a leaf on the wind."
  14. I don't believe in ghosts, therefore I will always attribute weird things to non-haunting causes - "darn neighbors, darn dogs, this house sure has weird acoustics" - and go back to staring at the internet, likely frustrating any ghosts into boredom/retirement. It's worked so far.
  15. (didn't really watch the video, altho I do love Tom Scott) Well, I don't know anything about technically having support in terms of file or backward compatibility aspects. I just meant the hardware connectors. I still have HDD's and disc drives and even my 11+ year old Win7 rig has all SATA. I haven't seen IDE cables in a long time but I'm not trying for backward compatibility. Although I probably do still have a small box of 3.5 floppies full of unreadable text/doc type documents. Not sure why, I have more modern copies of them. Nostalgia I suppose.
  16. I thought that had already happened. I haven't seen those things in ages, feels like. Although I'm sure hubby also has some in a dusty box somewhere.
  17. Finished season 2 of Ragnarok. All I have to say is there better be a season 3. ...Loki is a great character for actors to get to play, apparently. The guy playing him in this one is probably one of the better roles. Not that the other actors aren't doing fine, but ... Loki just kinda stands out chr/lore wise, to me anyway.
  18. I know I'm a pathetic opponent, but picking me up by the face is just rude. Also, are these guys even human? Look at the size of those fingers!
  19. Cleaning/organized the house etc. again: "Wait, I thought I threw this original NES console away already? It's still here?" ....apparently NES has the power to deflect my intentions and then erase my memory. Maybe I should sell it. ....another beautiful day, if a little warm. Got a lot done this morning, time to huddle in the power-cooled media-cave to "play"
  20. Finished season one of Ragnarok. Ends up being pretty good by that point, enough that I'll start the second season. :)
  21. I thought it was pretty much all the time. And it's not that I'm unconcerned about his diet at all, but ... well, we are who we are, not important. Anyway, I said it was because I watched a video. Guy was talking about ... well, never mind. Y'know, it's like when you see some video with a financial guy telling you some gloomy prediction but re: a common cycle. Or reading wiki articles on diseases and suddenly you're a hypochondriac for a day. Just a reminder of something you already know and for 15 minutes you're staring at labels cluckclucking and the next day you're all "pfft whatever, YOLO!" again.
  22. I've known hubby for 36 or so years and in all that time the only thing he ever "cooks" are: hot dogs, fried eggs, frozen burritos, boxed mac and cheese, canned soups (he'll sometimes put a bit of fresh veggies in), processed meat+sharp cheddar sandwiches, rarely oatmeal or pancakes, and occasionally BBQ or broiled burgers/bratwursts. If one is feeling kind, one could include his home canned pickles, jalapenos and sauerkraut. Basically, he does not cook. Just that type. His health "numbers" are so far always relatively decent so he just rocks along. But he's getting old now, so I worry a bit. Up to him in the long run, tho. Also, it wasn't the salt in canned soups that bothered me, it was all the other stuff, like "enriched" anything, yeast extract, modified corn starch, sodium phosphate, isolates, etc. I'm sure it's ok now and again but the past year or so he eats it every day, is all.
  23. Me: "Remember Overlord? That sure was light, mindless fun. Those minions sure were cute/funny! Never did play the Raising Hell expansion, maybe I'll..." Two days later: Hubby: *sitting on couch playing Overlord 1* I also did install both Overlord/Raising Hell and Overlord 2 and took a quick reminder look, but hubby's the one who's been playing it every day. I tried to use a controller at first but you can't swivel view angle at all with it, camera is fixed/automatic based on actions. Which sucks. But for some reason with the pc mouse you can free-look, so ... KB/mouse it'll be. Allows me to set 4k resolution and it looks fine, so I'll leave it there. Minions are just as funny as I remember, putting pumpkins and pots on their heads.
  24. I'm no doctor, and I don't know how much a doctor this doctor is, but I tell you what - it's irritated me that everything *is* focused on measuring blood sugar levels, not insulin levels, they *did* tell me to eat a lot of small meals, and told me to eat whole-grain bread, and that they were utterly terrible at explaining or detailing the condition, only wanting to call me an alcoholic or fried chicken binger and put me on heart meds and...y'know, drug pushers. I've been largely going low carb/low-fat. Maybe it's time to try full blown Keto instead. Also, the guy has this other video I watched which makes me want to tell hubby to stop eating all those canned soups that he almost lives on. >.>
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