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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The Thing About My Folks 5/10 - Seeing Peter Falk's naked chest and watching him sprinkle baby powder all over himself has traumatized me. When I watched Saw2 - the acting was pretty bad, the plot was bad, the first one was a lot better.
  2. Well, I did think the whole "we have to be noble and idealistic and let an obvious idiot be voted in" was kind of stupid. It would've taken a lot longer than 30 minutes to wrap stuff up in a more linear fashion - sometimes you just have to cut things off at the knees when you want to change direction....and a cliffhanger ending....heh
  3. Since I felt like most of the plotlines were becoming stale and boring I'm quite happy with the 'one year later' cheese in order to abruptly change the course of the show. Time will tell if the new directions will be good or not. I wish they'd wrap up the whole Baltar character and kill him off. He's really annoying to me and always has been. I know they want him for some kind of drama/point of view foil but gar. And I personally loved it
  4. Is that out? How is the gameplay for yet another on-line game? And quality of any screens depends on the pc used to take them. :cool:
  5. Yeah, exactly...the only reason people talk about it is because it has, what do you call it...male cleavage?...which could be nothing more than age sag, bolstered by the framework of the clothes they put on him. If you ask me, it doesn't look much like rubber, especially considering the time frame of the movie. http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/beefca...omontalban9.jpg Him when he was a lot younger. http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/beefca...montalban13.jpg http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/beefca...montalban14.jpg Edit: Sorry, I get obsessive...at least I know what the edit button is for...better pics from the movie. If it's plastic, it flattens out nicely when he leans back...
  6. I don't think that was ever proven...it's an urban legend/rumor. Nick Myers says on the DVD that it was his own chest, not rubber. Believe it or not. If you watch the original ST episode, you'll see Ricardo was a large muscular guy with broad arms and chest back then. And was on Fantasy Island too. Chances are he just stayed that way. I mean, look how long Kirk Douglas had a fairly decent broad chest - if you dress them right, it'll look more impressive than it may be with no shirt on at all, too.
  7. I really like the guy in Serenity too. And this guy.
  8. Not to mention, there's so many lab benches in the game, it's not like you actually need Di for that service.
  9. David Brin (Startide Rising/Sundiver) Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. I picked up the hardcover years ago in some bargin bin and I loved it. editI tried reading some of Niven's other works and have yet to find another novel of his I liked as much. Just me tho. I like his Icerigger books and most of the Flinx & Pip short novels. And Prism. Haven't read too much else of his tho, and I generally avoid reading movie-adaptations.
  10. How long a computer will last depends a lot on how picky one is about some things.
  11. Disciple. He's easy. Less work for me and I can go back to saving the universe.
  12. Hah...and that's why I've always like 3rd person vs. 1st person perspective.
  13. I like the sound of the teflon pad thing, but I have to wonder what they mean by the above. Echoing? Additional sounds? The only sound my old-fashioned basic trackball mouse makes is the rather loud clicking sound of hitting the buttons, which has always driven me nuts while gaming. A mouse that makes no clicking sound would be nice. They probably make one somewhere by now.
  14. The Man - and man, was it a stinker. A few good comic moments but eh...
  15. I avoid using droids. Not because of the heal thing tho...I just prefer the human party members. HK was funny, but once I'd heard all his combat lines I had no desire to cart him around with me vs. oh, say, Atton or Disciple... :D
  16. Very interesting indeed. It's hard to say if color-blindness affects the work or not without knowing more of what the intention of the color-work is supposed to be...there's nothing about them that seem "off" or mis-matching/weird to the non-color blind, if that's what you're wondering. They just look like the work of someone who likes black & white and earthy hues. :D
  17. I love those, great work, they remind me a lot of Jack Skellington. :D
  18. The Weather Man. Purposely slow pace and some characters who are rather unlikable through most of the movie, yet I liked it quite a bit, especially for the running gag of tossing things at at Cage, this one bit where he's supposed to go out and get tartar sauce, and Michael Caine. Nice to see Caine again. He was great.
  19. If you mean during the endgame stuff, no, there's not.
  20. I like Disciple quite a bit but that sig scares even me for some reason.
  21. Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash biopic. 6.5/10 Pretty good if you like these kinds of movies, although they could've played a bit more music...it's also the first movie where I actually liked Reese Witherspoon. I don't hate her or anything, she's just never seemed anything but average before. Joaquin Phoenix was decent as Cash, but imo he did over-act it a little bit.
  22. Single-player D2 + Plugy mod + ATMA...omg the collecting frenzy!
  23. The editor is a much better way to cheat for fun, if you're bored...
  24. I Think We're Alone Now, Tommy James & The Shondells
  25. I like this link tho.... http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/research/warp/socanwe.html
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