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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. 107F at 6pm just above Morgan Hill, California - pretty much the same as Gilroy. Our power's been out for 24 hours, it just came back on. Crikey. Edit: the amazing thing is how hot it is up in San Fran. where it's usually pretty moderate.
  2. Aw, Musopticon?'s cute. :D Do I even want to know what cuffawkler means? Urban Dictionary had nothing... :D
  3. The answer to #1 is yes, it's impossible....you can use the reward-given powercell either on the speeder or the pylons but not both.
  4. While it's occasionally inconsistently dealt with, I don't think the idea that the DS would have some unsavory result on appearance is unreasonable. You can always make something up that sounds plausible in terms of the story-world. Mostly I just get hung up on the Palpatine real/not real face thing. As to Maul/Bao Dur - is that cannon? Just cause bao-dur's face changed doesn't mean Maul's did. Kinda like CS vs Anakin. :D I know Zabrack's are generally thought of as having mellower skin shades but I've also heard Maul's markings referred to as tatoos - ie that his skin might've been red to begin with and then he did the black tattooing, like in this comic rendering (hehe) : http://starwars.wikia.com/images/3/3f/YoungDarthMaul.jpg http://starwars.wikia.com/images/7/76/Dart...ngHisTatoos.jpg *tosses up hands* but I wouldn't know. :D
  5. Yeah...I meant those 2...Loopy Landscapes and Corksckew Follies or whatever it was. I didn't buy them seperately, as I bought RCT quite a bit after it's release.
  6. I heartily concur. Not just the roller coaster building, either. The first time I played it and the little 'people' were walking around tossing up their lunch, getting lost/tired, and wearing those silly hats I laughed so hard... I bought the expansions and #2, I never tried the 3D one tho.
  7. I've heard that before, and I still don't understand it. If the Force (DS or not) can allow one to change one's appearance that drastically (as in, disguise the corpse like features into that of a kindly looking older man), why wouldn't he use it to imitate other people? There's no such indication that I've ever noticed in the films (never read the books and such) that the Force allows for this kind of transfiguration morphing of cells ability. C. Lee wasn't all funky looking, neither was Maul (well Maul was weird looking, but I thought that was simply because of his race) - yet Anakin starts going all bad-skinned and yellow-eyed in a few hours - seems inconsistent. I think they just flip a coin each time they have to decide whether they get the 'funky look'.
  8. Let's try to stay on topic and not criticize other's ethusiasim or grammar. I've known some fans who might enjoy a fan film on Sion.
  9. Despite some interesting replies, I think it's time to retire this thread to the sandbox.
  10. I don''t either. I pay for certain services, like webservers or downloadable software sometimes, but I generally avoid it. For retail, I like being able to go home with something and if it doesn't work/you hate it, you can take it back the exact same hour. The only time it's a big hassle is during Xmas...or if the only time you have to shop is during rush hour traffic. Or you don't have a car. It's good to know that Kotor appears to still be out on the shelves in some places, at least.
  11. To me Q & Data were the best parts of that show. Not that I didn't love Picard, of course. :D My husband rented Basic Instinct2 ... no comment.
  12. At least they're giving a partial refund. And you still get to go to the Carribean. Bummer about losing a couple days tho.
  13. Yes...but only after I installed sp2. I installed Creatives recent drivers because I was having trouble already. I know some people have problems w/Audigy - I didn't have any issues w/the card at all with a default XPPro installation and no updates installed. So I just think Audigy hasn't been able to/hasn't yet altered their software to work properly with Window's changes. That doesn't surprise me. More profitable to keep cranking out new cards than to make sure past ones are compatible. I agree that Creative is overbloated - I've thought that for years. Course, I personally believe any hardware that pretty much forces you to install anything but just the drivers is bloated. I also have some friends who say sp2 has been really wonky for them...and others who say it's all been fine. As usual I'm afraid it boils down to what system you have, your hardware (including things like motherboard blah blah), and what programs you're trying to get to run. Stuff like this occasionally makes me consider a Mac. Then I slap myself and I'm ok again. ...No offense to Mac-lovers intended, heh...
  14. No. I don't even like the fact he's fiddled with the original cuts as much as he has. I prefer new stuff to trying to improve or rehash the already done.
  15. So don't watch/play it. :D But I know what you mean. I felt the same way about Star Trek after a while, even if I was quite a fan for years. By the time Voyager spin-off came I didn't care anymore...too much too fast. Since I wasn't a part of any of of the original SW hoopla beyond seeing the films in the theaters, the SW universe still feels like it has some room, to me. Especially since the recent trilogy wasn't that great.
  16. I either pick some random name from a Baby Name book I have that I bought during my Baldurs Gate1 days, or make up random names on the spur of the moment. Sometimes I use variations on my internet nicknames as well. Aname is a particular favorite of mine when I'm in a hurry and just want to play. :D
  17. Peragus didn't bother me until I replayed the game for a 2nd time. After that I began to actively dislike it.
  18. I can't hear the term "younglings" without wanting to laugh.
  19. Indeed. Let's remember that if you have nothing to contribute, it's often best to say nothing at all. As to what I'd like to see - I'd like a Star Wars film that feels less like Disneyland in space. I liked the 3rd film in the prequel trilogy the best of those 3, because it had less of that sensation. I'd also like to see better scripts, where the characters have more than one-liners and aren't background for the special effects. In terms of games...since all I've played are the Kotor's I'm not really sure. But I do prefer roleplaying games - whether it's roleplaying Jedi or some other aspect of the SW universe doesn't really matter much to me. It might be nice to be a character who isn't a Jedi and never becomes one, tho - just an adventure RPG set in the SW universe. Could be, for instance, a game based on Leia's youth or something. Ok, maybe that's not so great, I'm no idea-mogul - but you know what I mean. A non-Jedi experience. I wouldn't even mind a game that was more adventure based with solutions/endgames that weren't the 'final battle' combat-oriented routine. Course, that might not have as wide an appeal, thus may never get made - but it would be a nice change of pace to me.
  20. Well, now the headphones are going wonky and Creatives volume control auto-mutes when I close programs and other odd stuff. It's been really hot the past few days - maybe the soundcard itself is just acting up. Guess it's time for the uninstall/reinstall to see if that actually helps.
  21. Hehe I saw that...it's pretty good. I'm often amazed at the creativeness you find on youtube, both serious and silly.
  22. The Matador, w/Pierce Brosnan. It was so odd and off-wall that it became more amusing than I think it really was...one of those 'it's not really that great but there's something about it that makes you end up liking it' films.
  23. I'll probably be busy...sleeping.
  24. That looks a bit pricer than I'd want to spend...well, at least for walk-in prices. On-line only $80-130 difference I guess. mkreku, that's something my hubby would likely say... :D I'm not sure I really have the best room set-up for surround, I'd have to mount them on closet doors I think. 3-speaker would probably be fine for me but they're not much cheaper for decent sets...
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