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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yeah...once I'd done the pacifist package once and heard most of his funny lines, I stopped putting him together. Or I'd put him together but didn't use him...there were better ranged NPC choices, imo.
  2. I've saved the game and reloaded to get different sabers before. I think there might be some that are 'fixed', but typically the save thing works. When you save is the thing, tho...for example, I think you have to save before the final town-fight on Dantoonie (before you click to trigger the convo that starts it) - so if don't like what he gives you, you have to re-play the whole dialogue/fight/cutscenes again. Another: I've also saved/reloaded for the hutt slug's sabers. When the game puts you in his room, I click-responsed out of the dialogue before triggering the dancing bit, saved, then initiated convo again. I'm not sure how many possible sabers there are in the game total - but I do know that I've equipped four or five of the npc's with 2 sabers and had a few left over.
  3. Saw the all 3 originals in the theater. They're definitely dated in terms of visual appeal, and imo at least, only Alec Guiness and Harrison Ford stand the test of time acting-wise, but I like the stories and characters much better...so the OT gets my vote.
  4. Welcome to the forums. Sounds like a weird situation; hopefully someone will have some definitive answer for you. It's possible you may just lose out on some of the patch effects w/out crashing, but I'm not sure. If it were me, I'd just keep playing and see what happens. If you're really worried about losing progress or something, then play w/out the patch. It doesn't really do anything horrendously neccessary to the game...some even suggested it made their game run worse. Such is the way of computers.
  5. I believe that can be bought from Greeda on Nar Shaddaa, but only if you have sided with her during the Trade War quest. I also seem to recall that if, during any of your conversations with him, you told HK-47 to stop asking you whether you need anyone killed, you then can't install the package.
  6. Star Trek animated series on DVD. Yeah, baby!
  7. I liked Silver, but it's basically just...glowing fluorescent white.
  8. gamefaqs walkthru says: HK Vocabulator - HK droid, Peragus HK Control Cluster - HK droid, Telos Plateau, Sullustan merchant, Dantooine HK Droid Processor - Kodin, Droid Merchant, Nar Shaddaa HK Chassis - HK droid, Nar Shaddaa, Vogga's Warehouse, part of plot
  9. One part is given to you when you leave Telos. One part is given to you from Visas, when you first encounter her on the Ebon Hawk. One is found on the first planet you visit after Telos - ie, whichever planet you go to first, that's where it is. Where the last part is and how you aquire it is different for each planet. Nar Shaddaa and Dantoonie are the easiest to get them from. In Dantoonie you have to go into the Enclave ruins and find a guy lurking behind a locked door. I don't remember the other planet options.
  10. The droid in question is the receptionist in the Czerka corporation office. Luxa's quest has to be triggered by the Ithoridon's first...otherwise she has nothing relevant to say quest-wise. I always played it so Luxa's quest came before the droid part of Ithorian's questline - I don't know if the order matters - I kinda thought the Ithorians told you to talk to her before the droid quest was ever triggered, but maybe there's a way to get to the droid w/out talking to her/doing Luxa's quest. Anyway, if she's not talking, just do the Droid thing and see what happens from there. In terms of trying to figure out what to do...I'd suggest writing notes as you go along...particuarly npc names and their locations (all of them, not just ones that "seem important"), so when people say "go talk to..." you can reference your notes and at least know where the person is. Beyond that...it's mostly just paying close attention to what you read. Or reading the gamefaq walkthru if you get desperate. Or asking here.
  11. The game looks pretty...and if the one review is accurate, I like the way the original Trek time frame is more gung-ho battles-wise while TNG period is slightly less so - following the way the series actually were, perhaps...the controls sound like a nightmare tho.
  12. He's mildly amusing with his stuff regarding BaoDur's remote.
  13. Saber from the beginning: depends on the plot, imo. If you start face down in an abandoned lab unable to remember who you are, it makes sense to me to not have a saber at first. While I prefer brandishing a saber, I also like the story aspect of having to aquire (or at least build) one. They could make it less of a puzzle to making it, tho...like just needing to find your old mentor or something cliched like that.
  14. Since they may be re-doing original Star Trek and it's not known if the originals will still be available or won't be (ala SW, perhaps...) I finally broke down and bought the DVD sets. Much as I love ST, I must admit that by now, they're very dated and occasionally hard to sit through. But it's still a giggling hoot to watch Spock struggle manfully while pretending to be pinned down by styrofoam rocks....
  15. LadyCrimson


    Gonna have to mostly agree w/Ramza too - the trailer just looks like every other special-effects blockbuster movie trailer. Nothing special. Not saying it doesn't look like it'll have some cool battle scenes. Probably will. But as much as I like well-done big bold battles in media, I'm also getting a little tired of the CGI generated look. It's like that period where every medieval trailer seemed to have the "army fires 1000's of arrows up into the air" shot. Zzzzz.
  16. I don't have any problems with my digital camera losing stuff, but it does sound pretty cool. Faster is always good. Progress marches on.
  17. The Sims2. On sale, what the heck. I haven't played much, but so far I'm not overly impressed. Just seems like the original Sims only prettier. Edit: I do like creating the Sims themselves - the faces and all that. That part is much better. As soon as I put them in a house tho, I tend to lose interest very rapidly.
  18. Which? Majesty or Evil Genius? Regardless, I don't think either are the one you're thinking of. Majesty's a 6+ year old RTS and Evil Genius wasn't set in an alternate reality - more like a bizarre fantasy super-spy-from-the-60's setting.
  19. I'll have to look again, but I'm pretty sure the films had the black letterboxing bars - don't know if that means it was just stretched out or not. Maybe I'm remembering wrong tho...I'll check. Edit: NVM?...guess it was stretched out letterboxing? Didn't look stretched...but I don't have a great new-tech TV or anything. Reedit: It does look a lot worse on the computer than on our TV - much more grainy, mostly. :D But that kind of makes me feel like I'm seeing it in the large yet cruddy - compared to today - theaters of the late 70's...
  20. Majesty...the Monks were calling me. And despite the fact I didn't think it was that great in the end, I have this odd desire to reinstall Evil Genius all of a sudden.
  21. On the one hand, I'm laughing, on the other, I'm thinking what the...? And Bokishi, that's one nice screen capture. Good timing.
  22. Gorth, I'm not sure what's wrong with the DVD versions? I bought them and they seem ok to me. Are these things you don't like about them something about the originals that was left out, or about new tech not applied that you think should've been?
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