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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Previous incarnation - Part 4 Last page of the previous incarnation ------------------------------------------------------ Daydream Believer. I'm on a Monkees roll again. "Davveeeyyy!"
  2. Size matters. Time for the next one ...
  3. I learned yesterday that bubble wrap around your flash actually does give you a bounced-flash effect. Sort of. But you look like an idiot with plastic tied to the top of your camera.
  4. "I-I-I-m not your stepping stone ... I-I-I-m not your stepping stone.. Not your step-ping stone! Not your step-ping stone!"
  5. They probably didn't expect fps to go over that during gameplay. How times change.
  6. Is your influence with Visas really high? http://www.lucasforums.com/archive/index.php/t-152595.html
  7. I'm sorry, but that "poster" made me laugh. I might actually pay to see that level of over-the-topness ... I like to giggle.
  8. I'd imagine to actually get to level 50 tho would take some time, even if you spawn 100. And if you're Light side, doesn't that put a big damper on speed since you can't just spam force storm all day? Or was that the dark side ... I forget. If you're manually whacking each monster, could take a while?
  9. Hollywood should just rename itself to SequelTown. I loved the first Die Hard, 2nd was awful, 3rd was "ok." I suppose I'll watch this new one when it comes out on cable, but I'm not paying $10 to go see it.
  10. Is all that worth $1200+? I mean, it is a lot of games and systems, but ... sheesh, I wish I'd hung onto my parents ancient Atari + games. I have an old NES. No classic games from it tho. heh
  11. Yeah, I'd put back, uninstall the games you don't want anymore, then revert back to whatever drive letter assignment you want after, if applicable.
  12. Stranger Than Fiction. Being Will Ferrell and all, I was expecting a comedy. It wasn't. Not that it's a bad movie. It's just not a comedy; I'm not sure exactly what it was, really. There were some cute moments, and some interesting ones, and of course by turning philosphical/fantasy there's not a lot of logic, but maybe that doesn't matter. And Emma was great in her small role. The movie overall was maybe ... um ... 6.75 out of 10.
  13. Happy Feet. Great animation, some good music ... almost no plot. The small penguin sidekicks were cuter than the big ones.
  14. Pretty nice consumer camera there. I still need to get myself one of those for when I don't need/want to lug around a big SLR outfit.
  15. I wish it was a little bigger, but I found it amusing, so ...
  16. Usually by the time something breaks I've already long gotten my money's worth and the repair would be enough/take long enough that I just buy a new thing. Yes I'm horrible that way. It's a point to still consider if an item is costly enough relative to one's ability to replace it, but generally I pay no attention to warranties as a sale point. Anyway, dell and toshiba. Craig's list is nice because you can meet the seller in person and thus go beat them up if they try to scam you. Harhar.
  17. Oh, normally I agree. I like new stuff. But between $35K in tax payments plus a couple of big financial forays/dares, money is getting tighter all the time this year; so unless I discover how to get rich w/photograhy (ha..ha..ha!!!) saving $300 here and $500 there could help a lot. ie, I'd rather scrimp on things like the laptop than elsewhere. Hubby says Toshiba's a good brand, what about Dell? I only know cameras ... Craig's List here I come ...
  18. I could use a small laptop for field work sometimes. That is, mostly it just has to be good enough power-wise to be able to load and view huge image files (I know it'll be slow), as well as run XP. I don't care about game playing or wireless. I do care about battery length, if any are a lot better than others. I'm guessing I'd be looking at 1-2ghz, more or less, on used ones? I figure I could find something cheap on ebay or similar, but I know nothing about laptops; what brands are more reliable (important if you're buying used I guess?) and what would be overpaying? Or am I better off just buying a cheap new one for $800-$1000? Example: This Toshiba 1.8/512 on ebay is bidding at $400 at the moment. Would it do what I want ok? Is that a decent price for what it is?
  19. This morning I learned you can sometimes use CNAME & domain mapping to avoid having to purchase yet another seperate monthly webhost package, thereby saving a few bucks. Yeah! Now I'm sitting here comtemplating whether or not there really are people who would buy magnets, t-shirts, mousepads, tote bags, and coffee mugs with your photos on them.
  20. The one from Bao-Dur is the only one you "build." The rest are either given to you as quest rewards, found, or 'dropped.' What type they are (double, single, etc) is random.
  21. That bit of interview has been considered/reported quite a few times already. If you'd like to discuss what ifs, rumors, and hopes for Kotor3, please do so in the Kotor3 thread. Thanks.
  22. From the article: "Rights and responsibilities go together and I've yet to see a chimp imprisoned for stealing a banana because they don't have a moral sense of what's right and wrong. To give them rights is to give them something without asking for anything in return." That's my stance on it. I'm all for protecting species and animal protections against cruelty, but that's not quite the same thing as "human rights."
  23. Yeah, I understand that - assuming your buddy knows the game better than you do, at least. The other factor is how much you like to learn/discover on your own vs. getting all the info from other people or websites. I had one buddy always telling me to go to a website to get answers, even early on. I like figuring things out on my own...most people I end up playing with are the same way, so I guess we're just old slow pokes.
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