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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Today I managed to burn our teapot. Which, btw, appears to be an excellent way to get rid of hard water deposit buildup, tho I wouldn't recommend it as a purposeful method ...
  2. The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1959. Peter Cushing as Holmes. Pure genius! The movie as a whole, however, was only mediocore, even allowing for its age.
  3. Very sensible. I was by no means trying to say I thought the article factual or something to base the birthdate of your children on - it's mostly amusing, with a dash of "hmm, interesting." I think even in the supposed studies that show a "season of birth" correlation, it's very small, like 5-10% - ie, too small to say with authority that seasonal birth is the true cause - it's all theory and a lot more testing would need to be done. My guess is the article above probably heard of/saw such claimed studies as those linked below and made their own conclusions. Whether any of these studies are 'good' or specious is beyond me. (linked articles are short study abstracts, no major reading) Birth month and suicidal and depressive symptoms in Australians born in the Southern vs. the Northern hemisphere - Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolite levels in human newborn infants born in winter differ from those born in summer Season of Birth Variations in the Temperament and Character Inventory of Personality in a General Population Then there's the more cautious/dubious counterpoint view regarding studies such as these: Does season of birth affect schizophrenia? And if you want, you can Google season of birth effect and get all kinds of hits on the topic, usually related to schizophrenia, but other things as well. And often in PDF form, which I usually don't bother to actually read ... Even the 'well known big' internet news sites often seem, to me, to not really quote sources, beyond "in a new study in Sweden, doctors say..." It's all about writing hypothesis/opinion newsbyte articles nowadays.
  4. Link Someone posted this on another forum I go to, and I found it so amusing I had to steal the link. Hope it wasn't already posted 5 months ago or something ...
  5. Article Link While the whole article is rather interesting, the fact that they lumped dyslexia into the "mental disorder" category next to schizophrenia and panic disorders in their graphic representation, while making no mention of it in the article itself, seems rather odd. Tho I must add that my husband was born in May and is mildly dyslexic...
  6. It doesn't feel like a sequel without Mr. Ford. More like ... a spin-off ...
  7. I finally got around to finishing the NWN2 tutorial.
  8. Didn't George release some control after Phantom Menace, after all the critical remarks? Seems like I heard about him having other people do some writing or editing of dialogue or something? I have nothing against Hayden C - for all I know if given a great script and looser direction he'd shine. But he certainly didn't in the SW prequels - nor did anyone, really. And most of them are well-known for being able to act very well when given a chance. George definitely has too many control/regret/grass is greener issues - I imagine it all keeps him obsessively awake at night. And I'd agree that there are some people who are much better at creating the ideas than the implementation. Or the other way around.
  9. I'm up for that one. But I don't need a holiday excuse to do it. *grunting noises*
  10. I like the way you do themes.
  11. US MArshals; Hollywoods attempt to capitalize on the popularity of The Fugitive. Tommy's always fun tho.
  12. I saw part of a 2006 concert of Hootie and the Blowfish on TV, which made me think "hey, look, they're still around." Then I promptly stuck Cracked Rear View in my computer and pressed play. So overhyped and overplayed, but for nostolgia, it still sounds great.
  13. Odd ... general exercise always makes me really hyper for at least a couple hours afterwards, even if I was tired when I started. It makes my hubby sleepy tho.
  14. We almost got a 42" TV. It was one of those things where we kept thinking "I hate to get the 42 and end up wishing we'd bought a bigger one." Just don't test drive a bigger one in the house first, or you'll never want to go back to a small one. I want this Viewsonic CRT monitor. :D It's 60 pound weight would give me (back) trouble tho - hubby would be the one moving it around. heh
  15. It's because the sun is behind the subject (backlighting). Fill-flash is great, I use it all the time in macros. It's also good sometimes for creating a black background in close-ups during the day. Heh, yeah, my husband never smiles when I take his picture. In fact, half the pictures I have of him don't show his face. Oh, I take my camera. I just don't often post them on the net, since I take pics on the sly and don't ask for release forms. But if their face isn't showing or I can easily fuzz it out some, it's fair game imo. Fishing nets as lightsabers? Gotcha! Outhouse bandit?
  16. I like that sig pic. Only problem is it's dark, and the forum color is dark ...
  17. I don't like rear projections much. Not that they're bad, but just not my thing. We paid about $1900 for our 50" plasma - I think because it was 'last years' model maybe, that they still had some stock left.
  18. Yay! Pictures! I was actually thinking about that - with cheaper but better quality digicams and cellphones having cameras in them, many more can take easy pics w/no special equipment - I think it's great. I don't think those are that bad for being off a cellphone. I wish I had a creek like that by my house. All I have is this dirty pool that always needs cleaning. One more from me then I have to go to bed. This one had a bad exposure and wasn't working as a color photo, so I tried sepia. Still blown out but better than full color. heh *shrug*
  19. Out of curiosity, does anyone else besides me and mkreku like to take pictures? I miss the days where photo threads were really active. Anyway, going to use this thread to post this sheet of the silly cat pictures I took today. A lot of them are blurry full-size (hard to focus/aim with one hand) but since I'm horribly biased, I still think they're cute.
  20. You and me both. I had a lovely day pestering people I haven't seen in a long while, and I'm going to do it again tomorrow. I also spent an hour poking my finger at one of my cats and trying to take pictures while holding the camera and it's 5.5 inch lens with only one hand. A feat that's never wise when one has the wrist strength of wet spaghetti. But some were still pretty darn cute.
  21. I have flat feet and they give me trouble sometimes with walking/running, even with arch supports. But that's mostly an excuse. I'm kind of odd, as I find exercising outdoors - for the pure sake of exercising - too distracting. ie, I'll start a vigorous hike up a hill, see some insects, or a cool cluster of massive bamboo, or people doing something weird, and next thing I know I've spent 15 minutes in one spot watching/exploring instead of exercising. So I usually exercise in the garage or something, where I keep my focus and don't waste time.
  22. Since you read it in four hours or so, I assume it's not a very long book? I see they're making a movie already. :D
  23. Sounds like good news, Walsh. Must feel good to achieve goals like that. Lately I do enough exercises to keep the muscles that help support the spine limber, but my cardio capabilities the past year has gone into the toilet.
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