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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Interesting. I'd imagine it's a bit like being a film director who makes movies that his children aren't allowed to watch, yet.
  2. I've pondered on it a little while, and I'm going to agree as well. I'd like to thank those who responded thus far for being courteous and honest in their replies; but lest the 'morrow bring otherwise, I think it best to close this one. Eddo, my guess is that you would be better served to find a more suitable forum to ask your question.
  3. But does he have a bigger role? Most of the time it's just a 60 second or less tiny cameo ... not usually worth paying $20 for that, alone. And I know Rami did Evil Dead.
  4. What??? B.C. is in Spidey3? I wasn't all that interested in the film - tho I'm sure I'll see it when it comes on cable, hehe - but now...hmm. P.S. I watched Babe in HD recently. I just love the 2nd half of that movie - especially when Cromwell does his little dance.
  5. Edit: Lemme try that again ...
  6. That bear in those commercials always kind of creeped me out.
  7. If you have a pool, you can heat it up. First year we had a pool, we warmed it up to 101F, turned on the pool lights (ooo blue glow, pretty) and had a party. Giant lukewarm hottub. Funny stuff.
  8. It's actually closer to 1Gb, but yeah. Still, I was expecting a time of 1 to 1.5 hours, not 2.5 to 3 hours. 100kb/sec, bah. Installed - first thing I had to do was turn down the mouse speed to almost zero, to prevent my viewpoint from spinning wildly every time I jiggled the mouse a millimeter. The way the movement keys/view works takes some getting used to, for me. I didn't play it much yet - had to run some errands - but I liked what I saw. Minions are so cute/funny! Runs fine on my P4-3.00 system, although I'd probably need to go down to 4xAA instead of 8 to get better FPS. :D
  9. WoW has me by the collar again. At least until Overlord comes out, I suspect.
  10. Not that I've downloaded many demos - but most of the ones that I have, that's what they usually are. Even if they're not called tutorial levels, they're still just the first few levels or areas of the game or something. But at least you get to see the interface and whether you'll like the graphic environment beyond screens and avi movies.
  11. "Crank" - absolutely ludicrous. But it did have a few really funny 'action-humor' moments. Jason's fun, but Transporter was much better. "The Good Shepard" - good acting, nice production, but ... zzzzzzzzzzz
  12. So agree. Not only on planes, either.
  13. I wish it was hot here. Not because I like sweating to death, but because it feels odd to have it not be. Not that it's cold, but with all the wind and other things, it feels more like ... late fall. After a busy weekend I'm back to lounging around on the couch with my bon-bons.
  14. I must've picked the wrong download server, because this is taking forever.
  15. Freyr 80% The other main percentages: Balder 60% Sif 50% Thor 50%
  16. I don't use the tabs - I don't notice any lag or severe memory hogging - even if I have many multiple windows open.
  17. I see I'm not the only one who sits up close to the screen. "They" always say you should sit farther back, but I say, what's the point in a big monitor if you're going to sit half way across the room. Do a lot of you have small desks? The few pictures I've seen here and there have been very small. It'd drive me crazy to barely have room for anything but the hardware on the desk surface. But I have this room all to myself, so I can fill it with essentially a giant table w/out issue.
  18. Was replaying Majesty for a few of the quick/easy maps, the other day. Still love those silly monks and rogues.
  19. Funny cat pictures! *giggles*
  20. Photography is about the only hobby I have. I think learning blacksmithing would be interesting, tho.
  21. I use Firefox, have for a long time now, never been unhappy with it.
  22. I've never minded cheats for single-player use. How someone wants to use their game, that they've paid for, is no concern of mine. It's only when they start being used in on-line game worlds where cheats can seriously affect 'legit' players (particuarly game-world economy-wise) that I become annoyed with them. If these "achievements" are about on-line game status in some fashion or another, then I'd be against people being able to use cheats to gain them. But as Tigranes mentioned, I don't see why they cannot detect built-in cheat codes useage, at least, and make players/characters/savegames who use them unable to compete for these 'achievements' or titles.
  23. That rodent needs some head-banging metal tunes. Kind of like the Dungeon Keeper theme I'm listening to while playing WoW.
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