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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'd like that feature. I should write to Canon ... And so far my day is mostly about trying to keep my cats and myself cool. Oh, and no cat has yet lost any limbs to the rocking chair.
  2. All of them that are possible except the Handmaiden, since I never got that far playing as a male.
  3. All very true. I was speaking more of laziness, anti-crowd+noise sentiment, and overall comfort rather than picture or sound quality, tho. The 50" plasma has been pretty cool for movie watching. It's not a theater screen by any stretch of the imagination, but for most films, it's enough to keep me at home.
  4. I've never found airplanes a good environment to enjoy films ... But Breach isn't an exciting movie or anything, tis true. A somber character study more than anything else. I think without Mr. Cooper, it would've been nothing special. But I'm pretty biased in that regard.
  5. Oh leave him alone, Sturm. There's no harm.
  6. All the ones I downloaded, all game text was in English. Sometimes not very good English, but perfectly understandable. I'd assume they offer different language downloads depending on where/what site you're downloading it from, and/or have seperate servers for different player regions. Not sure tho. In some of them, I think I recall some odd tex chrs. floating around as some players conversed in non-english, but there were plenty of English speakers, as well.
  7. I went through a period of trying a lot of those. Some of them no longer exist anymore, but yeah, they make a lot of them. Some of them aren't too bad, either.
  8. Finally saw "Breach," which makes me realize that it's definitely become more appealing to watch movies in the home than in the theater, now. Even when I'm a big fan of someone, I wait for DVD ... Anyway, has a slightly slow beginning but after that, I loved it. Chris Cooper was awesome, one of his better (and more prominent) roles in a while. The other main actor wasn't quite so good, imo, but he did well enough.
  9. I think that's true of all the classes, really. Encourages co-op play, I imagine. A friend and I tried to do the panther mastery quest in SV when it was still red. We failed miserably. Unique with a yellow border and red. Hahaha. Fun trying tho.
  10. lol - that's sensible. Sorry for my mix-up.
  11. I find that an interesting definition, at least by how I'm reading it, because I feel that way about all games that have a 'character' I'm playing - assuming I like the game enough to keep playing it. My character always becomes "me." I'm not role-playing that I'm someone else, with a different mental mindset, I'm just sucked into the illusion that I'm in the world of the game - with cool super-fantasy powers, but never mind that - and thus it makes me care about what happens in it.
  12. Hehe, I woke up today and found Misty snoozin' under the chair. And Walsh - that's only required if you have a porch.
  13. I wouldn't want to be 70 and need rabies shots. I love squirrels, but if one was attacking me, I'd whack it with a stick, too.
  14. That is the darndest, funniest, forum post I've ever seen. And Hurlshot, one of my complaints while trying to play a warrior is that there's too much skill usage required. It doesn't feel warrior-ly to me. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but melee with too much skill-damage usage reliance is more of .... a warrior-mage with disgused 'spells'. 'Rage' is just an odd form of mana.... So what's the difference with the paladin? More about casting buffs that last a bit, then just auto-whack, or something?
  15. Last night hubby came home with a very cool rocking chair - his sister didn't want it anymore. It's an old fashioned type, with a lower to the ground & less-deep than average seat that fits my short legs. Most chairs have me in an extreme slouch in order to be able to bend my knees over the seat edge; very bad for me. The chair has a high back (can rest your head back on it) and while rocking, you don't ever feel like it's suddenly going to tip all the way back. I hate that sensation in rockers ... Made of wood with wicker for the seat/back frame; just a solid, old-fashioned, simple rocker. Yeah, I love this chair. I need a big sheepskin rug to toss over it. :D
  16. Something named JONES Pure Cane Soda, berry lemonade flavor. It sounded interesting when I was in the store, but reality is that it tastes a bit like watered down grape soda.
  17. WoW is extremely addicting in month long or so doses ... The most interesting thing to me, coming back after being essentially gone for 2 years, is how much the economy has changed. Mining in particular has gone completely crazy. I'm rolling in gold and I'm hardly trying.
  18. My head spins at the thought of so many games - mostly the thought of the time required to sample them all, hehe.
  19. Agreed. Computer RPG's are limited by the format they use. I don't think I'd call Sonic a RPG, however, except maybe on the most base, technical level - but that to me would be like saying all forms of alcohol are 'beer' because they all contain alcohol, or something. Not everyone considers story or even character building (beyond item stats etc) to be neccesary to be called a cRPG, tho. One could argue endlessly about the definition of a rpg in terms of how it relates to computer gaming; it's all just playstyle/fun perferences.
  20. How about a little more K3 ideas/discussion, rather than unneccesary off-topic commentary that leads to the evil spam monster and thread pruning ...
  21. I haven't read the DT books either, beyond trying to read the first one years ago, but I like the concept of having such diverse party members by your side as you romp through multiple universes/worlds or whatever.
  22. I prefer my water to my clear and with as little minerals in it as possible. We have very 'hard' tap water; it drives me crazy in terms of housecleaning. Let a bowl of water evaporate in the sink and you're left with white lines/residue all over the bowl. It's nasty.
  23. I suspect our pool is far older than 16 years, and it worked fine? - but it's an in-ground cement type e pool with a giant gas-heater unit around the side of the house. It warmed up today quite drastically. I need a waterproof laptop with wireless internet.
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