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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. When ppl ask why I still play the game, I have to respond: Fire enchanted rolling pins & Fisto as a companion = lulz!
  2. Can you download it from Steam early & then it "unlocks" later? If so I might do that.
  3. It was a lot easier/more motivating to delete things when the hard drives were, like, 80MB. Last night it was too hot to sleep so I stayed up until 9 in the morning. Took a short nap, did a few chores, and now it's too hot to do anything, again. At least heat waves don't usually last long around here.
  4. Wait, last night was the final episode of the 1st season? I guess I better turn on On-Demand and watch it, then.
  5. Waiting for DS3 to be available on Steam. At least the wait means it'll be night so I can play without my PC overheating in this heat. Bleh, gotta put that AC back in the window. Can't wait tho...even tho I wasn't initially excited by the demo, for some reason I really want to play DS3 now. Guess I just need some hack n slash.
  6. Irish Rovers - Drunken Sailor Way hay and up she rises! Way hay and up she rises! Way hay and up she rises early in the morning!
  7. Stayed up too late fiddling with tech-beat music. Which was silly, since I'm an utterly terrible composer. But when you're awake, sometimes you'll do anything to pass the time. Speaking of which... I loved the concept album, the 1st film was "ok" (not a huge fan of it tho...) - so I had to buy that 2000 DVD. The guy playing Jesus was terrible imo but yeah, Pilate was awesome. I also personally liked Annas. That bald guy with the strange creepy voice. lol. He blew the Annas from the '73 film away.
  9. Hmmm... I thought it was at least a year later, but I may be wrong on that. Synergies appeared with Patch 1.10, which was about 3 years after the release of the Diablo2 and about 2 years after LoD was released.
  10. Eh, it depends on the people & party size. If it's a few to several folk and I know everyone & their habits/personalities well, I'd probably be more lenient/comfortable w/all but the last two. If I don't know half the people there (and why would I invite them to my house then, imo), I wouldn't allow anything but the booze & maybe not even that. But it's all kind of moot for us personally, because we don't have parties in the house & these days don't know anyone who does anything but have a beer & a glass of wine. "Parties" aren't something we ever hosted anyway. We'd go to other ppl's houses or meet in some public place...that way we could leave.
  11. It's not black and grey, it's dark olive green with a little bit of blue! Ok ok, the actual background background is black, but the post columns/tables and borders... The one thing I like about darker forum color schemes are that most avatars tend to pop out more.
  12. The green flamey sword I gave Lucas in the demo seeming to cast some light, altho with all the other lights in the game it was a little hard for me to tell if it was just from the sword. In a strange way I felt a bit like Lucas had a constant little glow-aura around him all the time to begin with. Edit: ok I re-checked some screenies - the swords & staves definitely had their own glow. Like the special staff cast a purple glow around the head of the staff. Not sure if it's strong enough/would show up on other objects tho.
  13. I just ate way too much cinnamon bread. Pardon me while I roll myself outside for a nap in the sun now.
  14. A virtual orgy of crate & barrel bashing! *grunting, drooling noises*
  15. That happened to me once in the demo. Only once tho...I went back in tested it, turning it on and off again, and no crash. Weird. Darnit, I want the game. I can't test/participate in anything until I can play. *cries about different release dates some more*
  16. The skill system doesn't appear to be as complex, agreed. Altho one could argue with Diablo2, at least (I haven't played a lot of the others mentioned) in that the lower tier, early skills were initially useless - until they put in the synergies. But even the syngeries didn't make those lower skills useful as skills themselves....they only increased the power of the higher skills. I never saw a lvl 99 Sorc running around based on using IceBolt to kill most things, for example. But Diablo2 & Titan Quest was more interesting in the variety of ways you could combine all those skills for different builds with the SAME character. The replay value using only the Paladin or only the Sorc was pretty high. In DS3, from what I've seen in the demo at least, I think I'm going to feel that once I've played Lucas, I won't feel a need to replay Lucas to try a different Lucas-build. Know what I mean? Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how it felt anyway.
  17. I always find it amusing when people, who have apparently not played even half the game, claim to be some kind of expert about the game. That said, I *am* going to say that in terms of item variety, I always found the items in DS1 & DS2 a bit lacking in comparison to the Diablo's. By this I don't mean they were "bad" - but there was something about that them that I just didn't find...addictive. They weren't worth boss-hunting many many times for. Diablo's, man I wanted that Ring of Zodic or that Unique mage orb and I was gonna get it if it killed me. Diablo's items (and stats, in a way) are about serious number crunching. Sure, it may not seem like much of a difference, but if you put several .10 teleport speed items together, all of a sudden you could teleport like a fiend. From the demo, DS3 appears to be of the same vein as the previous games, where I'm going to like the items that drop, but the sense of serious number-crunching, addictive feel of "MUST HAVE THIS" will not be there (for me). I don't think there's anything wrong with that, mind you...but item concepts, while similar, are most definitely not the same, nor as complex. But it could be if I play the whole DS3 game, I'll change my mind. It's not like I saw that much in the demo.
  18. I liked the "smokey" flavor of Spam. Thinly sliced and pan fried it make a good BLT, so to speak. Never tried the regular version, have a feeling I wouldn't like that one. And yeah, the Hawaiian thing...that fast-food type place I like that has BBQ meats and stuff, they have all kinds of Spam dishes & soups too. I haven't tried any. :D
  19. Oh I'm sure it won't be easy & that I'll take tons of damage and all that. But...we shall see. I'm very stubborn. :D
  20. Since no one else has mentioned it (I think), Jason Bergman and some others (in multiple posts in response to ppl in the thread) mentioned a few of the things the next patch will address: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topi...-jason-bergman/ He mentions fixing a last/rare instance that causes EDE to disappear and a new means to re-add EDE if he's gone, a fix for Arcade becoming non-rehirable, total of over 100 fixes, more stability/performance, etc. Sounds good at least!
  21. Yes, the Aba-Daba quest line can get become non-completable in a whole host of potential ways, tho as always which ones might trigger it for you personally may vary. Talking to Motor Runner or Hsu before talking to Diane/getting the quest is one of them.
  22. Oingo Boingo, Insanity, from the Farewell Tour. Concert nostolgia. Danny Elfman, I miss you on the stage.
  23. I'm enjoying your impression updates, partly because I'm the same way so I think your perspective might match my style more closely than many. I might try some co-op at some point but I always like to play the game alone first, when possible. Diablo2 was one of the few exceptions. I think some of the differences in armor are more noticeable with the different characters. At least it seemed that way in the demo. Anjali's look changed quite a bit fairly rapidly but Lucas not so much. With "everyone" talking about how necessary dodge is in Hardcore, I'm going to have fun trying to disprove that. Not because I think I'm l33t, but because my hands/dexterity won't let me use all of that until I can remap the keys via the patch they're going to release. From other games where I have similar issues I've become pretty darn good at hit & run/surviving with using very little chr. skills.
  24. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that (for me & my fast 'net connection anyway) that if it's a "Steam game", there's no point to buying the disc. But I can totally understand if your connection is on the slow side, or if you have strict DL limits, being able to still install offline is important. Games today are huge. :/ In terms of Steam's DL servers being slow...I find it just depends what time of day you're trying to DL. My US time, middle of night = pretty darn fast, but mid-afternoon/evening = slower than a snail. I don't try to DL new releases the instant it's available. I'll wait until 11pm at least. heh
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