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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I know zero about all this (micro) tech stuff, I'd probably have even more brainfarts trying to deal with that. Although if you mean something like a whole unit ala the Switch/Deck type thingies ... well, maybe. But the whole reason I liked gaming on a desktop was because of the ease of doing other things (video/sound capture, screenshots, then quickly editing such etc), directly with one unit. I tried video capture with console using one of those thingies and while it works, meh...or then needing all these things plugged into monitors for large display vs. just singular PC and .. it all starts falling into the too many devices category, and a lack of control that I dislike. Maybe I just don't understand it all tho. But yeah...I'm not sure how much I want to deal with all the new game-desktop stuff anymore. It just doesn't feel worth it. Not just the money, but all the other considerations too. 4k/oled excited me for graphic clarity but nothing else game-tech wise really has. And gpu/cpu tech pushing feels like half the reason why (AA/AAA) game devs subsequently keep pushing tech marvels over gameplay/content.
  2. Hasn't Nvidia been branching out from (retail) consumer home PC gpu stuff for a while so much that the other stuff is taking up more of their attention/care in terms of making all of that grow massively. The data center, SOC, AI, or whatever else (I just occasionally see things mentioned in articles, not an nvidia expert). Not saying graphics aren't still their big thing, I just mean re: retail consumer cards it feels like they try to do just enough to be "relevant"/ahead/and in the news - so they can always be #1 or at least #2 - and not much else. It does really start to feel like they don't even try to pretend to care about lower budget desktop gpu's anymore. Edit: nvidia isn't the only company like that, ofc.
  3. Watched "Samaritan" since it was 'free' via Prime. Sylvester Stallone. Plot features a youthful male kid as a co-star, so even with some biggish action at the end, it's got that kid's-life/perspective type of focus. I suppose when I was 10 I might've moderately enjoyed it for what it is. Very formulaic, although with my brain rather sleepy when I saw it, there's a slight twist at the end that I didn't predict. Which isn't to say it might not be obvious, maybe I was just brain dead today. Anyhoo...not the worst for what it is, but most probably wouldn't care to bother.
  4. So, my minimal understanding is the 4080 12GB version is basically what would be considered a 4070, with a price hike. The "real" 4080 is the 16GB one. Seems like if you have the money to blow, depending on perspective, this time around the 4090 might actually be the "better value." (editedit-that's based on specs only, no testing yet ofc) Also, DLSS 3 will be 40xx exclusive apparently? Luckily I don't care about DLSS but that sucks for people who do care and bought a 30xx/weren't planning on upgrading. Edit: this almost has me wanting to get a 3090 while I can - wouldn't have to deal with giant new form/3 mobo slot sized card, different pin connector stuff, or the power draw. Even if AMD is a little cheaper with theirs, I'm sure it'll still be nuts. Or, alternatively, a good time to stop caring about new games/high tech gaming. I'll just play Caesar3 forever.
  5. I am Moses, again. (borked map generation water physics) I bought an island and built a home on it. The 2nd floor/roof are living and workshops. The ground floor is defensive space (even tho I have nothing to defend against - it's habitual - hey, maybe I'll feel like turning the z's on for kicks/to test...probably not). Below ground, floor by floor, are various oddball rooms. And of course, unlike how most games ignore it, I am a human, so I need a bathroom.
  6. Finally got around to watching the Val Kilmer bio movie. Or rather, skimming through it. I love Val the actor and there are some interesting moments, but overall it's sorta like when your parents/friends make you watch too many home movies for too long. Too self-indulgent for me. Lots of people when they get older make a "my life" thing for themselves or their grandkids, which is great, but when you're famous, you can make a film and try to make the whole world watch it. That said, I liked his son doing the narration, and whenever they showed their relationship, and those other moments I liked made me wish I could give Val a comforting hug now and then. At least he seems to be in a decent place now (after his cancer etc). Oh and it kinda made we want to see him in that Doors movie again. I didn't love that movie but Val was great in it.
  7. It's funny because I wouldn't say I like them very much either. Especially ones with zombies or evil dino's or big boss fights or tower defense or any kind of combat or...hm. I guess I want zero challenge. I may play 7 Days for long periods now and then but, see, it used to be very easy combat wise, or I could largely avoid it. When they made it harder/more annoying over time, I turned off the tower defense, then I turned off all zombies, then just started cheating in stacks of food, then materials instead of mining for them, then whole blocks because even materials took too long, then... ...oh sure I occasionally play "legit" for a few days, like if a new version comes out. Then I go right back to my chill sandbox. I don't even care about crafting per se anymore. I just want to pull things from a menu out of thin air like Lego's and just plonk them down to make stuff, not have to spend 1000's of hours grinding/fighting for mats. so I can smelt, forge, then wait for some crafting timer 10000x and THEN build.... Hm. Maybe I should buy some Lego's. Real ones. The blocks, not all the pre-fab build a car kits.
  8. Is that at idle or load? I'm assuming load of some kind. ... yeah, between that and gpu spikings, and TV/monitors, and everything else, definitely 1200-1500w PSU time. Better overkill (again) then sorry.
  9. I think Miami Vice is one of those shows that for me at least, had a lot of ppl that later became a lot more famous or were at least early-about-to-be-famous. Other shows like that that come to mind might be Friends. I'm sure there are some others. Saw a video on that a while back but can't remember. It's always weird to go back and see such people in such early roles.
  10. I did see some theorize about the timing of EVGA's announcement, something about an upcoming Nvidia announcement/news and how this would make EVGA's name pop out of everyone's mouth with any story re: nvidia's thing. Sorry, don't remember what it was exactly. EDIT: wait, was that in that above YT video, that I only skimmed around thru? Maybe it was. My memory.... eg, I do sorta wonder if they'll end up reversing at some point if nvidia sweetens the pot/capitulates in some fashion. I think nvidia as a company has been rather poop for a while, but I still like their gpu's and (likely somewhat irrationally) don't like anyone else. Mostly a matter of nvidia=good gpu personal experiences, other names I've tried (AMD, MSI, whatever) = annoying/mediocre gpu/other hardware (or the software that comes with) experiences, making me gunshy. Plus the whole online-returns hassle vs. same-day/instant retail walkin exchanges. When I was paying $150-200 for a gpu in those early days it was easier to try someone else. When you're paying $1000-$1500 that gunshy factor gets bigger and bigger...
  11. Finally updated 7 Days to latest stable (20.6) to use the updated map generator. Thus briefly I was obsessed with making maps again. Didn't last too long however. The force-repeatable drone-duplication "glitch" - the reason I avoided updating for a while, I like having two drones - actually still works, apparently. Anyway...I feel like I need a bunch of games like Stray - short, simple, linear, adventure/emotive, atmospheric/pretty to look at. But more involving then a pure walking simulator. Cat not required. But as usual, can't find any offhand. Most more "casual" games now are full of crafting, survival, skillz, 9million items/materials, enemies, clvls etc. Although I guess the dev who made Stray had a game before that that some people really like. Outer Wilds. Don't usually like "space/planets" games but maybe I should try that. Or just replay Stray even if I said I likely wasn't going to.
  12. Maybe I should add that I'm not interested in all these series because of some "they've ruined ..." nonsense. I've just tried and tried so many times over the past 5 years and I can't get into what Hollywood is producing anymore. I'm either simply bored and slightly annoyed from being bored, don't "get" anything, or find it all too predictable etc. There's plenty of other things to watch if I need eyeball massaging. @HurlshortYou keep on being positive and non-jaded, gogo. Sometimes I like reading about how someone actually liked something, around here. The most impartial review of Rings of Power I've seen made it sound like while it might have some writing issues evident in the first two episodes, the series itself had some promise/potential and one should have a wait and see approach. That said, I haven't seen it so dunno. (edit - you changed your moniker again, I had the @ wrong, haha.
  13. While maybe very slightly curious, I have no actual interest in Rings of Power and I never watched more than one season of GoT so not interested in that either. If they make a Dune series, don't care. If they make yet another ST or SW series, don't care. At this point with most such series I'd rather watch paint dry.
  14. Sidenote: actually what that Kritter Klub does is make me go back to wanting to create/have a no-kill cat shelter, where I could house 15-20 at a time, try to find homes for them when you can etc. I suppose the city wouldn't really let me build one in the backyard tho, and I'd need a lot of extra money to run one (vet on hand and all that).
  15. ^ Reminds me when we tried to get an estimate re: a minor issue with the simple straight-line back roof gutter. Got quoted something like $4k-5k because claimed whole gutter had to be replaced (this was 5+ years ago, too). 2k we might've accepted but we laughed and went back to putting it off. Sadly we have no trusted long time person for that kind of stuff, since hubby usually can do most minor things or at least jury rig it. PITA trying to find people in the Bay Area who aren't just trying to rip you off since all ppl in/from the Bay Area ofc must have the incomes of Clint Eastwood. Actually, sometimes people in other cities would do the same, once they knew our address. You could see their eyes light up "oh, you're from....?" ...in other stuff, I've spent way too much time binge watching a YouTube channel called Kritter Klub, which is full of cat, dog (and other) rescue stories. YT's algorithm always gives me one of them now and again but this time I'm running their their whole upload catalog which is huge. The video is culled from an actual S. Korea SBS animalfarm/rescue TV series, but I think they make/use their own YT/captions/subtitles, not sure. Anyway, some are horrifying, some are heart-melting/inspiring, some are tear jerkers. I guess I'm just wanting a pet again.
  16. Well, fudge. Nothing lasts forever and I can respect the reasons, but now which 40xx or 50xx am I supposed to get? I've bought evga nivida for a while now, I've loved the ones I purchased a lot. I guess it's Asus, these days? Sigh. I joke about drooling over 30xx sometimes (cause, well, I'm a semi-well-off nerd or something) but reality it never felt worth upgrading the 2080ti for. I figure I'd see 10-20fps more (at 4k) on games that I already largely can get 60 or mostly 60 on. Oh well. Hm.
  17. ^ I don't think they were any worse/better re: outside noise than today's earbuds or over-ear small headphones. You won't notice your A/C or fans, planes going overhead, general traffic noise, or maybe your husband quietly going "Hey" in the doorway until he starts semi-shouting, but yeah, the chaos level movies would have you believe is silly. Not to mention those usually also have physical wall/floor vibration stuff likely going on. I liked John Wick series but that one scene where they're shooting at each other with movie-level silenced guns in the middle of a shopping mall, where people a few feet from them didn't notice, was hilarious. Not being able to consciously hear even minor noises is the reason I don't like headphones in public. Don't know how ppl go around with them all the time like that. I'd be worried about not hearing the mugger, bicyclist saying "to your left", traffic, all of that. >.>
  18. Art is in the eye of the beholder and all that. Which is why I've never really liked calling stuff "art" in some existential or nose-up-in-the-air way. It's just something creative that someone/s made because they felt like it, and some other people may relate to/like. Whether film, paintings, photos, books, games, etc. If someone, or multiple someone's, spent the oodles of time programming or giving the AI enough information for the AI to take that and turn it into a picture that some people then may like aesthetically, it's not simply the AI doing it all by itself per se - humans were involved in the creation process of making it possible. It's like saying the product of a finished game or all-CGI film sequences can't be called art because there are too many cooks in the kitchen or it's not the same kind of tortured creative process or something. Or when it's said that (no) photos are art because photographers "just take pictures of what already exists." So if the future means people become interested in AI art because it's different and weird or whatever other reasons, it'll be the new thing to put the nose up in the air about. I mean no offense by using that phrase, btw. It's just what humans tend to do about things they feel strongly about (art, wine, fanboy-ism, politics, whatever). New generations may think it's perfectly normal/cool and to be admired. Or it'll just get laughed away after a couple decades. Don't see anything wrong with that cycle personally. That said, most examples given, while I cannot judge whether they are "art", I wouldn't buy them or want to hang them on a wall anywhere. Then again, that could be said of 95% of what is considered "art" (in terms of paintings at least), for me. Van Gogh? Picasso? Warhol? Abstract splatters or color patterns on a canvass? Admire the creative brains, ok sure, but not going on my walls.
  19. When you're watching someone "react" to the film Terminator and they reach the scene with the roommate and her bf...and when they see her grab a Walkman, they go "What is that/what is that for?" They didn't understand/were confused later that the chr. couldn't hear the destruction in the other room because she had headphones on (to be fair that chr's hair rather covered them up). I've seen more and more stuff like that on the 'net. Like not realizing there were no cellphones for an 80's movie and screaming at the screen re: why don't they call anyone. Which is yet another reason to avoid the internet (to avoid feeling too ancient).
  20. This isn't about a game but about Steam client. The question ... is there some (non-verification-security) reason to keep Steam Guard on, in terms of accessing your games/features? I'd like to turn it off again but I can't remember why I activated it (after years of not) in the first place. One of those "it has to be active for 15 days before you can do ... stuff" things I suppose. But I don't care about trading or the community market, the only things I notice in their help pages, so I'm at a loss. Example: would having it off disable the ability to Gift a game to another account (hubby) or anything like that?
  21. If it's happening only on this forum, my guess is that you've accidentally changed a source file via some add-on or source-view capability. There are Firefox Tools/options re: font styles and font sizes, where you can override site defaults, but far as I know, the only colors option is for visited/unvisited links and all of that would affect every site, not just a single one. That said I'm probably behind (don't fix what ain't broke etc) on whatever latest monthly Firefox version is being used so maybe they have new options I'm unaware of. The usual easy question/action would be did you at least try to log out of the forum, manually delete obsidian's forum's cookies (or all cookies) and close-all/restart the browser?
  22. When you think you've become blase about the average summer temps of your area, sitting outside in shorts, going "it's a nice day out here", but then one day nature laughs at you again. 113F/45C at 130pm. It's interesting what a difference 10-15 or so (F) degrees makes sometimes. Shouldn't last too long at least. ...the city likes to email pleading to conserve energy. I suppose I can turn the house-A/C setting from 80F to ... oh ... 88F. And I can turn off the gaming PC, don't need it with all these mobile devices around. Does that count?
  23. ...I wonder if California is going to ban the sale of high end gpu's (not just prebuilt "gaming pc's") at some point in the next few/several years. Maybe I really should build a new PC in the next couple years just in case. ...LC, ruining the climate in her own selfish way. At least my personal car is mostly a plastic/steel paperweight 99.9% of the time. Hardeharhar.
  24. ^ Know what else would help, at least in some weather conditions? Significantly slowing down etc. ...technology vs. "Darwin jokes" - I wonder what will win out in the end.
  25. Grew a little tired of building or converting buildings normally in 7 Days, so I "flew" out to the ocean and decided to Waterworld it. Which I have to god-mode cheat to initially create oodles of support poles because the water is so deep you would drown before you get to the bottom, let alone the time to place all the blocks for dozens of pillars. Anyway, once all that is done I am now working on creating a giant multi-room base over the water. Maybe I should build an entire City off the coast just for lol's. It's kinda fun. Of course I also had to build supports for a mondo length bridge to run or drive a car across. Although since you aren't supposed to get out there legit ... some mechanics get wonky. Like you're always "wet" even if you're entirely enclosed in a room/box, and the bottom layer of "you shall not pass" unbreakable blocks behave and look different and ... and I have a feeling all zombie spawning (including screamers from activity-heat rising) would be totally defeated at the distance from shore I'm at, but it's fun, so who cares.
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