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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ^ Neither seem to be on Amazon Prime or Netflix and I don't feel like registering/subbing or whatever to Funimation or Crunchyroll (again) or where-ever they are at the moment etc. >.> ...I have the same situation re: the 2019 (or something) reboot of Fruits Basket, that I learned about only very recently, but that one I'd be more willing to buy physically. (if I can find it all at least...) I've seen parts of episodes of this newer version and it looks pretty close in style/content to the original, except more faithful to the manga/more chr. detailed and full story complete.
  2. Kotaro Lives Alone (Netflix version) ---one of those shows where I was initially not all that into it - and it requires a certain level of simply accepting that a 4-5 year old could actually live "alone" and be that self sufficient, maybe it's possible, what do I know about kids - but there are elements that I was curious about so I kept watching. Mostly comedy, slice of life, sometimes more than one mini-story within each short episode (often connected eventually) with some poignant moments here and there. Overall I'd say I ended up liking it.
  3. Those three Full Metal Alchemist live-actor movies on Netflix. The first one is sorta ok in a low budget way. The 2nd one is slightly better. The third one becomes ... not so ok. It reminded me I've never watched either version of the animes. I think I wanted to watch the somewhat more recent Brotherhood because of the Japanese VA for Roy, but never got around to it, or that alone wasn't reason enough. These films did at least make me curious about that again. A little.
  4. We downloaded the 4th main LC of Tiny Tina, which far as we can tell, adds another one of those survive-these-maps without-dying-once scenarios and a new player class. Maybe some new gear and small stuff like that. So for us at least, it doesn't really add much, outside of checking a new class. Nothing to inspire you to replay the whole campaign seems like. The new class is a poison-dmg. type with an Action Skill of tossing out a stationary totem that shoots poison balls at enemies. You can cast it twice (have two) before cooldown waiting. Basically it feels like a spell. I would say that in early play I can it see it being my 2nd fave class vs. the spellcaster, because ... it feels like a spellcaster. Spell in one slot, your totem Action skill, so all the bonuses for both can still apply ... vs. the spellcaster with 2 spells where zero of the Action Skill stuff applies. That said, nothing exciting.
  5. I was thinking that those Intel Arc gpu's would be good for someone like my husband, but then I read that it requires something called resizable BAR that is unlikely to be on older mobo's/cpu's etc. Not keeping track of such things a lot, I had to look it up ... at any rate, that sorta eliminates the idea of the Arc as a budget gpu to toss into an current older rig (vs. when building a new budget rig). Interesting. Nothing wrong with it, but guess it won't be on hubby's list for a few or several then. That said, I wish Intel/Arc at least enough future success to keep them going with it, because we definitely need another competitive gpu maker, especially in the budget-mid range.
  6. We watched the two Jurassic World sequels over the weekend. I recall that I at least moderately enjoyed the first one as light entertainment. Sure, not as much as the original Jurassic Park, but it was still sorta fun here and there. --The first JW sequel - both of us rather liked it. Felt like it had a similar action/thrills/humor vibe as the original in some ways. I liked the young female actress' chr too. I probably liked it a little better then the first JW. --The second sequel (Dominion?) .... well, I found it watchable at least, and I give it credit for trying to change up the predictable a little here and there. But it felt too long, too many "plots", and the humor mostly didn't work for me. It was nice to see the original JP actors again. Oh, I did laugh hysterically at the very end dino fighting stuff, almost worth the price of admission for mirth factor alone - but I'm guessing that wasn't the intended effect. Who knows tho.
  7. I'm not sure how many other females visit this forum (especially this section of it, heh) these days but I'm going to put this here anyway. Even if you aren't interested in having children yourself, if you have irregular cycles, maybe all your life, it still would be worth going to a doc to check for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. because while not having regular menstrual cycles can feel like a boon (unless one wants to have a baby, ofc), there's a whole lot of other risks/increased risks with it. It's not uncommon or anything, but I believe it's something often overlooked as a possible issue/explanation until a woman is actively trying to get pregnant or whatever. I think if you don't have extra-hair or aren't overweight, some docs may not check for/think about it at all (kinda like how some docs think t2 diabetes/pancreas etc = alcoholic...). Or perhaps birth control hides/hid it for ages. And if you do have it, the earlier you make lifestyle changes (there's no "cure"), the more you might prevent those future complications. And yes, I have finally been confirmed that I have it. It (partially) explains a lot of things. Health PSA end. Keep healthy, folks.
  8. This month: relative passes. Another relative in above average crisis. A non-relative suddenly scary symptoms/hospital/ongoing tests. ...we sit around musing on the patio in evenings. We are now contemplating moving to far southern California to be closer to some family. It's not a rush thing. Or a given. But at this point in time we might actually like or prefer to live down there anyway so .... here we go again with the research and trips.
  9. Watched some of that Cyberpunk anime. I find it interesting and think I'm liking it. If I can force my short attention span to turn on the TV and pick it up again tomorrow/soon, I shall continue. eg, definitely worth at least checking out imo.
  10. @Gromnir I'm not offended at all in this case (more like ... self-depractingly amused at my own communication failings), and am quite confused/not sure where I was being indignant or surprised or dismissive re: anyone's suggestion that I'd like photomode in this or any game, which I gather you think I was being. Or maybe not, I'm not sure. I seem to misinterpret the intention of your posts, and you misinterpret mine, and then we're at odds where I keep trying to over-explain myself (my personal visual preferences post) in an effort to get away from what I see as a misunderstanding. So yes, as I think I tried to already mention, if often likely is my fault for continuing to communicate/talk when it's obvious it's not working - which is basically what I'm doing right now I suppose, haha! I do not expect every soul to like me or get along with me swimmingly - I'm sure I'm super annoying to many souls, here and the world in general - but I do often wish to at least marginally reach an understanding with people if I think I've caused a misunderstanding, and it always frustrates me when that doesn't happen. I'm just one of those types. I have always respected your intelligence, information, and rational mind, but nothing I say seems to come out right in most of our interactions. Some people just don't communicate together well, especially in an online, no face to face communication format. And that's ok! As to taking it to personal - I don't think it's devolved to that point, since (at least in my small brain) I wasn't trying to attack you. But you are correct that it should stop (and it's way off-topic). I just can't help it occasionally I guess (the going on and on uselessly in effort to reach some kind of understanding, I mean). ...exits. Again. For real this time! I mean it!
  11. That hamster wheel clip is hilarious. I've only ever owned two dwarf hamsters and while they loved their wheels, I never saw either ever flop like that - that I saw, at least. Great capture of a moment.
  12. After watching hubby watch some tech-babble video for a little bit, I remarked something along the lines of "Remember when you used to scour all those stores hunting for a book, any book, on some specific tech-thing?" To which he said yes, then drily remarked that he also remembered how many of them were out of date as soon as they hit the store shelf. Guess he doesn't miss those days, then.
  13. Oh, for heaven's sake. I let myself forget, for a moment, that your passive aggressive tendencies and my peacemaker tendencies (or whatever, just our online personalities however one wants to label them, or my apparent deep inability to interpret your tone/s) are like oil and water and I should just never reply/refer to any of your posts. For the record your comment re: fugly simply made me want to try and clarify that I was not trying to insult the game (which again, I've never played, and only seen a few pics of) or other people's visual preferences. Sorry for interrupting the thread with my photo mode chatter. Carry on.
  14. Btw, it is not the graphic/art quality of the game graphics itself that I don't like in those screenshots, it's what the photo mode effects and (possibly) the forced closer ups do to the image quality as a whole. I don't like blur or depth of field or "filters" most of the time, "soft edging", overbloom etc or zoomed in (computer) images that are obviously too zoomed in for texture quality/clarity view distances. That is what I mean by "fugly."
  15. I remember when Ansel added "stickers" to the program. I had no idea what "stickers" were. I found amusement for about 5 seconds putting a cartoonish crown on a chr (oh - I think I put cactuar's in the hands of a whole party, once too) and then ignored it. I don't understand the appeal of "stickers" or anything of that sort in photo modes (including what I've seen on mobile phone photo apps), but then I never put stickers/drawings/doodles on my school binders either.
  16. Yeah...the topic that is joked over forever, but it's still true. I'm not nearly as bad as I used to be, but still, with many such games the first thing I'll do is see if there's some inventory mods "just in case".
  17. No, it isn't, because as those twitter examples showcase, they would be blurry, fugly images and most likely I would consider pics of the "natural" form of the game (top down) to be more artistically interesting or appealing. I was taking tons of screenies long before photo modes ever existed, ofc. I remember cramming chrs in corners, facing walls and swiveling "camera", crouching, standing on my head, so to speak, standing in weird places trying to get better angles for shots, mods to remove GUI, back then. The main thing about such modes - well, to me anyway - is when/if they let you pause mid-game and swing around/alter camera angles, close-ups, especially of combat/action. That's the main appeal. If a photo mode is disabled during combat, or angle-change is extremely limited, to me it's 95% useless vs. just taking normal screenshots. To be able to take pics that not everyone has taken 100000 times (like those common shots from a cutscene everyone and their mother has to post). Don't need photo mode to show off a color filter/other effect superimposed over a common scene. Could do that in photoshop. Oh and btw, Stray had/has no photomode. I didn't think it needed one (some really wanted it but...) - many games really don't - it was just a game that lent itself to nice screenies, and I went back to shoving the chr. into corners for angles. EDIT - that said, I do understand on/for consoles, or people not graphic-program savvy even in minor ability, there's more appeal. And that potential for taking a pic that feels more "unique" is probably the broader appeal of a photo-mode for many.
  18. I just have to say, that if I see "eddies" spelled out I think of water/fluid (eddies and currents). Associating that word with currency instead is weird.
  19. The biggest flaw of Banished is that (at the time) high populations would cause the game to lag to a crawl. I think I remember that at mega populations something could go wrong with the food or AI-hunger/get food system too (didn't matter how much food you produced), causing starvation. The food spoilage thing in Farthest Frontier is why I hesitated to buy/try it. I mean I'm sure when I'm bored in the winter or something, but that mechanic isn't something I'm going to like at all. I don't even like the "disasters", I typically turn them off if allowed. Per usual - I want to design and build re: efficiency, not manage random disasters. Pfft.
  20. I know nothing of this game so maybe I'm wrong ... but as much as I love screenshotting, I don't think I see much value in a photo mode for this sort of top-down isometric. I suppose if one wants pics of enemy insectoid legs or combat positions blurry close, or a scene of a city streets with the trees and lamps not from top-down view, it might be handy. Dunno.
  21. That Last of Us trailer actually looks ... intriguing. And it's HBO Max, which I actually have. So I guess I will check it out then. I have never played the game but I watched someone play most of the last half or something (which also led me to read some chr/plot wikis), so while I don't know a bunch of details, I do know the gist of the plot. Could be good, especially if they focus on/do well with the relationship/emotional stuff (vs. just "oh look another apocalypse settings" visuals and enemy action etc). A series would be better for that potential vs. film, so hm. Here's hoping it's not terrible.
  22. Yeah...the more I know, the more I'll pass. I don't mean just AMD, I mean building a new rig, as I'm sure Intel will be little different. Expensive mobo's, extra CPU/GPU cooling likely required (more cost), different PSU (more cost), etc. I mean, sure, if you're looking to replace a 10 year old rig, and can pay, might be/likely worth it. But if you already have an ok/decent enthusiast pc from 2-4 years ago that at least does mostly what you want, and aren't some mega-PC/workstation user or whatever, I don't think I would consider it worth it. I'll wait another 5 years, so the (by then likely) $4-6k to build a new rig, the performance vs. cost might feel worth the stupid price and work. ...not that I won't still be jealous of Bokishi when he posts pics of his new uber rig at some point.
  23. Actually, that idea has merit. This house has lots a lot of hall closet. I could tear out the shelving and turn the one at the end into a "server room". Make a vent/fan to the roof in it, stick in shallow A/C unit on the wall, run net, monitor wires through wall holes, a USB hub on the wall near the floor (or something). ...hahaha. Yeah, no.
  24. ROFL. This was worth the watch just to see the guy lose it/mirth-wise at the silly names and marketing. If things keep going this way, I foresee desktop GPU's ending up being housed in their own separate "gpu mobo"/side-case that plugs to the main pc-case/mobo. >.>
  25. Hubby: I have to go to LA with (name) Thurs/weekend (work) Me: Send me a text when you land/get to the hotel. Hubby: Not from the air? Me: Landing is what matters. Hubby: So if we're going down, I shouldn't send one? Me: *punches*
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