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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. First thought that crossed my mind: I can't believe we're up to "Update #50" already. Has it really been 6 months since the KS?
  2. Saw Django Unchained. The first half had me in stitches. Christopher Waltz is da best. Not usually into slapstick but that head-bag scene was hilarious (and largely the only straight slapstick in the film). The 2nd half was still good, just not quite as much. Were/are they setting up for a sequel or something, because it sure felt like it. DiCaprio was good in his role too, altho by the end I had my usual issue with feeling like he just isn't quite up to the task. He gets really close, but not quite there. Maybe it's his voice, not my personal preference. My husband's quote: "All that film needed to top it off was a Steve Buscemi rant." Anyway, A for the first half, B for the 2nd half and A++ for Mr. Waltz.
  3. Sci-fi with different planets and ship travel. No, I don't mean KOTOR3. Something original/new. Not apocalyptic or fantasy-magic and preferably no zombies. Not that those are bad things, it'd just be nice to have something that felt different again. Maybe something more like Blade Runner in world atmosphere might be interesting, but a little less dark.
  4. Game of Thrones takes more than half the novel to start to get into it. I felt the same way but stuck it out and by the end desperately wanted the 2nd book. But at the time, I still had almost a 2 year wait or something, and by then I'd forgotten most of it. Didn't want to re-read it and figured I wouldn't get the sequels without doing so. So never went back.
  5. Hm. I suppose that frame interpolation thing could be the issue with those TV's I saw. When staring at them it made me think of the 48fps debate on The Hobbit, wondering if that's what I would have thought of it (didn't see The Hobbit in the theater). As usual I haven't kept up with TV tech, since we haven't been in the market to buy one. Not that I haven't tried to convince hubby we could use a new one....he's not quite ready. And agree about plasma. The one 80" TV was the awesome tho...contrast/blacks and I was surprised at how sharp it was for being that large. Even hubby, who pretty much can't stand LCD-anything for video, didn't seem to be bothered by it much. Nothing near that price range is listed on their website tho, so I can't re-check what brand/tech it was using. Maybe it was a 4k resolution one?
  6. Boone as a companion might even make me like Diablo3. Well, not really, but it would make me laugh.
  7. I'd debate that, but what would be the point. It's all subjective. We love what we love. Also, dwarf hamsters can beat both in terms of cuteness. That all said, perhaps we can get back on topic a bit now....save the specific cats vs. dogs for some other thread. I did mean what I said early on tho ... I'd like to see more cats in rpg's, because I'm tired of there always been nothing but dog/wolf like creatures. Doesn't mean dogs can't be in the game (as familiar, pet, companion, wandering town animal, whatever)....I just want cats too.
  8. I definitely think it's at least partly due to less and less games are made that are what I'd call my type of game. Certainly most AAA titles make me yawn even just reading about their concept. And then there's the story/chr/setting repetition. Loved NV to death but I'm not sure I'd love another Fallout game. Altho if anyone could make me want to revisit that setting, it'd be Obsidian....not Bethesda.
  9. Y'know, I bought some cheap hardcover of that book back when (uneven page edges)....but I never got around to reading it. I suspect I got about 30 pages in before I became distracted and never picked it back up again. I wonder if I still have it somewhere.
  10. ...nice knees! Your kids are still just the most adorable things...and this coming from someone who isn't very into children.
  11. LadyCrimson


    So I just watched (most of) PSY's new single Gentleman. I suppose the song is ok for what it is (not really my thing), but I'm sitting here wondering why his black pants have the crotch seam down at mid-thigh. It's not that he needs to "pull up his pants", and they're not true "balloon" pants. They just look redonkulous.
  12. I'm back to feeling uninterested in spending any time playing games. More my "fault" rather than lack of interesting games to play. Just need more and longer breaks from gaming all the time, seems like.
  13. To start things off, here's a tiny pic of me. ...ok, ok, here's a more recent one from a couple years ago. I'll try to get a better one where I don't look lumpy and half asleep, later. This one's old, but I thought I'd show Tsuga C what I meant by my past cat who liked to be wrapped up, which I mentioned in another thread. Another older one: occasionally I attempt to take more serious photos, altho I do that less every year because I get lazier every year. Lastly...something I treasure. I miss Carl. ....actually, this makes me realize I need to pick up my DSLR camera a bit more often again. I haven't even taken many of my current cats since I acquired them. <.<
  14. Welcome to the Obsidian Community Photo Sharing thread! We've had many like it, but this one is new. Thought it might be time for another one of these, except I thought I'd try for something a bit more general this time. Consider it a combination of "pics of yourself" and other photo topics common to many forums. In other words, if you feel comfortable sharing pics of your own mug, whether smiling or otherwise, this is the place. But if that isn't your thing, pics of your adoring pets, your backyard garden project, or that awesome sunset/nature/other photo you captured can go here too. It's not the place to share funny internet memes, however, as we already have a thread for stuff like that. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words, so let's see what you have to "say"!
  15. Nah...I've always gotten mixed mutt type cats, so to speak. Shelter and strays, occasionally kittens that others want to pawn off on the "catlady." But he probably does have some Siamese or other oriental blood in him somewhere. He's also very large for a cat, so I like to think he's part panther.
  16. Hm. Ok, I can buy that. If that's true tho, I'd be kinda disappointed. I liked the original Wolfenstein but that was ages ago and I wasn't impressed by what I saw of the newer one. I don't really see it as such a popular IP to make yet another version of it. I don't really expect it to be Fallout, since it does seem a bit too soon (altho you could argue that NV was made by Obsidian, in terms of timeline between games) but I was hoping for a new IP. I always do. Get tired of nothing but sequels. And even if it was Fallout, not sure I'd be terribly interested without Obsidian involved. It's fun to speculate about tho.
  17. I should probably ask, where is the information about this new teased game is being developed by MachineGames? I heard Hines was in some place the other week that relates to MG, but that doesn't mean the game that is being teased now actually has anything to do with that?
  18. I must have odd cats, because I've had a few that fetch and all of them come when "called." I've trained them to stay off the furniture even when I'm not around, and all of that. They definitely know what I, as their owner, think of as "right" and "wrong" behavior. When I'm sad, they often come and sit next to me without me prompting them. When I'm happy and excited they often get happy and excited and prance around the room with me. My current black cat (and other cats I've had) is so social he can't stand being alone and follows me all over the house begging for attention...and most definitely prefers hubby and I to be out in the living room with him than in our offices ignoring him. Had another cat who liked me to wrap blankets around her and hold her like a baby. She'd fall asleep like that. So y'know....while cats may not be "pack" oriented like wolves/dogs, to say they're not very social or don't form what we humans think of as bonds, doesn't seem to be true in practice. To me it's more a matter of the owner and how such owner relates to the animal in the first place. Toss a cat outside and only shovel food at them now and then, of course they're not going to form much of a bond with you.
  19. From all the screencap attempts, including my own, I don't get a particular Wolfenstein vibe from that tease. I don't get much of any vibe, really, except old soundtracks/music, which could be used in any kind of game. Whether that music gives other people a sense of clue, I dunno. It'd be nice if it was more Fallout or a new IP tho. (and yes I know they've tried to debunk the Fallout idea...they could be misdirecting/lying )
  20. The time of adjustment eyes require when going from light to dark is something to consider, but I'm not sure it could or should be implemented in this particular game. It seems a little too complex for a party game that is likely largely going to be played out in a fairly zoomed-out point of view...thus you'd be able to see both the lamplit town street and the dark alley at the same time, making it .... odd. eg, it might work in a 1st person 1-chr type game, but probably not P.E. Just my idle thought tho.
  21. I tried the generic walk-in HR Block service years ago, when we could still file a simple 1040. Both state and Fed came back with letters saying we'd done it wrong, so I never went back. Currently we use a private accountant. He's not cheap ($30 is far far far away....) but knows us (over a decade), and does other general financial/tax advice. So we stick with him. I'd hate to have to find a new one. Also....my feet are freezing. With the wind and a not very well sealed A/C window unit, there's a draft in this room or something. Do they make 10 inch thick slippers? Guess I need to seal that A/C unit better....
  22. I only paid about $330 for this one, so I'm fine with getting a more expensive one later. Still liking this cheapie IPS a lot better than the regular LCD. So much brighter (without being irritating) and cleaner looking, and like the bigger screen. Don't feel like YouTube has to be in the 2nd size window all the time anymore etc. Side note: while in the store, there was this gorgeous, 80" TV in the special section. I'm not sure what type of screen it was (some kind of LED/IPS perhaps), but it was the awesome. Sadly, I don't have $25,000 to spare. Other ones weren't to my liking, however. They were so weirdly sharp or something that it gave everything a cheap video-camera feel (like that one infamous Twilight Zone episode)...too flat, where you lose all of the illusionary sense of dimension. They were playing a well known action movie on it, and it was truly disconcertingly odd.
  23. We gave up on keeping up with tax laws ourselves years ago and now fork over big cash to have someone else do it. Self-employment has big rewards, but also big headaches.
  24. Planet Explorers made funding today, with 5 more days to add a little gravy on top. I am pleased. Now just have to wait for the next alpha version.
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