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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Thanks. I did play all my chrs. some, to lvl 20-30 or so, but then I let praying/Leadership do the rest. So I have no clue about higher lvl building. I look at the feat descriptions in particular and get lost.
  2. *hugs her remaining cat* ...you'd think it gets easier after so many, but it actually gets harder. I don't think I can go through it too many more times. Adding to stress, hubby hasn't been feeling all that well, either...nothing specific, general malaise...to the point he may make a doctor run if he doesn't feel better soon. Could be his apnea getting worse, making him feel worse. So my frowny face will remain a while. ...cleaning house, trying to think of cheery things, like waterballoon fights. That make me laugh. "He had 'stache hairs like daggers...."
  3. Mr. Grey still eats some baby food but is at the no-strength so piddles & poos on himself stage and weighs hardly anything. Won't spend more trying to futilely figure out what's wrong (not teeth, not kidney failure, not feline leukemia etc). Time for that last trip. I'm sorry, Mr. Grey.
  4. Hey Keyrock, got any advice for the GWF skill build? I figure crit. strike, but I have no idea about the skills (soloing). Just want him to be adequate, not uber-geared out. ...I have a lvl60 rogue that I have no clue how to build, either. The only class I know "how to play" is the DC.
  5. Wasn't the best Breaking Bad episode, but .... No, Jessie, no! I understand, but not like that....not with ... him.
  6. Moved Mr. Grey from outside into a specially created sectioned off part of my office/pc room. Tiny bits of food and water every couple hours, still trying to save/prolong his life because I'm stubborn, and he keeps looking at me with such pathetic, trusting eyes. Short on sleep. My knees are feeling messed up again, probably too much kneeling on the floor catering to kitty. And it's all muggy and cloudy. In short, I'm kinda sad and cranky. If I can stay awake, will probably do some gaming with the spouse this Labor Day.
  7. Hubby: "Bloodwing is kicking my *** as a Siren." (he's solo playing TVHM) Me: "That's because you're always running away instead of firing." Hubby: "If I don't run, she hits me and I die." Me: "..." Me: "Want some help?"
  8. That's just the project name. We have no idea what title the finished game will actually have. It might be Eternity. It might be something completely unrelated.
  9. Hmm....new (free) BL2 patch today. A lot of little fixes (no more Warrior covering up items when you kill him), a few more upgrades, and supposedly the 72lvl cap (or 61 if you didn't buy the first one). The $5 small "dlc" they're going to release is designed for 4-players, so I'm not sure if hubs and I will do that. I suppose we could try ...
  10. Went looking for online sources of buying bulk Gerber chicken baby food, since I don't think the local stores are going to be able to keep me in stock. Tried other brands but Gerber is the only one that's totally pureed into a gooey glop (no grainy bits to it). Mr. Grey will eat a few jars of it a day if I coax him. Anyway, it's hilarious because on the Amazon page for it, almost every comment seemed to be about using it ... as cat food! Haha...that's so funny. I am not alone!
  11. Yeah...I think most people just kill one boar/turn in one thing of corn and then wait or pick flowers. I only wanted the boar for my orc...seemed fitting. I tried whispering to you but you probably have it off display in whatever chat tab you were in. I do that sometimes. I had to set "Not looking for group"/auto-refuse too, because people kept trying to party/trade with me while I was in the middle of combat, causing an acceptance menu to pop up center screen when I'm trying to fight stuff. Super annoying.
  12. Boar mount for my orc mage. It does the same kick-dance as the pink pig. Also, I saw you in the game, Keyrock, but you were too busy dancing or something to notice me.
  13. Oh yeah, I forgot about using potential members as stash mules in that one. That was great. One was a potion/alchemy mule, one armor, one weapon, etc. The stash space they gave you per chr. was actually not bad at all, but with all the items/things, I always needed moah space. I also liked being able to play solo in MM8, without having to lug around "corpses" to do it. I realize that goes against the notion of the party game, but it was just another option I liked messing around with after having played it a couple times already. MM7 is still my favorite.
  14. It's pretty much cured/tastes like ham, but with a less grainy texture. If you pan-fry it until it's crispy-brown, it starts to remind of US bacon just a tad, depending on name brand/flavor, but yeah...not bacon. All this talk of bacon makes me want a stacked BLT.
  15. what? blasphemy! Commando is awesome I liked all 7 films mentioned... Hey, I found Commando cheesy-action entertaining. On some level, most of his movies are at least that. Doesn't make it a True Lies/T2 caliber of movie, however. And I really didn't like Conan. The literal he-man barbarian stuff isn't exactly my thing. The thing about The Rock, to me, is he has way more (sympathetic/charm) charisma and is possibly a slightly better actor ... but he's not as memorable because he doesn't have that Arnold schtick that makes Arnie, Arnie. Thus he doesn't seem to get many interesting movies, or the comedy is too far on the slapstick side.
  16. That part doesn't bother me. But the one's he's been in aren't all that entertaining as movies. It's like Big Arnold. There's Terminator 1 & 2, True Lies, and (for me) Twins (I found it stupidly hilarious for some reason)...and then there's Conan, Commando and Jingle All the Way. The Rock could use a True Lies.
  17. Okay, don't you think a rasher just sounds better ? The word is cooler. (edit - we also sometimes say a "strip" of bacon. Like, "I ate 4 strips of bacon." ) But it's more that they're really not the same thing at all (slice vs. rasher) so it doesn't really compare. Our slice of bacon is more like the "streaky bacon," according to that article anyway. Different cut and not exactly the same area of the pig even, I think. I don't think rasher bacon is sold around here much where I live. Might find it in some restaurants, certain states or cities.
  18. What a bunch of graphic ho's we have here! I don't think the graphic aging of MM7/8 would bother me personally. Last time I played them was probably 4-5 years ago and didn't bother me then. Sure they don't look good but imo they never looked good. If larger monitors makes them ickier just play them not full/wide screen or something. My main problem is I played both too much (over-analyzing them for speed runs and other such obsessive things), so I can't play them for very long anymore.
  19. Ran around in NWO's festival Event, picking corn, herding chickens and pigs, fighting trolls, and gathering flowers. Probably a couple hours total. For that I have a max temp profession to make the festival pants/headdress and 560 "petals" which is the currency to buy companion, gear graphic transmutation items, the endless water balloon (which sounds like fun) and the other half of the clothing items. The green pig companion is 4200 petals. The mounts need tokens, which you can get maybe1-3 a day from the "dailies" (8 hours inbetween seems like?). Mounts are BOP too, so you can't buy one off the AH. Grind grind grind grind. And a boring one. They give you 20 days, not sure I'll make it.
  20. I liked the real-time of MM7/MM8. I used the pause feature a lot in the dungeons, but outside I'd often just run around firing bows and spells instead. And then of course, later ... flying. Totally breaks the difficulty when outdoors. Invisibility indoors. But it was so much fun. Water and Air magic ftw. Also, MM8, party of dragons. Hahaha... I liked working to get the pedestal challenges, too...it was hard to get them all. And horseshoes. Loved them horseshoes. They made many things possible. Never played the Ultima series. I bought a pack or something off GoG, tried to play one. It seemed ok in the first bits but as usual I was distracted away from it and never went back.
  21. Anything specific you were wanting to know? Others are more versed in what's what, I think (I've only played MM7/MM8 and some of MM6) ... but imo they sort of break down into two categories: before MM6, and after MM6. MM8 is the easiest, but it also has the advantage/interest of being able to switch party members in and out at will (when you find them), so you can play with different ones and different party makes ups if you want. Where the others you have to create the full party upon game start and use that party the whole time. MM6 and, reputedly, below MM6 are a lot harder, imo. Quite a lot harder. Edit: The MM series is very action/combat oriented imo. Yes there are quests, yes there are decisions and skills to level and all of that. But it's a whole lot of combat combat combat - eg, it's not like/doesn't play/feel like BG2 or something.
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