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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hmm.... Since I have the Tab A tablet thought I'd try the Pocket Edition. The free chapter anyway. It's actually pretty good as a condensed version of the game. The skill tree is completely different structure/form and doings, combat is even more automated. But, y'know, mobile so it's understandable and makes sense. Now I have to decide if I'm going to get a Google money card at the gas station (I'm not giving Google my CC, nope) to get the rest of the chapters ($20 for all). Hmm...
  2. I don't want to use the normandy route since I don't have studies installed and don't want to install it even if I can disable it later. I'm stingy and don't like to send anyone any info automatically nor do I want to be pestered with "do you want to send a report to Firefox" messages. Some people are reporting that their extensions are all back already, but for others (including me) this isn't the case. At least I only use two addons so force enabling them once in a while isn't a big deal. :)
  3. testing, ignore me -- edit - ok seems to not work when I first hit post (doesn't even turn it into a hyperlink), still with no 'rich text' message or anything. If I then hit edit, put cursor by the text and hit Return, it suddenly embeds. Strange, seems to work only in edit window... editedit: ok now it works in the new post box too. WEIRD.
  4. Why not? I haven't yet subscribed to the update stuff every week/month pattern companies like to push - I update if performance feels sluggish or something doesn't work well anymore or if it's been like a year or more. No I'm not worried about security that severely. Plus half the time I feel like updates just makes programs worse (function wise) instead of better. If it was just security fixes/improvements, fine, but it's never just that. There was a specific reason sticking to 61 tho...I think it was something to do with the way bookmarks were handled/filed/created or something along those lines. When I built the new rig I did install latest Firefox on that one, and immediately noticed some interface changes that drove me batty. So I went back.
  5. Hubby brought me another freebie from his work client - a Galaxy Tab-A 10.5" tablet. After setting it up ... it's definitely nice re: watching videos or viewing images/manga, or viewing webpages like this updated forum with the big-spacing styling, vs. the smaller cellphone/mini-tablet. But it's a little large for holding in one's hand, and a little small to lay on a lap and (with aging eyes) read web pages from that distance. Plus the lap method always gives me a neck crick. I'd probably like a 8" or something like that better. At least the tablet lets me uninstall a lot of the fluff I have zero need for vs. only disabling it on the phone. Edit: also, it's 3am, I woke up/am awake and am now bored. >.>
  6. From YouTube's video page, then highlight/copying the address in the url bar in Firefox (r-click, Copy), or in the case of the short link, from YouTube's own "Share" button menu. Edit: I get no such message when I do it myself - originally I mean. Haven't tried cut and pasting from my forum post.
  7. There was a line across top of Firefox tonight that said something about addons being disable/no longer supported and they were all "gone" (there technically but not loaded). Seems to be a new bug. It may or may not happen to you, now or later (I'm on Firefox 61 still, others mentioned version 66-ish). Edit: this has happened on my Win7 rig, but not yet on my Win10 rig (same Firefox version on each). https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1548973 This is the work around I've found from some reddit page. Copying entire post text since I can't figure out how to link to just the one post: I'd assume you'd have to redo this every time you exit/restart the browser but haven't tested that. The entire thread I took this from is linked below - there were other possible solutions in it as well, although some only worked for the Developer or Nightly. https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/bkcjoa/all_of_my_addons_got_disabled_and_they_are_all/
  8. Grits teeth, gets around to installing the Win10 May update (plus nvidia update to go with it). Afterwards - the TV flicker I kept having while playing YT videos, from hardware acceleration in browser, is gone, my graphic editor program seems back to being smoother/less stuttery since from the last smaller Win. updates, etc. Hm. Quick! "Delay updates for max time."
  9. I used the long one originally and I didn't see it show up, so I used the shorter one to see if that would. Maybe something was just glitching for me that session. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad9hu_saIsc Edit: Nope, still doesn't work. It worked for me before tho - I posted that cat video the other day I think. I can see everyone's posted videos, they're just not embedding for me. Wah. All scripts allowed except doubleclick.net... EditEdit: Bah. EditEditEdit: removed redundant test link
  10. Hahaha! .... Hahaha! https://youtu.be/lm5tSbh2PoY ...ok, how do you make YT embeds appear now.
  11. Mongolian beef, but not with that thick brown sauce/coating. Sadly the place I used to like to get it from for years closed, and I've found no replacement outside of making it myself. Beyond that, probably just BB Pork chow mien, especially if it has a lot of bean sprouts and onions. I used to like beef chow mien but most reasonably-priced restaurants use the worst cuts of beef these days, or it feels like it's only half-cooked, either situation resulting in that rubbery type of texture, and I avoid most of it.
  12. Winter: jerky Summer: ice cream
  13. I think I half-chuckled at him trying to "sneak" but that's about it. Claptrap in particular has always been one of those good in tiny doses or silent-movie sequences things. The more you let him ramble on and on the less amusing he (often) becomes. I like the idea of switching ammo/effect types on a gun, along with a couple other minor changes. So far looks pretty much like "more Borderlands", which imo is good. I'd like more footage of the chrs. skills in use. Amara and Zane's listed trees don't excite me in text.
  14. Hunter x Hunter, 2011+ anime - A while back I think I started this on CrunchyRoll, then forgot about it. Noticed the first few seasons were on Netflix, so picked it up again. It's basically one of those youthful "fighting" animes, where everything is an excuse to get people fighting to see whose powers are the bestest, while main teen chr. goal is trying to find his famous/doesn't want to be found dad. I find it rather lightly entertaining although their protracted skill/"Nen"/whatever explanations and narrations are sometimes FFWD-worthy. Anyway, while I like these first few seasons I doubt I'd watch it all. The main draw for me at this point is this chr. named Hisoka. He's a crazy, super-skilled fighter that's a sometimes antagonist. He is just so hilarious - violent, psychotic, humorous, perverse, no "moralistic" redeeming factor that I can see. Why are the nutty ones always so memorable.
  15. What? Crap, he was only a year older than me. How sad/life can be short and unexpected etc. Like many, BitH is a favorite film of mine. Although I'll be honest and say I probably haven't seen many of his other movies. But that one left an impression to this day, where I still remember not just the movie, but Singleton himself.
  16. Don't know where to put this so I'll put it here. In the ever increasing effort of game realism, face scanning models is the way they do it now. But a lot of the time they hardly change the face at all. It's not like a Disney character looking a tad like you in a kind of abstract way. I wonder how it feels to see one's face in a game, on ads, on coffee mugs, have fans talking about your beautiful face/hot character etc. I don't think I'd want that job, too weird. I think one of XV's Kingsglaive movie models complained about that on twitter once. Anyway, like many I made jokey fun of V in DMC5 being so much like Kylo Ren's actor. But after seeing the actual face-scan model (link), I can't do that anymore. It's uncanny, and strange to think "V" is running around the real world. I mean it's kind of interesting tech-wise, sure, but I think I like it better when they spend more time creating a look vs. just outright scanning and copying someone's existing face....maybe it's just me. https://youtu.be/HrYkubuteoo?t=22
  17. It's not under Edit Profile, it's under Account Settings.
  18. I'll tell you what I don't like. Not having a separate Preview Post page that I can shuffle to a new tab. Having the Preview show up /cover/replace where the reply box is, then click on X to close it to keep typing or whatever. I can't really say why I don't like it, but I don't. Maybe because I can't see the Preview and edit the post at the same time. >.>
  19. I guess I'm the only one who always logs in every time, everywhere (eg, I'm used to it) because I don't allow perm. cookies. Also, if I don't log in all the time I will forget my password/s in about 48 hours. Composing posts and being timed out tho - yeah, that would be annoying and it's happened to me before elsewhere. If I think I'm going to spending a lot of time thinking about or writing one up I'll use Notepad and then paste it in later.
  20. Because black cats are best cats.
  21. I think CRT burn in was mostly re: older (and especially the monochrome) versions of the 60's and 70's, and maybe into the early 80's. I've owned many many CRT monitors and color TV's in the past and not a single one ever had burn in issues even after countless hours of being always on. Which isn't to say it couldn't be an issue but it was pretty minimal for the most part in my experience. Plasma's were very bad early on, became more manageable later.
  22. Re: the double space - the forum puts in some height space automatically with just one Return, no need to double tap it. Like that. It's when you don't want the space but still want to start a new line that's annoying on say a phone, because you can't do the Shift+Return to prevent the spacing. They don't show up as new posts.
  23. The forum loads a fair bit slower on my older Galaxy S5 phone mini-tablet. I think hubby brought home a S7 to use (I love freebies!) but I haven't got around to setting it up. I also wonder what it is about the new software that keeps the loading bar and loading twirly icon going and going and going for a long while, long after the page (seems to) loads and I can read/scroll etc. It's like it's hanging on something for 10-15 seconds. The loading bar line seems new/specific to this forum, it's not just the regular browser thing I think? Doesn't show on other sites/pages anyway.
  24. I don't want to buy on Microsoft (or console) because when it comes on Steam, I'd probably end up double-dipping - IF there's much of a mod scene, or simply because it looks/performs better. My impression is that games bought from MS are harder to mod or something - the way they do their installs is weird, I'm not clear on that but whatever. Now, if there isn't much of a modding thing for Outer Worlds, I probably wouldn't care toooo much. But I don't know what's going to happen, see. I thought FFXV wasn't coming to PC for maybe a few or several years so I got wrapped up in buying PS4's, then it came out on PC/Steam 1.5 years later. Haven't touched the PS4 version since. While I don't really regret buying the PS4's, I'm not making that mistake again. But no, I don't blame Obsidian per se. Nor am I angry about it. It's just business and business plans/patterns changes all the time. I don't have to agree or play along with the way business is, however.
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