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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Is that a baby Toothless? It's cute, regardless. Today I ordered a bunch of jerky so I have something to munch on while I obsessively - for no particular reason - delete pixels from the hair of character cut-outs.
  2. If it's just a random avatar-as-you type game, I tend to make females, mostly because the typical He-Man in huge shoulder-plated armor I just find fugly in look and animation. If they're wearing plain clothes like pants and a jacket or a military sort of uniform or some such, that's better. Probably yet another reason I used to make mages a lot - robes, y'know.
  3. I like how, with SChin's cover photo, Pikachu is too short to be seen without clicking to expand the image. I can relate.
  4. Remember when we used to have an occasional vote to add a new emoticon? All these new ones, but the best one ever still not included. --> Also, I'm currently hungry enough to eat a but will settle for a bowl of and a .
  5. ^ Maybe they just forgot to enable it after admin-testing.
  6. I don't have it either. If I click on the image bar it expands taller/bigger, but there's only ever the change-avatar option. Nothing in Edit Profile either. Am on Firefox also. It's not a mod/admin only feature is it? :P
  7. Broken in what way? Details man, details. Some things seem to have poofed, like all the old Likes on posts and we're all sussing out new features, but overall it works fine here. Firefox 61, both on Win7 and Win10. Haven't tried any other browser.
  8. Edit: oh, bother, never mind. It's a script, and I was blocking it because it was never a needed one here before. Dob. EditEdit: if you're using a scriptblocker, you now need to allow the "amazonaws" one for spoiler tags, "hidden content" to function.
  9. Just FYI: the spoiler tags do not work if you are using the Default forum theme. (blue/white) Edit: nevermind, not true. I had to allow a script, which is up to the user to allow/not allow if they use such browser tools. EditEdit: if you're using a scriptblocker tool, it's the amazonaws one you have to allow, or you won't be spoiler-protected.
  10. At least you can hide/turn on-off individual signatures now, instead of only a total blanket on/off. There's a lot of small QoL things like that which I'm liking a lot as I discover them. I'd definitely like them back as square-ish.
  11. I swear I r-clicked all over the place and didn't see that pop up. Bah. I'm blind or something. Thanks, Humanoid. And - added/altered Reactions - that was fast!
  12. Useful. Have you figured out how to copy and paste a quote from the reply box into a post you want to edit by adding the quote there? I saw the cntrl options but that doesn't do it. Edit: by that I mean, keeping the quote-by formatting, not just the text words.
  13. Yeah...the auto-formatting reminds me a bit of recent WordPress (and their Themes). Auto-spacing issues drive me batty on a blog to the point I'm constantly trying to figure ways around it, but on a forum doesn't bother me too much. Yet. Also, while I'm not actually big on the whole Like/Rep stuff (according to my profile I've given one out 8 times since 2013), I petition that this should be a Reaction
  14. Ok they're drawings, not pics, but they're cute. https://www.instagram.com/kamweiatwork/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/boandfriends
  15. I don't have a picture, but I like the new feature where if the image is big enough to be expanded, it goes into a gallery like window where you can cycle through all images in the thread page (or something) and clicking on those opens a new tab to the actual image linked page.
  16. I used the Confused face, it didn't seem to change your thumbs up number. You also now seem to be able to remove a reaction, including the Like one. Interesting. Sorry if you got a bunch of notifications from me playing with them, not sure how often it does that. >.>
  17. Yeah, since I don't care about Avengers much (and won't see it until it's on Netflix or whatever anyway) I have completely spoiled myself from other forum threads. It sounds like it goes pretty much how I figured it would, which makes me go "eh." But most seem to enjoy it as a fun ride, which is mostly what these films are about, right, so I'm sure most will like it. Edit: did the video embeds become like 3x larger, they're all "in my face" now. heh
  18. It mentions the edit twice now. Once at the top of the post (posted 1 hour ago...(edited) ) and the edit tag in the actual post. But aahhhh! I can highlight and quote only the highlighted section! Now that's one feature I can get behind. And the cut/paste r-click menu finickiness is gone.
  19. So what happens if you react to a post with sad face? Does it still register as a thumbs up "reaction" increase? Or does only the Like reaction increase that number? If you use Sad, does Reaction number decrease? Is that like a dislike? Inquiring minds want to know.
  20. "That information doesn't match our records" - I'd changed my password a month or two ago, this update didn't remember it. Confused me for a bit. Old password worked, then reset password again. The "whoops" something is wrong .gif, "sign in" and "create account" etc. pages has no link back to the Obsidian main forum page (can only use back button or bookmark), don't know if this is intentional. Normally I'd never notice but since I kept getting rejected login attempts for a while... The emoticons list/style/function make me think of Discord/Twitch. On older PC's that ginormous emoticon list is a bit laggy to load. It looks ok, but kinda makes me think "app" in some places and feels clunky (just like Discord/Twitch). I'll probably get used to it (again).
  21. So browsing Steam again yesterday afternoon, I saw this Early Access game called Edge of Eternity (about $15 this week). I've largely "sworn off" EA games and this one is turn-based to boot, which isn't at all my thing. But then looking through its store page, it showed this: Well, you know what happened then. ...so I played it for a few hours. The start is very annoying because it's this constant "fight 2-3 enemies, see a battle-reward screen animation EVERY FIGHT, the two chrs. have cutscene dialogue frequently, repeat 100 times." The VA (when there is VA) is ok but sounds a bit stiff, the graphics have this grey haze over everything (even with bloom etc. off) and are nowhere near as good looking at this point as the store page might lead you to believe. That said, once you're in the more free-roam areas it improves somewhat. It's fairly ambitious for a small dev. team I guess. There's only two "chapters" currently available. I have no idea how many chapters are planned. While the combat system isn't my thing at all, I can see where some might like it and it's simple enough. There's a crystal/gem system for upgrading abilities/stats and the free-roam areas are all right. Items you can gather for crafting respawn, enemies respawn, etc. I doubt it'll hold my interest enough to care about if/when they finish it tho. I just wanted to get that cat and romp around (you can keep playing after you finish the available quests). Yes, I spend money like that. Pffft. edit - oh, the music is pretty nice. They do have a decent/known composer apparently. That reward animation tho. You can see it here. It's not really long but after EVERY fight it's quickly annoying. https://youtu.be/AgdPtqZ_4pM?t=148 I'd advise to wait until it's finished or maybe if it's like, $6. Oh and it's single-player.
  22. So, summer. Warm ambient room temps commence. Play game. New PC starts sounding louder and louder and louder. Apparently the Hydro unit fans don't like a warm room, even if the cpu temp itself isn't super high (50-60C). Download Corsair software to control fans. install. Doesn't detect the Hydro. Read that under device manager there's supposed to be a USB entry for the thing. It's not there. Talk to hubby. "Oh, there was that USB wire I didn't use because I thought it was just to control the RGB lighting which you don't care about." All better now. I had to change it from "Quiet" (which isn't very ... quiet) to "Zero RPM" profile. Edit - all these management softwares we need these days, simply because default setting on so much of the stuff is always an overly paranoid "rev up rpm's really loud for no reason" one.
  23. Makes me want to go back to AZ/the desert. Except in a luxury automobile equipped with mini-reactor powered A/C.
  24. It's the internet. Everyone is some kind of tech/business/political expert, because they read wikipedia and watched some videos, don't ya know.
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