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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Woke up this morning and from the darkness of the room thought it was something like 6 in the morning. Looked at clock - it was 9:30 in the morning. It's not just California on fire, now. The skies above our house were fairly cleared up the past several days as the fires closest to the Bay Area were largely contained but winds must've changed and it's completely dark/orange glow smoked again from the ones farther away. Seriously looks like a movie with a dark orange filter over everything in our yard, and we're far away. Poor W. Coast. Edit: anyone close to those areas, stay safe.
  2. Considering size of many AAA (or even some not AAA) titles, and how they're likely to only get bigger over the next few/several years, only 500GB is a bit disappointing. Although I understand it for price point reasons. Is the Series X going to have 1TB? Or maybe later updated versions of either/both for more $. PS5 better have a 1TB version somewhere....
  3. I'd have to get up at 4am/be back home before 6am for something like that to work for me, heat days/exercise wise. Not happening.
  4. @BruceVC - that looks like my type of restaurant, all casual environment and such. Nice view, too. ....yesterday was blistering hot. Over 100F in many spots. Some cities broke 50y.o temp records, including our little city. Today it's a little better but...I don't know how Hurl can stand to ride his bike/do any serious level of outdoor exercise in this kind of weather.
  5. Um...all I remember is extremely cheap sets/effects, especially some of the ship/space ones - although I suppose for super low budget late 80's the practical effects were occasionally ok - and kind of slow moving/predictable. Might've seemed a little scary to 8 year olds back in the day but even for a B movie with low expectations it's pretty bad. Bruce played it more straight with a lot less camp then usual, although of course he's always simply kind of amusing in his b-cheese way. And Koenig/Chekov was never leading man material...
  6. In my circles, very. But I'm a horror/sci-fi/internet geek so I'm not sure if that means much. Evil Dead 2 is one of the (several) films my old friend made me watch, bringing over her VHS copy of it. I laughed like a loon. Then we saw Evil Dead1. Then Maniac Cop and Mindwarp even Moontrap. Pretty much everything else from the 80's/90's we could see/rent (she also became a huge Raimi fan). I watched some episodes of Burn Notice because Bruce was in it. Like Hurlshot, I also have the Chins book and I even watched "My Name Is Bruce."
  7. Forgot I'd bought Dragon Quest Builders 2 on Steam. So I installed it and started playing through the early bits. Got to the 2nd island, started doing the (more) tutorial quests there then quit. Thought I'd check my PS4 save to remind myself what might be coming up next and ... what do you know, I pretty much stopped in the same place on console too. HA. ...I do like the game (especially that melee AI buddy). It's just a short attention span. Maybe this time I'll get farther. :P Per usual, it looks great playing on 4k - not that the graphics really require it, it's just nice on a big screen etc. I still dislike how long it takes before you feel like you have more freedom to play/be more sand-boxy. The first game was like that too, although I think it was a bit more engaging in the early maps than this sequel feels. Wish it had a completely separate freeplay mode/map you could play at any time etc.
  8. I'd like to be clear/add that I do think people in the heath worker employment fields it should be mandatory in order to keep working in that field. It's one thing for a lazy arse like me who literally almost never leaves the house even when there is no pandemic, to go "eh, I'll wait a bit first" and another for those who are constantly extra-risk-exposed/dealing with a contagion. imo, of course. I'm also someone who tends to have at least mild (what doctors often call "unusual/unexpected") but uncomfy reactions to a lot of drugs, vaccines, anesthesia, heck even Novocaine, making me rather paranoid about any drugs/medicine if I absolutely don't require them. I don't even like taking stuff for a headache. So that's a just-me pysch. issue.
  9. Time for that unobtainium powered CPU yet?
  10. ^ Yeah, I'm much the same regarding the games I like to play or how frequently I care about playing some uber graphics game, which is why I expected the 2080ti would last me at least 5 years, maybe longer. There's the added aspect that many graphic settings that eat FPS, I don't give a rip about or even actively dislike and hence never have them on. Like any kind of blur/depth of field/bloom, having Af at 16x, shadows can be medium, screen space reflections, Nvidia-special effects or what have you. I've tried all of them and find they make little to zero difference in my enjoyment of playing a game so who needs them (not me, at least). All I care about is image clarity/sharpness/view distance and 60fps, not special effects. Death Stranding and BL3 is about as graphic intensive as I've done recently. Hubby had to run BL3 on DX12 because it runs a bit better on a 1660 gpu/and an ok but older AMD CPU (DX11 he's on all Low at 1080/75% scaling and it stutters, DX12 is low-medium with almost no stutter). He needs to give up and build another Borderlands playing rig especially when we get a new TV.
  11. Vaccine - yeah I'd be in the not an "anti-vaxxor" but still wouldn't want to be an early adopter camp. They can be iffy things, with possible long term effects unknown, as well as new ones possibly being developed later etc. Shouldn't even be considered to be mandatory until at least a few years of it being "out there" - and then only if covid19 is still considered a major pandemic/issue at that time.
  12. I'm now healthy enough with a "routine" that is memorized/flexible enough that I have time once again to be .... bored out of my mind. I've been backing off the units of insulin per shot little by little and so far everything still remains stable or even still gets better overall. I guess some ppl get blood sugar spiking in the morning (dawn syndrome or something like that) but I'm not one of them (mine dips low by morning, it only rises after eating) so I could probably go without extra insulin at night. Main thing is not to slack on exercise too much or overeat via huge portions at once. Anyway ... there's tons I could be doing - like hours of clearing files or working on that super-sized self-made "L"-corner desk set-up I want to have (to free up floor space, boards on top of cabinets along two walls) but, y'know, that's, like, work.
  13. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1554369/ Started watching The Booth at the End via Amazon Prime because I noticed Xander Berkeley was in it and I like him. I guess it started as a webseries, then they clumped episodes into five 30 minute "episodes" (2 seasons). Thus the editing of the episodes may feel a little strange. Anyway, if you haven't seen it before, it's worth checking out. It's all told in dialogue, chrs. speaking of what they're doing/done, and the first episode may feel confusing at first but it's great. Too bad they never made a 3rd season.
  14. I'll still wait for the 40xx series. Or whenever I can do AAA 4k gaming at 144fps (...or, 8k at 60fps? haha) since 4k at 60+ is good enough for now.
  15. Amazon Prime Video - wait, there is/was a Law and Order UK? Several seasons worth? How come I didn't know before. It's an easy formula to replicate so I find it quite watchable. A little more sedate than the US one perhaps but essentially the same. I found my new "watch something for an hour before I fall asleep/don't care if you sleep in the middle" thing. Which is great since I was running out of those.
  16. ^ Hurricanes is another reason I won't be retiring to the FL or similar etc. "Big" earthquakes once every 50-100 years seems a lot better odds to me. I'm staying on the Northern side of the W. Coast. Stay safe, GD.
  17. Had the blood test yesterday. If I understand things correctly, the results mean that while I can't binge on any sweets (a few squares of chocolate is ok but...), I could eat the occasional bacon burger without guilt. At any rate, at least the numbers are overall good. Triglycerides are in the low/middling "high" range ("very high" starts around 500 - lipase and amylase are pancreas related too). I'd like to get below 200 tho. When I was discharged they were around 1100mg. When first admitted to hospital they were over 2500mg (hence, in part, my utter loopiness). HA. HA. The fires and smokey air curtailed outdoor walks for a bit - think it's better/ok today, time to boogie around the neighborhood. The chair-pedaling is fine/great for basic aerobic but I need the variety. I can't tell if my thighs are getting more muscled again or if it's insulin water retention. Bah, whatever.
  18. *shuffles through a box of my mother's "me-related" stuff I was given when she passed away* (paraphrasing)..."your new daughter was actually brought to Seoul from Pusan, where she was found and assumed to be from." Really? Pusan? Never heard of Pusan. Where's that? *google* ohhhh...it's another spelling for Busan. There's quite a bit of information I wasn't aware of, in all these adoption process papers. It's...interesting.
  19. I liked Enterprise (somewhat distant) 3rd after ToS and TNG. Yea yea, Enterprise had a lot of issues, especially the first season. I just liked it more than the others. The last episode was supposed to be some weird general-Trek farewell valentine for fans but it backfired. DS9 had some good episodes here and there early on but the eventual shift to the melodrama and politics of that war or whatever it was - it could be good writing I guess, don't get me wrong, just not my thing, like how the TNG Klingon culture episode stuff was not my thing - and I stopped caring/watching. I should give Voyager another shot one day. I only saw some of the first season, maybe a bit of the 2nd here and there, and for some reason (outside of the virtual doc) I found myself bored more often than not. But like most of the non-ToS Treks, sometimes it takes a couple seasons for them to get going. ToS was the opposite - last season was the worst overall (still had some good episodes tho). Heh.
  20. Looks like fun. Feel free to come over and make one for us. We'll pay. Glad it went down, hopefully it's nothing serious. I've had to deal with that a bit myself, (edema is a potential side effect of insulin). Was really bad the first couple days (sausage legs/feet) home, but then fine/normal, but occasionally they still feel a bit stiff/tingly/weird. I try to keep sodium low and extra potassium but it feels random, so annoying.
  21. Well, those thunder storms with its 1000's of lightning strikes were cool to look at, but we're (California) on fire again. Santa Cruz area is the closest a major fire has been to where I am (Oakland Hills decades ago was another) - not close enough to be dangerous to us but in that almost everything that's been evacuated or burning are places we've been to/driven to many many times, beaches, parks, towns. And ofc the air quality is the pits and smells terrible even at our house. Kind of depends on what type of "job-unrelated" work you're talking about. Stuff that requires daily or weekly doing? Once or twice a year stuff that you put off for longer than that? The main thing tho is to realize it's unlikely you'll ever be fully caught up with some sort of to-do list since it all cycles around again. You try to do enough on a regular basis so it never becomes overwhelming from being ignored too long. If you're watching TV or gaming or some other "attention-sucking" hobby, set a timer/alarm and don't ignore them whey they go off. Those things can be the utter worst for losing track of time/making days feel really short. if it's household/yard stuff, don't worry about perfection, either, or you'll find you only get one thing done instead of 3-4.
  22. Dunno if someone posted this before but I liked it. Going to post it here since it's kinda TV related. I'm not sure but I feel like she didn't use the actual "Enterprise" opening credts theme, I think it's one of the chr's themes. Unless it became the opening theme in later seasons. Not sure.
  23. Don't ask me why but I love this kid and his "first time hearing/reaction" videos. Feels joyful or reminds me of me listening to such tunes way back when The more recent ones include his brother as well. I spent a whole afternoon going through a lot of them, getting to listen to some old fave songs and grin at the reactions/head bopping/comments. (actual music usually starts around 40 seconds to one minute in)
  24. I'm assuming it's because of covid, but there's a serious lack of newer movies to rent or that come to things like HBO etc. Most are low-rent B flicks (US or otherwise) or a few indies doing VoD releases. So I tried Netflix's Project Power (haven't finished it, I watch while pedal-exercising). Has a good cast. It's a ton better so far than Bright. Still, I feel like I've seen too many things like it. The first 40 minutes feels like setup and introduction, which seems too long for that. But it's decent enough to give a try if one is into its concept at all. I think this is a good time for an 80's/early 90's fave film binge.
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