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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I hear ya. At least they're not VHS box sized anymore. Old game/photo discs, if I didn't toss them, I took out of the jewel cases/packaging and into a slip cover binder, (the one I have is smaller) saves a lot of space. I could probably do the same with tv/film discs so then my 3 shelves would be 1-2 binders, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  2. If you were to rent a fave thing a few/several times, it's not like you'd save money in that sense, even if it disappears on you after a while, so from a cost perspective I wouldn't mind at all. But the "own nothing" - in terms of access to what you paid a higher fee for, being company/service controlled vs. a broken or lost physical item - starts to grate on one after a while. At least it's rare I seriously care about maybe rewatching anything these days, so any list of "must buys" for me isn't really large. Just the desert island kind of list.
  3. ^ With the way digital media and tv subs are going - and as cheap as many bluray films have become - I'm back to wondering if I should rebuy more old fave movies, before the only way to get to see any of them will be to have 99 streaming subs. The idea doesn't make my less-clutter brain happy tho. Maybe I'm old enough where I should just digital-purchase some (cheaper/older) films and pray I'll die before the companies fold/yank the attached services. Edit: I still have an old/cheap VHS player but have tossed most tapes. It's the stuff one recorded off TV that's hardest to toss tho - ST:TNG cast on Good Morning America for example. Haha.
  4. Meerkat. We used to go to the SF Zoo (late 80's/mid 90's) once or twice a year. Not the best maybe but decent enough for an outing. Felt like it went downhill over time however, with areas closed off a lot no matter when you went. Looking at some recent visitor reviews, it seems that hasn't changed much. I didn't get quite as much done re: the house/clutter as I wanted but did make decent progress. Couple large bags of stuff tossed, boxes emptied etc. I'll have the place all organized and minimal ... just in time for us to move again. Haha.
  5. I finally forced myself to finish the main quest of NMS with that secondary character and can now confirm that yep, another galaxy in this game is basically ... the same galaxy. There is indeed slightly more "lush" planets but I appear to have been initially deposited into a random pocket system cluster where 80% of all planets have no water/oceans/lakes. Boo. Jumping galaxies also seems to create a lot of "weirdness" regarding the discovered systems lists and other things which I don't like. So, definitely not doing it on that first/main chr. of mine. On the bright side, w/this save I lucked out on an ok Interceptor ship - natural S class - on the very first try. No need to upgrade it or interceptor hunt forever. Now to get out of this freakish rng no-water zone. >.>
  6. It looks kind of cute. Maybe too cute for me, if that makes any sense. I did put it in my wishlist as a reminder. But ... Early Access.
  7. Just some randoms from here and there. The "danger" of letting people upload/rename planets, animals and plants etc. This was during an expedition I tried. Normally I see nothing because I stay far far far away from any popular/discovered systems. Ship? Who needs a ship? I've tried to capture the visual sensation of discovering/running through some large/kewl cave systems, but I always fail. Yes, I am your Master now. (the creature's natural walking posture is actually already head-bent over but when it "looks" down at you it gets extreme)
  8. Maybe. I do like building stuff in games but it has to have the right combo of easy to learn/use yet robust, and some rules/limits that make it interesting (like the Structural Integrity/can collapse of 7 Days). If the building mechanics starts to feel too much like autocad or similar, I'm out. I recall reading something about NG+ having some benefit or reason one would want to rush to it (best armor set, upgraded powers, not sure), and ofc ships/other wouldn't carry over. Now, I don't expect everything to carry over, but if you were interested in NG+ for those reasons, ships and outposts and all that could seem not worth the time until then. eg, rush to NG+. But just early complaints I heard, dunno if accurate/still true. Just depends on the type of player one is. I could easily see myself wanting to rush to NG+ and having that be the actual "final" save I'd work on forever etc.
  9. Hmm. I wonder. Hmm. ....well, it's possible (re: "forcing" excessive base radius limit) but maybe not very advisable. Deleted the longest connector bridge to save building-parts count #'s, plus it's too far away for walkin' so I'd just fly to that mt. top anyway. I had to radius-glitch over there to build a landing pad first tho. Anyway, not sure I really like this result (I might change it) but it was kinda fun trying. Plus now I'm more knowledgeable in case I ever find a better "spot." ...now I just have to remember to always save/exit on the landing pad/ship, so I don't fall thru the floor on save-loading, like so often happens if you use a portable save-point beacon placed on a floor tile, instead. >.> Edit: It'd be cool to build an entire "city" in the sky, filling up that whole space between pillars, but there's this parts-limit per base - 3000 if you want to upload/share it - and a total parts for entire single save (20k?). You can reach that really quickly if you go crazy. EVERY power connecting wire you use counts as a "part", stuff like that.
  10. Well, I wasn't completely incorrect - Three Body is coming to Netflix, but it's not that Chinese version I was watching. It's their own thing "from the creators of Games of Thrones." I don't know - there were pacing issues with that first half of the C drama, but the visuals were really interesting - the netflix trailer looks more (US) generic. It might be more easily digestible. And it's expensive - 200million for 8 episode season (don't know it covers "everything" or if more seasons are planned). It might be interesting to compare a bit.
  11. Hubby's gone for 3-4 days and thus I will be extra extra bored. Hardeharhar. Think I'm going to take advantage of is absence to deep clean and declutter and debox all the boxes that are still boxed. Always feel rude doing it when he works from home now, the noise and other factors. Plus I find it more motivating to do such chores with loud music playing which isn't possible when he's here. Pfft. I have tossed tons of things the past few years, not minimalism but I'd like to be closer to that - at this point any just in case thingamajig I can buy a new one if I need one years later - but there's still always way too many things I keep because they're not easily replaceable (or not at all). And memories ofc. I have to get over that and just toss 'em anyway.
  12. Is it Feb. 22nd yet? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1458140/Pacific_Drive/ Based on some "influencer" early gameplay commentaries, I do have one major reservation - how stressful/timed and frequent are certain aspects. I mean it's fine if you're jump-scare attacked and have to figure the methods/way to safety/not fail, I just don't want an actual clock timer. One first impressions vid I saw said it was a lot less focused on "horror" than the trailers may lead one to believe, much more on exploration/crafting, which would be fine with me. At any rate - I'm interested.
  13. Pretty much it for me as well, except I never return to them, and each one I tried, that initial kinda-fun phase grew shorter and shorter. ...if I ever do try it, I'm going to use one of those non-human companion mods. Like the Dogmetal one. ...although Keyrock has now made me almost masochistically interested in experiencing the Great Potato Famine just to see for myself.
  14. Heh, yeah, I used to buy this jam, and have a shelf full of the jars. The work great, although they are a bit ... dribbly. With the hand arthritis stuff really large fridge-storage I've capitulated and have a few of those hard clear plastic type wares, because of weight. >.> I figure I probably still have all kinds of trace residue from later banned chemicals, those ones that linger for decades. Haha. It might be interesting to have one of those types of blood analysis' done to find out. Maybe I don't wanna really know, tho - too late now.
  15. Oh, yeah, I've always used wooden spoons/metal utensils. Hubby has this one cheap plastic wide spatula that he's had for 30 years and won't toss but otherwise. I also bought a lot more glassware/storage containers, don't heat plastic in the microwave, tried other variations of non-stick cookware that's made now and the only nonstick I'm concerned with to begin with is frying pans, everything else is non-coated metal, ceramic crockpot, all that. But almost everything non-produce in a(US) grocery store comes in plastic, wrapped in plastic, maybe a plastic inner lining coating of some sort etc. Certain things come in glass jars but not tons. My mother would always save things like plastic butter/other food containers to use over, so it wouldn't be landfill trash, and I've always done that but then now you wonder if you should be storing food in them (so I don't anymore) and ... can't win. I meant the blood-brain barrier aspect specifically, not mirco plastic/plastic contamination is harmful general. Seemed like the stuff I read where some tests were confirming particles were small enough to bypass that (vs. theory) was a few years or so old. But I didn't specifically research that, just random articles.
  16. More than fair enough. I think my point was mostly that trying to avoid microplastics (in modern civilization) at the moment is kind of a lost cause. Especially for an older person like myself. I mean it may improve 20-50 years from now with more bans, laws, manufacturing changes. But I picture some reading such articles and thinking if they mostly stop using bottled water they will be "safe." Tap water is likely to have a lot of microplastics in it, as well, at this point - although probably less than bottled water - and most consumer "water filters" use ... well, plastics of some sort. I believe the knowledge/studies re: microplastics breaching the blood-brain barrier is relatively newish and it's still unclear exactly how much ... er, saturation level? ... is significant re: serious/much higher health risks. Between that and all the other chemicals most of us - especially in larger metro areas/lifestyles ofc - are likely absorbing/already have within, I've even seen mention re: the safety/viability of general blood donating in some future date, assuming nothing changes. But that last is quite speculative, of course. It was an interesting speculation tho. Edit: disclaimer, am not any expert on plastics or polluted human blood. Just vague remembrances of articles I've read during periods of time where allergies made me want to reduce plastic materials in the home/life. Outside of non-"plastic" bedding/blankets and most of my clothes (robe not included), I sorta gave up.
  17. I'm suddenly picturing a breaking news story re: store employees chasing after some crazed man rampaging through a grocery store with an armful of stolen potatoes. ...I've definitely had moments in games like that. So frustrating.
  18. Yup, pretty much. Also, with the seeming rash/trend of retiring/"I'm quitting YT" videos, I was relieved that dunkey is not, in fact, quitting. ...I will miss Tom Scott tho, and his exit video was pretty epic.
  19. Is anyone else having "loading lag" response times a lot, recently? Clicking threads, logging in/out, hit post button, hit edit button, etc. As usual, could just be me or some browser setting I use or whatever, so just asking - although I'm not having similar issues re: other websites/forums. Hence, checking-in.
  20. Still occasionally glance around Steam for other sandboxy games. Apparently, just like with most other genres, in my old-fartness I'm too picky and thus I can't find anything I think I'd like. Thus Still occasionally No Man's Sky. I created a save/chr. whose express purpose was supposed to be actually rushing the main quest line to *finish* that, and teleporting to the supposed slightly higher odds of "lush" planets galaxy. Thus, one main chr. in starting Euclid, and one chr. hopping around in a 2nd galaxy. But 50ish hours later, that chr. is sitting at the final main quest (that aspect wasn't even close to 50 hrs, just to say) and every time I load in I do anything *but* finish that last quest/step. I have no idea why I'm so reluctant to do it. I just get to that point, have a junker ship/weapon ready to use (there's a reason for that) etc. But then ... "nah."
  21. ^ Note to self: if I ever get this game, create/get mod for "all vendors have 10+ potatoes". Re: traversal - I remember something about open world/exploration design, some "rule" of having some POI (building, town, extraordinary view, animal crossing, field of pickables, bandits, whatever) every 5 minutes (or 10, or 15, or whatever it was) in any direction from another POI. And part of why some games feel more engaging/fun to romp around in is they are mostly following that "rule". Because, at least for me, after a point, it doesn't matter how much fun the travel method is, if there's nothing interesting to see/do/look at. Even if they're following that "rule", the problem with foot travel .... they're probably basing that time on horse/car travel, not foot. I like staying on foot because I don't like having to get in/out, on/off of some mount/car every 3 minutes to pick a flower or mine a rock. EDIT: I don't expect foot travel to be as fast as a vehicle, but jeez, it's a game, can't we at least speed-walk.
  22. Headlines were telling me that there's a gajillion more plastic micro-mirco particles in even 1 liter of bottled water than previously thought. Which of course is probably not a great thing for anyone's long term health. Is this supposed to be a scary revelation? *unwraps a plastic wrapped piece of sugarless candy to eat* *drinks a drink from glass/metal that probably still has oodles of micro-plastic in it because of the water filtering they do in factory* *drinks home-carbon filtered water that still likely has plastic because of filter structure in the metal unit, but hey at least it tastes better* *wearing a robe largely made of "plastic"* *walks on carpet largely made of "plastic"* *sits in a room with a bunch of heated plastic all day* I'm still waiting for the 3rd arm mutation. Which would actually be handy. Two arms is so limiting. Humans should've evolved with more redundancy, darnit.
  23. While it was ok for what it was/trying to be/the times etc, the only reason to watch Cat From Outer Space was the cute kitty, during a time before YouTube. That Society of the Snow film was pretty good. Took a few liberties at the end re: the real event, but minor. It's a lot less over-dramatic than most, although there are bits. Occasionally the scene switch edits felt a bit abrupt. One of the more interesting things the film did was tell most of it more from the perspective (he does all the VO narrating as well) from one of the young men who did not actually survive, vs. the two who hiked out/brought rescue. I'd give it something like 6.5-7/10 perhaps, if you like based on real disaster movies.
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