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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. Isn't that considered a crime in some nations?
  2. A bit more of a struggle wouldn't have hurt, but I guess it was simple a means to make it more sad, or disturbing.
  3. Instead they're just shot in the back and cut down like worthless punks. (I really felt sad for the Master in the fighter). Hope there's some cut footage out there.
  4. When the bastard Anarkin wiped out the Jedi Temple and the kids, I had a near misty eyed moment, albeit not quite.
  5. Yeah, I mean, Obi just cut off 3 of the mans limbs, I'd hate his ass too if it was me. :D
  6. I see, well it was all freaking sad anyway. Also when the clones shoot down that Jedi Master with the rebreather mask, always thought he was a cool cat. I guess it was more how helplessly cought off guard they were, than the fact that they got wasted.
  7. Who are all those Jedis, dear Kaftan? Characters from the EU or what?
  8. Just got back from seeing it (finally), and I thought it was pretty good actually. I wasn't very pleased with EPI due to Jar Jar, and didn't care much for EPII due to uber bad performances by Hayden and Natalie, but he redeems himself somewhat in this one, while Natalie is still horrible imo. On the whole I felt very bad for all the Jedi in the scenes where 'Order 66' is carried out, particularly when all the 'younglings' (silly name, but nm) are about to get killed, not to mention the numerous Masters who are backstabbed by their own troops. I guess that's also why I didn't have any remorse for Anarkin, after Obi cuts off both legs plus an arm in a single swipe, and leaves him to fry... THATS WHAT U GET FOR CUTTING OFF A BAD MOFO LIKE SAM JACKSONS HAND, BIIAAATCH!... Unfortunately, the punk survives, but Obi really stands out as the hero of this film, good performance by Ewan too. Right, one tiny winy question: Now that the Droids are defeated/shut down, does the Clones fight the Wookies then? What happens? Thanks. ^_^
  9. :D Who was Volourn? That old guy who was also in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?
  10. Nooo, really? I cringed the first time I heard it, how and why it ever made it into the top 10 is beyond me... and did you notice the recurrent red shoe theme? (w00t)
  11. Yeah, there should be a delete option in there somewhere.
  12. Figured, Denmark and Norway gave eachother 12 as always Sweden however, well they just didn't do very well. Norway only gave them 1, which is very unusual. (w00t)
  13. Well EPI would probably have been good if they had killed off the commercial spoof known as Jar Jar Binks. And in EPII they should have gone with different actors for Amidala and Anarkin, imo.
  14. Indeed, they should just sing in their own languages, I never listen to lyrics half the time anyway. :D Denmark is doing better than I expected though, I have no idea what they see in that song. :">
  15. Yeah, Norways 80ish German rock thingie is really funny. But I really hate the Danish contribution, it's really embarrasing. However, I enjoy songs that stay true to their national roots, singing in their own languages is definately a plus for me. I'm also somewhat fond of oriental tunes. ^_^
  16. Lets see, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are all there. I say Denmark gives Norway 12, Norway gives Denmark 12, Sweden gives either Denmark or Norway 12 and 10.. They, in turn, both give Sweden 10. Isn't that how it usually is, or does Sweden also get a 12 now and then?
  17. To be honest I haven't seen it yet, I'm looking foward to it though. But in all fairness to Hayden, I actually do think Portman was worse than him in AoTC, so I have no doubt that you're correct.
  18. LOL :D My favorite was Jabbas pimp gold chain, Jar Jars rappin'... OMG I almost cried.
  19. ^_^ I always wanted Obi to swing his saber at Jar Jar, but alas. Speaking of Obi, can anyone identify the face on this Obi?
  20. (w00t) (w00t) "Why do I get the feeling that we've picked up another pathetic life form?"
  21. I've never seen this Nos monster... Is this it? "
  22. I don't do illegal copies myself, not because it would hurt the industry, but simply due to the fact that I prefer to see movies in the cinema, and actually have DVD cover n' all that special features shi t they usually jam in there. ^_^
  23. Calling Anarkin gay is offencive to gay people, really. I mean, how could this uber cool black clad dude with the deep mofo voice from the old films end up having been so... whiny? I wish there was a cry emote to display how whiny I think he is.
  24. Ahh the bliss of the ignore option, freedom from f***ed up nazi trolls and their ilk should never be underestimated. :D On a related note, I just thought this little clip with Bush literally surprising his own director of the CIA was rather funny. ^_^ Whaaaaaaaat?
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