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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. We'll I've already stated my opinion on that matter, so I won't repeat myself. However, here is where our fundamental disagreement lies, I think: I'm not ashamed, and I do not think it is right for a government to lie before the entire world in order to get things their way, especially in a matter as serious as declaring war. Who knows, I might have a different stance on the matter if they had just come out and said "these people are being oppressed, we're gonna help them".
  2. Okay, is it a good comic then? Is it canon? ^_^
  3. I've heard of his past, yes, but that doesn't change the 30 or so minutes of glee I experienced in this hearing.
  4. That is, indeed, silly. North Korea's leader is outrageously unstable I think, one of the more silly things he did recently was to outlaw long hair, people should cut their hair to match true socialist haircuts... Somewhat like his own, I imagine?
  5. "Not if we don't have to" - Oh but isn't all this about bringing our form of government, and our views of freedom to the rest of the world anymore? What determines if a country is fit for purification? Is it that Dubya & Co knows that North Korea actually possesses WMD's to use against possible invaders and Iraq didn't? :D
  6. Sure they did, but they would never have been allowed to launch an invasion based on "we're going in there to liberate them poor Iraqis" alone, they just needed an excuse, a really good one, the ultimate lie... hmm; "Threat to the international community in the forms of deadly biological and chemical warheads plus a possible nuclear program?" You got it! :D
  7. You may try to twist and spin it in whichever way you please, of course, but I know what I saw presented before the Security Council, it was the biggest laugh I had that day, truely amusing, not to mention feeble. I guess a lot of the people on the council thought so too. :D
  8. I know what Sarin gas is and what it can do, the fact of the matter is, however, that the amount found didn't make Saddam the kind of international threat we were told he was. (I remember Bush whining about Biological and chemical weapons in large amounts?) It's convenient that the war was now 'always' about the freedom of Iraqis and not WMD's, according to some people in the American right. However, If you really want to take on a dangerous nation oppressing its people and which actually possesses weapons of mass destruction (unlike Iraq), why don't you tour past North Korea next time? Or don't the poor people of NK deserve freedom as much as Iraqis?
  9. A few Desert Storm era mortar shells with Sarin gas is not WMD's, sorry mate, the war was illegal.
  10. Kaftan, that picture you had in your first post on this thread, is it from some kind of comic or what?
  11. For the record, I think the war is illegal, but that guy really isn't too bright for writing those things. However, Mr Stupid Fox News guy, whom I've seen before in an interview where he behaves almost as immature as this, is equally stupid. I mean, he believes the US soldiers in Iraq are fighting for the ability to have free speech and liberty? Does that include the Danish contingent down there as well? Because I'm fairly sure they don't know that, someone outta tell em! :D
  12. Of course, you are joking arent you? (when you say "finish skywalker off" i assume you mean kill him and not... something else) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Riiiigt.
  13. Speaking of frogspawn, who was that female Yoda on the council in EPI? What happened to her? Was it Yodas girlfriend? Did he eat her? ANSWERS PLEASE! (w00t)
  14. But I would still like to see the Qui-Gon/Yoda conversation on screen though... Ahh Qui-Gon/Yoda.
  15. Do you guys know if Qui-Gon was originally in RoTS or not? He's part of the script at least, but I have no idea if this was filmed: 222 INT. POLIS MASSA-OBSERVATION DOME-NIGHT On the isolated asteroid of Polis Massa, YODA meditates. YODA: Failed to stop the Sith Lord, I have. Still much to learn, there is ... QUI -GON: (V.O.) Patience. You will have time. I did not. When I became one with the Force I made a great discovery. With my training, you will be able to merge with the Force at will. Your physical self will fade away, but you will still retain your consciousness. You will become more powerful than any Sith. YODA: Eternal consciousness. QUI-GON: (V.O.) The ability to defy oblivion can be achieved, but only for oneself. It was accomplished by a Shaman of the Whills. It is a state acquired through compassion, not greed. YODA: . . . to become one with the Force, and influence still have . . . A power greater than all, it is. QUI-GON: (V.O.) You will learn to let go of everything. No attachment, no thought of self. No physical self. YODA: A great Jedi Master, you have become, Qui-Gon Jinn. Your apprentice I gratefully become. YODA thinks about this for a minute, then BAIL ORGANA enters the room and breaks his meditation. BAIL ORGANA: Excuse me, Master Yoda. Obi-Wan Kenobi has made contact. I, for one, would like to see this. Liam Neeson is cool. ^_^
  16. Hehe, dunno how that 'r' slipped in there. But yeah, you're right. Add whiny though, but nowhere near as annoying as he was in AoTC imo.
  17. Ooooh....there.....there........men I was only kidding - that about you being a whining crybaby .... P.S. I wasn't kidding about the scene...... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> U evul evul person! But again, I sat with great glee and watched your boy Anarkin burn, laying on the ground with no limbs like another Black Knight from Monty Python. :D However, looking back on RoTS now, there was this one scene with with Anarkin and Padme sharing "I love you" - "No I love you" - "No I love you more!" etc, that really made me cringe. GL shouldn't put people through stuff like this without warning. :'(
  18. Ooooh come on you whining crybaby :'( ....that scene was funny, in a sick and perverse way: Youngling (with that long puppy face): What are we going to do Master Skywalker, there is too many of them ..... Anakin - with that evil look on his face .....(Hayden is best when he says nothing) ...........lightsaber noise.......... .............Massacre................... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :angry: :'( :'(
  19. Well, how about.. NO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're just too good at this Kaftan. :D
  20. Indeed Jaq, so do I. But c'mon, Portman really is bad! I thought the rest was ok/good. Personally I can't understand how anyone could find the destruction of the Jedi (especially the younglings) amusing, I mean these are the ultimate good guys, they'd die to protect ya whereas the Sith would saber your ass for standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. :ph34r:
  21. I'd say Mace was more powerful than Gandalf, he almost pwned Darth Saruman who had tears running down his face.
  22. Thanks for the clarification, so now when do you know what is canon and what isn't? Are the books about the resurrected Emperor and Wong (gag) considered canon?
  23. No you're not, I can't stand the idea of this Wong invasion, destroying *everything* or whatever it is they do (can't remember completely), also the stuff about the resurrected/cloned Emperor is just plain lame to me. However, I do like a lot of the EU that takes place in between the films and long before EPI... By the way, I have a noobish question; what the hell does 'canon' mean?
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