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Everything posted by mistermannindy

  1. I'm sorry you missed this important piece of information, but they did inform us during the Fig campaign. One of the problems with the comment section of Fig - important elements get buried quickly. Nonetheless, this was something that Obsidian informed backers on.
  2. Thanks to the kind folks here I confirmed the pledge in the Backer Portal - still no news from Obsidian on this. Downloaded Tyranny and started a game this evening.
  3. Well if you pledged $5000 and named your pirate captain mistermannindy and the boat "mistermannindy's leaky bathtub" you'd effectively get in game recognition. I highly doubt that. I would sincerely hope the team learned from those horrible tombstones in POE1. Allowing me to use my forum name in-game would definitely break the 4th wall. I'd expect them to force me to select a name, or names, they've already concocted OR work with me to get an agreed-upon name. Yeah, I doubt "mistermannindy" but you're missing the forest for the trees. If your handle was lore friendly it could work and would effectively be in-game recognition. I see the forest, trust me. Yes, as a $5K backer I could create appropriately named content. A single pirate party name and a boat name. I just don't see why some people think this group is entitled to a larger game presence than someone who donated $5K.
  4. Well if you pledged $5000 and named your pirate captain mistermannindy and the boat "mistermannindy's leaky bathtub" you'd effectively get in game recognition. I highly doubt that. I would sincerely hope the team learned from those horrible tombstones in POE1. Allowing me to use my forum name in-game would definitely break the 4th wall. I'd expect them to force me to select a name, or names, they've already concocted OR work with me to get an agreed-upon name.
  5. Full disclosure - I haven't donated. I plan to come April. That being said, I do not want any in-game "recognition". Are any of the other "super backer" pledges getting in game recognition? Based on the $5k Build a Pirate Party description, this level gets to "create a band of pirates and design your own ship". "Your name appears in the Gold Backer section of in game credits". I see no mention of people getting in game recognition for selecting this level of pledge. If I donate $5k and purchase my own Pirate Party, I don't get any in game recognition, I don't see how this community effort differs from an individual's $5k pledge perks. That being said, I think the only name that should appear in the credits is "Black Isle Bastards" - anyone who donated knows they are a part of this community.
  6. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Raiment_of_Wael%27s_Eyes
  7. Signed. If the party can see the trap, they should be able to avoid it as they move past. Definitely harder to implement during battles, however.
  8. Here's an interesting exchange on FIG that gives some additional perspective.
  9. I just saw Fluffle updated the OP to say something that I feel is very important - something that's likely keeping people from donating. I'll reiterate it here. If this initiative fails to reach $5000 then ALL donations will be refunded IN FULL. This makes the initiative much more like a KS where you only pay if it funds. Great policy to implement, Fluffle!
  10. .... I hope Obsidian has tested this edge case before importing the data from FIG.
  11. Renaming could be tough. I envision the lore will reference these names. I also suspect dynamically changing the name to reflect customer changes will be more effort than it's worth.
  12. I think that mail sent to all backers at the end of countdown Yeah, I suspect you are correct. I checked my online account and see I was charged. I was expecting a confirmation from FIG. No biggie. Glad to see the transaction go through. Next up, backer portal and Tyranny codes.
  13. They indicated (on FIG comments) that they were working on this.
  14. Not yet - backer 23k I came here to ask the very same thing. Seems strange. If nothing happens by Monday, I'll contact support. To be clear - I received a message from FIG at 8:05PM (EST) last night saying my pledge was being processed and they would email me when collected.
  15. I really hope for something original. Female would be cool, I think. I have pretty high expectations of Obsidian - as they do of themselves. I look forward to seeing/hearing about where they'll take this once we hit that SG later today.
  16. It means that we are still on track Because Obsidian said that even if that happened they would still make our pirate crew if we manage to collect the $5000. Yep, that's how awesome they are. Just as they gave us an island for free DESPITE the fact that all island slots had been sold out already. Not to mention that normally we would have had to raise $5000 for an island. They really want us to succeed. .... and why I will likely contribute to this cause.
  17. Oh, sorry, I had assumed that "Join the Black Isle Bastards Crew" extra was for this. I'll redirect my money now Don't worry. Many people have. I almost made the same mistake. It's too bad really. I wonder how many people added that to their pledge and still don't know it has nothing to do with this initiative.
  18. I just noticed the "Build a Pirate Party" pledge level is sold out. Fluff, what does that do to your initiative?
  19. Which has nothing to do with this initiative. BUT thanks for backing Deadfire! If you want to support this initiative, you need to send Fluff a PayPal donation (in original post).
  20. Be specific - how are you defining "romances"? I think Josh's Valentines update answered what I needed to know. I expect these "romances" to be relationships - deep relationships in some cases that are cultivated over the course of the game. These relationships capture the deep emotion of adult interactions - love, hate, grief, loss, joy, elation, friendship, etc. I don't expect this to be a romance with the sole intention of NSFW interactions. I expect more from Josh and the team -- and the Valentines day update aligned with those expectations.
  21. I tend to agree. We've seen this humor angle before. I trust Obsidian to do this "right" (like the Romance/Relationship SG).
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