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Everything posted by Cyanida

  1. Well, I'm 39... which makes me one of the oldest around me thinks... dunno if that's a good or a bad thing around here though...
  2. Same one who did the Bao-romance flash =) I just looove her sense of humour! *wacks Atton over the head* "
  3. Heroes?! Hell, You'll be up to your necks in worshippers! *we're not worthy* type kind of thingie :D
  4. Or you send your husband off to buy a new harddrive so you won't have to delete all those files... And end up with even more KOTOR related files in your computer... "
  5. No, I really don't mind. I think this is so funny it ought to get spread as long as the credits goes where they belong. To Irien and her friends who put together this master piece .
  6. It's been moved to this location... http://web.telia.com/~u42704646/Kotor/
  7. Your drawings really are awesome!!!
  8. It's just too good not to be hosted somewhere...
  9. Well, here it is with Iriens' permission... enjoy it! http://web.telia.com/~u42704646/Kotor/
  10. You really are awesome Kyla!!! :D
  11. ... when you suddenly find youself writing fan fiction in your spare time... ... or all the wallpapers you've done end up with a KOTOR theme... :ph34r:
  12. Nope, but severe pain... for the last 7 years... although I don't look have as many scars as he does, but the ones I have aren't pretty.
  13. I'm joining the choir and applauding, this is just marvelous! :D I'll be eagerly waiting for your mod to be finished and will glady start a new game all over just not to miss out on any of the additions. This game deserves a better faith than it got! Keep up the good work and don't exhaust yourselves... oh wait .. please do.. so you finish early
  14. Darth Sion... wrong gender, but we got the pain in common...
  15. Still wondering where the iridonian stud muffin option is?
  16. We aren't mad you know! That complain about that would be just insane! (w00t)
  17. Hehe! This method is hillarious! The pictures were good too especially the ornithologist flaunting his bottom... where did you find them? Humor rules!
  18. Eh.. I think Hydro is short for hydraulic in this case. So some kind of future improved spanner with vast possibilities it seems.
  19. Bao-Dur of course!!! That Iridonian stud muffin... (w00t) (sorry for stealing your expression Ploobs, but it IS very suitable ) Will never get enough of that voice....
  20. Where's the "Let Bao-Dur get to work on you"-option? I mean... strip pazaak... *pfff* what's that to a real work-out? (w00t)
  21. Where are all the pointless half naked guys in this game? :D Girls with modding skills, get to work!
  22. I'd be very happy to see some good ones of Bao-Dur... been looking for something good with him to use as a wallpaper, but haven't been lucky yet.... So if you're up to it, please make some!
  23. ARGH! Reading this makes me cry... I've always loved the HK-47... he's just sooo lovable When getting the clues in game for this mission, I was like oh yeah... this is going to be fun! Hk-47 vs hk-50.... and then ... nothing... :angry:
  24. OMG! Bastila just annoyed the hell out of me in KOTOR1.... and I do hope I won't see much of her in a possible KOTOR3... *eeek*. Being female I prefer Mira's attitude and nice insight on how to get a mans attention :D Atris was just a wee bit less annoying than Bastila, same kind of I-know-it-all type as Bastila, and as easily corrupted by the DS.
  25. Would be fun to see if the Mandalore/Canderous fans makes one where you can get him to drop that armour of his... But remembering what he looked like in his boxers in KOTOR 1... I'll pass... Nice work though Irien! Great fun and now that's out of the system *ahem*
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