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Posts posted by View619




    folks being resistant to respec 'cause players other than themselves might actual use the respec is wholly irrational. think respec is a waste o' resources? sure, we get that, but whenever we hear the bass-ackwards philosophy o' the crpg purists who is offended by the indignity that a person they will never meet will possibly use respec in a game such as poe... well, we weep for future generations when we needs must read through such complaints.


    HA! Good Fun!

    Oh, Strawnir, as usual, no-one has made that argument. :lol:

    Actually there has been some that have made that argument in some threads concerning topic of respec in PoE, which was bit strange to me.

    I don't see what other argument there could be against respec, Luckmann, other than the aforementioned resource hog issue. What's your reasoning, then? What's wrong with them offering a respec option when changing core game systems that affect character builds? Does that impact your enjoyment of the game?



    "Immersion breaking"



  2. I wear it because it looks good (and does constant recovery really make a difference in combat? I can barely tell it's even there.) :)


    It's definitely noticeable in non-trivial fights. Fighters healing damage automatically is pretty huge, also makes fighters not focusing on max deflection reasonable.


    If you're really worried about the recovery of armour (non-fighter) then you need either higher dexterity or lighter armour, not armoured grace.

  3. Fighter's is constant recovery? :(


    What a wasted opportunity. I wanted Armored Grace; the very reason why my every protagonist is a Fighter.


    Well the biggest draw of a fighter is its staying power on the front lines, so Constant Recovery is a no-brainer. The spell casters should be the most challenging; chanters providing vanilla Summon Skeleton should be good enough and allows all casters to have some access to a summon spell.


    Something not covered in the update/video because it's not a super high profile feature is that we can scale base abilities and weapons much more easily now, so things like Holy Radiance, Arcane Assault, and Spiritshift weapons/armor can become more powerful as the character gains levels. These updates will also be in the next patch.

    not covered in the update were the anticipated changes to perception.  such a change would be a balancing rather than a new feature, so we ain't surprised by failure to mention. regardless,  can see clear from the video that 20 perception results in +10 accuracy and no deflection bonus.  is a significant change, no?


    is any chance we get developer confirmation, and perhaps some small explanation o' the reasoning behind the change to perception?




    HA! Good Fun!



    An attempt to balance deflection stacking while keeping Perception as a useful pick?

    1. Vastly improve enemy vision ranges; if I can see enemies and don't have some measure of improved stealth/long range vision then enemies should be able to see me. This is one of the features from IE games that should be included in POE, imo.

    Allow resting to fail if done with enemies around. It shouldn't be guaranteed safety to rest in the wilderness when Lions, Spiders and other nasties are prowling.

    Give shopkeepers a limited inventory and gold limit, unless it's something like food items from an Inn or potions from an Apothecary.

    Individual stealth mechanics so players (and enemies) are able to engage with a part of their force, then flank with the other for backstabs and other effects.

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