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Posts posted by View619

  1. I've been using the +50% aspect of IE mod now for my last three playthroughs, and it doesn't quite feel right.  I like how I'm no longer going to be level 12 right as I hit Act 3 as long as I'm doing every available quest, along with some Endless Path levels, but I don't like how I hit level 12 right as the game is ending.  It also makes classes that greatly benefit from levels 9 and 11 (which is the biggest boon, not level 12) comparatively weaker for a longer than needed period.  Honestly, 35% - 40% would be closer to the mark IMO


    Well, the original pitch (iirc) was that players would not hit max level unless they did a lot of side content. Otherwise, they would be around level 9/10 if they stuck to the main patch which is why the end game encounters seem balanced for a party of that level.


    Instead, we get lop-sided xp gain that completely contradicts the intended design goals.

    • Like 1
  2. I never kited in the old IE games anyway, was it still powerful/exploitative with SCS?


    Enemies will intelligently switch targets if you start kiting in SCS, but it's still pretty exploitative since you can just dance out of range with each new character. I like the fact that engagement penalizes recklessly running out of melee range like that, it's just that the punishment is pretty heavy handed.


    An increased accuracy, interrupting disengagement attack with a chance to Hobble would have been better, then the enemy could actually stick to you to prevent kiting. An instant, free, interrupting, increased accuracy and increased damage melee strike is way too steep.


    Hell, variable enemy disengagement attacks would have been nice too. 

  3. Using the Infinite Stash is optional, I limit myself to character inventory for everything except quest items/crafting supplies with no major problems. Of course, I also use the IE mod's Drop Item function so I'm not forced to keep whatever I want to replace. Also, avoiding enchantments to make found items a little more meaningful (itemization still needs work).


    Limited camping supplies is a great idea, I honestly think there should be greater restrictions on where you can camp (no resting with enemies about ala IE games). Custom companions are also great, since not everybody wants to use Obsidian's companions.

  4. Playing with 25% increased XP requirements for level up, 3 characters, and I reached level 12 only after doing 8 bounties, half of Act 3 quests and half of the Endless Paths on a fairly completionist playthrough. That's pretty great for me.


    Of course, you couldn't make this the default - then everybody not doing bounties or skipping some quests would get stuck at level 9 or something. The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be ten times as loud as now. 


    I thought the original idea was that you should be around level 9/10 if you do nothing but the critical path, max level if you go hard on the side content. Isn't this why a lot of end game content is balanced around level 10 parties?

    • Like 1
  5. Honestly, we are awarded for every action taken already:


    1. Exploration - the joy of finding a new area
    2. Combat - the joy (bear with me) of combat and filling beastiary lore.
    3. Traps - proceeding safely AND gaining a trap.


    There's literally zero reason for this other than trying to appeal to everybody, which is a mistake IMO. Niche titles and decisions are fine, look at the BG/IWD series and PS:T.


    Regarding the IE mod with xp requirement increase, it feels a lot better now. Outside of the ****ty AI, battles are proving to be more interesting in Act 2 and I may actually need to do side content to get my characters to "god" status.

  6. I'll be surprised if the devs ever look at the General Discussion threads again, this is truly sad. Also, funny that the thread this was made in response to will probably be ignored, resulting in that creator being forced to post as a part of an on-going discussion anyway.


    I hope somebody learned an important lesson from this.




    Out of curiosity, what are you thoughts on Serpent in the Staglands so far? 

  7. Well if one wishes to know the real story about Mr Roxor's review it's quite simple, the gentleman is a leading proctologist and seller of anal soothing products. Since releasing his review, sales of his creams and ointments have gone up by almost 75%, one can't help but appreciate such cunning.


    It looks like I'm in the wrong line of work! One review and immediate profit, time to learn from the industry leaders! 


    Yes, makes enough sense to me. Is there a forum rule against it ?


    What is important to me is that people who haven't played the game yet and stumble into the RPGCodec Review #1 topic, can later check that one-


    the truth about it.

    I'm sure people who haven't played the game are:
    1. Reading multiple reviews and seeing a combination of positives and negatives, like any game.
    2. Are able to form their own opinion regarding whether the game is good or bad.
    3. Unless they are from the Codex, have no idea who Roxxor (spelling) even is.


    Honestly, it sounds like you're afraid that this review will negatively impact sales or something. It's not important, just move along.

    I have to give props to that review writer though, he has a 40+ page thread of complaints and even made individuals go out of their way to make new threads in response. Forum manipulation at it's finest.


    I wonder what will happen when further negative reviews come out. Anyway feel free to continue feeding him, I'm sure others will follow soon.

    • Like 2

    Why create another thread for this review? Why is a random forum poster's review so important to you? Will this happen for every Codex-based review that isn't positive?

    I had to, or else my words would end up buried in 45something pages of poster vs poster arguments.


    And there isn't a matter of importance, rather than every man stating their views and be criticised for them.



    So, when somebody wants to add to an on-going discussion, they should create a new thread? That makes sense.

    • Like 2

    Since there's no modding sub-forum yet and the BB sub-forums have been closed, I'll just leave a link to the IE mod here. It would be a shame to see it become buried after all the work that went into it.




    There was an update on April 25th, does anybody know what's new?


    IEMod is a great start but I'd love to see a full blown ShadowKeeper for this game.  It's fun to create your own multi-class spec to solo and mess around with but

    it's a hassle to do it through the console.



    Well, I really use it for the quality of life improvements + that amazing solid UI. Haven't really messed around with the console, but no modding sub-forum means its existence gets lost beneath all the nonsense general discussion topics.

  10. New and improved attributes.


    Why not leave interrupt on Perception? You could make a squishy, ranged character focused on interrupts, so it has its uses. Or you could do increased ability range (for single target abilities) and interrupts, so it still applies to spell casters/units that don't care about interrupting.


    I like the spread overall, just Resolve seems weird with the endurance tacked on. If it could be attached to your Athletics skill, then that would be cool; Resolve may become a dump stat for tanks but 5/6 isn't bad.

  11. You could make "5 Foot Rule" a class talent that you can select at level 1 and on-wards for specific classes; Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin, Chanter, Monk. It could be assumed that some level of martial training is required to maintain a defensive posture while moving in battle. I would go for a modal with reduced movement here and eliminate the possibility of eating disengagement attacks, maybe even a nice animation of the unit walking backwards while it's active. This would prevent any potential issues due to AI path-finding as well, where the unit just decides to break the safety zone on a whim.


    For the other classes, just implement more general talents for improving defense vs disengagement attacks. This way if you wanted to build something like a hit and run Rogue who never stays still long enough to fully engage, the "5 Foot Rule" wouldn't completely invalidate the other talents.

  12. The main reason PoE has dump stats is because the system doubles up. Any of the four Defenses have two sources rather than one exclusive source, allowing dump stats in tanks. Intelligence pounds both Duration AND Area of Effect, when one of those could have gone elsewhere to make a dump stat more desirable.


    Full agreement, it feels like the system in place is designed to prevent hard, meaningful choices. Do I go all in with Deflection at the expense of Will\Reflex or do I select a more balanced initial spread and supplement it through the use of defensive talents? Well, I don't need to worry about it since I can improve all of those defenses through two attributes!


    Do I want a front-line melee character who focuses more on dealing damage (Might) or is about holding his ground with higher fortitude (Constitution)? Great, I don't need to choose there either!

  13. I would have preferred a Musketeer Class with the ability to dual wield pistols.


    Archer and Ranger should have been done with skills and talents.


    My last post on these boards.


    You can make a Musketeer already. Equipping multiple pistols and switching between them to get multiple shots (maybe take talents for quick switch and additional weapon slots) isn't good enough? You would still have to deal with reloading, so not sure what this would change. Also, the "Archer" role is already handled by the talents you choose, it was never really class-oriented.


    Regarding the OP, if you take away the Ranger's pet and allow any class to use it then is there any point in having the class? Maybe the class name should be changed to emphasize the importance of the pet to its play-style? I've personally always thought of a Ranger as the Hunter, not necessarily the Archer.


    Regarding the (frequent) complaint that animal companions are too weak/fall in battle all the time, you're not using it properly. Unless you build a defensive bear, it was never meant to hold the line.

  14. I like the ideas behind the topic, I'll throw in my two cents just to add to this discussion:


    1) Regarding Movement Restriction and Engagement


    The penalties for disengaging need to be toned way down, maybe a normal accuracy strike with a chance at applying Hobbled so the melee character can stick once he's inside. Also, some type of modal ability (talent or otherwise) that allows you to slowly move during combat (think stealth movement) with no risk of triggering disengagement attacks, that way you can reposition without the possibility of running out of melee range at full speed like BG/IWD.


    There are ways to discourage reckless movement without taking a cane whip to the player's backside every time he tries.


    2) Regarding combat state 


    I'm not sure if it's due to a challenge in development, but this is really causing a lot of problems imo. The inability to drink potions outside of combat, no pre-buffing (this isn't an issue without the ability to rest spam), the loss of buffs once combat ends leading to relatively useless wizard spells, inability to approach encounters in varied ways by opening with different tactics, etc. In practice, it's very restricting and adds very little to the game when you look at the big picture.


    3) Regarding attributes and dump stats


    Dumped stats need to have a greater penalties, possibly double the rate of loss for every attribute below 10? Every build will have stats you want to maximize, but I don't think it should be possible to dump without seeing a noticeable difference between characters. For example, a high deflection tank with dumped might should be the bitch in any encounter that involves a lot of fortitude-based attacks, while a more balanced tank would be more reliable. This may be due to poor encounter design more than anything else, though.



    Class/talent balance is an issue that wouldn't be fully explored until the game released. Now that it's been a month, I expect some changes will be forthcoming.




    Fixed the line about movement.

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