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Posts posted by View619



    Yes because it echoes your own hyper-negative views that you want to discuss ad nauseum for some reason.


    Poor ROI




    Oh and the reason is because I see you and others trying to poison the PoE well, actively trying to hurt its sales as far as I can tell, and I refuse to let you people have your little echo chamber of negativity.


    Hahah, oh man. How old are you?


    A bit of negativity on one forum and one thread of a different forum isn't going to do squat, plus I've already given the game a lot of positive exposure over the last two years, particularly around the release date with my character creation videos and contribution to the IE mod.


    If I wanted to truly be 'harmful' (in a laughable way) I would remove my videos from the internet. Why would I bother doing that?



    The better question is how old are you?  An adult would accept that things didn't work out the way they wanted and would get over it.



    Is it that difficult to understand that people will be upset and forums are for discussing both negative and positive view points? There will be people "poisoning the POE well" for months to come and there's nothing you can do about it.


    So, the majority of IWD/BG veterans hate POE? Serious question, can we get some statistics on this that don't point to this group being a "handful of people"?

    For what it's worth, general notion from three RPG dedicated boards I poke in on somewhat regular basis is that BG fetishists hate PoE; BG veterans find it to be kinda okay but requiring loads of additional work to shine; people having vague idea of BG either like it very much or hate it just as much.


    I don't claim that it's statisitically representative, but notion stands.


    Edit: typos



    Yeah, that seems fair enough.

  3. "Funny : As BG was released 1998 the Gold box lovers hated BG the same way like the IWD/BG-tards talk about PoE now."


    No.  You are taking a ahdnful of people and making it sound like theyw ere the majority. LMAO


    So, the majority of IWD/BG veterans hate POE? Serious question, can we get some statistics on this that don't point to this group being a "handful of people"?


    I agree with reviewer that Blood Legacy quest resolution felt ideologically forced. I'd kindly ask devs to add ability to side with Lord Harond completely.

    Dude. The guy

    raped his niece to impregnate her and get himself an heir, and then effectively held her hostage and dragged her through the countryside under false pretenses waiting for the child to be born.



    You can already choose to kill either, neither or both of them. Is that not enough choice?

    Why would you need an option to pat the guy on the back for what he did.



    Role-playing. Maybe my character has no problem with it and would have done the same in similar circumstances? Waidwen's Legacy seems pretty serious, after all.

    • Like 2
  5. I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't in for a good deal of disappointment. A Dance With Dragons wasn't nearly as bad as thought it was the first time I finished reading it, but after six years of hyping myself it was probably impossible to meet my own expectations. Stupid expectations.


    Although maybe that is GRRM's tactic. He just dallies around for so long that nobody expects the books and suddenly wham, we get them and are happy enough getting them. Hah, George, I'm onto you, you're found out. ;)


    Ha, that would make sense. Make them wait and (hopefully) forget about it for a bit, then boom! Happiness and rave reviews all around.

    • Like 1

    Why do we need to convince people that they actually like POE when they have said (and explained) that they don't? It's just one game and people are going to dislike it, life goes on.


    Enough about POE, let's get back to Star Trek and Song of Ice and Fire discussion!

    I'm not sure such thing is even possible original.gif I mean, convincing people not liking something that they actually like it or should like it.


    I just asked if we can stop calling the thing a **** just because we don't like it since tends to piss off people who actually liked it. It'd do wonders to cure some butthurted around here. Or do you think we need more butthurt?


    Btw, this applies to the opposite as well, e.g. fanboying and the like.



    Well, it's a matter of perspective really. If somebody is expecting POE to be as good as or surpass BG2, but then find many inferior and flawed aspects when compared it's not really surprising that they'll say it is ****. I just wish people would stop getting worked up over the opinions of others, as if that somehow makes the game worse for them, but Internet?


    Anybody getting butt-hurt over the Codex review, for example, just needs thicker skin. There will be many vocal people who think POE is awful, either ignore them or take the good points out of their arguments and discuss them with the hopes that future patches/expansions will be aimed at resolving some of the issues.




    Enough about POE, let's get back to Star Trek and Song of Ice and Fire discussion! 



    So, do you think GRRM will release The Winds of Winter before season 6 of the show rolls around? If you watch the show and read the books, what would you do then, get yourself spoiled (GRRM did tell the showrunners how it is supposed to end) or ignore it?  :dancing:





    Well, I do like watching the show just to see how some key events from the books play out (love some of the character designs, too). With GRRM's timeline though, I'll have to ignore the series starting next year. I'm convinced that there's no way the series can do justice to excitement I have for The Winds of Winter.


    It sounds like he could finish TWoW either late 2015 or early 2016 right now, but there's no way A Dream of Spring is hitting shelves before season 7. :(




    I like Star Trek (TNG & DS9) and A Song of Ice and Fire (books), and wanted to be a part of the discussion. :(

    A Feast for Crows was a slow point in the books, for sure. Regarding Star Trek, I actually liked DS9; really slow beginning but it picks up. I'm afraid I got to TOS pretty late, I couldn't get through Season 2 due to the corny planet settings (like Mobster World).

    • Like 1
  7. Turn based combat just works better in party based CRPGs IMHO. Look at Blackguards, Divinity: OS or Telepath Tactics as recent examples.

    And while BG1 & BG2 brought back D&D to the PC - I still prefer Pool of Radiance (Goldbox series) turn based combat.


    Good RTwP or RT combat in party CRPGs is possible, but I knew only a few that are really challenging & fun: Rage of Mages 1 & 2 comes to my mind.


    Telepath Tactics isn't a CRPG, it's an SRPG in the same vein as Fire Emblem. There's no true exploration or anything that would categorize it as a CRPG imo.


    If you design for RTwP then it can work as well as any TB solution. There's no point in the team going to turn-based after designing for and developing a system for RTwP, that's just scrapping work that's already been done. They need to improve their RTwP implementation for the future and worry about TB for their next title.


    It's a (polished) mediocre game that I don't like. The above average bits are non-gameplay related.


    The best thing about it is clearly the art. However I do enjoy playing games more than looking at them.



    I don't like --> mediocre. You of all people...


    Let's say it has RTwP combat designed below average level on all accounts and call it a day without jumping to conclusions about overall quality of the game? I don't want to sound ungrateful for all your really hard work and passion you poured into the beta, but you decided you don't like the game long before it was done.



    Why do we need to convince people that they actually like POE when they have said (and explained) that they don't? It's just one game and people are going to dislike it, life goes on.


    Enough about POE, let's get back to Star Trek and Song of Ice and Fire discussion! 

    • Like 1
  9. Why tie stealth to a stat when there's already an ability for it, which you can choose to boost on level up? I think the stealth system in general needs to be re-examined, where the only way to re-position after seeing a group of enemies is with a stealthy character. Anybody with low stealth that sees units on the edge of the FOW should immediately be thrown into combat, imo. This assumes group stealth is changed to allow individuals to remain hidden when combat begins though; current stealth just feels like a place-holder implementation that the devs haven't bothered fixing, imo (this seems to be true for many things in the game).


    Not sure range and vision needs to be a stat either, maybe tie it to one of the abilities. Also, no real point in separating Endurance from Health when they are essentially the same thing, only one is short term and the other long term. I do like the idea of tying deflection to one stat only so it's harder to stack, maybe put AOE on Perception instead of Vigor as well?


    How about...


    Might: +% Damage, + Fortitude

    Vigor: + Health, + Endurance (flat integers so they matter for priests, mages, etc)

    Dexterity: +% Action Speed

    Perception: + Interrupt, +% AOE, + Reflex

    Intelligence: +% Duration, + Will

    Resolve: +% Healing, + Concentration


    Let talents handle deflection gains imo, it's basically the "accuracy" of defensive builds at the moment. Also, simplify Vigor and make the defensive talents actually matter by reducing the ability to gain one defense through multiple attributes.

    There would need to be a re-examination of the hit/graze resolution system to make taking one defense over another matter as well.

  10. What I don't understand is why people that don't like a certain game insist on going on the forums and whining about it. Just go play something you like. Why waste time on something you don't enjoy?


    It's attention grabbing. Honestly, I'm more surprised that people are concerned about a group of players disliking a game; this is true for every game, even the BG series. POE is a commercial success, that's all that really matters. 


    The set of posts about "writing on the wall" is pretty funny though. 

    • Like 1




    The nexus account creation is a bit confusing, i will agree with you on that there....Like i said, i agree that the option to do so is not made obvious at all, probably in a ploy to get as much people to actually pay $$$ as they can, but next time read instead of raging.

    Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites.


    Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting.


    Yeah you do have a great point and on top of that, wtf? is it really so hard for Obsidian to just create the IE mod themselves and then just give it to the consumer and say you can use this tool or not its up to you wether you want to use it or not, why do I have to go through Nexus and go through all the hassle of registration to obtain this is my quesion?? and weirdly enough, im now getting denied acess to the file because, the account I just registered with Nexus isnt working??



    Obsidian has nothing to do with the IE Mod, they have no responsibility to make your life easier with regards to obtaining or manipulating it. If you have a problem downloading it, speak to somebody on the Nexus or kindly ask a modder to provide a separate mirror.


    The sense of entitlement is truly ridiculous.


    Do you work for Obsidian?



    Good luck getting assistance, I'll continue to download, update and enjoy the IE mod for my personal use.


    Yeah, the real disappointment will come after you finally get that blade forged, and it hits you that you just utterly wasted your time...because you could have crafted an identical blade out of any Esoc you found way back in act 1. :::: shakes head :::

    You can? I haven't touched enchanting in a while, but I was under the impression that you can't add stuff like speed or dt penetration.



    Outside of Fine/Superb/Exceptional qualities, you can't add speed or DR penetration.

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