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Posts posted by View619

  1. An painter/illustrator by the name of Jason Seow has done some nice ones matching the actual head models on his website, here.


    Especially handy for Godlike players, although there's also a great female wild orlan portrait, and one portrait specifically intended for characters wearing the Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil helm.


    (also you can play Josh Sawyer the barbarian)


    More like Paladin Josh Sawyer, from the Order of Balance. I really hope that breastplate becomes an item somewhere down the line.  

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  2. There is no way for the developers to stop you from abusing per rest abilities by resting after every fight, just like there is no way other than Trial of Iron to stop save scumming. Just because the game lets you does not mean that you should.


    Every game ends up with a broken economy, PoE is not any different. They do go ahead and just give you a limitless stash as playing inventory management was a pain in the old IE games. Just think of it as a team of mules that carry your stuff. Set it to limit access to only in camp or towns and it works fine.


    You need to exercise self restraint.


    Funny enough, Trial of Iron doesn't really prevent you from save-scumming if you really want to. Quitting during battles reloads the last auto-save; I assume that's there to prevent lost saves due to system errors or power loss.


    Right forum. I didn't know and I wouldn't have found it out (I'm pretty shure, that is grammatically wrong) on my own.


    There's a lot of things I'm interested in, and that I'll probably not hear about, but that doesn't mean that it should be posted here just so I do. Me wanting to hear about it has nothing to do with whether this is the appropriate place or not. I want to hear heavy metal every day. The hospital nursery is not the right place.



    Unless it's a lullaby rendition?



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  4. That being said, it could make for an interesting challenge mode if you had a Trial of Iron type of setup where your stat points got assigned at random once (no rerolls) and then you had to ironman it through the game on what the dice gave you. It's something you could set up yourself with a handful of d6s, come to think of it...hm, kinda tempted now actually.


    Solid idea, I'm going to try this on a future play-through. Roll an MC and some companions with a couple of d6 and play with that.

  5. A Rogue focusing on deflection is terrible imo, the poor base deflection will just result in a sub-par total or sacrificing the class's major advantage to put them at an acceptable level through talent selection.


    If you really want a Rogue that won't keel over on the front-lines, give it the ability to disengage consistently. That's done by increasing disengagement defense or fast attacks with a high interrupt chance. 

  6. I got a solid 18 hours out of this game which is about 5 more than I got out of Bioshock Infinite (which was $60) so I'm satisfied. 


    I made 2 or 3 characters to figure out how to play the game, then went with an elven ranger. When I died, at least half of my party was level 5, about 14-15 hours into the game. I was being pretty careful to sweep town centers for quests and thought I was handling what I was coming across pretty well, with one out of area exception I managed to run from (tons of drakes coming from the craters). 


    After a short questline and a battle where I brought some research papers to the compass, I returned to town to find a bunch of clockwork golems of one kind or another had taken over the area. I thought I might be able to walk away from it, but doing so seemed too stupid and disingenuous to the spirit of the game, so I went in to the building and tried to clear it.


    My party had nothing that I could throw at them. Once I had a party member drop, I was stuck, because of course you know, no man gets left behind. I tried a number of different techniques to split up the enemy, but at the end, I was too low on spells and health and one isolated creature wiped my four remaining characters.


    So here are my problems with the game for hardcore:


    Can't retreat from areas during combat.


    Too many enemies have non-sense run speeds.


    Can't abandon a party member even when rescue is hopeless.


    Enemies can't be coaxed around the map AND NPCs won't move to help you. The combination is these silly, isolated battles within earshot of one another.


    All together, the play feels like I'm in a straight jacket.


    This game has about zero replay value because everything spawns the exact same way. That's all fine. I was having a ball. I just don't understand why you would bother with a hardcore setting at all when the game is clearly no set up for it without reading spoilers and running from urgent plot points.


    Like I said, I had a good time with the game. The 15 hours I played continuously with my character were good. I'm just not going to run at this thing again until I look up some mods or something to fix it.


    Have fun.


    Instead of complaining about Iron Man (I assume) when you haven't even beaten the game, how about turning it off so you can reload? If you want reloads, play without the option. This post just comes off as a standard rant and rage quit.

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  7. If you feel you need more than 1 tank, PotD or otherwise, you need to work on your pre-combat positioning and initial attacks. You absolutely do not need more than 1 tank for anything in PoE. The off-tank is really just there for catching strays when something goes wrong, but mostly for bashing heads in.


    Unless you can find a doorway where only one character fits in the entrance while enemies literally line-up and wait, and cannot move past your tank (even when engaged), then you need more than one "tank", a front-line unit who focuses on maintaining a defensive line vs the enemy, in POTD.


    Unless it's only possible due to the IE mod AI option, enemies will run around your one tank and rush more viable targets now, no longer tripping over each other to get at the "tank" if possible. POTD has too many enemies for one unit to hold back without very narrow choke points. I have seen enemies literally dance around the engagement circle of a front-line unit just so they can get a clear path to back-line characters, they no longer ignore the rest of your party.


    If I recall correctly, you don't play on POTD since you're not a fan of inflated stats for the sake of difficulty. With respect, I would suggest trying it with the latest patch before making that assumption. 

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