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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. Actually during Desert Shield/Storm we did have "cultural sensitivity" training. It usually was just about what not to do so no one got offended. Dont drink in public, don't swear, dont leave porno mags out where they could be seen. We were in the middle of nowhere with nary a drop of alcohol to be found so there was small chance of getting into trouble there. But I heard the Saudi miltary guys would pay as much as $100 US for a recent issue of Hustler.
  2. Because they're being lied to. Though "lied" may be too harsh. Dissemination of faulty or biased information isn't always intentional. What? You don't think the xenophobia that the average American has towards Islam might have a little to do with it? Geez, the guy is accused of attending an Islamic school like he spent a year in a terrorist training camp. We send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan without even training them on the culture of the people they are supposed to be helping. We have politicians who probably don't even know what the Qu'ran is. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, and it's growing faster than Christianity, so maybe the US should stop treating it like something evil. You know Hurlshot, there is a Muslim congressman now, and the city of New York has publicly commemorated Ramadan the past 4 years. Most public schools are making it a point to educate kids on Muslim culture (you of all people should know that). I'm not seeing anyone treating Islam like something evil in America today. Quite the opposite actually. The incident this entire thread is based on was initiated as a cynical political tactic to inflame a perceived racial bias in the public by a democrat against another democrat. The racial bias did not exist it seemed and the tactic has backfired a little. It's funny, that is the exact kind of dirty trick the dems would accuse republicans of using. Usually without merit to the accusation.
  3. No, WORSE! Actually, there are 4 women in public service now that would make a better president than the current one or the current crop of candidates. Codelezza Rice, Maria Ross Lietenin, Mary Taylor, Dr. Sarah Nunez.
  4. [sigh] Yes Yushaa, we all know about it. Like others have said, this was leaked by the Clinton mafia to (hopefully) eliminate him as a viable candidate about 6-8 months ago. It got no traction in the public. If anything Obama has been pefroming better in the polls of late and even pulling even with Hillary in some states. Maybe the Americans are not the war mongering racist muslim haters you seem to think we are. If it came down to having to choose between him and Hillary I'd choose him. He is just another Carter. Hilllary is something else entirely. Something much worse.
  5. Actually the Bucs went on to lose the first 12 games of the 1977 season too. That set the NFL losing streak record at 26. I remember one of those games, the Bucs were getting hammered by the Vikings. They had 9 turnovers in that game. The offesive coordinator and O-line coach got into a fist fight on the sideline and the players had to break it up. After the game a reporter asked Coach Mackay how he felt about his teams excecution that day. He replied "I'm in favor of it.:
  6. Thursday, Nov. 22 Green Bay at Detroit 12:30 pm PACKERS (Best passing O vs worst passing D) N.Y. Jets at Dallas 4:15 pm COWBOYS (Nuff said) Indianapolis at Atlanta 8:15 pm COLTS (Atlanta is going nowhere) Sunday, Nov. 25 Buffalo at Jacksonville 1:00 pm JAGS (Go JAGS! Ok I'm not objective here) Houston at Cleveland 1:00 pm TEXANS (They have been improving steadily and came up big against NO last week) Minnesota at N.Y. Giants 1:00 pm VIKINGS (With both Jacobs and Ward out it's all on Manning. I don't think he can do it.) New Orleans at Carolina 1:00 pm SAINTS (A bad game last week means a rebound today. This team is better than it's record) Oakland at Kansas City 1:00 pm CHIEFS (Ok I flipped a coin, it was tails) Seattle at St. Louis 1:00 pm SEAHAWKS (Hasselback is playing hurt but the Rams are terrible) Tennessee at Cincinnati 1:00 pm TITANS (Titans end the losing streak. What the heck happened to Cincy this year?) Washington at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm GO BUCS! (Ok I'm not objective here either) San Francisco at Arizona 4:05 pm CARDS (Where did I put that coin?) Baltimore at San Diego 4:15 pm CHARGERS (They are a schizo team but they can beat the Ravens.) Denver at Chicago 4:15 pm BEARS (Another loss and the Bears become a longshot for the playoffs) Philadelphia at New England 8:15 pm PATS (Not this week) Monday, Nov. 26 Miami at Pittsburgh 8:30 pm STEELERS (Dolphins are enroute to a pefect season)
  7. I know a 13 year old girl is far from emotionally stable even if she has no mental problems. But I just can not imagine someone can be driven to kill themselves based solely on the hurtful words of someone she never even met. As to suicide in general I would not rule it out as an option if someone has a crippling or terminal disease, or is in constant physical pain that there is no hope of relieving. But that is about it. It seems a little senseless to me to do it because you're broke, your career(s) have failed, your spouse/significant other has left you, or other reasons in that vein. Those things will happen to everyone in life but the sun will rise tomorrow and who knows what it will bring. I remember a story in Gainsville FL where a fired and dead broke college professor shot himself with a winning lottery ticket in his desk at home.
  8. Busted! It's true I bought it the first time because of that. But I keep coming back because it is REALLY good stuff. I have liked everything they make so far.
  9. Just got back from the store. I decided this year I'm going to grill steak and lobster tails instead of turkey. So I bought a 14 oz porterhouse. two lobster tails, a pound of conch salad and corn on the cob. And I bought a lamb roast to smoke for the dogs. Top that off with two cases of Spanish Peaks American Pale Ale and I am all set. Mmmmmm. I love Thanksgiving since the big D. BTW, I found Tale's wallet. I ummm... sort of borrowed his credit card to go shopping with. Thanks Tale!
  10. Going grocery shopping soon. I need to get Thanksgiving things like beer, turkey, beer, macaroni and stuff, beer. No releatives this year! Ahhhhhhh..... no one to get angry when I drink beer and watch football all day. My dogs never complain about that.
  11. Did anyone catch Mike and Mike on ESPN dumping on the Pats for running up the score on Buffalo? I don't think that was a fair criticisim. The Pats put thir 2nd and 3rd string in by the 3rd quarter and the Bills still could not stop the run. So who is going to beat this team? They must have a loss in there somewhere.
  12. Good God! The German police just stopped another one before it happened. What the heck is going on in the world. What is this handbasket we're in and where are we going? Link!:http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/11/18...plot/index.html
  13. Sand, let me pose a hypothetical question. Suppose you are dating a girl who has begun to get on your nerves. Let's say she is clingy and needy and one day you decide it has to end. So you break up with her and it is a ugly conversation (as many break ups are) and some things are said that neither of you really mean. Now a week passes and you find out that the girl was so distrught over the break up that she comitted suicide. Are you responsable for her death?
  14. That is what most parents would do, protect their children.
  15. I was going to point this out. For females the preferred suicide method is overdose, for males it's firearms. Obviously one is more likely to get the intended result than the other. I read somewhere that is why there are more unsuccesful attempts among women han men. Way to stri the pot Di. I still seriously doubt the actual perpetrator of the "prank" was an adult. It was his daughter. Grown men do not do things like this out of sheer malice. Teenagers absolutely would though. If a grown man is pretending to be a teenagers boyfriend online then he is more likely a sicko trying to pick her up.
  16. Sand if say you are not following the logic Nick and I are presenting then you are just being obstinate. You are not a dummy. There is no way you can argue her death was a direct result of the prank. It was a contributing factor to be sure but that does not make it manslaughter. Yeah, what Kitty said.
  17. You would be right if and only if the main cause of the death was the prank. Since she killed herself you must take the girls mental state into account and the argument that she died directly because of the prank does not hold up. In your example the drunk is the sole cause of the death so in that case yes he is responsible.
  18. No what they are saying is it is not illegal to torment someone on the internet so long as you do not threaten, defraud or slander them. What they did was pretty dirty but it does not rise to the level of a crime.
  19. Perjury has become the catch all charge in American jurisprudence. They usually slap someone with it when they fail to get them for anything else. It is specious and difficult to prove since it usually boils down to "he-said-she-said" with everything hanging on the credibility the witness absent any tape recordings or transcripts. As a rule a convicted felon or someone under indictment trying to get a better deal does not make a credible witness. Don't get me wrong, in front of the right judge the charge does have teeth and real penalties. But I seriously doubt anything will come of this.
  20. I have to say I agree with mkreku. And I think that is the first time that has EVER happened.
  21. Type quickly Xard.... Damn it man, type like the WIND! I can't remember what movies that was from. I want to say Network.
  22. Just a guess here but I'd bet large the "lying dad" had nothing to do with it and is just stepping up to take the blame away from his daughter. This is not something a grown man would do but it is exactly the kind of thing a teenage girl would do. I've got to agree also, is someone hangs themselves over comment from faceless internet people was probably not far from it anyway and really needed help.
  23. Took another day off work (does it show I'm starting to hate my job?). I finally installed the new thermostat in my spa. It's been sitting in it's box in the kitchen for 6 months. I finally got around to it. I'm filling it up now.
  24. Guard Dog

    UFO story

    While I certainly do not rule out the possibility of alien life, I seriously doubt the have been paying us much if any attention. Ans I certainly do nor believe we have a crashed spacecraft in any secret bases in the desert. To back that uo I would simply point out that if there were such a thing: 1) Short of killing everyone involved there is no way to keep it secret. Something like that will get out. (I use the same argument on those who claim the Apollo moon landings were faked) 2) Evidently they do not have their best and brightest working on it because there have been no "giant leaps" in the progress of science and technology. Every development or advancement for th last 100 or more years has been predicated on the one before, there have been no sudden depatures on the path of progress to suggest knowledge has been gleaned from an alien source.
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