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Everything posted by Torm51

  1. There is a way around the Defense stack bug. Do not save or and then load in the same map that you recruited an NPC (for the friendly defense stack bug) and for the enemy defense stack which only seems to happen in that certain dungeon in WM (not Durgans battery) just don't save and Load in the same Map. If you are going to SAVE leave the area and save then come back when you load in. If you died and saved in that area I am not sure....try exiting the game entirely and hitting CONTINUE and not load. I know that it crap and you shouldn't have to do that but that defense stack bug doesn't seem (crossing my fingers) to happen to Trial of Iron players. Because there is no reason so save and load. I guess it could happen if for some reason you saved on the spot. the game then exits and you hit the load button but there is no reason to as the game will automatically save when you exit on ToI.
  2. crossing my fingers as the Save/Load bug has NEVER happened to me. That is likely because I only play Trial of Iron (PotD obviously!) So I don't save or Load. I just quit when I am done playing and hit continue when I get back on. Also the only time I did not play Trial of Iron (first run every about 800 hours ago lol) I did not save scum. I understand that you play how you play but people who save and load after every fight probably deserve it dammit. Ok I am semi kidding that should be fixed its a crap bug but its kind of justice for a player like me who despises save scumming.
  3. So I'm looking to stack Crit to hit with that rogue. I necroed a thread somewhere else but dire blessing and and critical focus do stack correct? They should as critical focus is a talent that augments an ability. It should stack with everything like a priests + ACC with holy radiance and a Darcozzis liberating inspiration. PS shielding flames for shield bearers is still bugged as it doesn't stack with reinforcing exhortation. It's a talent that augments an ability it should. Unless this was fixed in 3.02 and it was not stated.
  4. Critical focus is a buff from a talent that arguments an ability it should absolutely stack. Anyone confirm?
  5. Why weird? Isn't it simply in buffs category? Vulnerable Attacks is not for this build which is defense/support oriented. Cautious Attack is all right unless you're using deflection buffs because it does not stack with them. Critical Focus fits but is weak. +10 to defense talents are solid choices. BTW, why do we have healbots but not damagebots/dpsbots? I do not think you can turn a Paladin in this game into a serious DPSer. Even if you give them high Per, Dex and Might and wear Light armor you do not have the abilities in your toolbox for sustained DPS. But you can definitely turn a Paladin in a burst damage dealer if specced correctly those two Flames of Devotion will bring some serious pain even against massive bosses like dragons (except on big boss who is immune to fire ) If you go that route I think the Paladin is best suited as a front line durable tank/damage dealer because even without defensive stats they don't go down easy. So a two hander and good burst abilities + your natural survival and the utility that all paladins bring no matter what makes them really good in either damage dealer/front liner or support/tank.
  6. Dude I read up on the healbot. I just use Pallegina for the story line on top of her order talent ability for attack speed can be great for melee dps. But ya the FO and the healbot would make a great pair of Paladins.
  7. Funny I am running Durance so I will have Dire Blessing. Probably skip gaze then. So I will most definitely be running this combo it was my actual plan to from the beginning. I will also have Durances +10 ACC to holy radiance. Yes this will be a punisher team. My other frontliners will be, Eder fighter damage, Pallegina and my Orlan rogue. 4 melee party with a battle wizard with second line melee dps (staff and lance) and great CC and a buffer priest (Durance). Athough Eder usually gets sidelined for Zahua. Melee monk DPS is insane. In dungeons I feel like 4 melee just get in the way so I will drop one front liner for a 3rd range damage dealer maybe Kana as a Rifleman. I love Sagani but her pet gets in the way even with a 3 line front liner team in close quarters. Other alternative is to make Itumaak the 3rd front liner.
  8. I will also be running Aloth later in the game as a Battlemage with Concelhauts Staff and the Spirit Lance with Merciless Gaze. Critical Focus just buffs ZF so according to the rules it will stack with Merciless.
  9. As a guy who loves tanks and sturdy characters I have always fallen to this trap in this game no matter how long I play it. I look at my sturdy front liner and try to make him more sturdy naturally. Yet that is a bad thing since the AI in this game is set it up better in most games and wont mindlessly dog pile my tank. I am a PotD/Tril of Iron vet (beat it twice) and still forget this lmfao! I like the Critical focus idea. It is only 5% BUT I will be running a Hearth Orlan rogue in this group and later on the devil. Rogues can get up to 20% and Hearth Orlan 30% crit to hit. another 5% on top of 30% is definitely good. If I wasn't running a rogue I might think of something else. As usual you guys are great with the responses.
  10. If you google or have been on the forums a while you know about my Darcozzi Paladini extreme accuracy buffer for PotD build. He is a solid tank with kick ass abilities that grants the group extreme dps and criticals on CC. The only snag in the build is what to do at level 4. I can either grab vulnerable attack. This guy is not the greatest individual fighter but is extremely hard to kill and with vulnerable attack he can efficiently kill mid to low DR targets. So everything that is not a boss. Even plate wearers he can wear down by himself. If I ever get into a situation where I am the last one alive (trial of iron as always) he has the capability to kill stuff. Also his attributes are not to power gamey but he does have 16 MIGHT so his auto attacks on non big boss type targets hit pretty hard. Obviously once he gets Immolation with his 16 Might (which will be buffed by then) his offense will be more then acceptable for his role on top of bringing more endurance heals. Or I can go with cautious attack and add more to his already awesome defenses. What do you guys think? here is the build. 1. Lay on Hands 2. Weapon and Shield Style 3. Zealous Focus 4. Vulnerable Attack or Cautious Attack? 5. Liberating Exhortation 6. Inspiring Liberation 7. Reviving Exhortation 8. Superior Deflection 9. Coordinated Attacks 10. Deep Faith 11. Aegis of Loyalty 12. Greater Lay on Hands 13. Sacred Immolation 14. Scion of Flame 15. Righteous Soul
  11. amen. I always play Ironman so have never run into it in over 750 hours.
  12. They should all stack as the flames deflection bonus is the same as shielding touch and a Darcozzi's inspiring liberation. They add a bonus to an ability.
  13. So the sword is most Paladinish is a terrible choice for Paladins over swords of a similar caliber lol
  14. So during 3.0 a Paladin using St. Yedwin would take a DPS loss because the sword would also proc on NON vessels do nothing to the target and not do fire damage (Flames of Devotion) to non vessel enemies just giving you half of your weapon damage without the fire portion (thanks to the proc) is this still an issue?
  15. Well that brings me to Eder. Should I keep barrage as it nets him + 30 ACC (playing PoTD) or give him confident aim? I keep skipping aim because the 20% minimum damage is not fixed or there has been no mention of it. Min weapon damage used to go up with that talent but after like 3.0 it never has and only half the talent works.
  16. Ok cool. Why don't they all stack? I always forget 1000 hours into the game lol.
  17. Was just playing and durances holy radiance upgrade with + 10 ACC suppresses ZF. Unless I saw it wrong. Maybe it was because Eder had disciplined barrage maybe barrage suppresses ZF. I'll have to replay it again.
  18. Bumping this to see if it still holds up with the new 3.02 patch as a lot of this build relies on stacking ACC from different sources. Does 3.02 make this build less effective because what stacks together and doesn't has changed or not? Haven't gotten that far in 3.02 yet.
  19. I see that zealous focus and and Inspiring radiance (priest acc buff) no longer stack like they used too. Does the Darcozzi's talent still stack with other buffs?
  20. Agreed I play a Paladin protagonist and still think priests are hard to replace ESPECIALLY on PoTD. They bring some BEASTLY buffs that no class can bring to the table giving massive accuracy bonuses that stack with my Darcozzi's Inspiribg Liberation and Zealous Focus (all Paladins can have this one). Bring some ridiculous crits on debuffs (and of course damage) which can turn even the toughest fights into a landslide win for the party.
  21. not class breaking or anything but it hurts. actually its a 3 DEF and 5 to saves hit.
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