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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Thank you Torm.


    Need to say I was pleasantly surprised when I've joined this forum. I was used with more toxic environments, and even though it didn't bother me much, having decent and intelligent discussions here was like a breath of fresh air.

    The other facet is: PoE is a single-player game and I usually play through such 1-3 times aaand that's it. But here: community have played a high deal in keeping the interest strong.


    Do you guys play any RPGs or other games that are multiplayer.

    I am no longer playing as much as I did during my University years, due to real-life stuff.


    Out of RPGs, my fondest memories are tied with:

    - Witcher 1, 2, 3

    - Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim

    - Neverwinter Nights 1, 2

    - DA:O, DA:2, DA:Inquisition

    - Heroes of Might and Magic 5&6


    As for online games I had a lots of fun in: WoW (geez it was 11-6 years ago... loved Burning Crusade, especially dueling and bgs; nostalgia is too strong here), Rift (20-59 lvl warfronts) and some DotA. Generally I enjoy PvP or short raiding sessions with a decent group, but despise any grind.


    Atm thinking about finishing the current PoE run in 1-2 months, and perhaps take a look at Numenera, Stellaris and Divinity or Dark Souls series.



    I like playing Paladins did I mention that? hah

    Hah, I did too) That is until I've met a discipline priest.

    In the end though shadowpriests and especially drain-tanking warlocks are my jam.


    Funny I have the same RPG history as you haha.  Except the Witcher as I like character creation.  I know I am missing out on a lot it looks excellent.  I just don't want to a play a dude with white hair lmao.  I played WoW for too long over 11 years up until this last expansion.  I too have fond memories from college.  I played in closed beta and loved the game for a long time.  Its still a good game its just not the same and it never will be.  It was grindy and people do not do that anymore lol I used to not mind it but I hate it now.

  2. Thanks Torm.


    Unfortunately same here. I used to play P&P roleplaying games with friends a lot back in the days - but since I got a bunch of kids and a wife now I can only squeeze in some time for good old single player CRPGs at night when everybody else is asleep. ;)

    Hah same here while I have no kids I play late night while my girl is asleep.  Between my girl, some graduate courses and work multiplayer has kind of gone to the side. 

  3. I picked up POE on release and it turned into my favorite game ever!  It was great to find out that it also had a great group of people who like RPGs like me.  To those that I mentioned in the title and all of you guys that I didn't. I appreciate the help on all my play throughs you guys have been great.  I hope I have helped some of you as well.  Do you guys play any RPGs or other games that are multiplayer.  I think it would be great to play some RPGs with you guys.  I think we would make a great team. 


    Looking forward to more POE and POE 2 discussions with you guys.








    I like playing Paladins did I mention that? hah


    PS PS


    I forgot Gromnir in the title sorry bud.

    • Like 5

    You are most definitely right on Fort and Reflex. Rather have them higher then deflection now. Question. Do you think a Paladin should invest into Con at character creation now or do you think F + C and grabbing Con where you can during the game is good enough.

    Depends if you don't mind respeccing.

    At the start of the game there is not many deadly disables until Caed Nua (the odd Xaurip Skirmisher is annoying but if you have a party you can just focus those and kill them in seconds, if you solo you're gonna try and avoid those), but deflection on the other hand is kinda important since your acc is very low and fights take a bit longer.

    So if you respec before Caed Nua I'd say start with high-maxed res and change to 8 before Caed Nua (get the +2 from Gilded Vale Inn).

    On the paladin I would never go below 8 unless your bonus to Res and Concentration (Periapt of the winding path!!!) gets you to 95 Concentration even with dumped Res. (There is still plenty disables that can lower your concentration one way or the other).

    But if you don't want to respec as early as before Caed Nua I would start with 8 Res and never touch it again (unless you get way better bonuses to Concentration later on then you could always dump it further).


    Also i can't stress enough how awesome coastal Aumaua is on any tank, because of the bonus to stun (the Looped Rope is the only other source in game for a +20 vs stun and it is a WM2 item), which also applies to many deflection attacks like the phantoms stun, so if you still had maxed Res by Caed Nua but also a Coastal Aumaua, Wizards double potion will make Phantoms look very bad against a pala with shield and 1h style and Ring of Deflection + 2 Res from inn.

    If you went Coastal Aumaua you could have maxed Res till you fight something more deadly like Pŵgra.


    But once again if you want to go with as little respecs as possible 8 Res and more Con is a lot smarter.


    Ya Coastel Aumaua is one of the best tank races except for cheat Moon Godlike.  a Coastal with Hedrix Coat is rarely knocked down and if it happens it is a graze.  Also high stun resist is huge.  Currently I am in a run with a Darcozzi Island Aumaua...just because I wanted more offensive options. 2 FoD's with an Arbalest and not having to waste the points on Arms Bearer is good.  He is pure offense except weapon and shield style, Vets recovery and Bears Fortitude.  I have 5 PER on him for the extra base ACC.  I wanted to go as damaging as possible but still be a good frontliner.  I am not totally opposed to respec if its limited so I will usually just do it once.  I was thinking of dumping the PER to 10 since I have sworn Enemy.  an extra 5 PER doesn't seem like a big deal because of the bonus ACC of sworn enemy plus a weapon focus and the target usually has some type of Druid or Wizard CC.  His stats look like (I don't dump past 8 or 9).




    I know its RPish and not power gamey but a Paladin with dumped or flat 10 Res is odd lol but again we are talking ToI so there isn't as much room for LOL RP stuff.  My first Frozen Crown was with a Darcozzi whose stats were 15 Might, 18 Int and 15 Resolve just kept a Flat 10 Con and went fine...I admit I played it safe and fought no Dragon until 16.  I muscled the Adra and Sky dragons easily.


    Current Paladin Team in Triple Crown Act 2 looks like:  Chanter tank Kana, Great Weapon Fighter Eder, Bat **** crazy build Druid, Aloth Dangerous Implements and Kalkoth's Blights/Control CC and Support buff Durance.


    Darcozzi Stats


    15 Might


    10 Con (might have to change)


    10 Dex


    15 Per


    15 Int (Aura, Long lasting +10 ACC to Liberating Exhortation_


    13 Res (some deflection, Will and high enough to enchant to 15 and get decent conversation options)

  5. Ya I beat him at 12 with a Paladin as well so it can def be done.  Muscling through the Adra and Sky Dragon is a bit boring now.  Too easy at those levels.  I will say that they are harder for a level 12 character NOW because in the original game they were not immune to anything so they could be disabled a lot easier.  Even the Alpine Dragon when it first came out had no immunity to any status effect.

    • Like 1
  6. I got to the 3 Adragan, several spirits and a couple Adra Animats fight in the Endless Paths Elemental level today with my 6 chanters all level 9 and chanting Dragon slashed.

    It was a slaughter over in several seconds and quite comicalm since I don't even bother auto attacking anymore I just let the chant do it's work.


    Only weakness right now are the above mentioned charms, but only because I didn't level my lore enough for the level 6 scroll, I might either respec one of the chanters or just  level up elsewhere, since at that point I didn't even start Act 3 yet and haven't been to White March since I wanted to upscale it.


    Now finally having witnessed the damage of 6x dragon oomph I don't believe there is a stronger party comp in Potd, because you just won't need higher defenses or anything another comp might offer, the damage output is just o insane and will only get crazier with leveling up for more acc and brisk recitation scaling.

    Ya ive beaten it a lot obviously but not like that.  The Adra Dragon is immune to fire.  At level 16 you could muscle him and still win but if you did that fight at 12 it might get dicey?  Or the slash damage enough?

  7. Pretty good advice. Exhortations aren't weak at all. Liberating Exhortation is great can get party members out of bad CCs. Reinforcing is really good and a party member with a back up shield that is not a tank and is getting focused all the sudden doesn't get insta gib. Reviving has saved Ironman runs for me.


    A Darcozzi Paladini with high Int and Inspiring Iiberation(upgraded Liberating that they only get) is the meta in PoTD for Paladins as accuracy is king. You can't outlast enemies as no matter how good your defense powerful bosses will eventually kill you if left alive too long. There ACC is too high and it's 50 50. Kill stuff fast or be at the mercy of the dice.


    Lastly a Paladins weakness is when he's the last person alive and has no way to higher his low base ACC. With Zealous focus, Sworn Enemy and upgraded Liberating no Paladin can reach his ACC


    My advice is for a Paladin tank take Weapon and Shield style, Veterans Recovery and then go as offensive as possible. It's enough and kill stuff as fast as possible. I'm a huge fan of tanking but in a game with no aggro it's bleh. Yes you can block door ways but you won't always be able too and if you go full defense you might find yourself with everyone knocked out and dying eventually cause you can't kill that last Caen Gwla. I've been there and it sucks.

  8. Thanks for the quick response bud.  Ya true.  It does seem to work for spell casters when they cast.  It doesnt get suppressed by their +10 ACC inherent to all spells.  Also it seems to NOT take into account your weapon enchant ACC.  Have a fine mace in Act 1.  ACC with ZF is 49 FOD ACC on attack is 67 Should be 69 no.  I did test it on of my end game chars though and it DID take into account his weapon enchant ACC weird.     I think its still good for PoTD like you said since Debuff and CC is king. and it does stack with spell inherent bonus CC.  I think its kind of like Focused Barrage for Fighters the + 20 ACC supresses the +6 of ZF.  Also it can still be good for landing Sacred Immolation hits.


    Thing is FoD + 20 ACC does stack with Sworn Enemy. I am 99% sure.  If you can check for me lmk

  9. So this is an issue I have always had and I am trying to eliminate it.  I like playing my Paladin as a front liner.  This is seems to be counter intuitive to handing out a quick Lay on Hands or Exhortation.  He has to wear at the very least a breast plate.  At the start of the game you want Plate.  Which means he is going to be slow.  One way I get by the slowness is by anticipating bang debuffs.  I just don't engage and Liberating on a party member.  The issue is when a front liner needs a quick Lay on Hands mid fight.  I am wearing plate and sometimes do not get the heal off on time....this is frustrating.  Also if I take a bad debuff mid fight a Liberating Exhortation seems to take ages lol.....


    I just do not see a solution other then just making a front line paladin a tank/alpha striker and leaving buffs and heals to a back line type Paladin who can wear lighter armor.  Any suggestions?  Its hard to take a crap ton of DEX on a front line paladin when you play PotD.  You need Might, Int, Per so you can hit stuff on Alpha strikes..Arguable you don't need PER I guess as FoD has a +20 plus Sworn Enemy and Weapon Focus is enough...Maybe drop 15 PER and take a 15 DEX?  Will I be that much faster in Plate with 15 DEX?


    Also I play expert mode so no recovery bars.

  10. just came for some advice. I failed another Triple Crown(I have done it twice). Thing is I make it a little harder. Like its my own type of party ultimate. I try and take on all content with the level it was meant for (except ACT 3 cause of the WM). My level 11 party got ganked by that room in lvl 11 or 12 of the Endless Paths. The room with 3 Caen Gwlas and the Adragons. I was running the same party I did my Frozen Crown with....2 tanks (fighter, Paladin) and Mass debuff/damage back line. Druid, Battle Mage Aloth, GM and Durance....the weakness of it is that most of your party even with defensive talents like W and S style is soft.

    I thought I had the door blocked by forgot about teleporting Caen Gwlas. Got caught in 3 mass paralyzes and it was down hill my friends and could not fire off returning storm because I got stom stunned myself with the Adragons... Any advice? that soft back line is risky but won me a Frozen Crown before...I think I relied too much on Hiravious and his Storm...Should I have gone more even with 1 damage dealer like a Monk or Barb as a frontliner. They are hardier then those soft back liners.


    Do some of you always play PotD? I have been for years now maybe its diminishing my fun a bit getting burned out on the fails. I just love this game and love rogue likes (I know its not a rogue like).

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