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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. So fights like the dragons and ogre Druids with plague of insects in the early game. Especially with low hp chars like wizard and priests etc I play PoTD if they hit zero they are dead, no maim. I rather them go down then give them a heal cause they keep losing hp and die. Thoughts? Should I just let them topple over in these situations to avoid the death?

  2. In fact that enounter has TOO much loot for its ease.  Tidefall is one of the BEST if not the best 2handed sword in the game and you can get it by lvl 6 or 7.  Look at the gold pile in the back of the room and have a mechanics of 9 or better.  You wont be disappointed.  The random loot is in the northeast corner and is random.  Tidefall is not its in the west/southwest corner.


    PS the best thing about this game is that bosses can be focused.  Dont treat Cail like an MMO boss where you focus his adds first.  They die for me because they take AOE damage but I CC the hell out of Cail and with the right combo hes usually the first one dead.

  3. A mercenary who will not deviate from a contract sounds more like a Goldpact Knight to me. The way I see it, the Bleakwalker would accept sidequests because they need funds to accomplish their main goal.Also at the start of the game your character does not know that the legacy and the leaden key's actions are linked, the character is instructed to maerwald in order to help themselves, so ending the legacy would not be your character's goal right out of the gate.

    Well a gold pact knight would deviate so long as his employer tells him that the terms of the contract have changed. Says it in their description. A bleak walker would not. A Goldpact Knights loyalty is to the employer and that loyalty is sealed with money. A bleak walkers only loyalty is to ending a conflict as soon as possible. That's how I take it by the in game explanations.


    And you are right in the terms of how the story unravels it's not immediate.

  4. Was trying this build and i had a lvl 2 fighter with 50 ACC getting a 40 ACC in the knockdown vs fort check everytime.  The ACC is correct when it comes to the hit and deflection.  I change to a 2hander and all ACC values are correct.  I cant figure out how to get pics of steam cause i screen shoted it can someone else test this out?


    I know its late in the game and something like this likely wont get fixed.

  5. Don't forget that it will also effect aggro determinations. PotD encounters like The Torn Bannermen will bypass your shieldwall to reach the unprotected, juicy spell casters. A range Pally in that back line with ZE helps both keeping the squishies healthy and more importantly possibly deterring the AI from bypassing the frontline altogether.

    The aggro determination could be a thing i get you but if the back liners are wearing say robes and padded armor and you are wearing plate well they will still have significantly less DR and will still get hit really hard...they wont be that much healthier then if they had ZF. Or am i way off here?

  6. Unless you're planning to be the main tank (which your probably not if you're going two handed) you don't really need any extra Deflection over what you get from Faith and Conviction (assuming you max your disposition bonuses). As for accuracy, perception 14 makes you almost as accurate as a base fighter which I find to be fine.


    Meanwhile sacred immolation really befits from high intellect and might.

    Really is no main tank in the game though since there is no aggro.  If you are a front liner with lower deflection you will be hit.  Not saying you cant go 2handed and be fine (you def can) but its always a good idea as a front liner Paladin to have a shield encase you get into a bad spot.

    • Like 1

    I have always had trouble playing a Bleak Walker in the RP aspect.

    Sigh, I can't RP as paladin at all.


    I think a Bleak Walker should play more like The Punisher with a little bit less good guy tendencys as hes essentially a mercenary...that will never deviate once given the original contract no matter what the employer says...but like i said most of the cruel options are just plain **** for no apparent reason.

    Bleak Walkers are marked with Cruel and Aggressive dispositions.

    And cruelty is "indifference to suffering and pleasure in inflicting suffering".


    A Punisher would inflict suffering if there is something to punish for. Bleak Walker would do it, just because he can.

    As a mercenary he will oblige his contract, but mostly because there can be quite unpleasant consequences; and not because he is really that determined. Unless... things start to get personal, and there is vengeance or hate at hand.


    P.S. Don't take this as the ultimate truth. I just see it that way.

    Why the trouble with the RP max?


    And ya that's a good interpretation for sure but I guess some of the Paladin orders are open for interpretation as we don't know that much about them (except Kind Wayfarers It's straight forward).

  8. I have always had trouble playing a Bleak Walker in the RP aspect.  Once the event happens to him at the start of the game why would he take ANY side quests.  By nature dont Bleak Walkers want to end things ASAP.  Granted he was not contracted for the main events in the game so maybe in that sense.  He wants to end the legacy but still has his duty if contracted?  I just think innately the guy/girl because of the way they operate would stop at nothing and take no side paths to ending the legacy.


    Lastly, all the Cruel options (for the most part) are down right just evil for no reason...I dont think thats the flavor of a Bleak Walker.  Granted he CAN be and no one in his order would care but I dont think they would just murder a caravan for no apparent reason....just if he was hired to do so.  I think a Bleak Walker should play more like The Punisher with a little bit less good guy tendencys as hes essentially a mercenary...that will never deviate once given the original contract no matter what the employer says...but like i said most of the cruel options are just plain **** for no apparent reason.

  9. oh ya its been a while since I have Eder as a sword and shield tank.  Fighters with disciplined barrage and weapon mastery just hit really damn hard.  I love them.  I also love knockdown.  I think they are great against high deflection enemies.  And ya its a perfect way to make Eder damage in the early game instead of the more frail chanter.  Like you said that tank chanter really comes into his own around lvl 9 with great damage by just standing around lol

  10. So this is my first play through with the new patch (3.06 is it?) and before on this quest right at the start when talking to the marshal he gives you the options for the Vets (10,000 pands) but he also talks about the a "Raedceran Army to the North" the Iron flail..right from the start. I dont see it this time? I haven't started the WM2 yet so maybe thats it? just curious...Did I write this in the wrong section? not sure if its a bug or intended or maybe i had just started the WM on previous play throughs before I talked to him.


    You know Boeroer and many others have tested builds for chanters on all difficulties and ya they can tank. Personally I find them intolerable at the start of the game as tanks. They have high deflection but low health. So I have to rest too much for my taste. This is especially true on PoTD as at the start of the game it's hard to distance yourself out of the hit rolls (meaning you can have enough deflection to get mostly grazes and some hits but you'll still take hits).


    a simple solution for the arguable early tank frailty of chanters is to make sure eder is in your party as the main tank during earliest portions of the game.  problem solved. also, as chanters benefit so little from dex (one o' obsidian's two most glaring continuing poe class mechanics blunders) a paucity o' health can be balanced a bit by pumping constitution at the expense of dex. 


    our problem with many o' the optimized (or niche) builds is that they don't work as advertised for many/most players.  far too many suggested optimizations is having much in common with ie game dual-class characters. oh sure, such ideal builds is fantabulous for a player who has completed poe dozens of times, likely at potd difficulty, but many such builds is either relative weak at levels ___ through ____, or they depend on specific gear, or they presuppose rather comprehensive knowledge o' class synergies and/or fine-tuned experience with enemy ai/encounter design.  attempting to optimize a character tends to build in shortcomings which need be countered in some way.  such gameplay gymnastics has always struck us as unnecessary and often results in a ironic diminished overall efficacy.   


    for somebody "starting from scratch," as is the genesis poster, am once again gonna recommend steering away from any kinda optimized build.  you are doing self a double kinda disservice by attempting to find the right/best builds.  not only will such builds frequent underperform when played by folks with low-to-moderate poe experience, but relying on such advice often results in a missed opportunity o' finding unique builds which has gone largely unnoticed by the optimizers. 


    HA! Good Fun!


    Agree with 99.9% of what you said my friend.  The only thing I dont really  agree with is that having Eder as a "Main Tank" or any other character (coming from a guy who universally loves paladins and tanking, fighters too) is largeley irrelevant if you place the chanter on the front line.  There is no aggro.  They AI sees lower Health/HP and will swing at the chanter.  You can use door ways obviously but if you are specing the chanter for tanking he wont have ranged efficiency.  I guess you could start him at range and respec (I just hate respecing personnel thing lol




    That can be a problem in the early game with PotD. If your chanter is not only the main tank but also the only one.

    But in the early game you have to rest a lot anyways if you have two casters with you.

    However, on Hard this shouldn't be too much of a problem either.

    By the way: use the paladin for healing mostly, not Durance. Use Durance primarily for buffing.

    I'm not starting at PotD. I'll likely restart there at some point, because that's my style.


    My plan is to have a druid off tank as well, so I feel pretty comfortable with the advice above. Thanks,


    Cool man Boer and Gromnir give sage advice!  I was just putting in my two cents on the chanter.  Cool thing about the game is you can make most things work :)

  12. You know Boeroer and many others have tested builds for chanters on all difficulties and ya they can tank. Personally I find them intolerable at the start of the game as tanks. They have high deflection but low health. So I have to rest too much for my taste. This is especially true on PoTD as at the start of the game it's hard to distance yourself out of the hit rolls (meaning you can have enough deflection to get mostly grazes and some hits but you'll still take hits).

  13. Eh? You can combine those - they stack.


    Flanking + Disciplined Barrage (fighter) + Devotions + Inspiring Radiation (priest) + Marking + Marking + Coordinated Attacks + Inspiring Liberation (darcozzi paladin)= +100 ACC for the fighter. This turns even dragons into easy prey. Give the fighter an overbearing or stunning weapon (or both) and no enemy will get up again...


    Edit: Ninja-Torm! :)


    lol I was about to say?!?! I jus said that!!! :-D

    • Like 2
  14. @Torm51


    I admit that hard hitting is an objective comment. I know that I must have been more precise and give concrete info on how hard those hits are. However I prefer to not do it and let you try and see it with your own eyes and then make a comparison :D



    Flails are not an optimal choice for Flames of Devotions because they are light - and light weapons' base damage is the lowest.


    You get the most out of FoD with weapons with high base damage or very good crit modifiers - or both.


    Besides that: cool build. One question though: why not Starcaller instead of Gaun's Share? Gaun's Share's Draining enchantment does not profit from healing bonuses (survival and Belt of Bountiful Healing) and Starcaller has stun on crit and a spell striking - which should be cool once you add Sworn Enemy + FoD and crit with it. :)



    You can try microing that part and use FoD with higher base damage weapons (it is even cooler that way I must admit). You can even replace Enduring Flames with Quick Switch for this. However the idea behind this build is to benefit maximum from graze to hit conversion and max Str, Dex to achieve good dmg and max Res to achieve good survivability. 


    I did not know that Gaun's Share's Draining does not benefit from healing bonuses. But it is rare to see crits with this build and the only times you are more likely to crit are the times of FoD and we may benefit from them even more with two-handers as noted above. 

    Agreed on the switch for a higher weapon damage FoD burst.  Also how about high DR enemies?  This is what has always frustrated me about Flails.  Even with Vulnerable attack its not that much of a bypass on an Animat or Dragon that has 25+ DR to crush (Sworn Enemy will help here but i still dont think its enough).  I am in no way trying to poke holes in the build.  I am just asking questions :) I love Flail Paladin flavor but havent been able to make it work.

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  15. Oh ya def! but Abydons hammer is guaranteed destroy on crit.  Isnt redeemer 25% on hit?  Also Redeemer is ike the Worst Paladin Weapon ever (I know we are talking fighters here lol but still) as it gimps your DPS on enemies that arent constructs (when it procs) when you FoD as FoD lash is not attached to damage thanks to the destroy mechanic which against regular enemies does nothing.....was this ever fixed?

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