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Posts posted by Torm51



    Is there an equip'able item {by quick'slot or armor} item that summons a Cean Gŵla?



    Grateful for you sharing your Gravity, am I.  :bow:


    There is a random Strongold Quest that lets whatever character who has the item shapeshift into it.  Really good for druids as its another shapeshift form for them and you get free Druid Spells.  The issue is it has charges so I think it runs out after you use all the charges.  And ya its a stronghold random quest so you can reload if you arent against it...if you play ToI you cannot do this either.

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  2. I have to say you guys are dedicated.


    I'm currently playing a Shieldbearer/Barb duo PotD run. They team well. The SB NEVER goes down and supports the Barb well. I was using the amulet on my Barb to help resist enemy CC along with Blair Gholan and the booots that resist prone/stun. I don't really check the numbers as close as you guys do. Maybe I'll just switch to a +3 Per cloak instead. Thanks for the info!

    Ya dude items and abilities that do not work bother me.  In fact builds that do not work bother me.  I have literally scrapped Triple Crown runs for the mere fact that the build was bad (I only do limited respecing lmao).  I am a huge moron.

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  3. Ya oddly it works against priest spells.  All the Leyra priest tried to Halt me against my base of 98 FORT defense and I saved/grazed against them for 108 Fort.  Doesn't work against Cipher spells as I said.  So it now sucks lol.


    PS I was doing another playthrough not long ago that failed (tried the Adra Dragon at lvl 8..doable but not recommended on PotD) and I am pretty sure Brad's Luscious Pearls which has the same effect as Spellward amulet was working.  I will have to recheck tonight after work.  If someone has time to do it now would be great :p

  4. No idea to be honest. But there was a time up to 2.something (if I remember correctly) where it also didn't work.


    May it be that it only works against targeted, non AoE spells nowadays?

    Tried both. All targeted Wizard spells did the same.  Bounding missile spells miss or graze against 92 deflection.  Should be 102.  oh well.  I usually out pace it anyway close to this time in the game.

  5. I usually have it on my Paladin in the early to mid game and noticed today in Heritage Hill while I was fighting undead wizards and firing Friendly AOE spells around my tank that it no longer confers the +10 spell defense.  This used to be a really good amulet for tank Paladins...


    Crazy thing is it DID work in the Leyra fight against the Priest spells.  I had the fight under control and let her scream once and I did not get the bonus against the Paralyze spell.  Odd it used to work for everything...is this just a bug in my game?

  6. Everything Boeroer said is correct.  I am actually doing it backwards this time.  I am doing a run with 2 pure tanks which is likely ill advised lmao but I want to see how a Fighter and a Paladin can stack hit to graze.  The party will likely end up dead at some point.  But I will say they did survive a deadly Brawl in Raedrics hold with the guards in the chapel.  I went into the sewer after getting the "password" from a certain someone and came back up stairs in my regular armor as he said I didnt need it...well I did.  and thanks to having Eder and my Paladin with sky high deflection, and HUGE DR thanks to Zealous Endurance plus a blunting belt we outlasted the encounter and won...... MIN Damage from Great Swords at lvl 4 is funny lol....my Paladin is also a Pale Elf so spirits do extremely minimal damage even while perma stunned lmao...plus veterans recovery and they are a tanky group for sure.

  7. Honestly, I fail to see the point of Cautious Attack when you can just pick up the passive Deflection talent instead. Sure, it is just 5 vs. 8 but it comes without drawback.

    agreed was just curious about the outgoing buffs.  If they are slower with it.    I mean if you get both well that is 8 more deflection you have but the malus sucks.

  8. Unless I am mistaken, the faith-thingy for Paladins buffs Deflection less than other defenses?

    Ya it does. Still its easy to get high deflection with 10 resolve if you invest.  But what max says makes sense. And after 2.0 when PER lost deflection bonus its REALLY hard to get into the Miss/Graze range against dragons.


    Secondary question.  Cautious Attack makes you attack slower.  Does this also slow down your recovery?  Cause that malus gets WORSE for a Paladin as your buffs go out slower.  Its slow enough already wearing plate and a 10 Dex

  9. Why do the developers have resolve as the highly recommended stat for Paladins? for RP? cause stat wise its pretty meh.  the difference between a character with 20 resolve and 10 is 10 deflection (if they have same talents) thats not that big of a deal.  Also you can get a lot of will defense from INT which is much more useful to Paladins.  What do you guys think?


    Gaze of the Adragan anyone?

    It's almost cheese. I was kind of thinking that was not what the op was looking for. But yes, it makes Dragon slaying much easier.
    Isn't the Adra and Alpine dragon immune? I've beat them before but can't remember.


    And I can't agree petrify targets Fortis the highest def on a dragon. If you play right and stack accuracy and get a good roll you should be rewarded.


    Cheese is like killing all the Xaurips without aggroing the dragon etc. thats my opinion anyway.

  11. Do not eat the breathe.  You can run out of range of the AOE if you have speed enhancements.  A small purple circle will be above his head when he is about to breath.  If you dont have speed a party member with a HIGH reflex save (make it higher with scroll of defense the priest spell takes to long and he might be in range of the breath while casting) so that you can dodge or graze the breath.  Run the rest of the party away so they can buff up.   Come to think of it even with my best tanks I do not tank any Dragon unless I have too.  High deflection will let you disengage without so much of a big deal and well at the start of the fight you are not engaged so you dont have to take a disengagement attack.  MOVE.  Also Charm spells work really well against dragons.  If you can charm him/her they will devour the adds.  You can then deal with him solo.  Lastly, high accuracy classes that can knock down do well.  Fighters, and monks can keep them permanently proned if they have ACC buffs (Devotions of the Faithful, Coordinating attacks from paladin, marking/disorenting weapon) stack ACC and keep the dragon down.


    Casters with raw damage spells will kill it over time if you can last long enough and land fort attacks (again extremely high ACC needed).  Plague of Insects from druid, Raw Damage Poison ground attack from wizard, Venombloom from Druid etc.  


    Its a massive Dragon and they made it feel like it.  A mere Kith cant just sit their and face tank (for the most part) the dragon.  One unlucky roll and it could be lights out.  Even for a tank as their damage is so high that even grazes HURT.  Its a beast that weighs tons so this should be the case.  Oh and he has friends :p

  12. I have been playing the game since release and all of my computers exceed the recommended requirements.  The current one I play on Has an I7-4820K. 16 Gigs of RAM, a GTX1080i and SSD.  This has happened to me on every single run.  The game starts off smooth as butter but as my save file gets bigger (I only have one its a ToI game) the game starts to hiccup a bit.  Weird part is it doesnt happen in combat.  Just when running around out of combat and when checking inventory etc.


    Also this starts to happen when I get a bound soul weapon and bind it.  The BING sound of it being bound stays every time I exit the game it makes the sound.  It seems like maybe the file starts to bloat and get slow?  I dont know but this has happens across 2 different computers (my laptop and this rig whose card has been updated..it happened on my 770 and 1080).


    Any help would be great.  I mean its not terrible totally playable but looking for a bit better performence.

  13. I guess it is a matter of being optimal or not. Talents are few and far inbetween. Wouldn't want to go for an sub-optimal choice.

    Not quite its a matter of class and build.  Like  I said for a Paladin who is a tank but wants burst ability after a boss is hard CCed a two hander or a high damage one shot ranged weapon is better (Flames of Devotion).  Also specifically for Paladin as a damage dealer (you will never be a true dpser as a paladin just a sturdy front line guy with good damage) who is not a Bleak Walker two handed weapons are better (see monster lash build for DW Paladin).  Lastly, I personally I think that because of Fighter Weapon Mastery they are the BEST two handed users.  Yes their one handed damage also goes up but Eder has a minimum damage of 31 with Tidefall.  So they are accurate and hit hard to get past DR which is awesome in PotD cause of higher enemy deflection.  With these two classes I just mentioned for sure in the Paladins case (unsure of a fighter with sabers after the nerf) a two handed weapon will be better.


    That being said most other damage dealer classes are better off with their full attack abilities and duel wielding.

  14. Forgive my long explanation.


    Flames of Devotion still hits DAMN hard with a 2hander and even harder with an Arbalest.  So yes.  You get much better DR bypass with two handed weapons or single shot reload weapons as they have an extremely high minimum damage.  Duel wielding you are still using one handed weapons so the DR bypass isnt as good.  That being said there are definitely builds that benefit more and hit harder when duel wielding (and that includes the full attack abilities you state).  Builds that come to mind are a Monster Lash Bleak Walker with the two Sabres from the white march that do Corrode damage.  Rogues because of their extremely high bonus damage, Duel wield Barbarians/Fighters with Sabres and Monks for sure.


    That being said Sabres were nerfed so they arent as good as they used to be.  Still the best dps weapon for one handed I think.


    So it really depends on the class and the build.  If you are going for a durable front liner who can still deal good damage and burst damages like a Paladin a 2hander or Arbalest is better.  Also Great Weapon Fighters are my favorite.  They still tank well, hit extremely hard per hit and are very accurate thanks to Disciplined Barrage.  Properly supported with even more accuracy they are really good for sustained fights on PoTD. 


    I am currently running a 1 Paladin, 2 Fighter front line on this PoTD (ToI and Expert Mode, currently at lvl 11) and the Duel Wield fighter (custom) is beating Eder (Great Sword/Pike Fighter) by about 10,000 damage.  The DW is a Ruffian spec fighter and uses 2 sabres and the Jolting Touch Stilletto, plus the club you get in Defiance Bay for killing the necromancer. and honestly with weapon mastery im favoring the fast weapons and using them most of the time (except against high DR).  He is killing it.  That being said Eder does much better against high DR targets.  Even with DR debuffed some dragons can have DR in the high teens.  A 2hander is better in this case for certain builds like a non Bleak Walker Paladin...also I might be wrong but Great Weapon Fighters perform better against high DR.  As stated above rogues, Barbs and Monks are better off Duel wielding cause of their unique bonuses.

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