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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Ya completely skipping might is a bad deal imo.  Like previous posters aid.  Might and Int I think are most important.  Also Fort is a really important defense as many hard hitting abilities target that defense.  I dont completely agree with Jerek on the Resolve as I like to have it for Concentration so my Exhortations and Lay on Hands are not interupted.  BUT He does have a point and going 10 Res on a Paladin is fine.  I just personally like the Concentration.  I have done both.





    Out of the three line ups I also like the third...save for dumping so low i hate doing that but its a personal rule of mine I dont go below 8.  Its a single player game and dumping that low is certainly viable and if you talk to power gamers probably even better.  Third line up is def your best one.

  2. Oh I realise the importance to Accuracy in PotD, I just didn't realise Inspiring Liberation stacked with every other Accuracy buff. That is pretty useful.


    Perhaps it's time for me to play a Darcozzi.

    Lol didnt to sound eliteist i blew my last TC run I suck! thats the second time today i sound like a clown! I am on a roll....so ya main point is its a buff to an ability so it stacks with everything.  Just like a priests inspiring radiance stacks with everything! Also inspiring Liberation! go go DPS crew!


    On my last run Spellsword Aloth with Citzels plus Inspiring Lib, marking, coord attacks and inspiring radiance...chunks of bad guys everywhere...the last successful one....

  3. I just try to get the Dice on my side so heavily in those dangerous fights so that its not somewhat RNG.  I also like the feel of the Darcozzi.  Its a bit Game of Thronesish.  You are kind of like the a Kings Guard for a powerful royal family.  Whose not what it used to be but still has influence  I also see them as good guys as one of the Orders Disfavored dispositions is Cruel.  Obviously your order doesnt like that and the family and culture (Old Vailia) they guard wont be supporting cruelty either.  Also they kind of play like a  Han Solo character.  I think hes like the Star Wars Darcozzi. (His personality I mean) So its cool!

  4. Because of Insipiring Liberation.  It gives a +10 ACC to your Liberating Exhortation.  If you are playing PotD on High level Bosses like the Alpine Dragon, Concelhaut etc Every single point of ACC matters as you will never get a high enough ACC to consistently hit them hard without buffs.  Liberating Exhoration Stacks with EVERY ACC buff in the game.  In fights where it matters its one of the best buffs.  It can mean the difference between a miss and a graze for a petrifty on a boss with huge Fortitude.  Petrify is the nastiest of the nastiest effects so even a graze will mean either the death or the severe wounding of a massively dangerous enemy.


    Stack Coordinated Attacks, a marking weapon, Inspiring Liberation on a Fighter and Accurate Barrage and he/she will consistently prone Dragons.  Thats Huge.  


    On PoTD/ToI I think ACC is King.  Since the AI's defense is cheating and its really high every single drop of ACC counts and could mean the difference between a prone Dragon or taking a 150 point Graze hit (even when wearing full plate) and maybe the wipe and end of your game :(


    Also its in my sig :-D

  5. Concentration is important if you get attacked a lot. Getting interrupted all the time sucks. Especially casters who want to cast self buffs but get interrupted constantly will suffer. It's more important when you play solo though. There are some items and spells which raise concentration. Once you have those and don't care about deflection you can retrain and drop RES.


    Interrupt is great if you are a fast hitter. For example a fast hitting barbarian can interrupt whole groups with carnage. It's a nice side effect. For builds which focus in single target damage it's not that superuseful in my opinion, but still nice to have. There are talents, abilitites and items which raise the interrupt chance. If you pile up those things it gets interesting.


    It's right: the flat bonus for deflection and accuracy is great in the early game but doesn't matter a lot later on. But since the early game is the hardest part of PoE it somewhat fits.

    Agree with my old friend Boeroer.  Since Act I and II are the hardest its most important then anyway.  


    PS Boer help me out with my MASSIVE CON paladin Dwarf!

  6. Ok I know CON isnt that great of a stat and had this idea on a prior post but never tried it.  I want a dwarf Paladin with CRAZY CON cause Dwarfs with Pools of HP are really cool in my book...lmao.  The thing is making a build with this not so great stat that can work on PotD.  So you obviously take a Dwarf from Rauatai...but what party role does he fill.  He is obviously a front liner.  You can give him good might.  I have never takena paladin without at least 15 resolve....but at this point you might have to.  not worried about the deflection but about the concentration.  Also I am further hamstrung as I dont like HUGE dump stats....an 8 or 9 is cool but not lower then 8...i know this is getting harder lol..

  7. I'm sure you're feeling very frustrated after your lose... but the humble brag is strong in this post ;)


    Wait a minute, you DICKED the dog? What does that mean?

    dude im not bragging at all. I am saying that I have beat the game on the hardest difficulties but I still lose sometimes on PoTD.  I want to know if other people who play at that difficulty still have problems beating it.  I feel like the RNG can get you good sometimes on PotD.  Apologies if i sounded like i was bragging its not how it was meant :(


    Dicked the dog.  I screwed up on a fight and Aloth bit the dust for good.

  8. traditional is three wishes, yes?  will keep brief.


    1) convert to a turn-based and classless system... which is actual two wishes.  guess we suck at this. 


    2) implement a universal health/fatigue mechanic.


    every combat action depletes fatigue, including spell casting.  get hurt in combat also increases fatigue.  no more dumping constitution as fatigue becomes important for every character.


    3) have villain be variable.  


    imagine if early game decisions and responses could result in one of three villains becoming the UBG (ultimate bad guy) for your game.  with a necessarily vague protagonist, is the npc stories which inevitably drive the game, and the ubg is a significant npc. option 1) a watchmen villain, but better.  ozymandias still wants to be the hero, and the imagined alien blob threat sucked. make a real but remote threat-- frequent mention in game, but only as an aside.  villain is a prophet and one o' the few folks who foresee the real threat on the horizon, so he becomes a villain hoping to create a hero who can unify various factions/nations. 2) heroic villain genuine trying to fix an unfixable problem through increasing terrible means. 3) rope-a-dope villain-- spend most o' game chasing a moral ambiguous villain and dismantling her infrastructure only to find out you has been actual making the Big Reveal possible.  or whatever.  make each villain visual distinct with unique motivations.


    developers spend too much effort on necessarily limited choice and consequences.  am not 'gainst choice and consequences, but in a story-driven game there is gonna be limits... unless such choices is made at very start or very end o' the game.  developers frequent make use o' conclusion of game choices to provide multiple endings.  is easy to offer multiple endings 'cause is end o' game and need not follow the individual bifurcations. converse, we suggest make a pivotal and profound trifurcation immediate at start o' game.  end up with some serious replayability, eh? 


    we could come up with dozens, but three (ok, four,) is good enough for impossible stuff only relevant to an imaginary future game.


    HA! Good Fun!


    ps and our turn-based mini-game for naval combats notion




    also impossibleI

    Love all of it! except classless system.  Thats why I love PoE.  I dont like the Elder Scrolls just do whatever you want.  Having a chosen discipline is huge. I was a Forward Observer in the military and was very GOOD at spotting targets, Fire Missions, firing my rifle and and navigation as I was always reading maps.  But I wasnt a very good at fixing tactical vehicles because I wasnt a mechanic.

  9. So I have completed the Triple Crown, Frozen Crown and Potd/ToI  and I did EVERY single difficult encounter each time.  All the Dragons, Concelhaut and the other wizard Light House fight etc.  I danced around none of them. (cause you know i am a masocist and its the only thing i play).  Yet on this Triple Crown attempt I failed :( You would THINK that after those successful wins I would be able to easily do it again.  Yet  out of multiple attempts I have only completed them 3 times and failed like 5 or 6 other times......


    Is this normal or am I just BAD?! Any other players out there only play ToI plus Potd exclusively and get it done every time?????  This time around I blew the Light House fight at level 8...I had DICKED the dog earlier and aloth had died so i took no Wizard...my CC was coming from Hiravius and Durance...needless to say the Caen Gwla got an early paralyze off and i couldnt knock her down with Eder cause she was body blocked by the other spirits...well played....Everyone was CCed except my paladin (hes never CCed for long lol) and we got shwacked.. Talk me off the ledge people! (I am joking around im not really that mad about it lol)

  10. l


    - I liked the health/endurance system of PoE and I see no reason to change it.


    - I disliked the injury system in Tyranny. I made a suggestion in the tyranny forum to make it better. At least you should see at which point will you get an injury.


    - I agree with the OP.

    DA:O had an injury system and I always reloaded when a char got K.O. unless it was in a long boss battle and I was about to win (Don´t want to have the whole cut szene and the long battle again.)


    - The health/endurance system forced you to think more about stategy. You could not put one tank in front of the dragon and let him drink 100 large potions in a row. He would run out of health at some point. I think this is good.

    bah common the challenge is great.  I love the punishment.  Mess it up and your team suffers.

  11. Revive you have with Durance or scrolls, he also has Prayer against Treachery at lvl 9 (or 11) - so what for do you need Reviving Exhirtation, Aegis and Righteous Soul?

    If he's killing stuff regularly you could pick Inspiring Defeat. It's defense bonus stacks with everything like Durance's Circle of Protection. Together they can give the party a defensive bonus of +27 (including Outworn Buckler) that stacks with everything else.

    If you want to improve his FoD a lot you could pick Intense Flames and Scion of Flame. The later boosts an intense FoD's burning lash damage damage from 75% to 90%, boosts the weapon lash from 25% to 30% (lets you deal more burning damage than initial damage actually) and is great for Immolation, too.

    I did both with my current paladin (Shieldbearer) and added Shielding Flames and Shielding Touch (also stack with everything) as well as Reinforcing Exhortation and it's great.

    Been a while my friend glad you are still around. Will I am playing triple crown so it's hard to tell with small AOE buffs I really have to bunch up so ensure everyone gets it. Aegis with sacred immolation would ensure that anyone who didn't get the buff would be immediately back on my side. Righteous Soul also gives my Paladin insurance in case he charges in early and misses the buff. And having two revives is insurance for a PoTD run. If Durwnce bites the dust for some odd reason. That means I'm playing bad but it's Trial of Iron so there is no "play better"'on that run I have to start over! I guess I double up for insurance. But I get your thought process. Thanks for the input! Maybe I should be more risky!
    • Like 1
  12. The build is a bit of a hybrid. He's a tank but the only defensive talent he has is weapon and shield style. Everything else is offense or heals. This guy can really put the heat on with FoD and Sworn Enemy.


    The only must talent for me is Aegis of Loyalty. Obviously at 13 I'm taking Sacred Immolation.


    So at 9 I can take Righteous Soul that will let me take healing chain at 11..but take 0 Exhortaions for the build.




    Take either Reviving Exhortation or Liberating Exhortation this would force me to take righteous soul at 15 if I make it that far.


    Party build is DPS Eder, DPS/Cc Hiravis with his good spells and super dps transformed, CC Aloth, Durance and Sagani.

  13. If you want him to be more paladin-like, you would need to put more INT into him. This would also be good for Constant Recovery and the AoE of Gallant's Focus as well as the duration of Knockdown, Into the Fray and Sundering Blow (if you want to take that).


    I'm playtesting a support fighter at the moment and he has max INT because he uses "Take the Hit" and "Clear Out" and also Gallant's Focus. I have to say Take the Hit surprises me. It's superawesome if your fighter is sturdy enough and not the main tank but a second row supporter. It also is kind of an ability that you could expect for a paladin.


    Clear Out is also very nice. It's only 2 per rest but I can't say how many times this saved my fighter's little hairy orlan booty. With high INT the AoE is huge enough to disable 5 or more (normal sized) foes and send them across the screen. Combined with Knockdown he's a great CC guy (for a fighter) and makes good use of Apprentices Sneak Attack. He uses Tall Grass from second row though, not great swords or estocs.


    As a wannabe paladin, I would strongly recommend the great sword The Hours of St. Rumbalt. It's lore is that it's a paladin's weapon, and it has Overbearing (prone on crit) and Annihilation (+0.5 crit damage multipl.) and comes with Accuracy III (+12) enchantment. Combined with the fighter's high base ACC, high PER and Disciplined Barrage (a must for a dps fighter in my opinion) you will crit very often, resulting in very high crit damage and knocking the target down. Another plus are it's two damage types (which pikes and estocs lack).

    The Blade of the Endless Paths is also a nice weapon for such a theme, because it has Marking and can be used to support a fellow team member with +10 ACC. But overall I find the great sword to be the better choice.


    A front row fighter with 2H and only 8 CON will need strong self healing capabilitites or go down quickly. So I also recommend Rapid Recovery (scales with level) and a Belt of Bountiful Healing or Fulvano's Amulet for +25% healing. I would also raise surviuval up to 14 if possible (and if you don't wanmt to go for lore), for another +60% healing bonus. You are also very flexible with a +15 ACC bonus against certain enemies then. If you then take Unbending you become unkillable in tough encounters except when health starts to runs out. Unbending used to be superstrong - they patched it in the latest version and I can't say how strong it is now, but I killed an enemy fighter yesterday who had this and it still took forever to kill him. I wouldn't take Unbroken because it's nearly the same as Second Chance on an item, but you have to use an ability point for it (and it's per encounter of course). Second Chance and Unbroken don't work together. If you go down, both will be triggered for no special effect other that both charges are gone. If you go down every encounter (and are no barb with Vengeful Defeat or have a paladin with Behold the Nartyr with you), you are doing something wrong I'd say. And once you get up you will be knocked down again immediately.So I'd skip that ability. In a party you might have scrolls, paladins, priests or chanters anyway who can revive. My goal would be to not go down at all.


    A good combo of armor and boots would be Sanguine Plate + Shod in Faith. Your deflection will not be too good (no shield) and you will receive a crit from time to time. With high MIG and INT the Consecrated Ground will heal your allies and you (especially with that healing bonus of yours) a lot while Frenzy will last longer with high INT and will add +4 MIG and +4 CON as well as +33% speed. That's way better than the gambeson in my opinion. You can combine that with a Tempered Helm (it's +3 MIG and stuff now stacks with everything after your first kill). It looks good with the Sang. Plate and has awesome bonuses against mind control and some of the most nasty afflictions as paralyze and so on - you can skipt those talents then. If you choose any other item with +3 MIG you can pump your MIG bonuses from items to +10 MIG (Frenzy + Temp. Helm + another +3 item) after you got a crit and killed someone. That's pretty nice. An alternative to Sanguine Plate would be Outlander's Frenzy - but I don't think you can spare the talent point.


    With Armored Grace and durganized Sanguine Plate you will already be fast. Frenzy, then put on Gauntlets of Swift Action, durganize the great sword and you'll have a attack speed bonus of 1.72 with only 0.15 malus from the plate - resulting in 1.57 speed bonus which is good for a 2 handed fighter ((2 meaning 0 recovery, 1 is normal speed)). And then your high DEX will speed you up further. If you would reach 0 recovery then DEX bonuses wouldn't do a lot anymore for your attack speed. DEX is applied after all the attack speed calc is done - and you can't reduce 0 recovery further with DEX. With the Blade otEP you would indeed have nearly 0 recovery in plate - and DEX wouldn't do a lot for your attack speed anymore. Another reason why I like the great sowerd better in this case. Of course all this speed stuff is late game talk. Before it comes to durgan steel and stuff like that high DEX will do you good.


    With a 2hander's high base damage you want to take every bonus dmg talent/ability that you get. So Savage Attack, Two Handed Style, Weapon Spec. and Weapon Mastery are great, also Appr. Sneak attack (with an overbearing weapon it's even a must I'd say). If you want to wear the Bartender's Ring (+20% damage to spirits and vessel) and take a boreal dwarf (+15 ACC to wilder and primordial) and then squeeze in Beast Slayer and make your great sword kith-slaying (don't know if that fits into the 14 enchantment points if you also want to put a lash on it and make it superb?) you would do a lot af extra damage against every kind of enemy: +20% to vessels and spirits, +25% to beasts (including dragons), +15 ACC (= more crits) against WIlder and Primordial and +5 ACC and +25% damage against kith. Nice for dps. Combine that with all the dmg mods above and you'll do a lot of damage per hit. But I fear that there are not enough talent points for all of this. ;)


    Ok, enough from me I guess... need ice cubes, my fingertips are burning... ;)

    Oddly enough my long time POE friend it was a PRIEST of Eothas who lived in Raedceras that it was built in honor of.

  14. I think a paladin with Crossbow, Arbalest or Firearms could easily fit the holy witchhunter cliche, with all the protection against magic stuff, FoD and Sworn ennemy.


    By the way, if I understand well, marking and coordinated attack only works if your closest ally targets the same target as you. If he targets something else, it becomes useless. That's why it seems easier to achieve with ranged characters ^^

    And ya marking is def easier for the reasons you states as ranged. On PoTD their are a crap ton of mobs so sometimes you end up tanking something that isn't priority so the marking is kind of wasted. This is why I brought a fighter with into the fray. He pulls what I'm tanking away and tanks it which leaves me free to mark for my pike rogue and DPS Eder.


    This time around I'm running kind of an oddball group cause monks are too good lol and I always use them.


    1. MT type fighter with into the fray, knock downs, accurate barrage and really regen and defense for dragons.


    2. Melee Darcozzi FO, marker and off tank.


    3. Eder DPS fighter with an Estoc and Poleaxe


    4. Pike Rogue.


    5. Aloth CC controller and super damage dealer with his magic lance


    6. Durance priest support buffs.


    It's fun but it's too much melee for tight areas with the AIs terrible path finding a lot of micro. Also with double fighter and paladin front liners it's an extremely sturdy front. Battlemage Aloth is also impossible to kill for about 1 minute lol.

  15. I think a paladin with Crossbow, Arbalest or Firearms could easily fit the holy witchhunter cliche, with all the protection against magic stuff, FoD and Sworn ennemy.

    True my friend and to be honest my "tank" version lacks offensive oomph a heavy ranged weapon would really make up for it so this version is likely better. Granted my build fills a tank role so if you went ranged you'd have to fill a front line spot. It's just different not better or worse really.


    I only bring two support guys one of which is usually a tank and the rest are heavy hitters. I don't like flirting with the dice on PoTD and ToI so I go for max offense. Both the Priest and the Darcozzi "FO" type builds support the damage dealers and Ccer this way. End the fight ASAP.


    This time though I have brought a MT fighter type whose set up to tank dragons with triggered immunity and cycling vigorous defense (he's got good INT) and a priests Circle defense spell. while my Darcozz ACC support guy tanks the mobs that the damage dealers are fighting for ultra death dealing.

  16. I just tested with my druid using various push spells while my fighter was engaging enemies, it did not trigger any disengagement attack/overbearing. I don't believe there is any reliable way to get them to trigger overbearing guard then which means it is more for lockdown on a small number of enemies and not offensive. I know it would be useful on enemies like fampyr who love to run straight for back line casters but most of fighters arsenal are about simply being unkillable or absorbing damage, I am not sure they could be a disrupter unless you count items like executioner's hood for aura's(maybe Dragon's Maw).

    Well more of a controller for when enemies pass my front line.  You have knockdown, Into the Fray, Overbearing  Guard (likely skip it as its unreliable I think) and Clear Out.  You can no doubt knock people around and keep your back line clean.

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