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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. @Torm,


    To be fair, you listed various different problems with the engagement system immediately after expressing bafflement at why anyone would have problems with engagement, :).


    Maybe you meant that more specifically? I know a lot of people were like... wholly against it from the get-go. "WHOA?! No, we should in NO way ever even ATTEMPT to simulate anything even REMOTELY similar to attacks of opportunity!" That was a bit silly.


    It did work "okay" in Pillars, but it wasn't the best fit. It's not intuitive enough, and it wasn't restricted enough. It was just this weirdly passive thing floating around. Also for what it's worth, attacks of opportunity work in tabletop LARGELY because an actual grid is defined, in 5-foot squares, for much of (if not all of? I'm not an expert) D&D. PLUS, everyone didn't move at the same time. PLUS, it was turn-based, so you had a lot more time to plan your movements and see the consequences of them.


    In Pillars we got "jog around and try to guess how fast the enemy will get within engagement range, and when you will leave it and get freely thwacked by them, etc." There wasn't even like a "break engagement" button (In D&D, you could be like "I wish to knowingly move one-square away from my opponent and risk an AoO"), so it was just "THIS pixel, you're fine... THAT pixel, though? You moved THAT pixel away? You're dead!"


    Another thing I was asking for while the first game was in development -- another possibility -- was for engaged peeps to sort of be locked into a melee range, but you could actually rotate around your opponent as you fought them. Like with each auto-attack, you step left, etc. Because, yeah... trying to suddenly turn and sprint away (or back away) would simply have your opponent continue to press towards you and probably get "free" attacks. However, it's not as if no one in melee combat ever moves around.

    Well I guess what I meant to say is that there is room for improvement but it wasn't as bad as people say.  I just think it needs to be more consistent and it needs to be clear.


    PS I don't think disengagement was punishing enough.  It was never disengage! your dead! unless you were a non sturdy class in the early game.  In the late game my frontline and buffed wizards can run through disengagement like its cool.  I really think there should be a prone type check set with it.  Not just one Fighter ability that does that.  All disengagement attacks should.  And they should hurt significantly more.  Like auto crits or a MASSIVE ACC bonus.

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  2. Hey guys I am not placing this in the bug section cause there isn't one...its just the game.  In my current run I am at the Abbey of the Fallen Moon. So pretty deep in and my load times are getting longer...I am timing them from 10 to 15 seconds.  I run a top end machine now and even on my old machine I had this issues with POE (Both machines had SSDs).  I am just finding 10 to 15 sec to be slow...Is there anything I can do to speed it up a bit?

  3. Basically you cast Citzal's Spirit Lance, Wizard's Double or another defense buff and then Martial Power, then use Arcane + Hardened Veil. It's like an untouchable pike barb on steroids. Usually the duration of Arcane Veil is enough to kill most groups with the lance.

    A Fighter with the dispel wizard spell ring and disc barrage would destroy that wizard.  Also A paladin with Sworn Enemy+ Deprive the Unworthy.  They need the dispels though.  Also the Wizard could just reapply the spells after the dispel lol..it would have to be a fort disable and then the dispel so he cant reapply lol  A fighter could knock down that mage easily.  The problem is that the mage will still have sky high deflection while knocked down.  And if hes got armor or a shield to switch to with that preservation enchant forget about it,  Man in a pvp environment dispels spells would annihilate.


    PVP POE Whoa lmao

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  4. A Fighter takes it in single target dps because of disciplined Barrage. That stacked with priest ACC buffs and their natural high ACC gives them hit chance only a rogue can possibly hope to match in Melee. Add in marking + 20 from a paladin with appropriate talents and weapon and it's even better. Also Armored Grace let's them reach 0 recovery or close to it. Paladins only get FoD, Sworn Enemy (which is only against one target) and Sacred Immolation and can't keep a consistently high ACC like a Fighter with Disc Barrage. Just for 2 hits with FoD but not auto attacks. That's why I like high INT fighters. Smart fighters FTW! Lol.



    Fighters also get clear out, knock down, sunder, charge and into the fray which all hit really hard.


    I think DPS fighters really shine against hard targets like Dragons.

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  5. Agree and there big DPS ability they get much earlier (lvl 9). Paladin gets it at 13. They both give buffs to the party but they give them differently. Paladins are better Dragon killers imo they can Alpha it instead of DOT it and possibly take swipes/breathes cause it's alive. Also Crit alphas from an arbalest can knock down the dragons. Paladins have better defenses overall as we said. All in all really good classes and I like having them both lol.

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  6. I am not getting the entire fuss about engagement.  It worked fine.  You would get free attacks if someone ran past you.  It simulates you trying to run buy a dude whose armed with a weapon and not defending yourself.  The "stick thing" is just a mechanic that simulates a front line of attackers wanting to attack the intended targets.  It was a temporary momentary stop and if you wanted to you could keep running by.  Especially with high defense.  My frontliners rarely care about engagement even from dragons.  So I do not think it was impactful enough.


    Obviously characters with implements, people casting and ranged weapons should not have engagement.  Characters with martial capabilities should.  They are trained armsmen/women and should get a free shot at someone dumb enough to run by.  It should of hurt more in POE in my opinion.


    What was messed up IMO was that you would lose engagement for making a MELEE ability.  That's dumb you are still in melee and actively trying to hit your opponent.  Also some guy would run in circles for a long time trying to get to your mage and wouldn't always get engaged for some reason.  They system is inconsistent in registering engagement.

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    People keep saying that Paladins are not a DPS class, but my experience is otherwise - albeit I am a newb. In my admittedly limited experience, they can do decent DPS until level 13 (Sacred Immolation), and they can match anyone after level 13. In fact, in my experience they do only mildly less DPS than a full-blown, dual wield/Dragon Thrashed DPS Chanter once they get Sacred Immolation. So I am having a hard time understanding people complaining about Paladin DPS.


    I think you overestimate Paladins and Chanters because of your dislike of micro. Wizards, Druids and Priests can all do absurdly high damage if you empty their spell books as fast as possible.


    Also, whilst Sacred Immolation is indeed a great damage dealing ability, Paladins aren't particularly great at single target damage dealing (Flames of Devotion is good but limited) and sometimes you simply need to focus an enemy down.


    Agree I always have one single target damage dealer.  Usually a Fighter or a Rogue as they can both achieve extremely high ACC values against hard targets.  Riposte rogues and DW Fighters have done the best job for me.

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    Both are viable. Fighter is pretty straightforward. For some inspirations, read this: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80748-buildpreview-lady-of-pain/


    A 2H-ranger build with nice synergy effects is this one: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83435-class-build-riptide-the-pit-fright-dps-offtank-melee-ranger-double-team-supreme/


    You don't have to put the attrivutes in the same way. The trick of this build is to use Tidefall (2H great sword with wounding) and Shod-in-Faith-Boots and provide constant damage buff and healing for your animal companion. The build is rather old so it lacks some of the newer talents/abilites - but it can give you the basic idea. It was pretty nice to play


    Thank you Boeroer, the Ranger Build sounds interesting so I'll give that a go.


    From what I understand, Ranger has had some good buffs I'm hoping a melee orientated one will be able to handle themselves in comparison to the rest of the group. 


    If you are playing "Normal," I would strongly recommend a non-Fighter main tank. Instead, I would suggest either Boerer's Counselor Ploi (Paladin) or - even better - any one of Boerer's Chanter tank builds posted. The reason is that in PoE tanks have difficulty holding "aggro" the way they can in other RPGs or MMORPGs. This is because the AI tends to switch targets regularly and constantly go for the squishier targets. So the better way to control the fight is through either massive DPS (especially AoE DPS) or crowd control (both Ciphers and Wizards are excellent at putting a large group of enemies out of the fight for a long time). And both Paladins and Chanters can do a lot more DPS (not to mention contribute group buffs) while tanking than the conventional Fighter/Warrior type of tanks. Also, both Paladins and Chanters are extremely micro-management friendly. In fact, they are basically on auto-drive and you literally do not even have to click on them for most fights, except perhaps a Paladin performing an odd Lay on Hands heal here and there - or getting rid of a debuff through something like Liberation Exhortation.


    Thanks Lampros, but I tend to stay away from casters and the typical "Holy Knights" for a main character when I can (simply for RP purposes). 


    As mentioned above, I hope a Melee Ranger will be able to keep up with the others for my first playthrough. 


    Best thing about Paladins in POE most aren't the Holy Knight type (only Kind Wayfarers) be a Bleak Walker and get more powerful for being an evil **** or a Goldpact Knight and not give three ****s about a damn thing  because the contract has been made.  Beneath the gold the bitter steel!  Even a Shieldbearer can be a not so good guy.


    The only must good guy is a Kind Wayfarer and Darcozzzi (cause most passionate responses is to defend people so it leads you there).

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  9. If you are playing "Normal," I would strongly recommend a non-Fighter main tank. Instead, I would suggest either Boerer's Counselor Ploi (Paladin) or - even better - any one of Boerer's Chanter tank builds posted. The reason is that in PoE tanks have difficulty holding "aggro" the way they can in other RPGs or MMORPGs. This is because the AI tends to switch targets regularly and constantly go for the squishier targets. So the better way to control the fight is through either massive DPS (especially AoE DPS) or crowd control (both Ciphers and Wizards are excellent at putting a large group of enemies out of the fight for a long time). And both Paladins and Chanters can do a lot more DPS (not to mention contribute group buffs) while tanking than the conventional Fighter/Warrior type of tanks. Also, both Paladins and Chanters are extremely micro-management friendly. In fact, they are basically on auto-drive and you literally do not even have to click on them for most fights, except perhaps a Paladin performing an odd Lay on Hands heal here and there - or getting rid of a debuff through something like Liberation Exhortation.

    Lampros you blaspheme!  Even on PotD its hard to beat a Paladin on tanking ability.  Consistently.  A wizard can do it with deflection but still cant match on saves.  Like not even close!  You can prone him and then he is meat! 



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    Rogue with firebrand is another option. In the great scheme of things, paladin are not exactly a top tier class in melee. They are inferior to anybody but casters and chanters.


    That does not mean Paladin can't damages in melee. But a true melee DPS would do better (Paladins have many other strengths.). In this case the slight bonus is you would anyway pick Scion of Flames with your paladin, so it's not a bad idea.


    But I'm always surprised about how many people want to build a DPS paladin.


    I suspect that a great many of those people do it because that's how they feel paladins should have been in the first place, rather than the leader/support class that the devs foisted on the players.  Paladins may have "many other strengths", but I suspect that those are strengths that many players would give up in a heartbeat for a more offensively oriented paladin class.  Oh, some of their abilities are nice enough, but it seems to me that if you really want a support second line support character that can do these things, a priest can do them just as well, even if he has to do them a little differently.  I think that a lot of players would rather that the paladin class was a class of "holy warriors" (I use that term loosely...) than what they are today.  And that's why I think you see a lot of players trying to play them that way, regardless of how the class is designed.



    People keep saying that Paladins are not a DPS class, but my experience is otherwise - albeit I am a newb. In my admittedly limited experience, they can do decent DPS until level 13 (Sacred Immolation), and they can match anyone after level 13. In fact, in my experience they do only mildly less DPS than a full-blown, dual wield/Dragon Thrashed DPS Chanter once they get Sacred Immolation. So I am having a hard time understanding people complaining about Paladin DPS.


    Moreover, and this is another angle, Paladins in most RPGs or MMORPGs are in fact low-DPS, support classes. So if anything, I think PoE gives it far more offensive tools than is usually the case elsewhere. And this is the PoE Paladin's biggest appeal for me in fact.


    When the game first released this was not the case.  Many of the posts you find online are from this.  Paladins did not have Sacred Immolation and at the early early start had FoD 1 per encounter and did not have a + 20 ACC to the ability.  So back then it was not worth it as Paladins especially in the early game have average ACC.  Also the AI was worse and would dog pile the frontline. never looking at the back line.  You could also stack deflection sky high because PER use to give deflection not ACC along with Resolve.  That and with the dog piling AI your best bet with a Paladin was to create a uselessly offensive meat shield with support abilities.  It worked very very well.  My first Paladin tanked the Adra Dragon for a long while and never got touched.  A bit later Paladins got FoD 2 per encounter and the+ 20 ACC with it.  This made them good Alpha Strikers and good tanks along with the support.  When white March came out we got Sacred Immolation and you could/can make a very good DPSer from 13 on.  My Paladin usually comes second only losing to the guy whose been damage dealing from the start.


    I have played the game from the start and the class has always been good at all stages of the game for the reasons I stated above. 

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    How much of a stat buff do PotD mobs get precisely? I have heard that much of online sources on difficulty scaling - including the one on the Wikia - is out-dated. So any latest, precise info would be appreciated.


    They get +15 Accuracy and +15 to all of their Defences. They might also have higher Endurance pools, though don't quote me on that.


    By the why, whilst the Wiki is still far from perfect, it seems that someone(s) have been doing a lot of work improving it recently. It's nowhere near as incomplete as it was a few months ago.



    15 Accuracy and Defences are tolerable. But what I read also was that their damage and HP were significantly higher - something along the 33-50 percent range - in one of the posts I recall reading. If that is old news or plain false, then perhaps I might give it a go.


    I have been just traumatized by playing the last Elder Scrolls game in that mode. It wasn't even hard. It was just tedious beyond relief - as well as completely immersion-breaking and downright stupid.


    Edit: Also, I assume that the in-game encyclopedia won't reflect the PotD values when I check?


    I agree I had the same issues with the way the Elder Scrolls did it.  It was stupid crushing away with a mace at a bandit 25 times.  POE does it in a much more believable way.  I like it.

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  12. So for my next play through whether this run is successful or not I was thinking of doing a three piece full custom Cadence themed group (an Icewind Dale type run less dialogue never done this before),


    The Cadence Squad


    Cadence Caller: Chanter (Dragon Thrashed, summons in early game)


    Cadence Caller: Chanter (Dragon Thrashed, summons in early game)


    Drummer (DW Warhammer Barbarian, Heart of Fury etc, Clubs would fit the drummer theme better but Warhammers are better)


    Support Personnel: 


    NCO/Sergeant : Paladin (Once again Quick Switch Damage for targets that need to be dead with support abilities for squad) Debating what the most beneficial Order will be.  Go Bleak Walker just for better Alpha for on call targets?  Shieldbearer for more Deflection for Chanters/Group?  All can benefit from that except Barbarian. Should I go twohanded with this guy?  I think maybe he will still be more useful with the Outworn Buckler and Just sticking to Alphas.  Opinions? 


    Debuff specialist (squad support): Wizard


    Pre Battle blesser for the troops (squad support) : Priest

  13. I was kinda lucky with Stronghold events though. My first quest gave me the wax maker at just 13 Prestige. I didn't realize it was possible :p


    But it will be moot if I failed like I did the previous run heh

    Ya same here I got the cloak quest early.  Didn't get the Wax Mold until late.  I hear you though I have two fights left that have me worried and its both wizards.  Not so much Concelhaut but you know who.  No hints please!  I have beat her before but I want to see how I do this time.  That fight makes me crap my paints.  Two Dragons is not fun. 


    Pretty sure I am terrible player.  I have only beat the game Four times (first time was on hard, second PotD TOI and the other two TC) with a pile I mean a PILE of TC failures.  You would think after doing it twice it would be cruise control on the hardest difficulty.

  14. @Torm51: hows your rng loot this time round? I don't think I gotten gloves of manipulation in a long while lol. This run I got tons of useless cape and rings of deflection. Only worthwhile thing is probably a gloves of swift action from Durgan Battery area.

    Terrible as usual my friend.  The only good RNG I got was getting Cloak of Comfort from the Stronghold quest early.  I have not looted anything good of note from the RNG spots :(

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  15. Ok so back on topic man! lmao kidding this ONE Stoic point is BS.  I think maybe in a TC in POE2 for Paladins who are dependant on disposition you should get some hint.  I have done nothing that I find Stoic.  Like not even close.  That means its developer opinion vs mine.  If a Paladin doesn't think hes being Stoic then he damn well isn't!  Unless its blatantly obvious.  I mean it took me until the end of the game to get that one point so I obviously picked three times..dammit!  Well I will say I was in the military and my branch had "favored dispositions" as well and I followed them but I was not always perfect.  Same goes with my guy :p that's my RP dammit!




    Funny enough my last TC win was with a Darcozzi and he had 1 stoic point lmao


    Or have a frontline that shrugs off friendly fire.  That's how I deal with it.


    A combination of the two is probably wisest.


    So if you play Expert mode, then you basically only use Foe-only AoEs? ;)


    No, you just have to be a little more cautious in your AoE placing.


    Also unless I am wrong about Intellect AoE being Foe only (and I am fairly certain I'm not), higher Intellect characters actually have an easier time placing AoE spells without doing friendly fire.


    On point.  I like high INT on a lot of builds but espectially in that mode.  I can place the AOE farther away from friendlies and still not affect friendlies.  No need to check my Final Attack Headings!

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