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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. The bounties in the Dyrwood can be done at 9 and if you are really good 6 or 7.  They are not SUPER easy but it isn't hard as long as you don't make bad mistakes.  The WM1 ones are tougher but still can be done as you have seen.  I like playing with full builds in the game so I try to hit max level as soon as I can.

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  2. Yeah, a lot of healing is always bad. Better die sooner from loss of endurance than to die later from loss of health. ;)

    Actually ya on a low HP char I rather have him knocked out early then dead for the rest of the game cause I kept him alive too much.  I can still win a fight with 4 or 5.  Even 3


    Moon Godlike Kind Wayfarer, St. Ydwen's Redeemer and Tidefall, Shod-in-Faith, Jack of Wide Waters armor, St. Borragia's Tears amulet, Lay on Hands, Healing Chain, survival 12 (14 with armor, +60% healing received), Veteran's Recovery, Fulvano's Amulet or Belt of Bountiful Healing. Wound Binding, Acolyte's Radiance.


    Youl will heal all the time - if you kill, if you use FoD, if your endurance drops, if you receive a crit, with LoH, with Holy Radiance, with Healing Chain - while you will have awesome regeneration and self heals, too (+105%). If your health drops too fast - use Wound Binding or potions of Infuse with Vital Essence. With that much healing bonus those will give you back a ton of health.

    LMAO build! ;)

    It's the only one I don't like. So much healing you'll be dead before you can heal all that Endurance. Even with wound binding.


    I know it's thematic lol

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    Against a Xaurip no. Against a Dragon whose got a base breath damage of like 250. Having 30 DR instead of 27 isn't going to do much. The hit to graze is nice but it's RNG.


    Out running the range of breathe and buffing up while the slow dragon and his buddies chases is better. I rather just not get hit. Charge does that.


    Wait; do you mean the Paladin Aura (Zealous Charge) or the Fighter ability (Charge) here?


    By the way, I forgot about this: I watched a MaxQuest video earlier, and he was using a Chanter's speed Phrase. So if I am going to have a Chanter, then is Zealous Charge necessary at all?



    face tanking a dragon on PoTD can be done but it's a bit luck. If you get interrupted and don't get a buff off you are done. I rather kite buff up and then charge head first.


    Can't you buff up/prepare first and then take him on if you lie to the Adra Dragon?


    Zealous Charge Aura not the fighter ability.  If you have the chanter run buff I would not take Zealous Charge.  They do not stack.  You can only buff with food before combat.  I am talking serious buffs like Devotions of the Faithful, Scrolls of Defense,  Llengraths Displaced Image potions etc.


    You can face tank just make sure the dragon is controlled or you are very buffed.

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  5. Got ya.  I was a big Darcozzi fan mechanically in POE 1 (I liked the RP too) so that is going to be a weird one.  So as a Darcozzi you will do everything less? Less Flames of Devotion? Less Heals etc for a Lay on Hands Fire Shield that most likely retaliates eh?  Fires of the Darcozzi Palace sucked in POE 1 so lets hope that gets buffed.  I could see that being good when a party member is getting hit you can make the attackers pay after the heal. But less Alpha Strikes? Less heals?


    Its better then the Goldpact Knight.  The Sworn Enemy armor thing sounds really cool but no auras on a Paladin?  Odd. lol


    Depends what you want to do. If you want to kite it's better. :)


    If you want to stand your ground then not.



    I prefer to stand my ground, but are there fights in the game where I am better off kiting when I have 4 melees?
    The Adra Dragon Wing Slams. If you are going to run there with 4 melee you better have him controlled. Either mind controlled or prone. If not he will wing slam and breath all 4 melee and you won't last long.


    The Alpine Dragon is safer the only AOE he has is a Wing Buffet that does cold damage in a cone and blinds. He does better single target DPS though as he's a ROGUE and has sneak attack, duel wields his claws and Deathblows. One of two knockouts I had in my last run was kana gettig blinded and something else and taking a death blow swipe for 450.

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  7. Against a Xaurip no. Against a Dragon whose got a base breath damage of like 250. Having 30 DR instead of 27 isn't going to do much. The hit to graze is nice but it's RNG.


    Out running the range of breathe and buffing up while the slow dragon and his buddies chases is better. I rather just not get hit. Charge does that.

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  8. Literally no need to go off into the woods looking for reflect against Lagufaeth. Take your most sturdy characters have them pop out of stealth first and take the heat the AI will aggro them first. Then pop your second line and start buffing.


    Also do not underestimate Sidewinders. They are rogues with crazy good attack speed and sneak attack. Take them out. Fast. Since they are ranged I usually drilled them with FoD arbalest shots or charged a fighter at them.

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  9. @Boeroer


    Why FoTD is handly in a party?



    1 ability + at least 1 talent to have a burst on a char that has, literally, the best shield in game?


    I pick the best aura ingame (avaible at level 1) and I save a bunch of extra talents and 1 ability, no regret on that in a party. 2 burst /combact VS all res +5 all day long for everyone? In a game that is super dependant from afflictions of any kind? FoTD would be appealing but, for me, the problem is that the other option is just that good and, if devs can't balance they're own game, it's not my fail (super greedy min/maxer pow, be free to hate me for that).



    The only thing that make that buckler feel "balanced" is that it's asinergic with FoTD potential (you can't dual or use a 2h) but, well, that's a FoTD problem, not mine XD



    The only, ONLY, party that I have found fotd usefull is, actually, solo party :p


    When fight goes forever you wish to have more damage, especially when you are high level enough to pick sworn enemies and you gain 2 good sabre to use (plus all the items/talents to be, basically, immortal even in PoTD). In party play, I go for the imbaness shield and I'm glad they never nerfed that (or suspicious about in game balance, pick your pow)


    It's more about an ok burst ability, that to work require extra talents, and a single, let me repeat 1 last time, totally umbalaced item right there to use for no cost aside the off hand slot (lol, it's even the best type of shield, small one xD)


    Why should I pick the 1st over the latter in a party? I can see myself go for bittercut + shield and some acid FoTD later, but that's only couz my char will be probably so godlike (moon, godlike :p) in this 5man run that I will have a bunch of free talents at high levels.


    Dude all I play is Triple Crown and all of my MC are Paladins. FoD and Lay on Hands are both good but I just did an entire Triple Crown with no Lay on Hands. Passive healing is THE way to go. The only characters LoH is useful on is high Health characters. If a wizard or backline softy needs LoH you are doing it wrong cause they will be dead of Health loss soon. Better to have an escape plan for them so they can avoid damage all together.


    Also not taking FoD and Sworn Enemy makes you useless offensively until Sacred Immolation. I have had turtle Paladin characters and if you mess up one fight your Paladin will be the last one alive usulessly swinging away at a Caen Gwla and eventually dying (this is before Sacred Immolation).


    That being said in big dangerous Fights like Dragons FoD is only useful against the Alpine Dragon. I killed him from injured with 2 shots at 198 damage a shot. The Adra Dragon is immune to fire. The flying bog dragon is immune to corrode and fire (lol Bleak Walker) and the ground dragon has a fire DR of 51.Thing is the recovery is SO SLOW on LoH you better heal early or you will not get the heal off and have a knocked out character. I don't get the luxury of recovery bars :p. I rather just have high passive healing and use FoD to gib Dragon minions who are dangerous (unless it's the Alpine dragon hehehe).



    In conclusion neither are that great against the fights that matter. The most useful ability for Paladins in those fights is something you don't spec for, Your bad ass defenses. Also auras +6 ACC in a dragon fight on PoTD is a big deal. Zealous Charge will let the entire party create distance and buff while the slow dragon chases.


    I'm getting both this time around.

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    Dude very nice! Thank you. A few questions:


    1) what’s circle of protection?

    2) any particular equipment needed for chanter? What weapon?

    3) would love more info on the wizard! Does he do any damage or just tank? What’s the stat spread?

    4) what does your formation look like?

    1. third level priest spell gives +20 to all defense if you stay in the circle. Does the same thing as Scroll of Defense. Except you dont have to stay in the circle with the scroll so that could be an option.

    2. Kana wears the White Crest Armor and Helmet , Little Savior and a hatchet. I just went max deflection and other defenses with him from the start with him. In the early game he would summon and kill ranged guys with the hard hitting ghost. Once you hit lvl 9 I just Dragon Thrash, Dragon Wails and he melts stuff.

    3. Aloth has Llengraths spells (the early and late game ones) and does damage through Kalkoth's Minor Blights and the talent Dangerous Implements. He also has penetrating shot for the implements. He hits pretty hard. Plus he is a master debuffer and escape artist thanks to being unhittable for a duration.

    4. Formation x (Fighter) x (Paladin) x (chanter)


    x (storm druid)

    x (wizard) x (Priest)

    I like a Tall Grass Chanter much better than a tanking Chanter - especially at PotD. The reason is that a Chanter is still a bit fragile for the 1st line tank role at the early levels, so he is even more of a drag on the group as a tank than Chanters typically are until level 9. In contrast, a Tall Grass Chanter will be relatively safe in the 2nd line and contribute even before Dragon Thrashed. (Also, in your formation the 1st line will be congested and you will have "idling" issues in some indoor fights.

    idling on doors is ok with that group. The only one who needs to melee is the Fighter everyone there can stand around and melt groups of enemies. So if the chanter is not in melee cause hes blocked its irrelevant cause hes got AOE dots on every mob in the fight. Only in Dangerous Fights does my melee matter and its the Fighters Melee in Conjunction with Paladin Marking. That being said I see what you are saying. They are the most fragile tank out of all of the tanks. Even in the end game so if all he does is auto attack with his pike and spread his DOTs thats a good call. I agree :)
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  11. I prefer prayers too, but I find liberating exhortation and suppress affliction useful too. even if you know all fights, you will not always have the corresponding prayer available due to being low-leveled. and there is the most annoying affliction of all: stunned. there is no prayer that makes your whole party immune to it.

    by the way, my first TC run ended with a stronghold attack by vithracks. for no obvious reason, the auto-pause did not work for this stronghold attack, and one of the vithracks AoE-stunned my whole party and crit most of my group directly at start of battle. :-). I have never seen such an attack in a regular fight with vithracks, but thats maybe because I kill them too quickly because I scared of them...

    So for me it comes down to how fast the priest can cast stuff.  If I have rely on him to make us immune to every single affliction that's time hes taking not casting ACC buffs and Circle of Protection.  That being said ACC and Defenses are irrelevant if the team is CCed.  If I have a guy on the team like the Paladin that can help save the Priest Cast times its a win I think.  For instance I take a Fearless on Fighters and Righteous Soul on Paladins (unless its a steadfast build).  A priest can make the party immune to fear but that's time hes not casting devotions of the Faithful.  Now hes got to cast Fear immunity then Devotions.  If my dragon prone team (Fighter and Paladin with Marking/Coordinated Attacks) has Devotions of the Faithful ASAP then I can prone the Dragon ASAP.


    I guess there are many ways to do it.


    The bottom line for this post was that Liberating Exhortations + Inspiring Lib is as close to a must as you are going to get.


    That being said I am a bit curious about at retaliation Darcozzi with Fires of the Darcozzi Palace.  Anyone tried it?

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