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Posts posted by Torm51


    Agreed. Disagreee on the damage minus for Wayfarers they already do less damage then the other orders on sneak attackable enemies. Unless less Darcozzi zeal is hurting them more unsure. I’m not playing the beta cause I want to be surprised :x


    I thought Obsidian had gotten rid of the negatives for Paladins and Priests, hence Kind Wayfarers shouldn't have that problem anymore.


    Dude thats great news.  I have not been keeping up with the Beta cause I want to be surprised.  Where did you read this?!?!??!?!


    So whats the Subclasses for Paladin now?  Goldpact Knights keep their auras etc?

  2. I'd prefer Might to revert to its Pillars form and Resolve to be buffed in some other way, but having Healing moved to Resolve whilst Might retains Damage wouldn't bother me that much. It makes Resolve the more defensive stat, and fits well with tanky Fighters and Paladins benefiting for their healing abilities whilst not messing up the hybrid damage dealers. It's also unlikely to require people to significantly change the attributes of imported characters, which is my biggest problem with the change.

    I have to agree with Jerek here.  Taking 10 Resolve Paladins/Priests cause Resolve just was not that good is just dumb.  The flavor of the class (and others like it) is that they are a leader yet they have the average resolve of a regular grunt in combat.  Those arch types are meant to be "leading the band as they say" if they have crappy resolve well they should not be good leaders.  This also helps them fuel their abilities that are natural to the class for example Lay on Hands, Priest AOE heals and chanter AOE heals.  It also helps the defensive types with better passive healing.  I like it.  


    PS I still always take 15 Resolve on my Paladin in POE 1 cause I want the concentration so I do not get interrupted casting a heal, casting an exhortation or quick switching to an Arbalest for a FoD Alpha.  The extra 5 deflection is meh but  it also has the third effect of being good RP for a Paladin.

    • Like 1
  3. In the previous RPG games it was usually like if you chose to be good, you had much better rep overall, and people helped you out, was easier to get by. I remember back in Baldur's Gate if you were evil, you were in for a rough time, with all those Flaming Fist guys hunting you in every city and town, for example.


    What I really miss is follower disposition. Like there were 'good' and 'evil' type followers that always voiced their opinion on your actions, and if you strayed too far from their beliefs, they'd abandon your cause or even turn on you. IIRC it was like that in NWN 2, which was also made by Obsidian.


    I'm not sure what PoE 2 has in store, but I'm secretly hoping they will add something similar. I also hope my decisions will carry over somewhat, at least. PoE resurrected the isometric cRPG genre for me, so I'm really hopeful they will nail it with 2. Either way, I'm getting the game on release day, and that day can't come fast enough.


    @qEin I'd ask you to spoil it, but this is the no spoiler section, so I probably can't.

    There are certain followers who will leave if you make certain decisions.
    • Like 1
  4. I have to agree with Boroer that the melee cipher is by far more efficient than ranged.

    When I played my trio party I also used the companions Grieving Mother (and Kana) so her stats were not perfect for melee, since too squishy.

    I played her ranged till I got mindweb, but when I realized how strong Borrowed Instinct was, I was really sad i played her ranged all those levels.

    Ofc if you actually have Mindweb unlocked and have one really strong tank, there is no reason not to use it and keep your party all melee an together.

    I used twin Sting to open combat and 99% of the time build enough focus at the first shot and always latest at the 2nd.

    I made GM a pikeman with tall grass and an arbalest and it’s MUCH better mind lances, detonates and silent screams out the ass. Super destruction. The only thing I’m worried about is dragon fights. I have to make sure I position that back line away from the breathes. The only high HP chars are my Paladin and Eder the dragon hunter team.


    Detonate being friendly fire is irrelevant also. With Zealous Endurance pushing hits to grazes, extremely high DR with plate and the Paladins great saves the frontline just eats FF spells like it’s cool. The PC paladin is also a Pale Elf so he eats fire spells from the storm tank Easy

    • Like 1
  5. The game is too easy even for the usual player after some time if you are doing every quest. This has nothing to do with optimizing the heck out of the game.



    Maybe some people should be less concerned about optimizing the bleep out of everything and just play the game.

    Yes, that's what I did in my first playthrough - on normal - which was too easy. :) And then I optimized the bleep out of everything when playing "Path of the Damned" which is supposed to be very difficult. Which it isn't. I thought that difficulty setting was made for people who optimize the bleep out of everything. If not, we need another difficulty setting. "Path of the Powergamer" or so. ;)


    I must be terrible at this game. I have beaten a TC run only four times. Most of the times I lose. Wish I had Boer’s Magic.

  6. Did you ever try if Reaping Knives works with Wildstrike (shock or burn or whatever)? Then I would keep the druid because that might be fun to watch: raw damage reaping knives with a lot of lashes...

    That would definitely be fun.  I have not tried...hmmm the custom druid is a storm tank but I have build Hiravious for Shape shifting duel wield damage.


    I really want to run a Frontline of Paladin, Monk, Fighter and I want to make the warbow Cipher work.  Who in the backline would you drop Wizard or Storm tank?

    But Paladin + Monk + Fighter + Cipher are only 4 party members. You can bring wizard AND druid. Or what did I miss?


    Edit: ach, I missed Durance, my bad.


    Well, then I would probably drop... argh I don't know. Both are fine in their own way. :) Wizard has more variety, so maybe drop druid I'd say. But druid is very good against single targets as well as gainst mobs. So drop wizard, haha... well I'm out I guess. ;)


    so the Cipher would be out and this thread is pointless lmao!

  8. Def. pick Borrowed Instincts.


    For dragons: get Champion's Boon and Crowns for the Faithful + Devotions + from Durance while loading up focus and then cast Disintegration on the dragon while the paladin marks the beast. After that you won't have to do a lot of other things anymore. ;)


    I always found that war bow ciphers lack a bit of oomph until you get Rain of Godagh Field (and that comes so late). I really like melee ciphers better, especially when build around Firebrand - my favorite setup with a cipher. 

    Ya I am currently running through the bounties at level 9 so I will have Rain of Godagh Field soon.  I just thought I would not run low HP/Endurance frontliners this time around.  Its not that they are bad with the good armor and skills/abilities they are good to go I just did it last run and was kind of bleh about there softness in Dragon fights.  That being said the group was successful so it worked but I just wanted some meaty characters (LOL) upfront this time.  Thinking of dumping one on the backline for a Juggernaut monk for more heftiness. But we will see.


    PS PS Secondary question I really want to run a Frontline of Paladin, Monk, Fighter and I want to make the warbow Cipher work.  Who in the backline would you drop Wizard or Storm tank?

  9. So I am using GM is my heavy hitter Cipher with a Warbow.  I often find myself in two situations.  I have A LOT of focus but seem to be to far away to use them immediately (Looking at you Silent Scream and Disintegrate), I could spam Mind Lance so thats something I end up doing... and move GM closer for the ranged issues...shes a squishy warbow user so I do not like too lol OR in Dragon fights after all available soft targets are dead I am focused starved.  What really worries me is the latter.  What do you guys do in these situations?  I am still mid game so I have not fought a dragon yet but these have been my experiences in previous runs.


    Party Composition: Frontline Dragon Hunter team: Paladin Marker, Eder Dps Fighter (I am two handed with him atm but thinking of going DW Warhammers.  I think Cipher Reaping Knives and this Would crush even Dragons in melee plus Charge is better with DW full attack).


    Backline CC Masters of Hell: Storm Tank druid, Aloth Blight DPS/CC Wizard, GM heavy hit ranged Cipher and Durance Buff Priest plus Fire AOE.


    The abilities I have on GM are


    lvl 1: Mind Wave, Soul Shock, Whisper of Treason


    lvl 2 powers: Mental Binding, Phantom Foes, Recall Agony (I never use this right...help? Just cast early then focus dps?)


    lvl 3 powers: Ectophychic Echo, Puppet Master (emergency CC if something gets to the backline), Soul Ignite


    lvl 4 powers: Mind Lance, Silent Scream, Body Attunement


    lvl 5 powers Tactical Meld, Detonate


    lvl 6 (If the party makes it this far and is not dead): Amplified Wave, Disintegrate


    lvl 7: Stasis Shell


    Lvl 8: Reaping Knives (good synergy with Eder) or Defensive Mindweb (I tend to seperate my team in dragon fights so not sure about mindweb as my Paladin will be too far) 


    PS I used this crew on my second successful TC run BUT GM was not efficient in tough fights.  This is my fault and I am trying to L2P a Cipher cause I suck at it.



    I feel like there is one person confined to a dark basement with candle light whose job it is to keep the game from acquiring new bugs, while the whole team works on future content.

    The amount of gameending bugs I ran into while doing my cipher pt was much bigger than ever before and if it was TCS I would have been a very angry nerd.


    Ranging from an enemy becoming untargetable after they got charmed by Deadfire hat, even tho they were almost dead before the charm

    (Happened several times, worst one was asgainst Sky Dragon and only fixable by reload)

    over countless maybe less fatal but still potentially deadly bugs,

    to the inability to leave combat either if you run away and the enemies return to their positions or much worse after you killed all enemies, which happened to me after the Thaos fight with no way to save or do anything but reload.

    Ooooo don’t tell me that currently in one of my last TC runs. What should I avoid doing?


    PS I have exclusively played TC since release and never had a game ending bug, that being said maybe I’ve been lucky.


    PS PS for this reason I every once in a while make copy of the file and put it in an emergency folder for this reason.


    PS PS PS I have NEVER ONCE used those files to restore a TC run in which I messed up and died. I’m not very good my total record against POE on TC is like 4 wins vs more then 15 losses for sure. I don’t know I’ve logged almost 2000 hours lol


    I don't think those bugs would happen in a party (assuming you don't solo).

    Basically I fought the sky Dragon no problem for a couple of minutes but I already had the issue with the Deadfire hat charm healing the Dragon off my Moonwell whenever it got charmed so the fight already took longer than it should have, but all off a sudden after a charm wore off I still couldn't target the dragon as if it was still charmed and while waiting for it to change and even running away to try and end combat at the end it was invincible and I had to reload and after another failed attempt (without bug tho, but charm + moonwell op) I finally took of the deadfire hat and killed it easily (I was level 10).


    Then I had it twice that combat wouledn't end even tho I wasn't in combat anymore, once as I said after beating Thaos and both statues, while killing the laststatue who was stunned via Silent Scream, I had another Silent Scream held over the statue (you can't reapply it while the target is still stunned) but the stue died before the stun ran out, now my whole game went crazy, the combat didn't end and I couldn't get rid of the SS icon on my mouse cursor and not even esc, inventory, right click, trying to click on the "x" in the bottom middle menu, arrow keys nothing worked so I couldn't finish the game and hat to quit alt tabbing and forcing the game to shut.


    The other time I couldn't exit combat was with my new monk who just sneaked thru Eothas temple and while sneaking back thru the mob with the phantom accidentally got spotted, so I ran back to the door close to which there is a point where the enemies will stop following you, which they did and returned to their previus position, but combbat didn't end so I neither was able to reenter stealth nor leave the area via stairs and I had to reload and actually kill the phantom/slime mob, which was thankfully quite easy with a level 4 monk with max might and con.


    Ya I dont solo I like TC group runs cause the fun for me in the game is party synergy.  Cool thanks for the advice.  That being said Trial of Iron runs dont save during combat so if you did get a bug where you are stuck in combat just quite the game and start again.  You will just have to do the fight again.  Once again it has never happened to me (fingers crossed! ) and I have never quite a fight like that because I was going to lose.  Dammit i wish I recorded all my successful runs! 

  11. I feel like there is one person confined to a dark basement with candle light whose job it is to keep the game from acquiring new bugs, while the whole team works on future content.

    The amount of gameending bugs I ran into while doing my cipher pt was much bigger than ever before and if it was TCS I would have been a very angry nerd.


    Ranging from an enemy becoming untargetable after they got charmed by Deadfire hat, even tho they were almost dead before the charm

    (Happened several times, worst one was asgainst Sky Dragon and only fixable by reload)

    over countless maybe less fatal but still potentially deadly bugs,

    to the inability to leave combat either if you run away and the enemies return to their positions or much worse after you killed all enemies, which happened to me after the Thaos fight with no way to save or do anything but reload.

    Ooooo don’t tell me that currently in one of my last TC runs. What should I avoid doing?


    PS I have exclusively played TC since release and never had a game ending bug, that being said maybe I’ve been lucky.


    PS PS for this reason I every once in a while make copy of the file and put it in an emergency folder for this reason.


    PS PS PS I have NEVER ONCE used those files to restore a TC run in which I messed up and died. I’m not very good my total record against POE on TC is like 4 wins vs more then 15 losses for sure. I don’t know I’ve logged almost 2000 hours lol

  12. You mean the fear aura is a will attack so triggers pysihich backlash. As many times as I’ve beaten the adra dragon I never thought of that! Only thing is ciphers are usually have crap HP and endurance and you have to get them somewhat close but the dragon aura is big so shouldn’t have to be that close. 10 meters maybe?


    Useless against the alpine dragon though

  13. And on PoTD passive damage destroys that fight. Chanter Dragon Thrashed and a Druid in the back line fires of his storm. Paladin Sacred Immolation still pulses when disables also. Also a monk with high con and Crucible of Suffering will not be CCed for very long, accumulate wounds and pulverize that pack down ASAP. Ensure you get paralyze protection and they will fold. Also a Fighters charge wrecks Vithracks they have low HP, DR and Fort. But you might not of been high enough level for that

  14. So I have always taken it no matter what.  Even if I am not playing a Darcozzi.  Just cause I like the clutch  CC removal it gives.  It lasts much much longer then the priest version even though its not AOE....My frontline will have a Juggernaut Monk who with his talents will not be CCed for very long....that being said my other DPSer is a Fighter Lady of Pain build which is suseptable to CC.  What do you guys think  Backline is a Priest, Blights Wizard and Storm Tank.


     That is a crappy bug and I feel your pain especially on a solo character.  If you had a group relying on bonuses isnt that big of a deal but it can be big solo.  That being said you can still win your solo run.  If it was a bug that was game stopping I would understand but you can still win a solo run with 17 DEX or whatever.

    Personally, I'm not happy with any bug like this. Obsidian designed a challenging game, with a tight mechanical system underpinning the challenge.


    For me to now experience an element of unfair challenge, because of their incompetency, entirely sours the experience for me as they've fundamentally undermined the difficult complex gameplay that they were shooting for. To put things in context I've already lost 100 hours of gameplay due to their previous laundry list of bugs that either gave me an unfair advantage or made the challenge unfair (Battle Forged granting permanent DR, Confident Aim adding loads of damage, Bash hitting several times through Carnage, etc.).


    Additionally, I'm also experiencing other bugs that I haven't made a big deal of - for example when enemies are Prone and Stunned they often are still able to attack you while the affliction duration is running. I haven't bothered to report this, as it's fairly minor, but as I'm using an Overbearing weapon in at attempt to keep a single target constantly Prone its still a bug that's comes up as another unfair disadvantage every time I play the game.


    I've mentioned in a different thread about this, that as I was using these boons more or less constantly (I have 20 Dex, so I could get them for free) I now have a permanent -2 Might -2 Con compared to what I should have. If a character was bugged so it was permanently injured with Bruised Ribs (-4 Con), there would be uproar, and yet mechanically that's also exactly what is happening here.


    I'm also not so sure that I would be able to complete the game. I'm playing a Rogue, and because their base Endurance and Health are poor not having crummy Constitution is actually very important for the build. A whole two points less permanently, or if I choose to buff it through other resting bonuses now being unable to buff Might so high and do as much damage as a consequence, can easily make a once viable solo build now unviable.


    Even if they do patch it, it shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. There have been way too many bugs in this game from release until now for a supposedly reputable games developer for my liking.


    I hear you man and I am with you 200%.  They have had some bad bugs I for the most part have been spared them as it SEEMS that Windows 7 steam users get the least buggy experience.  For instance I never got the pink square thing (fingers crossed) but ya the afflictions over riding each other and then FREEing enemies is really crappy.  I have not bothered to report it either because I just cycle my CC and its not an issue.  But you are right.

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  16. So I heard back in November some people on Mac/Linux and one Windwos GoG user were having the pink squares/gear issue with the White March.  I started a new game in early December and am picking it back up at the start of chapter two.  I am a Windows 7 Steam User.  I am not sure if I started this game before the 3.07 patch but I heard a good way to avoid this issue if it exists is to start a new save.  I cant check prior saves cause the only 4 I have are ToI runs and all finished at the end of the game.  I cant go back.  


    I know its impossible for you guys to tell but given what you know of my version should I start all over for a full play through or just pick up at Chapter Two.


    Could I go to my old saves and check the WM gear that my characters have?  If they have pink textures I will know that I have to start over?





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