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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. So in the elevator seen going up the west tower, I could have swore i brought a rope.  I did not.  Aloth fell to his death (I feel like charge should be an option in this scene as Wild Sprint and Flagellants Path are to rescue a hanging companion).  This has never happened to me before lmao.  I sent him over as he was my mechanics guy and well I had no rope.  Thats 2 out of 4 cannon runs where i have aloth dead....


    So I was thinking of using another class but it is working REALLY well with the power trio on the back line (storm driud tank, Hurtstacker Wizard and buff priest). Along with my frontline of Paladin, Fighter, Tall Grass Cipher... So I will make a custom Boeroer and continue along.  Since I need a Wizard and he came up with Zeblastian Hurtstacker he will be one in my game!  Plus hes much smarter than me so makes sense hes a wizard.


    So hes obviously on Orlan right?  Is that a Hearth or Wild Orlan in his pic?  looks like hearth.  What do you guys think his background is? where is he from???


    PS I found Aloths Corpse at the bottom of the Shaft on the way back out after defeating the Skuldrak but he only had food and none of the gear! WTF!  I lost a great robe and 2 great sceptors!  Maybe they broke lmao but the robe should be intact dammit!

    • Like 1
  2. Mildly interesting: Psychic Backlash used to trigger only once per encounter, and was a really meh passive. But from around v3.02? it started to have no limit, and became beyond must-have, and probably even too OP.


    There was also a patch when all weapon based prone and stuns were changed to behave like regular prone and stuns. Seems like Backlash was missed)

    Ya for dragons its ridiculous cause of the Fear aura, they just stun themselves constantly and its an unlimited times per encounter.

  3. My analysis of this game lead me to have 100% range party with the summons and pets as tanks.

    Why you might ask well pets especially have no health bar so they technically can't die if there endurance is being replenish fast enough. They can suffer from fatigue but this only happens after prolonged fights.


    Summons from the chanter are very strong especially when summon directly behind enemy lines.


    This leads on to the formation you want 2 columns of 4 with the pet being in front the chanter or priest preferably behind that.

    Obviously 2 rangers at the back since they have no auras.

    Chanters and priests both stack with all endurance heals so 2 chanters with ancient healing will keep alot of endurance healing on the pets and summons.

    For ranged weapons keep two, one bow for low Dr and a rifle for high Dr. You wont need to worry about accuracy to much and concentration since you will almost never be hit.

    A paladin can be really nice here with all the accuracy modulas.


    The real strength of this set up is finding a chock point and funneling enemies into it. Even if you can do that just run circles around them, with bows you attack speed is very high.

    On harder difficulties where enemies have very high stats this seems to work to well. I guess it's how the game throws. Enemies at you expecting you to have a strong g defensive party but when you can funnel them unto a choke your dps don't need armor and just high dps.

    Or Zealous Charge to keep you out of melee.

  4. It stuns him..that has to be a bug? I just beat the Alpine Dragon and a few times in the encounter he was stunned with the psychic backlash debuff. Has to be a bug eh? I did not go into that fight thinking it would stun him I was just banking on free raw damage from Brutal Backlash. *shrug* Between that, my Paladin tanking with the Go-Between Helm, Zealous Endurance and the Alpine Dragon being permanently proned cause of marking + Coordinated attacks and Eder Knock downs, and Sun Lances (boss killer spell) from the druid he had no shot. Tidefall + Eder was hitting him for 31 Pierce a swing. That is a lot for a Dragon that has a lot of DR.


    Oh he also confused him/herself with the Captains Hat. I guess the fear aura counts a hit? I didn’t cast a confuse spell and it counted as a confuse for leveling the hat lol.


    My fave order was the Shieldbearer. I found Pallies in general to be boring but loved my Shieldbearer in an all tank party. He shined brightly as the leader of 5 Warriors. Or in other party types he made my Melee Ranger/Wolf duos even more powerful/tank. Give him Shame or Glory and triple team an enemy. They could take down any non boss quite handily.

    I have been wanting to play one more run through PoE1 before PoE2 arrives, but I haven't been able to come up with a character concept for my PC. (I am *NOT* looking forward to the 5 character max party size though.)


    I've been somewhat tempted to try a paladin, possibly built as an "undead hunter", but I'm hesitant because I love having Pallegina round so much and am wary of playing with 2 paladins in the party. I like the variety of classes, and the potent interaction of having a wide variety of different classes in the party.

    You can also take Abjuration, coupled with Sworn Enemy it annhilates spirits and summoned creatures. My issue with it is that it competes with sacred Immolation at 13 and by 15 the game is almost over and there is only a few places left with spirits. If you want it for Durgan’s battery you need it at 13 and I wouldn’t skip Sacred Immolation for it.




    I realize that this is a thread necro, and I'm definitely late to the party. But this is an interesting topic, and it seems better to just thread necro than create a new thread on the same topic.



    I think that there are two very different ways to look at the question of favorite paladin order. There's the which order's abilities/talents do you like best. And then there's the which order's background do you like best. Being more of a role player, I prefer the second question.


    I'm rather old school when it comes to paladins. I personally don't like this semi-supporting leadership style of paladin. I prefer the old school "holy warrior" style of paladin. It seems a lot more fun to me. But sadly, that's not what's in PoE.


    Furthermore, I don't particularly like the Darcozzi or Gold Pact Knight orders, because I don't see any central concept or ideology that defines them. The Gold Pact Knights seem more like a mercenary group than an order of paladins. And fighting for whomever pays you the most hardly seems like an ideology that should define a group of paladins. As for the Darcozzi, I can't even go that far. I have no idea at all what binds them together, other than being guardians and ambassadors of the Darcozzi family, which again hardly seems like something that should define a group of paladins. In both of these cases, they seem like groups of warriors, with the GPK's being more mercs while the Darcozzi being more guardsmen. But either way, not paladins, at least as I would see "paladins".


    As for the Bleak Walkers, I can see them as paladins, almost certainly evil, though it's hard to see a binding ideology. Their description seems to describe more of means to their ideology than an ideology itself. But I have no idea what the ideology their brutal and merciless nature exists to support.


    This leaves the Kind Wayfarers and the Shieldbearers. I can see these two as old school paladins of roughly similar flavor. Protectors of the innocent, etc., etc., etc.


    Maybe what's really missing, at least for me, are ties to Eora's deities, since tying an order to a specific deity would pretty much define an order's philosophy. If an order was linked to Magran, a paladin would be a champion of the goddess of war and fire, and so forth, for example.



    Anyways, looking at the paladin orders from an talent perspective, it seems to me that they're all relative weak and unappealing. The only talent that seems at all potent is Pallegina's Wrath of the Five Suns talent. It seems to me that other than the Faith and Conviction dispositions, the 5 playable orders are all rather generic in their abilities because their talents are so lame. Oh, sure, you've got to work your dispositions during your game play, and that's a good thing. But in terms of abilities, all paladins seem like they're pretty much the same in combat.


    It would be nice if there was more differentiation between the orders in terms of what they bring to combat. It might also be nice if each order had specific requirements or strongly favored attributes that related to that order's special skills, talents, and/or abilities, so that paladins of different orders didn't have so much of a sameness about them.

    On PoTD Inspiring Liberation is GREAT. + 10 Accuracy thay stacks with everything that last at a base line of 20 seconds with 10 INT is awesome in dragon fights. Helping CC land reliably. But you don’t like Darcozzi :p


    Darcozzi are a Kingsguard like in Game of Thrones. I like it.


    I used to be old school like you about Paladins but I like the take on them in this game. You don’t have to follow a god to be zealous about something. And I like the leader concept better than the D and D version But to each his own of course. I bet you were jealous of those Berathian Paladins in Raedrics Keep!

    A. I don't do POTD.


    B. Never watched Game of Thrones. Heck, I don't think that I've even had cable in more than 10 years. Just wasn't worth the ridiculously high price IMO. And on principle, I hate channel bundling, which is another reason I refuse to get cable.


    C. I don't see zealotry as a legitimate source of power for a paladin's abilities. To me, a guardsman is nothing more than a fighter. I see paladins as requiring a tie to a deity because it's only through that deity that they get their power, their divine abilities.


    D. I don't like the leader concept because if you have a group of paladins, like those Berathian Paladins, they can't ALL be leaders. Too many chiefs, not enough indians. But when you're talking about holy warriors, well, you avoid that problem. or if the term "holy warrior" doesn't work for you, think instead of them as "champions" (of their deity). A champion is still a holy warrior of sorts, though not necessarily a zealot in the colloquial sense. They may be leaders, but not necessarily so. They'd be warriors chosen and blessed by their deity to be one of that deity's chosen champions in this world (Eora, in this case).


    (FYI, I'm thinking of David Weber's War God series, where the primary character, Bahzell Bahnakson, is a Champion of the god of war and justice, Tomanak. He's no zealot by any stretch of the imagination. Arguably, he's not even all that "holy" a warrior. He's certainly not religious. He doesn't really see Tomanak as a god to be worshiped. He tends to see Tomanak as being more like his really, REALLY super powerful boss, in whose name Bahzell fights. And that's OK with Tomanak because he wants Bahzell to be exactly who he is, not some boot-licking toady.)



    Frankly, I think that all of the abilities we see in the game could be easily enough explained without needing this leader foolishness. In a very real sense, the abilities we see paladins get in PoE aren't all that different from those Paladins got in D&D, at least in the IE D&D games. They're just not bundled up as "spells". But they still do similar kinds of things. Help companions. Hurt enemies. That sort of thing.






    I wish that the devs had done more to create a lot more differentiation between the paladin orders, because right now, there seems be very little differentiation, except for how you have to role play a pally PC relative to your order's F+C dispositions.

    All fair points. You can also read GoT :p that’s where I first heard of them! I see what you are saying though too many Chiefs not enough Indians. But to be honest I was a Marine and we had the same ethos in that we train everyone to be a leader from a Private to the Commendant. So that if your lieutenant is dead the sergeant has no issue taking over and the sergeant is out the corporal is trained to lead etc. That being said there is still a rank structure and in training and combat chain of command is followed. I think it’s the same with the Paladin Orders in this setting.

    Also not everyone in the Knights Templar was a Templar they had support troops. I would think it the same for the orders here.


    I do like D and D Paladin style as well though. As far as differentiating other then Disposition I think might be a tough to balance issue?


    I like PoTD group play but that’s me :)


    PS PS I agree that none of the order talents are real difference makers save Darcozzi Inspiring Liberation and that’s only on a certain difficulty. Some are ok though Remember Rakhan Field makes Bleak Walkers the best Alpha strike Paladins as no other order can add an extra damage type to their FoD. Also Goldpact Knight Immunity to mind crontrol is great. Their Enduring Flames DoT can also be extremely punishing against bosses. Bait a mind control by popping an ally out of stealth then hit them with Liberating Exhirtation and they are immune. The AI has cool downs on some abilities like that so they won’t be able to cast it again for a while. It’s more niche but it really works.


    Also the Sword and the Shepherd from Kind Wayfarers a nice quick heal when you need something faster then Lay on Hands or an Aoe Heal. Strange Mercy is a stronger heal but it’s not on command you need a Kill.


    Shield bearer talents need work in my personal case as I play PoTD and deflection is your second least useful defense. Last being Will and most important being Fort. Giving extra deflection to allies is meh. Deflection is most useful in trash fights and in trash fights you don’t need much of it.




    I get that not everyone in the KT's was a Templar.  It's the same in the Dave Weber War God series.  Not all warriors in the order of Tomanak were champions.  Heck, as the story goes, there were only 19 champions for the entire continent.  And they weren't really members of the Order, per se.  The Order actually existed to support the Champions.  And there were various ranks, and lots of "lay brothers" who were the Order's soldiers.  The Champions were essentially Tomanak's appointed generals for the Order.  Where they went, the Order followed.  The Order selected its members.  The god Tomanak selected His champions.


    Regarding differentiating, seems to me that it'd be no more difficult to balance than any other class related balance related work.  Another reason I wish that the paladin's had been linked to dieties is for the differentiation.  I would have loved to see MUCH more wildly differentiated paladins, above and beyond merely "good" or "evil" paladins.


    The devs could have selected deities who covered a WIDE array of different things.  Magran, a goddess of war and flame.  And perhaps her paladins might have some flame based abilities.  Or Galawain, the nature God of the Hunt.  Imagine what a champion of that god might be like.  Perhaps almost like a cross between a "paladin" and a ranger, a tree-hugging paladin, I suppose.  Or Eothas, perhaps the most "good" god of the bunch, whose champions might be the most traditional goody two-shoes of paladins.  Or Hylea, the goddess of the birds and sky.  Perhaps her champions might have some weather related abilities, like rain based or call lightning.


    It just seems to me that this could have been incredibly interesting and differentiated.


    Thats fair and I know lore wise they exist they just are not playable, unfortunately not to your liking!  That being said even though Jueodas is being rude he is right about zealotry being the power source in the setting.






    C. I don't see zealotry as a legitimate source of power for a paladin's abilities.  To me, a guardsman is nothing more than a fighter.  I see paladins as requiring a tie to a deity because it's only through that deity that they get their power, their divine abilities.


    Except that their Zealotry is LITERALLY their power source (and not some random deity. This isn't DnD)

    Just like with the Priests, it's the FAITH ITSELF fueling their abilities (hence the Eothasian priests being able to cast their wiggity woo, despite their god being literally dead, and Durance still being able to do the same, despite his goddess trying to kill him and not even able to recognize him)


    You can't just attempt to make one setting conform to the rules of another.



    It's not about making one setting conform to another.  It's about not LIKING one setting's definition of paladins and wishing that it was something else.




    No need for that man it is his opinion.  I also like Faith based Paladins but they are not playable :)

    • Like 1


    I realize that this is a thread necro, and I'm definitely late to the party. But this is an interesting topic, and it seems better to just thread necro than create a new thread on the same topic.



    I think that there are two very different ways to look at the question of favorite paladin order. There's the which order's abilities/talents do you like best. And then there's the which order's background do you like best. Being more of a role player, I prefer the second question.


    I'm rather old school when it comes to paladins. I personally don't like this semi-supporting leadership style of paladin. I prefer the old school "holy warrior" style of paladin. It seems a lot more fun to me. But sadly, that's not what's in PoE.


    Furthermore, I don't particularly like the Darcozzi or Gold Pact Knight orders, because I don't see any central concept or ideology that defines them. The Gold Pact Knights seem more like a mercenary group than an order of paladins. And fighting for whomever pays you the most hardly seems like an ideology that should define a group of paladins. As for the Darcozzi, I can't even go that far. I have no idea at all what binds them together, other than being guardians and ambassadors of the Darcozzi family, which again hardly seems like something that should define a group of paladins. In both of these cases, they seem like groups of warriors, with the GPK's being more mercs while the Darcozzi being more guardsmen. But either way, not paladins, at least as I would see "paladins".


    As for the Bleak Walkers, I can see them as paladins, almost certainly evil, though it's hard to see a binding ideology. Their description seems to describe more of means to their ideology than an ideology itself. But I have no idea what the ideology their brutal and merciless nature exists to support.


    This leaves the Kind Wayfarers and the Shieldbearers. I can see these two as old school paladins of roughly similar flavor. Protectors of the innocent, etc., etc., etc.


    Maybe what's really missing, at least for me, are ties to Eora's deities, since tying an order to a specific deity would pretty much define an order's philosophy. If an order was linked to Magran, a paladin would be a champion of the goddess of war and fire, and so forth, for example.



    Anyways, looking at the paladin orders from an talent perspective, it seems to me that they're all relative weak and unappealing. The only talent that seems at all potent is Pallegina's Wrath of the Five Suns talent. It seems to me that other than the Faith and Conviction dispositions, the 5 playable orders are all rather generic in their abilities because their talents are so lame. Oh, sure, you've got to work your dispositions during your game play, and that's a good thing. But in terms of abilities, all paladins seem like they're pretty much the same in combat.


    It would be nice if there was more differentiation between the orders in terms of what they bring to combat. It might also be nice if each order had specific requirements or strongly favored attributes that related to that order's special skills, talents, and/or abilities, so that paladins of different orders didn't have so much of a sameness about them.

    On PoTD Inspiring Liberation is GREAT. + 10 Accuracy thay stacks with everything that last at a base line of 20 seconds with 10 INT is awesome in dragon fights. Helping CC land reliably. But you don’t like Darcozzi :p


    Darcozzi are a Kingsguard like in Game of Thrones. I like it.


    I used to be old school like you about Paladins but I like the take on them in this game. You don’t have to follow a god to be zealous about something. And I like the leader concept better than the D and D version But to each his own of course. I bet you were jealous of those Berathian Paladins in Raedrics Keep!

    A. I don't do POTD.


    B. Never watched Game of Thrones. Heck, I don't think that I've even had cable in more than 10 years. Just wasn't worth the ridiculously high price IMO. And on principle, I hate channel bundling, which is another reason I refuse to get cable.


    C. I don't see zealotry as a legitimate source of power for a paladin's abilities. To me, a guardsman is nothing more than a fighter. I see paladins as requiring a tie to a deity because it's only through that deity that they get their power, their divine abilities.


    D. I don't like the leader concept because if you have a group of paladins, like those Berathian Paladins, they can't ALL be leaders. Too many chiefs, not enough indians. But when you're talking about holy warriors, well, you avoid that problem. or if the term "holy warrior" doesn't work for you, think instead of them as "champions" (of their deity). A champion is still a holy warrior of sorts, though not necessarily a zealot in the colloquial sense. They may be leaders, but not necessarily so. They'd be warriors chosen and blessed by their deity to be one of that deity's chosen champions in this world (Eora, in this case).


    (FYI, I'm thinking of David Weber's War God series, where the primary character, Bahzell Bahnakson, is a Champion of the god of war and justice, Tomanak. He's no zealot by any stretch of the imagination. Arguably, he's not even all that "holy" a warrior. He's certainly not religious. He doesn't really see Tomanak as a god to be worshiped. He tends to see Tomanak as being more like his really, REALLY super powerful boss, in whose name Bahzell fights. And that's OK with Tomanak because he wants Bahzell to be exactly who he is, not some boot-licking toady.)



    Frankly, I think that all of the abilities we see in the game could be easily enough explained without needing this leader foolishness. In a very real sense, the abilities we see paladins get in PoE aren't all that different from those Paladins got in D&D, at least in the IE D&D games. They're just not bundled up as "spells". But they still do similar kinds of things. Help companions. Hurt enemies. That sort of thing.






    I wish that the devs had done more to create a lot more differentiation between the paladin orders, because right now, there seems be very little differentiation, except for how you have to role play a pally PC relative to your order's F+C dispositions.

    All fair points. You can also read GoT :p that’s where I first heard of them! I see what you are saying though too many Chiefs not enough Indians. But to be honest I was a Marine and we had the same ethos in that we train everyone to be a leader from a Private to the Commendant. So that if your lieutenant is dead the sergeant has no issue taking over and the sergeant is out the corporal is trained to lead etc. That being said there is still a rank structure and in training and combat chain of command is followed. I think it’s the same with the Paladin Orders in this setting.

    Also not everyone in the Knights Templar was a Templar they had support troops. I would think it the same for the orders here.


    I do like D and D Paladin style as well though. As far as differentiating other then Disposition I think might be a tough to balance issue?


    I like PoTD group play but that’s me :)


    PS PS I agree that none of the order talents are real difference makers save Darcozzi Inspiring Liberation and that’s only on a certain difficulty. Some are ok though Remember Rakhan Field makes Bleak Walkers the best Alpha strike Paladins as no other order can add an extra damage type to their FoD. Also Goldpact Knight Immunity to mind control can be great. Bait a mind control by popping an ally out of stealth then hit them with Liberating Exhortation and they are immune The AI has cool downs on some abilities like that so they won’t be able to cast it again for a while. It’s more niche but it really works. Enduring Flames is good against high HP enemies.


    Also the Sword and the Shepherd from Kind Wayfarers a nice quick heal when you need something faster then Lay on Hands or an Aoe Heal. Strange Mercy is a stronger heal but it’s not on command you need a Kill.


    Shield bearer talents need work in my personal case as I play PoTD and deflection is your second least useful defense. Last being Will and most important being Fort. Giving extra deflection to allies is meh. Deflection is most useful in trash fights and in trash fights you don’t need much of it.

    • Like 1
  8. I realize that this is a thread necro, and I'm definitely late to the party. But this is an interesting topic, and it seems better to just thread necro than create a new thread on the same topic.



    I think that there are two very different ways to look at the question of favorite paladin order. There's the which order's abilities/talents do you like best. And then there's the which order's background do you like best. Being more of a role player, I prefer the second question.


    I'm rather old school when it comes to paladins. I personally don't like this semi-supporting leadership style of paladin. I prefer the old school "holy warrior" style of paladin. It seems a lot more fun to me. But sadly, that's not what's in PoE.


    Furthermore, I don't particularly like the Darcozzi or Gold Pact Knight orders, because I don't see any central concept or ideology that defines them. The Gold Pact Knights seem more like a mercenary group than an order of paladins. And fighting for whomever pays you the most hardly seems like an ideology that should define a group of paladins. As for the Darcozzi, I can't even go that far. I have no idea at all what binds them together, other than being guardians and ambassadors of the Darcozzi family, which again hardly seems like something that should define a group of paladins. In both of these cases, they seem like groups of warriors, with the GPK's being more mercs while the Darcozzi being more guardsmen. But either way, not paladins, at least as I would see "paladins".


    As for the Bleak Walkers, I can see them as paladins, almost certainly evil, though it's hard to see a binding ideology. Their description seems to describe more of means to their ideology than an ideology itself. But I have no idea what the ideology their brutal and merciless nature exists to support.


    This leaves the Kind Wayfarers and the Shieldbearers. I can see these two as old school paladins of roughly similar flavor. Protectors of the innocent, etc., etc., etc.


    Maybe what's really missing, at least for me, are ties to Eora's deities, since tying an order to a specific deity would pretty much define an order's philosophy. If an order was linked to Magran, a paladin would be a champion of the goddess of war and fire, and so forth, for example.



    Anyways, looking at the paladin orders from an talent perspective, it seems to me that they're all relative weak and unappealing. The only talent that seems at all potent is Pallegina's Wrath of the Five Suns talent. It seems to me that other than the Faith and Conviction dispositions, the 5 playable orders are all rather generic in their abilities because their talents are so lame. Oh, sure, you've got to work your dispositions during your game play, and that's a good thing. But in terms of abilities, all paladins seem like they're pretty much the same in combat.


    It would be nice if there was more differentiation between the orders in terms of what they bring to combat. It might also be nice if each order had specific requirements or strongly favored attributes that related to that order's special skills, talents, and/or abilities, so that paladins of different orders didn't have so much of a sameness about them.

    On PoTD Inspiring Liberation is GREAT. + 10 Accuracy thay stacks with everything that last at a base line of 20 seconds with 10 INT is awesome in dragon fights. Helping CC land reliably. But you don’t like Darcozzi :p


    Darcozzi are a Kingsguard like in Game of Thrones. I like it.


    I used to be old school like you about Paladins but I like the take on them in this game. You don’t have to follow a god to be zealous about something. And I like the leader concept better than the D and D version But to each his own of course. I bet you were jealous of those Berathian Paladins in Raedrics Keep!

  9. I wonder why it hasn't been picked up by the gaming sites yet. I fully expected a trailer for this, something shiny and presentable for an article. Surely there is more to come soon. If it's only two months to go you really got to kickstart the marketing.


    As for the beta, QA testers have been running before and will run after. Remember the backer beta was a crowdfunding incentive. Singleplayer games don't usually have big, semi-public betas.

    Pc gamer has an article

    • Like 1
  10. 1. I agree it does bug your guys out a bit after it wears off.  Just RETARGET when you hit them after they become uncharmed.  It is annoying and you have to micro but its not like EVERY encounter has mind control enemies.   If you have a priest use Prayer Against Treachery it will make the party immune to any mind control affect.  If you have a Paladin and they have Liberating Exhortation you can temporarily remove the effect unless its the Paladin who is charmed.  You can also take Aegis of Loyalty and Sacred Immolation to almost instantly remove charm effects on allies again a Paladin Ability.  A Goldpact Knights upgraded Liberating Exhortation will temporarily make an ally immune to charm effects.  You can bait a mind control on an ally and once the AI casts it just cast Liberating Exhortation.  We do not have cool downs but the AI does on some abilities.  Mind Control with Fampyrs and Adragons being one of them.


    2.  That is annoying. If it is an AURA from a Paladin or other ally just deactivate it and they will lose the buff.  Then reactivate and they will not have it.  If its a priest buff like Circle of Protection.  A good party with good accuracy support should have no issues killing something with some buffs.  If you have good enough tanks the only thing that can auto attack you down without you being CCed is a Dragon.  


    3.  Just save and exit to fix number 3.


    Ya those are all ****ty bugs but there is ways around them.  I know it stinks :-/


    And on PoTD passive damage destroys that fight. Chanter Dragon Thrashed and a Druid in the back line fires of his storm. Paladin Sacred Immolation still pulses when disables also. Also a monk with high con and Crucible of Suffering will not be CCed for very long, accumulate wounds and pulverize that pack down ASAP. Ensure you get paralyze protection and they will fold. Also a Fighters charge wrecks Vithracks they have low HP, DR and Fort. But you might not of been high enough level for that


    Naah, dude. 


    I played only the Vanilla game which still got some improvements with the expansions. On a general note Pillars of Eternity has become my favourite RPG. I never cared to educate myself about what is good and what is not, but rather play on intuition and still PoE let me get through it without any significant road blocks. My first run was second highest difficulty and my second was PotD on Expert. I like how the game comes together and how the player can manipulate the resources.


    That said, the reason why I made this post was mainly about how the Vithracks' area of effect stun is just...well, stupidly designed. It affects your party way too much, and is far too easy to cheese, in which case they just stun lock and kill each other. I find it bizarre. But, oh well, that's just me. Hearing that PoE 2 actually takes that into consideration really improves the image of Obsidian in my book. It is save to say that I can't wait for it's release.   


    Ya I agree that Psychic stun is retarded.  Even a GRAZE is like 10 seconds lmao.  The priest DOES have a Littany to Major Afflictions (pretty sure that is a vanilla ability) which makes a single character immune to stun/Prone etc  If you make that a hardy character or one that can mass disable them that character will keep the pressure off of your party long enough.  Also if you want to get really specific a Cipher with Psychic backlash will constantly stun them.  If he/she has brutal Backlash they will eventually kill themselves attacking the Ciphers Will.  That is a vanilla use as well.


    PS why no White March?  I thought it was great and added a lot to the game and content that will be relevant in POE 2 ( I think lol)

    • Like 1


    Guess I'll have to make due.


    I hope they'll balance it out more in PoE 2.



    No they won't.. I started a thread about this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91683-good-people-need-some-perm-ability-score-bonuses/ and basically half the people thought it was fine and that "...people who are good shouldn't do things for rewards" or asked questions about "what is good anyway?" completely missing the poing that this is a game not an a study into types of ethical theory.


    Someone even asked in one of the director's Q&A vids mentioning my thread (i was pleased!) - His reply was basicallly he doesn't think they need to be equal and wont be balancing good/evil perm stat bonuses. So lookfoward in deadfire to bad dudes getting loads of perm ability bonuses while "good" guys get an extra 20 copper pieces from the quest giver for doing the "right thing"


    Good guys should still get something, if not stat boosts, a good rep that helps them get by. Just like in the original Baldur's Gate. Being evil was pretty difficult there, if not downright impossible at times. Now that was a challenge. Being good required sacrifices, but people (NPCs) recognized your good rep and treated you differently.



    There are certain followers who will leave if you make certain decisions.


    The only one I know of is GM.


    Spoilers! D: D: D: but ya

  13. People who claim that paladins are weaker than fighters or rogues in PoE1 didn't understand which mechanics/stats are important (like for example fortitude) and which are not so much (single target dps, deflection).


    The fact alone that a paladin can raise a single ally's accuracy by +46 (Coordinated Attacks + Marking Weapon + Marking Weapon + Zealous Endurance + Inspiring Exhortation), 40 of them stackable with everything, makes him no. 1 support against dragons and other hard-to-hit enemies. Even with only Coordinated Attacks + Marking + ZF it's 26, 20 of them stackable with everything.


    Overall passive defenses are the best in the game as well. Not deflection, but that is not really important.


    The Counselor Ploi build was one of the most useful characters I had in a party. It's a paladin as you might have guessed.


    Fighters... not so much. At least not at PotD. Just too many enemies to control them with a fighter or kill them quickly enough, no good support whatsoever (Guardian Stance is crap because it doesn't stack, Take the Hit would be great if it wasn't so bugged). The best thing is Charge and that comes so late.


    And don't forget the Outworn Buckler. It's kind of a part of the Paladin class after all and one of the best items in the game-given how early you can get it.


    There is a reason why so many can conveniently solo the game with a paladin while they say that using a fighter is way more difficult. Gives a hint in terms of tankyness. Also Sacred Immolation...


    It's not all starting stats on paper. You have to play the game a few times in order to know what is potentially good or what not.


    And I'm not even a fan of paladins.


    May be different if you don't play PotD though (for example rogues andalso fighters fare better in the lower difficulties because there are less enemies with lower defenses or even weaker enemies - while chanters are great on PotD and not so much on other difficulties).


    In Deadfire it seems that paladins are not only good supporters, but make every multiclass combo more tanky and dish out a lot more dps at the same time. Atm they feel like one of the best classes - maybe the best. Paladin order talents don't change a lot about that. Just a bit of icing on the cake. ;)

    Ya I didn’t even mention their marking capabilities which is a dragon killer.


    I agree with Boer on fighters on PoTD...that being said I think they are bad ass in Dragon Fights combined with a Paladin marking they can reliably prone a dragon and hit him hard. The Paladin + Fighter is my favorite dragon hunter combo. Fighters can prone dragons better than monks cause of Disciplined Barrage, combined with a Paladin mark it’s really good for knockdowns. A monk has to first have the wounds...which can be dangerous in a dragon fight.

  14. POE1


    God tiers





    High tiers

    Barbarian (with the per encounter of heart of fury)



    Mid tiers





    Barbarian (before heart of the fury per encounter)


    Trash tiers




    So globally, mono-target, without others possibilities.


    Now in POE2 the predominance (=more effective) for a solo target for these two classes is totally normal.


    That's why disciplines strike and flames of devotion are not too powerful.


    You have only one target, it is totally normal whether it is like this.

    Sacred Immolation and Charge are punishing multi target abilities. But ya it comes late game.


    I agree with your god tier though everything else i think is middle tier save rogue. I’ve made some good rogues but I think on PoTD they get exposed unless you turn them into riposte tanks or raw damage ranged single target dragon drainers.




    Agreed. Disagreee on the damage minus for Wayfarers they already do less damage then the other orders on sneak attackable enemies. Unless less Darcozzi zeal is hurting them more unsure. I’m not playing the beta cause I want to be surprised :x


    I thought Obsidian had gotten rid of the negatives for Paladins and Priests, hence Kind Wayfarers shouldn't have that problem anymore.

    Dude thats great news.  I have not been keeping up with the Beta cause I want to be surprised.  Where did you read this?!?!??!?!


    So whats the Subclasses for Paladin now?  Goldpact Knights keep their auras etc?

    Right now Paladins have no negatives, they get 1 ability and a modifier for that ability. I would like to see their negative be a loss of a level 1 ability, like Bleak Walkers don't get Lay on Hands, but overall Paladins are good as they are, if only needing tweaking for their front-loaded passive.


    And the damage modifier I suggested was only for Sacred Immolation and something that fits the flames they get. Overall I just want a black/white SI more than it getting modified because it would be cool.


    I can agree with that.

  16. Basically Paladins suck in PoE1. They're like fighters but less good due to them having so low deflection and accuracy. If you put a fighter and a paladin against one another, the fighter will win 100% of the time because he simply has better stats. For example, a fully boosted and upgraded Faith and Conviction will only make up for the incredibly low base-deflection for the class. Accuracy will never be on par with the Fighter, and neither will damage, and Fighter isn't even a particularly powerful class to begin with, Balthazar even ranking him in the lowest trash tier alongside the Paladin, which would make Paladin the absolute worst class in the game. No amount of empty "you can make viable Paladins" - rhetoric will change the fact that every single other class is far more useful and powerful in just about every single situation.

    I agree that they lacked the strength of vancian classes like druids, priests and wizards but all martial classes do especially in PoTD. Also I dont know if you use shields on your Paladins but a Paladin with full faith and conviction and a shield rivals a tank Fighter in Deflection (has way more then a DPS fighter) and has WAY WAY better Fort, Reflex and Will. On Path of the Damned your second least useful defense is Deflection, what you have to avoid is being CCed which then gets you killed and it doesnt matter how good your deflection is. Also the only Dragon that targets Deflection is the Sky Dragon and its a push over dragon. The Alpine, Wizard Ground Dragon and the Adra Dragon auto attacks target Fort and the Breath (Dont let them breathe) Reflex. A fighter tank is MUCH easier to CC cause his FORT, Reflex and Will is going to be lower then a Paladin tank. In fact a fighter has to grab a Large Shield to beat out a Paladin on Reflex where a Paladin is about even him in that area with a buckler (lol). That being said if you are a pure tank with a fighter you are doing it wrong. The fighter is easier to kill, I have played them both on Triple Crown and have logged over 2000 hours on that difficulty (yes I am a loser).


    Lastly, once you got Sacred Immolation your DPS was damn good. With Flames of Devotion and Sworn Enemy you were only a good alpha striker. My Paladin always beats out everyone save true DPS damage dealers who start as damage dealers from the start. So at the end he is usually second in total damage done.


    PS Yes I am a Paladin fan boy but if the class truly sucked I would say so cause it is my fav class and want it to be great! It was not GREAT, no but it did do the job. Things cant be balanced around Path of the Damned and the fact is that Vancian class that reduce defenses were absolutely vital on that difficulty (to make things easy). So ya they are the best. Paladins do a good job of supporting them. Which hey that IS their job in POE 1.

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