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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Best starters for me : (top 4)


    - Ranger

    - Barbarian

    - Monk

    - Druid


    - Wizard

    - Cipher

    - Priest

    - Rogue

    - Paladin

    - Fighter

    - Chanter


    Wizard and priest needs few levels (even if wizard is not weak as people say with his level 0 ability AoE raw damages..) . Chanter need level 9+. etc.

    Rogue is too frail. Paladins and fighters are slow and mono-target. Cipher have not crazy possibilities but catch up quickly with a few levels. Barbarian with a full start concept of carnage. Range with his pet is very safe. Druid is a beast with spiritshifting with glass canon approach.

    Dude! A Paladin is mono target up to level 13.  Once they get Sacred Immolation they are AOE death machines.  


    Again, entirely subjective, but I think the paladin builds that were used for The Ultimate are incredibly unfun to actually play, ut saying that they're weak is pretty objectively wrong.

    I wouldn't necessarily say "unfun". They're slow at the beginning, but that's true of solo PotD in general. They can hold their own well enough and once you pick up Sacred Immolation at level 13, you become an engine of destruction.


    Which brings up something that is often ignored in these tier discussions: class balance is not constant across all levels. Considering the prevalent view on these forums seems to be that the early game is the hardest part on PotD, shouldn't we rate classes like Monk or Ranger, which start out very powerful, higher than the Priest, which takes a few levels to unlock its full potential? What about the Barbarian whose power depends as much on equipment as on Abilities. Or the Chanter for whom the difference between level 8 and 9 is night and day?


    On top of that, how much does effort factor into the power discussion? Priests are undeniably strong, but buffing up for every important fight can quickly become tedious. A Fighter with high Lore is a better wizard than the actual Wizard, but that requires you to spend time on the crafting system. On the other end of the spectrum you have Chanters, which a lot of players dislike precisely because they require little to no effort to use.

    Very true.



    Wizards are just plain trash in POE 2, with all the nerfs from POE 1. Good luck playing one. The Devs over nerfed all the spells casters in this version and it will likely NOT change.

    Why not?


    I'd say it definitely will change. The only question is whether it'll change before the release, or change at some point down the line.


    Hopefully at release but I doubt it.

  4. In order to accommodate the request for multi-classing, PoE-2 has resulted in major and significant changes to many of the classes including massive changes in spell casters (wizards, priests, druids).  In truth, I think that these have diminished the classes in significant ways which is a little disappointing for myself personally... as I thought the wizard, priests, and druid classes were really nicely done by the end of PoE-1.  I am aware that some of these massive changes are also the result of players who did not like "per rest spell casting limits" and wanting "per encounter casting limits."  In any case, I will offer some thoughts on those matters at another point.


    PART I: WIZARD SPECIALISTS - Opposing Schools Limited, But Not Restricted


    Without changing the overall structure of things, I would like to offer several observations regarding Wizard Specialists.  First, I would like to suggest that rather than be restricted from certain spell schools that, like their more powerful versions of spells from their specialty school, they have significantly weakened spells within their two opposing spell schools which they would not gain access to until they are +2 levels. So, Wizard (Evokers) would not access 2nd Level Spells from Conjuration and Transmutation Schools until 5th Level (when they have access to 3rd Level Spells from all other schools). Special Note: 2nd Level Conjuration and Transmutation Spells are still consider 2nd Level Spells but remain grayed out and cannot be learned or used until caster is higher level (+2 levels).




    In traditional table-top games where entire school or schools are restricted, for example AD&D, Wizards had access to a lot of spells at each level which meant even with complete restriction of school(s) there were a lot of spells to choose from at each spell level.  In addition, AD&D (and similar games) almost always provided a vehicle and means for wizards to research their own spells - further increasing the number of spells that they could place in their spell book and access-memorize-use. In less restrictive campaigns, Wizard Spells, which were drawn from multiple schools, and Wizards could use any spell that had their school listed among the various schools which allowed access to more spells and kept the restricted spells lower.  Moreover, AD&D released a several volume series called Magic Compendium (or something like it...) which contained every bloody spell they created including tons from the Dragon Magazine... so a lot​ was multiplied by several factors.


    In PoE-2, Wizards have a pretty small selection of spells relative to table-top games like AD&D, most spells are single school spells, and wizards are not able to research new spells to further deepen the number.  Now, I am not saying that these limits do not make sense in the computerized variation - of course they do... but that means these limits make complete school restriction (let alone two​ schools) a much bigger deal and not at all the same as the balance in table-top and paper-pencil game like AD&D (i.e., as I remember it by AD&D E2 there were around 30 1st level spells in the PH which paired with Tome of Magic and related materials resulted in 80-120+ spells for most 1st to 5th level spells.  So, I believe a school, let alone a two school restriction does not balance out with so few spells and unbalanced array of spells from various schools  Moreover, PoE-2 does not have a balanced number of spells from each school at each level and some specialists would have access to notably fewer spells per spell level, too. So, PoE-2 school restrictions (remembering it is not even a single school but ​two​ ​schools​) is not equivalent in terms of a balance.


    By allowing specialist classes a somewhat delayed access, Wizard Specialists never gain the highest level spells with the +2 level delay (e.g., 9th and/or 10th level spells).  If you want a more restriction, you might limit their access to restricted schools to an even lower maximum spell level (e.g., specialists can only learn up to 5th level spells in opposing schools or​ maybe it could be intelligence dependent Specialty Wizards with Intelligence of 9-13 could only learn Opposing School Spells up to 4th level, Intelligence of 14-15 = 5th, Intelligence of 16-18 = 6th, and Intelligence = 19+ = 7th or whatever you might decide).


    ​By allowing them weakened versions, Wizard Specialists (Enchanters) could still learn and use weakened spells from opposing school(s), but these schools would be harder for them to learn (+2 levels higher as above) up to maximum spell level limit (as above): 


    OPPOSING SCHOOL SPELLS - Specialists May Use Very Weakened Versions, But Are Not Barred From Opposing School - Rough Ideas :


                              - Effects: - 30 to -50% (Range, AoE, Effects)

                              - Interupt -20%

                              - Opponents Resistances +20%

                              - Duration: -20 to -30% On Non-Instantaneous

                              - Damage:  -30 to -50% (Round-Up)




    ​Wizard Specialists should be restricted to mastering (memorized/non-tome spells selected) spells from their specialty.  It not only makes sense ~ after all, what self-respecting specialist would masters spells outside their most loved and preferred school (duh), but it also provides a slight advantage and/or incentive to be a generalist who can choose any spell to master. 




    TRANSMUTER SPECIALISTS consider Wurm & Drake rather than Ogre (Creature Level increasing as Spell Caster Level Increases so balance with party/class levels) though I use Wizards normal Hit Points (not Wurm/Drakes)




    PART II: WIZARDS (GENERALISTS)​ - Consider minor advantages and incentives.

    ​Wizards, who chose to remain generalists, should have some of minor advantages and incentives.


    Wizards (Generalists) should be allowed to master (memorize/non-spell book) spells from all schools.  In addition, Wizards (Generalists) might gain access to, and automatically learn, Arcane Assault (1st Level), Arcane Veil (2nd Level), and Arcane Slam (3rd Level) as their benefit for remaining generalists.  


    Optionally, Wizard might be able to cast these spells 1 x Encounter (or for more restricted ability limit - cast any one, rather than each one, of these spells 1 x Encounter) which would not effect spells used per encounter, but additional uses for generalists would require them to have spell page in tome and use a regular per encounter spell casting. Generalists learn this while their colleagues learn their school specialists special powers.


    Specialists might not be granted any access to these three spells at all - cannot learn or use them (more restrictive) or (less restrictive) might be allowed to learn them just like any other spell, but do not automatically gain or learn these spells but instead must find, learn, and write into book and get no free use.  Problem​ - Not sure how, Illusionists and Evokers feel about not having access to Arcane Veil, but oh well... unless my previous suggestion for specialists is implemented whereby they would have delayed access to weaker versions of whatever spell.


    1ST LEVEL SPELL:      Arcane Assault [Evocation ?] - Weak Instant Short Range Missile Attack (Raw Magic)

    2ND LEVEL SPELL:   Arcane Veil [Conjuration] - Gained Automatically Like Priest God Specials (Still Each Casting Is At Cost)

    ​3RD LEVEL SPELL:     Arcane Slam [Transmutation - Not Sure How This Is Not Evocation But Okay] - (Now 3rd) +0.5m Radius of Impact w/Damage 18-30 points

                                       (bumps due to increased level from 2nd to 3rd)



    ​DISCLAIMER: In all honesty, I have never found enjoyment in playing specialists casters so I will still opt for single class Wizard (Generalists) over all else... but these are observations for balance given extreme difference between Wizard Specialists in AD&D (Paper-Pencil/Table Top) and PoE-1 (Computer).

    Wanted to apologize for not giving your post a thorough read was in class at the time and responding to the other brash post lol.  Although my favorite class is the Paladin I loved Vancian Casters in POE 1 (and D and D) and really like Wizard/Mages in all settings (after Paladins of course ;)).  When they started developing POE 2 I KNEW this would happen because the Vancian system was going away, they had to somehow make them less powerful, for in game balance reasons they cant be that strong on a per encounter basis.  This is why I DID NOT want multi classing but the majority beat me so here it is.  


    I really like your suggestions and would 100% support everything you said, your experience is evident and it makes sense.  That being said I think A LOT could be fixed if they REDUCED CAST TIMES!  If they just did that I think it would go a long way.  What do you think?

    • Like 1
  5. Glass cannons = C.C. for me.


    And the fastest way to finish a battle. (purpose of the game).


    Paladin 154 k. hum...


    All depends the way to play. There is a problem if paladin = druid. You use a lot a spells ?

    Ya not a terrible amount of damage for a non damage dealer I say.  Sacred Immolation man! What Impressed me was the Great Weapon Fighter. 220k is really good.  Its start SHOOTING high when you give the Fighter Charge.  I would target his last enemy on the charge with my paladin, marking him (you do not have to be in melee range) just have the target selected and Eder would hit/crit everything on the way for about 80 to 100 damage and have crits in the 180s.   He also most of the time had Devotions of the Faithful so it was about a +40 to ACC with Disciplined Barrage lol.  Hit  Concelhaut for like 200 Crush damage, he then took a fire crit from sacred immolation for about 80 and a sunlance crit and he was dead WAY before his buddies lmao.


    On the druid I just played it safe with a Storm tank.  So yes if I would of gone spirit shift duel wield the druid would of DEFINITELY beat the paladin and the fighter.  Again i went the safe route, Weapon and shield style and all saves talents, then just stand in the middle of the mob firing off storms.  In a tough fight I would also use avenging storm with a dagger, always used a buckler so very quick hits.  Also yes I would stand the druid in the middle and spam spells in hard fights.  

  6. Backstab's better with a melee two hander - because you can command the attack out of stealth and it doesn't matter if you unstealth on the way. With ranged weapons you will have to sneak up to 2 meters and then command the attack. If you unstealth on the way to that 2 meter distane you won't get Backstabs.


    Also, with a melee weapon you'll allways get two successive auto-attack Backstabs (two successive auto attacks get the +150% bonus - the first one even Sneak Attack Bonus. If you use a special attack like Blinding Strike then only that attack gets the bonus, the second one NOT). With a gun this is not possible because you'd die while reloading and switching doesn't work with Backstab (second attack after switching doesn't get the bonus).

    Exception: Twin Sting! Shoot two times without reloading should give you two shots with backstab bonus. Never tested though!


    Weapons that are cool with Backstab:


    - Tall Grass (because of reach): you can just wait in stealth (need 6 to 8 stealth or so) until the enemy connects with your front line and then poke them with two backstabs from reach, being safe. Did such a rogue, was fun. Also the prone proc is fun of course.

    - Tidefall: sneak up and deal Backstab + Sneak Attack damage for a massive amount of raw wounding damage and also draining. A rogue with Tidefall, high MIG, low INT and high CON actually becomes quite sturdy (for a rogue with no other healing sources). Did such a rogue as "caster killer", was fun.

    - Firebrand: does not work from stealth since the summoning breaks it, but if you summon it and then go invisible (Cape, Shadowing Beyond etc.) then this is totally bananas. Especially if your party members managed to unlock Deathblows on the target for you. Damage numbers above 150 no problem... Only tested this but didn't really play for long (need Firebrand on Barbarian, Bleak Walker or Cipher instead ;)).


    For backstabbing dragons surely Tidefall would be best.

    Got it!  Thanks I always have one single target hard hitter so maybe for my last run I will replace the Fighter for a rogue to try it out.

  7. Backstab is also very good in the early game - but not with stiletto but pike or quarterstaff. ;)


    I would try Azureith's Stiletto + Oidreacht and hope that the draining helps with surviving and that Jolting Touch helps with the Paladins (plate is weak against shock damage). But you'd have to rush to Maerwald before going to Raedric... hmm...


    Survival for a dw rogue is tricky in the early game. Veteran's Recovery could help but there will still be health issues. And maybe you don't want to use it at all on a stiletto guy (doesn't fit?).


    I guess a bigger front line (3 chars) + CC + staying behind and attack when it's save will do the trick most of the time.


    Also Paladins: they have plate and thus 12 DR. With Vulnerable Attack your stilettos will have 8 bypass which makes a huge difference. So I would try to take Vulnerable Attack asap and combine it with Crippling + Blinding Strike.

    That’s a lot of support to make one guy work. You think the damage is that good to be worth it? If he could go from Paladin to Paladin and gib then in a few hits it might be but I don’t think he can either way.



    Maybe late be an actual assasisn. Backstab dragons with good pistols? He could have 3 to 4 backstabs in a fight with the right talents and equipment.


    Ya I didn’t even mention their marking capabilities which is a dragon killer. 


    I agree with Boer on fighters on PoTD...that being said I think they are bad ass in Dragon Fights combined with a Paladin marking they can reliably prone a dragon and hit him hard. The Paladin + Fighter is my favorite dragon hunter combo. Fighters can prone dragons better than monks cause of Disciplined Barrage, combined with a Paladin mark it’s really good for knockdowns. A monk has to first have the wounds...which can be dangerous in a dragon fight. 



    Lol... We have play on same game ?


    Fighter/Paladins are the slowest killer of a dragon.


    Try a Druid (Main) + Druid + Priest + Wizard + Chanter + Barbarian. (My fav compo glass canon)


    Wizard or Barbarian replaced by a ranger at my leisure according to the situation.



    Impossible ible to say Fighter or Paladin are better than that during all the game. One of the most effective. Perhaps the best team. I have try others configurations (including paladins and fighters), nothing arrive to that level of synergy.


    Well, it's highly subjective.  :)



    Obviously. but you put Paladin where ? Apart last ? First of the list ? : p


    At higher levels Chanter is a lot more useful than Rogue



    Indeed ! If I noted function to level 9+, chanter is easy high tier. Problem, he is really bad level 1-8. So he down a little. So I agree with you. Rogue suffer of the problem of bottleneck effect, except with a fast melee weapon. But in this case, he is extremely fragile. It is a choice, he is not bad, but not crazy.


    EDIT : And an old assertion :



    The fact alone that a paladin can raise a single ally's accuracy by +46 (Coordinated Attacks + Marking Weapon + Marking Weapon + Zealous Endurance + Inspiring Exhortation), 40 of them stackable with everything, makes him no. 1 support against dragons and other hard-to-hit enemies. Even with only Coordinated Attacks + Marking + ZF it's 26, 20 of them stackable with everything.



    You can have +100 accuracy, nothing replace an AoE attack of wizard, barbarian, priest and Druid. Debuff of wizard/druid, AoE immnuities, fast attack of a cat spiritshifting, +25 % fire damage of chanter+dragon thrashed, and even stormcaller + a pet with a ranger.


    Yes you crit and you have +50 % fire damage, but one target and very slowly...


    So yes my tiers list is totally glass cannon oriented. I dislike tank and co. but globally the purpose of the game is to beat foes. Not turn arround : p


    + I have no problem to hit dragons. Devotion of the faithul + Debuff of Wizard/Priest/Druid. (very wide choice...)


    Definitely not the fastest dragon killers.  They can just reliably keep a dragon out of the fight together.  Thanks to huge ACC boosts and Prone.  If you stack this like you said with priest buffs (which you can) The fighter will have a HUGE ACC bonus and not only prone the Dragon but kill him in a good amount of time while the dragon is doing nothing cause he is prone.


    There are many ways to skin a cat so yes the other ways you mentioned to kill a dragon are definitely effective.  That being said if you play PoTD you will need more than 100 Accuracy to reliably CC a dragon or tough enemy.  You can achieve this in one way by stacking Paladin ACC marking with Devotions of the Faithful.  So ya priest is great.  Also yes Druid and Wizard are AWESOME for AOE and downing trash mobs.  A paladin can also help here with Sacred Immolation.


    I do not think anything you said is wrong in your second post but your first tier post is subjective.


    PS just finished a Triple Crown Party play through and the Paladin was 3rd in damage (154k total not terrible as that is not his main purpose) behind the storm tank druid second (156k) and 1st place low and behold the Great Weapon (Tidefall) Fighter with 220k total.  So a two handed fighter destroyed both the Paladin (not surprising) and the Druid. Granted if i had made the druid a Shapes shifter DW shock lash full damage dealer the fighter likely would not have won but I took the safe route.

  9. It's good. You would land exactly at 0 recovery. Spelltongue's Speed bonus doesn't stack with other speed bonuses like Frenzy, DAoM and so on - but since rogues don't have such speed boosts anyways (except potions & drugs) it doesn't matter.

    I’d love a stiletto rogue for a play through but the big question is survival. How do you keep him/her alive without taking a pounding since there is no aggro mechanic. This has always been my issue. Especially in the early game. Raedrics Paladins and phantoms will make mince meat out of a level 4 Duel Wield Rogue (difficulty path of the Damned). CC? Constant slickens and pray you finish the bad guys off before vancian casters are we out of spells?


    Maybe just give the rogue ranged weapons in the early game?

  10. Last time I won we stripped of his buffs and crushed him immediately.  This is what makes Arcane Dampener or Deprive the Unworthy so OP in this fight  (Thaos buffs is the only thing that makes the fight somewhat challenging).  He never got back up and we just killed the Statues Of Woedica easily.  This time I lost my Wizard in a scripted event and forgot the Arcane Dampener ring!  So I could not strip him of buffs. (Paladin didnt take Deprive the Unworthy)  So we killed him anyway even though it took longer and we took more damage.  Anyway his soul jumps to a statue.  We kill the statues and hes back to 100% and you have to fight him again, which we did and we killed him finally.  


    What condition has to be set for him to jump to statues and the party having to fight him again?  It did not happen last time.  Even though both times we killed him first.


    Is it just an ability he has and I did not let him cast it last time?




    The game is always on the same difficulty.  Triple Crown.  So difficulties are not a variable.

  11. Yes... in some way.. isn't he a bit too... straightforward? Just punch.. nothing else.. Yes she is a beginner in this game but already played some other rpgs (though not crpg) and something more than just punch your way through the game would be better.. even though the main concepts would be ok..

    It is a monk.  Your main dps will be torment's reach.  So just punch and have high defenses.  Oh also activating Lightning Strikes!

  12. Yes, I played such a rogue and wrote about it here in the forums here and there, but I never posted a full build.


    I stacked deflection and bonus deflection against disengagement attacks and used the one handed weapon with the highest damage on hit (Bittercut) and the best bashing shield (Badgradr's Barricade) - I guess you could easily take Purgatory as well to profit from draining. I also made sure I am fast as hell - because the faster you run the more attacks you can provoke in a given time.


    I did it like so (only things that are somewhat important for this special build idea):


    Bittercut + Badgradr's Barricade (procs Thrust of Tattered Veils on bash-crit unlimited times per encounter and works with Deathblows)

    Night-Runner (+15 deflection against disengagement)

    Cape of the Master Mystic (+12 deflection)

    Boots of Speed (+3 move speed)

    Fast Runner (+1 move speed, +5 against disengagement)

    Graceful Retreat (+12 against disengagement)

    Executioner's Hood (fear aura lowers ACC of enemies, heal on kill, bonus ACC when attacks miss)

    Mourning Gloves (heal on kill, +5 to all defenses on kill)

    Escape (+25 deflection)

    Weapon & Shield Style

    Cautious Attack (+8 deflection)

    Superior Deflection (+5 deflection)


    Binding Rope (enemies get stuck when they hit you: easily unlocks Deathblows)

    Spirit of Decay (for Bittercut + corrosive lash)

    Vulnerable Attack

    dumped DEX


    Most bonuses here stack (esp. the normal deflection + deflection against disengagement). You can reach crazy high values against disengagement - but disengagment attacks also have higher ACC.


    I helps a ton if you have some party members that can do blind AND frighten or terrify (most likely a wizard). Both will make sure enemies still attack but have very low ACC.

    A Barb with a disorienting weapon (-5 to ACC in an AoE, Barbaric Yell) and/or Captain Viccolo's Anger (fatigue in an AoE) and GLitering Gauntlets (daze in an AoE). Frighten, daze and fatigue stack their ACC maluses and you can bring down enemies ACC a lot like this.


    And then I ran around mobs at high speed in order to provoke attacks.


    It works quite well. However: since engagement stops you you have to click a lot in order to continue OR you have to uncheck the option in the game menu. If you do so you can chain movement points with shift + click and draw circles around mobs right at the start of the encounter. 


    BUT: it is a lot of micromanagement. I did not finish a playthrough with this build because it was too much fuzz for me. But it surely is viable. :)

    Ya that is why I did not like it as well.


    1.  Too much micro.


    2. Good at fighting non boss enemies.  Not a good tank against bosses (but thats ok I guess as it can be your off tank)


    3. No AOE to speak of for boss adds/non boss encounters, which is a problem with rogue in general.  The only thing that makes boss encounters dangerous is adds and they are terrible against many adds.  


    That being said I can still find great use for them as a Dragon Killer, as a ranged or melee combatant.  You can easily stack MANY forms of raw damage on a Dragon and they have high ACC so they will be able to hit it hard and with ease and suck the life out of it (Deep Wounds + Wounding Weapons + Poison raw damage talent, plus the poison from the Stronghold quest all stack and can kill a Dragon quickly).   Its the one thing I like about rogues...but I know this post isnt about that...

  13. Such explicit Orlan racism in this thread. The correct level of Orlan racism is Eder level, where you want to pet their cute fuzzy little heads (because they're basically cats).

    lol i like them! Hiravious is one if not my most favorite party member.  I just think its weird when they are frontline tanks but ya it can be done of course!  And Wild Orlan's Defiant Resolve is the best racial for a Dragon tank!  I have to try and finish a play though with one.  Its like Gnome Warriors they just dont have the weight!


    LOL I say that and I playing a game where fireballs are being conjured.  I know so retarded.  


    That being said I like Orlans :)


    PS I fall to the old D and D tropes of small races not being warriors etc.  I am a sucker for it do not know why.  I like race restrictions, I am not saying their should be any here!  POE is not old D and D (and I like POE better)...new D and D lets you be a half orc Paladin (I think, I know the race restrictions are really loose) so It is doing the same as POE. :p

  14. So I am finishing another Triple Crown with the same build on my custom Druid the only difference being I got 15 PER and 10 resolve. If the Druid is the main PC I’d like the resolve too or if you have a priest with blessing/a Paladin with Zealous Focus or someone with Gallants Focus you won’t miss the 5 PER. If you don’t have the above and or the Druid is a party member and not the PC and you are taking resolve for the deflection you won’t need it. The custom PC Storm Druid tank I have has no deflection increasing talents other then weapon and shield style and she rocks. But she has a party for some support.



    Long story short that will work quite nicely.

  15. None if I can avoid it.

    Same, that being said I’m just an old Salt Dog/ curmudgeon so I find it cheap. I’m not saying it’s cheap it is not. I just grumble a lot and like the old d and d rules where no respec was in. Bad build? You suck start again.


    For instance I was a Forward Observer in the military you couldn’t just instantly retrain me into a Cannon Crewmen. So I impose those rules on myself. Cause I like pain and failure makes you learn the hard way :)

  16. My personal fav is a mix of CC and Impliments damage. Look up Zeblastion Hurtstacker. Spells I master for that build are slicken, Blind spell Curse of Blackened Sight, llengraths displaced image for level 3. I get arcane veil and  those defense spells like llengraths so the AI never looks at the wizard. If you fire a spell like llengraths at the start of every fight your wizard won’t Agro much. In hard fights I use the speed spell (Deletrious something motion I forget lol) , Kalkoth’s Minor Blights,

    or I go AOE bomber mode to kill adds ASAP and leave the boss by himself. Speed spell, Llengraths displaced image, llengraths safeguard, arcane veil (you are untouchable at this point and if something hits you hard somehow you will AOE prone and push everything) and spam minolettas precisely piercing burst and torrent of flame (torrent has friendly fire but if you have good front liners that are a sturdy it wont matter much). All adds will melt. Ensure you are buffed with accuracy for max damage.

    Wizards are powerful indeed.

    For damage dealing, weapon focus noble, dangerous implements, marksman, blast, penetrating blast, penetrating shot


    I am like you in that I do not like going under 10 although it is good for a lot of builds.  I like the triple 5 and 3 rule for my role play.  5 in stats I really want and 3 in my "minor" stat.


    For the type of wizard i just mentioned i like.


    15 Might


    10 Con


    13 Dex with the speed spell and light armor/robes you will not need much dex.  You will be extremely fast anyway.


    15 Per


    15 Int


    10 Res


    Hey just realized rank 10 on the forums!  Time to start necroing threads! :p

    • Like 1



    It is as Wormerine says. I will however, that you really, really must pick it up and play it. It's really good. You won't regret it.

    Seconded, it's an excellent expansion.



    Thirded. Great stuff and well worth your time!



    Fourthed. Grabs you way harder than the main game.


    I agree 200%



    The music that plays in the Iron Flail compound is pretty awesome. Sounds like ****s about to hit the fan at any minute.

    I also agree 200%!

    • Like 1
  18. That blueish guy on the left used to be a Hearth Orlan Rogue from the Ixamitl Plains. But I'm sure he would have no problems with being "retrained" as a wizard. ;)

    Dude I do not know what it is with Aloth but I find a way to get him killed often.  I ALWAYS have a rope! Oh well no reload I have always turned POE into a bit of roguelike when it comes to death. Dead is Dead...oh it has cost me some really good characters too.  I have the Alpine Dragon down, so only tough fights left is Concelhaut, Llengrath (I might not fight her for once but I always end up thinking he/she is a hypocrite and do the fight!) and the Adra Dragon (I always say the Adra Dragon cause I have more trouble with her then the Alpine for some reason).

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