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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Thank you good sir. I enjoy the defeat, gives me motivation. But yes although I have no proof my word is my oath. I would never quit if I was going to lose. I just don't have the patience and now how to record my play throughs. I relish defeat it tells the AI is somewhat decent (it cheats) and that I suck. I like the pain. I'm a paladin with monk tendencies

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  2. I think scroll and potions are there for lesser party or maybe solo. It's there for a reason. It's contingency plan for impossible fights maybe :). So i think they are fine. Don't need to use it so far. The only thing i feel crappy are traps. Does anyone use it? Place a trap and i saw -20 deflection or something. How are enemies going to get hit by that? And you can only place 1 trap per encounter if not mistaken

    I RP a TC run like I would in a real fight. If I want to live I'll use anything at my disposal. Less cast times for a priest if he can cast Devotions while a scroll user casts defense.

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  3. Agree with scroll of defense. The only blah part about it is when you run out ingredients and have to go hunt for them.


    Can't agree with the Rez scrolls. Reviving Exhortation gives the character immediate full endurance and they slowly lose that endurance after 30 or more seconds. Also Reviving Exhortation is a quick cast. All the other Rezs are slow cast. 4 second cast times. I am not saying Reviving Exhortation is a must I've done without it on many play through but when I did need a Rez on a dragon fight I would rather of had it then the scroll or priest spell. They AI seeks injured characters so with the other rezs you must just get another immediate face plant.


    If you have the ashes that you get from the stronghold quest you will get 7 charges of Reviving Exhortation. If you don't suck this should be enough for the entire game. Unless you are running a vengeful defeat barb lol


    This is WAY better then other Rez spells as You don't have to waste time healing that person after the Rez. Only after about 30 seconds after the Exhortation. That's a huge deal as a KOed character is In DPS form even if they have an injury as injuries rarely reduce accuracy. Even when they do an injury can be suspended by liberating Exhortation or the priest AOE version.

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    There is no auto save in TC it's just one save when you transition on load screens have never had a lag issue. Just a load time issue when stash is full.

    Ah, ok; thanks much! So there will be no conflict then, I assume.


    By the way, how does full stash contribute to lag? It seems not so intuitive...


    Edit: But then I don't know much about computers...

    I am not sure my friend. But I know keeping it clear by stashing gear in Caed Nua really helps with load times.

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  5. Did a quick test unsing my console-slinging skills and it turns out that Thorny Roots indeed only has to overcome 1/4 of pierce and slash DR. Supermighty ranger with crits could deal 2x 33 pierce / slash damage with 20 MIG and maxed out crit damage and kill an enemy with 5 binding roots in a row (66*5 = 330 vs, 0 DR). Because Binding Roots targets reflex and reflex gets lowered by stuck it's easy to crit at least with the last 4 uses...  

    wow nice.

  6. I am running Sagani and a mostly ranged group this time around and my best melee guy is Ituumak.  He hits very hard and I am going to get knock down for him.  Do you guys think its worth getting Coordinated Attacks to help him be more accurate and secure knock downs?  I always get Coordinated Attacks with a Fighter and hes like a mini Fighter but he does not get Disciplined Barrage so he will have a hard time knocking down dragons.  My other frontliner is a chanter whose main damage output is Dragon Thrashed Dragon Wailed so the Marking is wasted on her.

  7. *shrug* I've never had an issue in this area. I just cc, debuff and focus fire monks. And I don't think there is a Kith enemy that can touch my tanks. Just Dragons.


    Blind and daze the monks and they won't touch you. Also prone with a fighter/monk and a paladin marker is a dead monk don't care how many wounds he gets.

  8. I prefer to deal this quest peacefully - Go to main door, introduce yourself as a Tidebringer and follow further instructions from Kaoto. You can go anywhere, pick up or steal everything from Abbey and so on. There will be only two encounters:

    1. When you will try to open the gate at lower level of the Abbey (but you can avoid this fight - pick one character with high stealth, go to the gate, open it and quickly sneak back).

    2. Fight with Kaoto (if you have high PER and RES, you can turn on your side two monks - it will give you sighnificant advantage in this fight).


    That's all. Nice and clear. Becose i also hate this freaks with 150+ defences.

    Bah my Shieldbearer will have to talk but MOST of the time I like proving myself in PotD. It might be too late for you but ensure that your backline isnt full of glass cannons.  This game punishes you for it.  So make sure Wizards, Rogues, Priests, Rangers whatever have some type of escape button or a way of temporarily making themselves un hittable.  Then focus fire the monks in the back line.

  9. @AlexKidd


    For some reason, seeing injuries being suppressed made me laugh in real life. Maybe its because I not thought of it. Maybe cose it seems ridiculous. Probably cose its ridiculous I nv thought of it. :p


    Anyways, yeah my druid and wizard has started off quite tanky. Druid is a boar so there is regen, wizard has harden veil and lenegrath displaced image. All 4 has shield on swap and 3 out of 4 have weapon and shield talents.

    I do not think its ridiculous and its perfect for the flavor of the class.  As a former non commissioned officer I was in a situation where I had to tell a guy to push through although he was hurt.  That's what Liberating Exhortation is.  The Paladin is commanding his allies to push through whatever affliction is hindering them.  I got good results in my situation.  Granted the guy didn't have a compound fracture or a severed limb or anything like that but he was shaken up and had a torn meniscus (we found out later).


    Ya for some afflictions its a stretch but its a fantasy  game :)

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  10. Ya its Whiteleaf or some form of tobacco they do not talk about.  It is not Goldrote Chew.  I used to dip a lot (I have been tobacco free for years now thank goodness) and the picture of Goldrot Chew is exactly how dip is stored in real life.  In a can like container and it looks granulated.  That being said all of my Paladins are chewers/dippers.  I live vicariously through them since they have no risk of cancer hehehe

  11. For the first half of the game you're probably best served by making the druid (good starting deflection, hatchet+shield, defensive talents) and the wizard (multiple deflection buffs, draining effects) tank most of the hardest encounters.


    You can switch off Knockout Injuries in the game option on any difficulty setting, even PoTD. But not on ToI/Expert Mode.


    I always switch them off because they are simply annoying and do nothing for me - it just destroys Vengeful Defeat as you pointed out.

    I feel you're giving up on one interesting aspect of the game, that makes you think twice about abandoning one of your doomed toons to their (temporary) death: without injuries it's a lot better to not waste heals or cc to keep one of your surrounded teammates from hitting the dust, knowing that their health will be alright for future encounters, and revive spells can bring them on your feet once enemies moved away from the corpse.


    You can still have fun playing a vengeful martyr with injuries on, given how most of them don't nerf his damage output.

    Injuries are also suppressed by the proper spell, or through a ring of Unshackling or a paladin Liberating Exhortation, quite funny if you ask me: I have this mental image of the zealous commander yelling at his dumb meatbag to get up for that last stand, before sending him to death once more.



    I was about to say the same exact thing lol

  12. Hey guys I was playing POE 1 and just finished the Dunryd Row side Quest.  The Wild Orlan Cipher kind of gives you an offer in a joking way.  I was thinking that if you do not like any of the Paladin or Priest Subclass trade offs you could be a Dunryd Paladin or Priest (since they are a Watcher they could do this job even though they are not a Cipher) This could be the subclass with no draw backs.  It would make sense lore wise that you lost your faith in a your orders cause and decided to just help the Dyrwood and continue a certain persons legacy in Dunryd Row.  I think this would preserve your powers as a Priest or Paladin as your zealotry could continue through crusading against the true antagonists of the first game.




    this is likely the wrong area for this suggestion.  What Forums does Josh actually read?


    PS PS


    I actually think the POE 2 Subclass kits are cool just thinking of an option for people that do not.

  13. Its easy to avoid my friend.  Only a few mobs that are a serious threat have it.  Vithrack,Kith type Ciphers and Adragans.  So When you fight these if you have a priest use Prayer against Treachery or its corresponding scroll.  You will have it by the time these enemies come around.  Also your Paladin whether he has Righteous Soul or not will be highly resistant to it.  Stealth everyone but him and he will eat the first mind control.  Pop Everyone else out and burn that enemy.  Or if you have Liberating Exhortation pop one of your characters that isnt the chanter out of stealth let him/her eat the mind control and place the Exhortation on them.  A Goldpact Knights Bond of Duty is actually really good with this of course.

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