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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. So done for the day, and my main Paladin just hit level 4, and the other guys just hit level 3. I avoided Temple of Eothas, and I am killing mobs in wilderness areas (I was a bit surprised I could kill 3 trolls with ease at Black Meadow at level 3 main and level 2 the rest) and doing easy quests. Some observations:


    1. As expected, the crowding problem with 4 melees is awful. The problem is made worse by the fact that PoE has just about the worst AI pathing I've seen in an RPG game of this quality, so I have to walk melees to their targets. But on the flip-side, my 2 ranged guys - the Priest and the Wizard - only get hit by ranged attacks. I think I will leave things as is, but I may give the Fighter a pike later as a back-up.


    2. Enemy burst damage is rather huge. While I have yet to die, I have lost over half a health in one hit on a number of times on all of my front-liners, so healing has to be super-quick. It is definitely possible to get killed by two crits, and it may eventually happen as things are going. In fact, the level 2 Ooze in Cliant Lis nearly killed my main in one hit! So I am wondering if I made a mistake in leaving only 10 Constitution on all my front-liners.


    3. I know it's early, but the Wayfarer Paladin, my main, is easily the MVP so far. His dual wield build - while risky - is killing stuff so fast that Strange Mercy seems to activate non-stop. And he's saved so many guys from near death with his Lay on Hands. In contrast, the dual wield Fighter is frankly doing jack sheet. At this point, I think I would have been better off running 2 Paladins rather than 1 Paladin and 1 Fighter. But it's early going, so we shall see.

    If you don't have disciplined barrage your going to have a bad time on a DPS Fighter. Especially on PotD
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  2. Agreed, I mean with Scion of Flame, SI and decent Mig, Per and Int, one can already create an offensive paladin that melts opponents with SI. After which, the pally go a few directions whilst still competent in dps department. My sturdy pally has Hig Mig but just average Res. But my party is built around high regen so the characters can afford to take a lot of punishment.

    I'm in the same boat this time around. I have such a high regen party that I didn't take Lay on Hands lol. It wouldn't be bad in the build but I just don't need it.

  3. You know I have not used my Paladin like that in a long time.  Just be a Pillar.  And really you can make a very offensive Paladin and still tank very well.  in those hard fights Obsidian didnt give the Dragon the AI to look for squishies.  And thank goodness those fights would be instantly over lmao.  Disengagement attacks on a dragon would be useless.  Unless you had overbearing guard.

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  4. Marking meaning the enchant on Shame or Glory that gives the closest Allie attacking the same target as you a + 10 to ACC. Stack that with the paladin ability Coordinated Attacks and it's a +20. Stack both of those with the upgraded Liberating Exhortation that Darcozzi get (+ 10 ACC to Lib Exhortation on an Allie) and it's a +30.


    That's why I call the Darcozzi a "Forward Observer". It's what I did in the military :) Mark targets. A Darcozzi can do it the best and partly why it's become my favorite order! I also like the unique kingsguard mentality that they are loyal to a house.


    Also with Concelhaut I don't know I've never left and came back. Did you do the riddle on the door? You need to have all 4 of the apprentices letters by siding with one and killing the other 3 or killing all 4.

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  5. @OP

    Congrats on your win! Well I mean killing Thaos is just a formality at this point. GG on using npc companions too.

    Thank you good sir!  Its not over yet!  I am very superstitious lmao



    Why don't you withdraw Kana with a priest? Best trick against dragons in my opinion: untouchable while dealing damage.


    Yes, marking even works if you are not in melee range. You just need to command the attack and it's on. It's awesome. :)

    Ya you are right lol I just wanted ACC first and well it cost me.  Next time it is better to do what you said.

  6. Concelhaut down.  I AOEd everything down with relentless storm, charge, Dragon thrash, Sacred Immolation.  Many of the mobs were immune to my shock or fire AOE but they are not immune to both!  Plus Dragon Thrashed slash damage ate them up.  Concelhaut got obliterated by a charge from Eder (crit him for 137) As Eder charged even though my paladin was out of range I attacked Concelhaut (I was way out of melee range it still works) and that was enough to get the stacking marks of Shame or Glory and Coordinated Attacks.  He had an ACC of 185 on the Charge lol.  I finished him with a Sworn Enemy +  FoD Arbalest shot.


    Llengrath went down as well.  Made her and her two pets chase me all the way into the back vines on the map.  Usual priest ACC buffs and Inspiring Lib kept her two pets perma paralyzed with Hiravious' Hold Beast.  He got hits or crits every time.  Had Circle of Protection up the entire time for big defense.  Eder wore out the ground dragon with my Paladins help.  And Wall of Colors from Aloth played Havoc on Llengrath and the flying pet.  A few Tynes Orbs, Sunlances (on the dragons), Call the Worlds and Plague of Insects and it was all she wrote for Llengrath.  On to Twin Elms.


    The Llengrath fight is way harder I think than the Adra Dragon and I struggled way less.  Kana finally didnt face plant in a dragon fight.  I just didnt leave him on an island to tank.  He is not sturdy enough.  More support and he was fine.

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  7. To be honest I would just run away and create distance. Those have been my smoothest kills on dragons. I'm actually thinking of specing for 2 auras next run. Focus for when I want to sit and fight and charge for when I want run. The chanter chant isn't instant and it could be to slow to out range Dragon breaths and AOEs.

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    So I downed the Adra Dragon but had a harder time then the Alpine Dragon this time around. [...] What do you guys think?

    Imho, Adra Dragon is easier than Alpine, because she:

    - is very slow, iirc she has move speed of 3 and could be stopped completely via Hobble.

    - has much lower melee dps: damage (58-88 vs 74-101), no deathblows/finishing strike... and Alpine is "dual-wielding" and attacking faster than the "single-wielding" Adra Dragon.


    On the other hand, she is immune to fire, has comparable in damage Dragon Breath but of wider (!) cone, and also has the Wing Slam which can insta-kill unfortunately placed squishies.

    You are right the Adra Dragon is easier. I just didn't play it as carefully and it almost cost me. Wing slam insta gibbed Kana who is a dedicated tank. Still at 16 he only had 116 Fort and I have focused fort gear on him. I really like the chanter so far but the class performance in Dragon Fifghts has not been good. His Endurance is still lower then my Paladin and Fighter and he's been one shotted by the Alpine and Adra Dragon. Maybe I'm not using him right? I couldn't even turn the dragon I ran kana up and he got Wing Slammed to oblivion.


    Kana has every defense talent you can think of other then cautious attack which is irrelevant against Fort attacks. He's wearing the full White Crest set my Paladin has Ryonas. Still not enough I'm just going to stop tanking the dragons. A paladin can do it. I've got a 154 Fort on the Paladin maybe I should use him more as the main tank against big hitters and have kana pick up adds


    I just like keeping the Paladin close and not an island solo for Zealous Focus to spells. Need all the ACC you can get in those fights.

    What kind of stat distribution did you have on Kana? And gear besides armor? Now I am wondering if I want to tank with a Chanter against late-game bosses...


    Edit: And wow, 116 Fortitude is not enough?!

    My Paladin at 150 Fort will take grazes and those grazes HURT because of how high the base damage attacks are.


    He's got the 3 INT white crest helm, the necklace that makes his AOE bigger, +9 to Fort, reflex, will ring, +9 deflection ring. I forgot the boots and gloves I'm not home. A hatchet and the small shield you get from the Alpine dragon fight. Maybe I should have withdrawn him. He's got little savior now. Anyway it's best not to face tank until you have it heavily debuffed.


    Also 2 might chest enchant, has bears Fort also

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    So I downed the Adra Dragon but had a harder time then the Alpine Dragon this time around. [...] What do you guys think?

    Imho, Adra Dragon is easier than Alpine, because she:

    - is very slow, iirc she has move speed of 3 and could be stopped completely via Hobble.

    - has much lower melee dps: damage (58-88 vs 74-101), no deathblows/finishing strike... and Alpine is "dual-wielding" and attacking faster than the "single-wielding" Adra Dragon.


    On the other hand, she is immune to fire, has comparable in damage Dragon Breath but of wider (!) cone, and also has the Wing Slam which can insta-kill unfortunately placed squishies.

    You are right the Adra Dragon is easier. I just didn't play it as carefully and it almost cost me. Wing slam insta gibbed Kana who is a dedicated tank. Still at 16 he only had 116 Fort and I have focused fort gear on him. I really like the chanter so far but the class performance in Dragon Fifghts has not been good. His Endurance is still lower then my Paladin and Fighter and he's been one shotted by the Alpine and Adra Dragon. Maybe I'm not using him right? I couldn't even turn the dragon I ran kana up and he got Wing Slammed to oblivion.


    Kana has every defense talent you can think of other then cautious attack which is irrelevant against Fort attacks. He's wearing the full White Crest set my Paladin has Ryonas. Still not enough I'm just going to stop tanking the dragons. A paladin can do it. I've got a 154 Fort on the Paladin maybe I should use him more as the main tank against big hitters and have kana pick up adds


    I just like keeping the Paladin close and not an island solo for Zealous Focus to spells. Need all the ACC you can get in those fights.

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  10. My issue in those fights have always been framed with my priest. He can only do things so fast. What do I cast first? Immunity spells? Circle of protection? ACC buffs? If you don't get that right you will lose.


    That's why I think the best is answer is creating distance and controlling Or debuffing the dragon with spells that don't let them take action.

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  11. Jesus, if you veterans have trouble v. the dragons on TC, what will I do? :(

    I know the game but I wouldn't consider myself a good player. Average at best. I have lost most of my TC runs. I've only done it 3 times and have failed dozens.


    Treat the dragon like they treat Smaug in the Hobbit cause Obsidian made them like they should. Powerful beasts that regular people can't outmatch.


    I find it best not to tank it. Use mind controls or ranged CCs and deal with the adds. After you are inhumanly buffed by spells go at it. Somehow create distance they are slow.


    Analazying this fight I just did I tried to muscle the dragon and just face tank it cause I was level 16. Well we still took grazes and those grazes almost cost me. They hit too hard. Move out of range, mind control/ prone and don't let the dragon move in until you are massively buffed.

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  12. So I downed the Adra Dragon but had a harder time then the Alpine Dragon this time around.  I think it was because I went in a bit over confident.  Kana took a Crit Wing Slam (even though I have exclusively given him a crapton of Fort) for 239 and he was instantly face planted.  This wakes me up but not before....My Paladin and Eder take graze petrifies from Adragons (I had given the group Dominate Immune but forgot Petrify.  Bad play).  Of course the Adra Dragon was mid Breadth and Annhilates me and Eder. 400+ damage from the breath.  Eder gets back up thanks to Unbroken.  I am quickly rezed by Durance with a scroll.......Hiravious stuns the Dragon and everyone with Relentless Storm he then gets devotions of the faithful (as does my Wizard).  I get a paralyze off with Hiravious and Eder crits on a Sundering blow thanks to (marking + Coordinated attacks), We then burst the Adra Dragon with massive single target DPS and he/she is down......


    Ok that was way harder then the alpine dragon and its cause I didnt stop the dragon from moving..either mind controls or something else.....In PotD I think you really need to run away or somehow create distance to massively BUFF.  because no matter your lvl and stats unbuffed those beasts can annihilate you.  What do you guys think?

  13. Tidefall Paladin works. I actually have a Goldpact Knight build in mind for next run who I think will use it. Im just not sure not having the outworn buckler on Someone it's really good for your frontline especially as chanter support in the early game.And as good as it can be lately my groups don't run 2 Paladins.


    Bottom line yes tidefall Paladin works

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  14. You aren't going to crit anything very much in Act 1. Buff your ACC lower theirs and go to town. If you don't have a shooter (I didn't this time around) do it with spells like iconic projection and rolling flame. If not do what I did. In hard fights rely on a wizard with Conelhauts staff and he will kill even raedrics Paladins. Act 1 is a grind in potd. Out last the AI

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    Actually Ciphers has one of the best starting CC with Whispers of Treason. Sure, it is not AoE, but the thing is it will pull aggro away from your team and you can initiate with it. Maybe even cause the enemy to waste skills on the charmed enemy.


    Yes, yes more micro and all that jazz. But good thing is that most of the Ciphers powers are Foe AoE, so the lack of targeting is not that bad.


    I find the best AoE for me is Druid's Relentless Storm. It is very disruptive to the enemies whilst giving your party a fair bit of breathing room.

    Yeah, the problem with Cipher is more micro, and I am already tired of micro-spazzing with the Priest and the Wizard. Adding a third micro-intensive character would be too much pain. That's why I was considering a Ranger lobbing two arrows per shot with Borresaine.


    As for the Druid's Relentless Storm: That does friendly fire, too, no? Also, I really want to limit casters to 2 - and Priest and Wizard seem automatic here (and I like the Wizard for CC, due to the long, AoE petrify later). Do you think a Druid or a Cipher can fully replace the Wizard and handle the late-game CC?

    Yes they could especially a Druid. I like both :p

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  16. Storm Druid is ridiculously good. I have him as a 3rd tank with the fur armor and shield that give you + 50 Def to all defenses when prone. Literally hit the spell and get him surrounded on purpose. He can storm while CCed as long as the spell has fired off. He can tank or just cast spells while surrounded by 5 enemies lol. He was prone in front of the Alpine Dragon and the frost breath missed by a mile. He had like 230 reflex lmao


    There is no FF on storm spells

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  17. My 2 cannon (hopefully 3) Paladins. So far a Wayfarer and 2 Darcozzi. I have a shield bearer who I orginially beat the game with but he didnt do WM1 or WM2 and I think they said its not preffered to transfer an original game file? Putting together a run with a Goldpact Knight lets see if it works after this current run. It will by my only true run without story companions. Just mercenaries ones. Beneath the Gold the Bitter Steel!


    I think it will be more like Icewind Dale. Less Dialogue more fights. Once I get the time I will post the build with the Goldpact Knight. I think it is cool. Plus I did that Shieldbearer run (was my 1st) on hard and only count my PotD/ToI and TC wins as cannon. Dead is dead and whoever buys the farm on the way does! Combat is a dirty business.

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