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Posts posted by Torm51


    A no fail solid back line that has been a great contributor to me in multiple Frozen Crowns is : Buff Priest, ranged CC/DPS Kalkoths Blights Wizard and Storm Druid. Wether that's the tank version, cat DPS or pure caster.


    Yes you can run 2 wizards. Wizard is a terrific class and one of my favorites.


    Yes, I will likely try a ranged Fighter for the 3rd ranged spot, and if he fails, I'd have to consider adding a 3rd caster (in addition to the Priest and the Wizard). I have not liked either ranged Rogue or Ranger when I tried them, but I still want a ranged auto-attacker (so I don't over-micro), so trying ranged Fighter first likely.


    As Boer said Ranged Fighter is pretty crappy.  The least micro ranged guy that can be good is a Chanter.  And hes got that chant that speeds up firing and reloading.

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  2. Ya dude Charge turns a fighter into a nude Miley Cyrus.  Seriously and I forgot about the hidden full attack.  Eder would just charge to open the fight with Inspiring Liberation and it was just flying chunks of enemies in a line lol.  He was also Duel Wielding from the start so had a significant lead on my Quick Switch Darcozzi Alpha Striker (councilor Ploi with clear out instead of charms).  He got Sacred Immolation but Eder got charge on the same level.  A DW Fighter will have a lead on you up to level 13.  So if you take charge you will not catch him/her.

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  3. It adds the equivalent of 5 damage to every attack while it slows you down. It depends on enemy DR if its use is benefical or not. It's a no-brainer for retaliation builds and for everybody who has low base damage melee weapons.

    What's the math on a DW Hammer Fighter? This last run I had Eder with that set up and he destroyed my Paladin even after Sacred Immolation. I couldn't catch him. 191K total damage. Charge is a game changer. I know it's got nothing to do with duel wielding lol

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    Actually, rangers have a number of abilities that work in melee. All animal companion abilities. Swift Aim, Marked Prey, Wounding Shot, Binding Roots. Only Vicious Aim and Stunning Arrows don't work, as far as I know.


    Ranged fighters and barbarians are in a worse position.

    I don't know about that. Do either of them take a -15 accuracy penalty for using ranged weapons, as rangers take a -15 penalty for using melee weapons? That penalty is a pretty nasty hit to any ranger's effectiveness in melee, IMO.

    Why do you keep repeating that ? You've already been corrected in another thread. There is no -15 penalty for using melee weapons. There probably was at some point. Don't rely on the outdated wiki.


    Fighter and Barbarian are literally the worst classes for ranged combat. Even Paladins can do crazy single target damage for a few attacks. A monk can use Dangerous Implement talent, Swift Strikes, Lightning Strikes, Turning Wheel, maybe Stunning Blow.

    I don't constantly re-read every freakin' thread on this forum that I post in. I've seen no such correction, nor have I seen any reason to think otherwise.


    Ya rangers don't get a -15 in melee dude.

  5. Readric is set for a level 3 and 4 party even on PoTD. I did it last night no cheese either. Stood at the stairs and fought. Reduce deflection and defenses by debuffing and increase your accuracy. That's the game in a nutshell. Attack the defenses that are reduced. If you fit your DPS in that debuff window you've got it.


    As a wizard Curse of Blackened Sight destroys the offensive and defensive capability of the enemy and it's FOE only.




    Secondly, the Paladin with just Faith and Conviction, weapon and shield style and Outworn Buckler will out tank a Fighter speced to tank and be able to do more offensively. The fighter will get better Deflection but he will be CCed a lot more because his saves will be lower. When you are paralyzed or Petrified Deflection is pointless. Like others have said I think a fighter is tough enough as a front line damage dealer. With Recovery and its upgrade and shod in faith boots you are good. and he contributes with consistent damage thanks to his high ACC he/she can hit even difficult to hit targets.


    DW or Two handed works.

    Did you factor in Vigorous Defense? It alone can exceed the Faith & Conviction plus Deep Faith boni. Of course, it's temporary - so if you cannot burn down the encounter quickly enough, you'd need to sink more level-ups on stuff like Superior Deflection, Bear's Fortitude, and so forth. But anyways, I think a Fighter out-tanks a Paladin, if he goes full bore on taking every available defensive Fighter Abilities/Talents. Of course, then he'd be a total gimp masochist - which brings us back to our mutual agreement about the Fighter being a better off-tank/DPS.


    Also, Ascaloth,


    Clear Out is rather great with high Intelligence (which I tend to boost on most characters anyways, since I tend to take a lot of hybrid classes like Paladins and Chanters who need the duration and the area of effect boosts). I'd really try to sacrifice something else and incorporate it.

    Great thing about Paladins they can also get access to Vigourous Defense via Ryonna's Breastplate. And a possibility of triggering it more than once a battle albeit rng controlled. I think it is almost unfair that Unbending, Triggered Immunity and Vigorous Defence is accessible to other classes.


    Both Fighters and Paladins tanks can function at about the same level I think.

    Ryona's boob-plate is a bit too unreliable for me though. I like certainty - in life and in games! ;)
    Literally gives your Paladin Vigerous defense on (15% chance on hit) and it's superperb so the DR is good enough. Best armor in the game for a Paladin or Chanter tank. Even a monk gets Disc Barrage from it.

    Secondly, the Paladin with just Faith and Conviction, weapon and shield style and Outworn Buckler will out tank a Fighter speced to tank and be able to do more offensively. The fighter will get better Deflection but he will be CCed a lot more because his saves will be lower. When you are paralyzed or Petrified Deflection is pointless. Like others have said I think a fighter is tough enough as a front line damage dealer. With Recovery and its upgrade and shod in faith boots you are good. and he contributes with consistent damage thanks to his high ACC he/she can hit even difficult to hit targets.


    DW or Two handed works.

    Did you factor in Vigorous Defense? It alone can exceed the Faith & Conviction plus Deep Faith boni. Of course, it's temporary - so if you cannot burn down the encounter quickly enough, you'd need to sink more level-ups on stuff like Superior Deflection, Bear's Fortitude, and so forth. But anyways, I think a Fighter out-tanks a Paladin, if he goes full bore on taking every available defensive Fighter Abilities/Talents. Of course, then he'd be a total gimp masochist - which brings us back to our mutual agreement about the Fighter being a better off-tank/DPS.


    Also, Ascaloth,


    Clear Out is rather great with high Intelligence (which I tend to boost on most characters anyways, since I tend to take a lot of hybrid classes like Paladins and Chanters who need the duration and the area of effect boosts). I'd really try to sacrifice something else and incorporate it.

    That is a good point clear out stands out with high int and


  8. Secondly, the Paladin with just Faith and Conviction, weapon and shield style and Outworn Buckler will out tank a Fighter speced to tank and be able to do more offensively.  The fighter will get better Deflection but he will be CCed a lot more because his saves will be lower.  When you are paralyzed or Petrified Deflection is pointless.  Like others have said I think a fighter is tough enough as a front line damage dealer.  With Recovery and its upgrade and shod in faith boots you are good.  and he contributes with consistent damage thanks to his high ACC he/she can hit even difficult to hit targets.


    DW or Two handed works.

  9. Your most important stats on a Paladin are Might and Intellect.  You can leave Resolve at 10.  That being said since I am mix of good character building and LOL RP guy I always have it above 10.  A Paladin with average or below resolve is just odd although it works well.


    Might 15


    Con 10


    Dex 10


    Per 15


    Res 13


    If you follow the 5 points and what you want to do and 3 in your "minor" attribute it will be fine. 


    Secondly, Fortitude defense in the end game is as or more important then deflection.  So a 10 Might and 10 Con would give you no Bonus Fort...meh granted even with 10s in those stats it will be higher then everyone else but You want to get as many graze and misses to that defense as possible.  Get the bonus through Might.  Plus it helps your Sacred Immolation.


    Lastly, your weapon focus isn't going to do much.  Paladins get no ability that increases their melee auto attack damage.  Flames of Devotion is therefore more powerful on high base damage weapons like, Arqebus, Arbalests, in some cases duel wielding and 2handers.  Not when just using a weapon.  I would grab weapon focus soldier and have an Arbalest to Alpha Strike then switch back to marking and your buckler.


    PS a 10 Res Paladin can tank extremely well.  Because his Fort, Dex and Will is better then everyone else.  In the late game that is whats important.


    Yes, Boerer already referred me to AndreaColombo's build in terms of trying to create a tankier, "sword& board" Priest. But the problem is that what I really need is a "hybrid" combination of that and your Fire Priest. While I am drawn by the greater staying power provided by AndreaColombo's build, I also need some nuke contribution from the Priest, because I have 4 melees, and hence I am a bit starved for ranged DPS. In that context, what compromise Attribute distribution would you look for?

    Hmm, personally I like specialization.

    I mean if you want to deal damage, you need high MIG and decent PER. PER is also important if you want to land Painful Interdiction.

    At the same time every time you cast a buff, points invested in this attributes are wasted...


    A somewhat compromise could be a 12/10/17/10/19/10 pale elf or 15/10/17/7/19/10 boreal dwarf.


    On Galvino's Workshop, I guess I will hit some Od Nua then. Between 10 and 11 is a bit awkward, difficult stage for me, because to level traditionally I have to either go through Cliaban Rilag and those dreaded Spore formations and get to Act 3 - or go through Galvino's Workshop and progress through the Durgan's line. And both happen to be my most dreaded areas in the game :(

    I think finishing act 2 will be easier. Doing that plus a few bounties will net you 1-2 levels.

    As for Durgan's line... those upscaled Battery Sirens are annoying...

    Unless you have a good shooter or two. He's got a paladin with FoD and Sworn Enemy with an Arbalest will put a hurting on them and you don't need high PER. Sworn Enemy ACC bonus + FoD 20 ACC and its inherent +1 every level is more than enough for an Alpha Strike Paladin with 10 PER.  If he/she is a Wood Elf its even better as at anything past 4m you essentially have 5 PER.

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  11. If you get the Wax Mold from the adventure Stronghold quests you can make two Shame or Glories and stack marking.  Your DPS will be ok but that wouldn't be your purpose with those two swords your main goal would be to be a super marker.  Alternatively, you could grab Caladath or whatever its called if you say the right things in the quest it will have a marking enchant.  Although yes DW a sword and spear looks wonky.


    On your comment about the lack of good one handed swords its the class and the way DR works not the swords.  A rogue or DW fighter could make one handed swords hit very hard.  Obsidian went the route of Dungeon and Dragons Warlord type for the Paladin in this game. It is a leader class that supports and has some damage dealing ability but its not the focus.  Therefore you do not get weapon damage stacking abilities in order to over come high DR.  You do however get Flames of Devotion (this games version of Smite) that is an Alpha Strike.  Also your DPS shoots through the roof with Sacred Immolation. 


    I think of it this way.  It is a fantasy setting in a LATE medieval Early /Renaissance era.  With the invention of firearms and rising importance in ranged weaponry Paladins (the way they are describes in this game) would absolutely start using those weapons to their advantage.  So the ranged smite makes sense.  It isn't the "classic" D and D Paladin.  He/she is a Leader.  An NCO or Officer of a fighting company and those type of people are usually intelligent or savvy individuals. 

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  12. Nothing wrong with that.  I am just giving my experiences and yes I play less cautiously cause I have done a lot of playthroughs.  But I say if you aren't playing TC and are ok with deaths this time around then practice them now.  There is nothing wrong with Meta Knowledge for a TC run.  The AI cheats so knowing whats coming is good :)




    Speaking of meta knowledge I am undefeated in first time fights on Iron man runs.  I never lost to the Sky (really easy anyway) , Adra, Apline, Conelhaut, and Llengrath on my first times.  And I purposefully did not look up the fights.  That being SAID I have lost to them on play throughs after that knowing what is coming. odd? lol


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