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Everything posted by Torm51

  1. This is new for me. It used to hang a lot on exit now its 50/50 it might hang for a while and exit or crash. Dxdiag attached. DxDiag.txt
  2. I was fighting Lagufeth for the thermal pearl and it looks like I got both groups. The ones farthest north and the one just due south of them. I had two Broodmothers at level 11 and got torched cause of Cleansing Flames (youch). Or does scaling add even more mobs? I forgot
  3. True. I have just a problem now : if you have a zealous aura or stance of fighter. The true bonus is only of 5 pt. Not 10. +10 is really perfect, IF there are no stacking rules. 15 accuracy was perhaps a better choice, with actual situation of stacking rules and at 4.5s of casting time. Now you have two choices : 1) TAKE Devotion for one of your priest. But need 4.5s at the start of battle. And you don't pick aura or conquerer stance for your fighters/Paladins. 2) DON'T TAKE Devotion. You are free to use something else with a priest, or even don't pick a priest. And you take a free and permanent aura but you are only at 5 and not 10. Or Fighter at 10 with his stance. A lot of thing which are supressed each others. Boring. Personnally, With only a true gap of 5 accuracy. 3s is now a better casting time. 4.5s is too much for the difference. I am a fervent defender of full stacking rule since the very beginning with two rules to limit haxx : 1) Containers (inspirations / Afflictions) don't stack. (Tenacious + Strong) 2) Same nominative spells don't stack (Devotion for the faithful from one priest + Devotion of the faithful from an other priest) All the rest = stack. From a personnal perspective, I found that far more interresting. EVEN with again few nerfs (not a problem for me) !... I prefer full customization, always. Even with less powerful passives abilities. Because with that you have a better feel of choice and assembly agreed
  4. Hah Machine gunners get it worse than 90 lbs. 9 mile patrol with that 240?? Welcome to hell, hopefully you get engaged so you can take your mind off of your absolute misery.
  5. Better optimization. It runs fine for me but there are games that have way higher requirements that just run better. I am no programmer, and no expert but (and maybe this is my rig which i guess is what makes this difficult) Fallout 4 runs at Ultra settings and runs like butter so I do not understand why POE 2 cannot. Maybe this is a bad comparison I don't know :/
  6. Things that completely break the game like Invincible monks with blade turning had to go. That lets just walk through the game and do nothing. I do disagree with things like devotions of the faithful getting nerfs. Any time you put me at the mercy of rolling the dice because I cannot get my accuracy above a defense it sucks. Makes me feel like its RNG and not good skill. Paladin Faith and Conviction (Its my fav class so I hate that I am saying this) was too high. Early in POE 1 they had the same issue and it was toned down. I never felt that the classes in POE 1 played the same nor do I feel that way in POE 2 even with the nerfs.
  7. Most items that give you extra spells and abilities like that have this issue. Exit the game and come back in and it will be there.
  8. right yes that makes since with Pen shot and the items, and Five Suns of course.
  9. I have always crushed Triple Crown with Durance as my priest. But ya I could have a faster priest, true. That being said I play very defensively and he NEVER gets targeted cause of his high resolve and a shield. It can be useful.
  10. I have the same issue here you go! DxDiag.txt
  11. The first sentence Boer said is literally all you need to know to win.
  12. Ya they are no joke when you are low level. Especially if you do not stop them from giving you the old Terry the Taliban when they blow themselves up. One or two can wipe a low level party.
  13. Just my priest..odd I likely missed something at some point and do not remember? lol
  14. Its cool! Again do not take what I am saying as word its just how I have done it. Let me know what your builds look like, and I will see if I can tactically come up with something. Great thing about this game is the different ways you can do things.
  15. Maybe I am missing something are Blunderbusses better for that specific build? I find Arbalests to be superior for Alpha Striking unless its build specific Also and this depends on taste I like stacking the Quick Switch Belt with the Talent Quick Switch. It makes everything basically instant so you alpha faster and if you need a quick lay on hands or Exhortation you can switch just for that as your recovery will be instant and cast the ability. Some cheese ya but its a way to get around slow cast times due to using average speed weapons and wearing heavy armor.
  16. Priest dual wielder yenwood sword + shame of glory + minor avatar is extremely useful along with a wizard using spirit lanze supper self buffed for supporting + damage dealing in order to kill one of the dragons. I thought we were talking about the bounty? I never use my priests in melee (not that you cannot) but I just do not like their low health and rather see them in the back buffing. and I have used wizards as battlemages like that. My first successful Triple Crown was with aloth using Concelhauts Staff as a mastered Spell and the Spirit Lance in tough fights. Marking for him was my Paladin in melee. Great build.
  17. Disclaimer: This is just my way, with my usually party build. Honestly I just killed him by buffing my ACC sky high, and using mass AOE while debuffing all of them. Priest ACC buffs, Aloth goes into kamakazi nuke mode: buffs himself with all defense spells: Llengraths displaced image for the hit to graze stacked with Zealous Endurance from my Paladin (75% hit to graze now), Llengraths Safeguard, Arcane Veil, Pull of Eora. Once clustered the Wizard runs into the middle of everything and starts firing Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst, Tyn's Orb and Arcane Torrent. Druid storm tank cast storm spells, Paladin Pops out first to take all the damage while everyone is buffing (they will target whoever pops out of stealth first), Eder activates disciplined barrage and is buffed with devotions of the faithful charging through clustered Pull of Eora enemies and crushing them. Paladin fires of Sacred Immolation with all the debuffs going out he will crit hard. Chanter is also tanking just casting The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed. You must time your high ACC moments when they are debuffed. You need room to buff so that you are not being CCed while doing so. Ensure that your tank comes out of stealth first and it will buy you the time.
  18. This has nothing to do with your post, but man I have not seen you on the forums in a long time Great work on TSLRCM!
  19. You know I noticed this but did not think twice. maybe he was.. I don't know but he was a superb a hole...I cannot feel bad for a guy who wants my soul to power time magic even for his god(if your theory is right). Also he was a lich usually not the most savory of individuals.
  20. The character sheet says my Paladin was KOed one time but he never has been! Anyone ever see this? What else could count as a knock out? Just curious.
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