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Everything posted by Cabamacadaf

  1. Maybe rangers are common enough that this happens all the time and people are just used to it.
  2. I also had the "death" setting turned off, so the rogue shouldn't even have died in the first place, I think, unless dying a lot of times kills them even with that setting off.
  3. In the known issues post: Some Missing Assets - There are some pieces of the game that are still being implemented - like VFX, Audio, and Icons. You may notice that some assets are either missing or are temporary.
  4. My rogue died, then when I went to the next screen for some reason the rogue was alive but the priest was dead, so I went and bought another priest (which was supposed to be level 3, but it was only level 1). After that, the priest started appearing in random places in the map, first it was transparent and I couldn't control it, after traveling to another screen I could control it and it was no longer transparent, but it wasn't showing up as a portrait. Next screen it showed up behind a locked door I haven't opened and it couldn't get through it to the rest of my party, and all the loot I had gotten on that level was back.
  5. Sometimes the text in the menu gets all random sizes and it looks really weird, and once the A in loading got much bigger than all the other letters.
  6. The enter building icon on winfrith's arms and armory seems to not appear sometimes.
  7. Same thing happened to me, the resulting "deactivating finishing blow" spam also caused severe lag until the combat ended.
  8. Sometimes the spells disappears and when you press one of the spell levels, the list is just empty even though you should have spells there. I've only seen this happen on wizards.
  9. The map scrolling is way too slow, it makes it very annoying to play, other than that I like it a lot so far.
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