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Everything posted by Valmy

  1. Alright! See you guys around. Have fun with the game!
  2. Thanks! Once that hits zero I will be off this board for a few months. It has been a fun year or so waiting for the game with all of you!
  3. I would recommend playing the first one, but I know that is a hard decision to make among all the release hype.
  4. I mean sure game reviews have always been a little suspect going back to the 80s when game companies themselves owned the magazines that released them but even then they were not completely useless. And I remember the glowing reviews Ultima IX got LOL. So, you know, pinch of salt. These days are a few I know well and thus I am aware of their biases and my opinion is likely to coincide with theirs. I cannot possibly know the users well enough to know what theirs are so I generally find it not very valuable to look at user reviews...unless the game has serious issues. Generally there is no reviewer or user I am going to take as authoritative, but I do think it is useful to get a little taste of what other people are thinking.
  5. Yes. You can buy it on Amazon right now. https://www.amazon.com/Pillars-Eternity-Guidebook-Two-Archipelago/dp/1506706762/
  6. No worries. The paranoia of gamers these days is understandable.
  7. But people have already finished the damn game on stream right? I stupidly clicked on the spoilers forum not realizing that there were people out there who actually know the entire plot of the game already.
  8. Man the paranoia of people is really impressive. Just wait a few months if you are worried. No big deal.
  9. I am pre-loaded and ready to go! Though I kind of wish all the digital goodies were available now. Ah well. Are we talking about a midnight Pacific time release or are we talking about it unlocks at midnight local time or what?
  10. Well one of them voiced Aloth and Eder and I thought he really brought those characters the life. If the rest of them do as good a job then I will have nothing to complain about.
  11. Well it is their intellectual property so it is not like you can appoint somebody else to make it. I can tell you nothing beyond the fact that past performance is an indicator of future results...as far as the game stuff goes. I have said all I am going to say about the 'drama'.
  12. She turned me down before she ever discovered Donnic. I recall thinking that she was so much cooler than Hawke that she should have been the real hero of DA2.
  13. Every single party focused tactical rpg is not a BG1 remake. First person action RPGs do not get slandered as Ultima Underworld remakes. It just gets so tiresome to be told how the games I enjoy are somehow special and deserve to be labelled as an artifact of the past for no reason at all, while other games which are very similar to games that are just as old get celebrated as evolutionary. They aren't, they are just a genre that is more fashionable but just as ancient in its heritage.
  14. Life is complicated man. I hold their work in high regard and hold many of their employees in high regard. But business is business and besides we only have one half of the story. Even if Obsidian was interested in explaining themselves I am not sure we would still get enough information to know everything that was going on there. I am not saying I think Chris is lying or that his experience isn't true. But we have Anthony Davis talking about his experience and I believe him as well. Because it is real life.
  15. I appreciate you posting that. My thanks. But I never feel like I am qualified to have an opinion on these sorts of controversies. I don't know what the other side's perspective is. I do not consider myself an arbiter of justice based on rumors. I hope whatever issues Obsidian is having are managed in a more harmonious way in the future. I will always be a big fan of Avellone and I hope he still has many more projects in him.
  16. I wonder what kind of bizarre bubble one has to live in to that be the only thing you have heard about Witcher 3. Or that Mass Effect is a sex simulator. Weird.
  17. Yeah. It comes from a good place but all to often it seems to lead to a place where the game just sort of plays itself.
  18. Yeah but I have no interest in those. I mean not every game has to be what I like but it would be nice if, you know, some of them were. I want strategy and tactics and party based mechanics, not to see how fast I can swing my virtual sword. If that is the only possible way that RPGs can develop and everything else is regressive than I guess there is no room for fans like me in modern RPGs.
  19. I do not like this idea. If they are with me they should also join in the fighting. This sounds like a convenience thing so playing the game will have less difficult choices and generally those tend to make games worse as they are implemented. Eventually the game just sort of plays itself.
  20. I do not plan on making a distinction. They will all be part of my standard rotation.
  21. Yeah I was going to say. Gamers are super paranoid they are getting screwed these days. Every announcement Obsidian makes has a subset gnashing their teeth and trying to figure out how this means they are getting screwed. Probably reasonable with how things are going.
  22. Oh right I am getting that in pdf form aren't I? That will work. Thanks for the reminder!
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