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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. After reading that list, i am no longer surprised by the dumb comments at imdb.com. They are not trolls, just people with horrible taste.
  2. There will be Blood Damn good. Almost a modern day Citizen Kane, just almost. It lacks a better pathos and the editing was a bit off at times. Tombstone It was ok. It could've been much, much better though. I suspect that it suffered from the "too many chefs in the kitchen"-syndrome. But it had this awesome scene that redemeed it completely:
  3. Yeah, those last 10 minutes are glorious. Especially the ending.
  4. //EDIT: D'oh! posted in the wrong thread, and there was already a similar link in the right one.
  5. We tried that with ISIS, but it just ended up biting us in the back. Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDxeFwmGnSs
  6. More: http://leighalexander.net/faq/ No wonder they have more respect for ISIS. They have simply more in common with them than normies who just like to play a game.
  7. Music seems like a different bag of fish to visual mediums. The content of Slayer's music doesn't depict or exclude any ethnic groups as far as I'm aware. "Appeal more to women" is a vague and meaningless platitude. What fantasy writers should do is write female characters that aren't simply props, prizes or whatever and instead individuals with their own thoughts, motivations and so on like male characters. GRRM's depiction of women is certainly mixed but at the very least better than most male fantasy writers. Why not? You missed the point completely. It's not whether they are personally interested in such things or not. The point is that artists should never compromise on their integrity based on what a journalist or any other mob of people think on what they should do. The very notion that these people think that it is a good idea shows that they are utterly rotten and dead on the inside. They have more in common with gay-bashing politicians that are caught giving a blowjob in the men's restroom, priests talking about the sanctity of celibacy while they molest preteen boys and with the businessmen who lets their own company burn so that they can get a better indexratio on their hedge-fonds.
  8. - Should Slayer compose songs that appeal more to minorities? After all, more black people listen to them than before. - Should George RR Martin write in characters that appeal more to women? After all, more women read his books than before. - Should Paul Thomas Andersson direct a movie that includes transgender people? After all, more transgenders watch his movies than before. Should they, according to the lingo of these people, grow up?
  9. That's because it's a she. Touché :D
  10. To sum it up, i think the guy is a:
  11. I mean if you're carpenter that builds an awesome chair. You mass produce it and the people buy it in droves. But suddenly a guy says that there's a chair culture out there that demands to change it. It simply does not add up.
  12. But how did they become fans in the first place then? It doesn't add up.
  13. I still don't get it. If you have a winning concept that everyone likes, why change it?
  14. I don't even understand what he is trying to say.
  15. Well, it is not that easy as evening the playing field: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LRdW8xw70
  16. Jesus, that's simply beautiful!
  17. Are we sure that is absolutely true, that " any major gaming news site either tried to ignore or actively silence this case" ? Reddit, N4G, Kotaku, RPS and so on. Just watch the videos for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5-51PfwI3M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKmy5OKg6lo
  18. You should ask me that question directly young grasshopper Of course I don't consider that a factor when I look at historical artworks, but back then gender equality wasn't the issue it is nowadays. I am more concerned with reasonable and fair gender representation in games going forward than I am concerned with why 200 year old artwork may or may not contain the same representation Good, then you're still a human being with a differenting opinion from my own and not a clueless rebel.
  19. I wonder if Bruce could even allow himself to enjoy when visiting museums showcasing famous paintings, or would he constantly think about the woman/man ratio of the works displayed?
  20. Why are so many here ignoring that any major gaming news site either tried to ignore or actively silence this case? That is the issue here. The part with Zoe committing rape according to her own definition of it by being unfaithful to her boyfriend is only the lulz-part.
  21. Context: An Admin at reddit fired the very mod that leaked the logs showing that Zoe Quinn contacted another mod, who later deleted thousands of posts about the quinnspiracy. This is getting ridicolous.
  22. "At Virgil's behest, Plutus, god of material wealth, dissipates into thin air between the Third and Fourth circles" ..... .... ...why of course, it makes total sense now!
  23. He's saying that you should look forward to the Fifty shades of Gray-game of our generation.
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