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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. I thought i had created an awesome song when jamming on the guitar. But when i was about to start to record it, i quickly realized that it was just the song below in a different beat. Ooops.
  2. Guys, Castros legacy is a failure.....the Cuban idea of socialism failed because it failed to sustain or grow the economy The last 20 years or so Cuba was funded by certain South American countries like Venezuela under Chavez who were determined to use Cuba as some sort of adversary to the West ....but why would we consider Cuba a real enemy to the USA? Lets not believe some false narrative that Cuba was an economic success story He made children happy, are you against happy children?
  3. The guy surely outlived his allies and enemies.
  4. The kids are doing alright: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR8W_O_TRAk
  5. Jill Stein raised 2.2 million in a few hours for the campaign for recount. I am sure that all that money can be traced back to small grass-roots organization and not to nefarious bankers and international hedge fund managers.
  6. In other news, Ben Carson has awoken and will be secretary of HUD. I do hope that he will oversee the construction of new ancient grain silos (pyramids). //edit: That wikileaks video...yikes.
  7. There is no excuse. Replace Spencer's words with that of any oppressed minority and you have very same argument used by SJWs. Well by this place's definition of SJW, am not sure that holds. Black people saying looney stuff like this get castigated. Shame people are either too stupid to think a Nazi salute is edgy or actually buy into that nonsense still. The point is that he is using the very same terms made up by SJWs against them. The phrasing "A Safe Space for White People" is exactly that. For example, he couldn't be using the same argument at all with the same effect if the current counter-ideology would've been that of Martin Luther King (=race doesn't matter, character does). Whites are only the ones to have an actual history of enslavement and holocausts?
  8. There is no excuse. Replace Spencer's words with that of any oppressed minority and you have very same argument used by SJWs.
  9. Out of billions of humans, I'm sure it's your genome they would be after... Shush dear, a Bene Gesserit should be seducing and welcoming, not spiteful and passive aggressive. Report to your Reverend Mother for further counseling.
  10. I call dibs on a Bene Gesserit woman, we have program to start after all....
  11. If we colonized space, would then space-communism emerge? Because i see no reason why it should if the resources are infinite relatively to the amount of people.
  12. Ron Paul joins in of the Fake News-hoopla by referencing the media figures colluding with the DNC in wikileaks instead: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/revealed-the-real-fake-news-list That's quite the list.
  13. Stupid humans, having a will and all. Shower them with all the material needs that you can think of, but they still can't satisfy their egos.
  14. Before you know it, Poland will demand it's rightly earned Lebensraum to the west and annex Germany. I think that we can all get behind this.
  15. I'm still waiting for a right-winger to provide a defense of cultural diversity beyond repeating "muh culture" or "muh heritage" over and over. Well, if you dismiss the very things that are important to them a priori without providing a value system that they should compare to, then there's not much debate to be had, is there?But hey, lets give it try, shall we? First take a look at the following two videos: These are from a Finnish and Swedish perspective, so keep that in mind, as there's different cultural expressions for other groups of people. But what you see in the images invoked, the music played and the scenes acted are the results of these cultures. It is something that everyone from within that culture instinctively can relate to on a base level, and as the man tells in the second video: This world, this 'paradise' has now been created by me and i wish to give my children the same opportunity. It is bound to the land and nature and i wish for those who come after me to explore it and cherish it. It is what defines their existence. It is not only manifested in art, but also in how we behave in ourselves and to others; and to lose such a connection even has a word for it in Welsh: "Hiraeth". Of course one can easily dismiss such thoughts as sentimental hogwash, products of the 19th century romantic movements or spooks. No, it runs more deeper and it is more profound than that, as such agitators forget that such groups of people, their cultures and heritages, wouldn't even exist to begin with if there weren't people ready to kill and to die by it. It is not a pure abstract conjured by the intellect as people didn't scream "my culture!" and "my heritage!" when picked up that axe, they picked it up to defend their very existence. Such ideal of 'paradise' leaves room for other people to join and to help maintaining it and even making it better, without doubt as humans are not static in their condition. However, if the intelligent man declares that such things are just concepts that you can deconstruct, change and rework as if they are just organizational or procedual issues and to dump different groups of people together to optimize an economic model or to satisfy the whims of a social idea, then a pushback is not only expected, but it is an organic reaction in itself. Thankfully we have killed each other so much in the 20th century that we have learned, at least for now, to solve those issues peacefully in a democratic process. Where does that leave new worlds as the Americas you might wonder? They are still building their 'paradises' as mythology is still being created. It is an experiment worth watching where it goes, as the demographics are changing rapidly. Now, i have too much of a hangover to go any further on the subject and i probably forgot a few things and took different ideas for granted, but i hope i at least gave you some perspective. * i use the word 'paradise' not as euphemism of the garden of eden, but rather the world of what is called home that gives you a center, with all its good and bad included.
  16. I would say that it highlights the problem. Limiting the spectrum of debate and removing western civilization history in the curriculum is anything but a detriment to the development of students in the west. Is that being done? Even so that's not going to affect much more than the Artsies. You're a canuck right? Email Jordan Petersson at Toronto university and ask him about the state of the humanities at the moment.
  17. I would say that it highlights the problem. Limiting the spectrum of debate and removing western civilization history in the curriculum is anything but a detriment to the development of students in the west.
  18. I haven't heard about this before. Is this just part of the updated FB "algorithm" or has it been reported anywhere?
  19. This is eerie. I am thinking the same thing. Okay so what is your reason for this type of inexplicable thinking? A mild psychosis or just irrational fear that the " Muricans may invade Finland " ? Empathy, Bruce. Empathy. Okay....well normally I would take any post with the word empathy in it seriously because I often say " in life we need to have empathy " But you have never really demonstrated any real empathy on these forums? Or am I being unfair ? Empathy in trying to get my point. I only have suspicions, but following a person in their every move and report it to everyone is in itself not of best intensions. One could even say malevolent, so the thought of hoping that someone would snap and take care of this unperson called Trump is not that far fetched though. I hope that i am wrong and it is just a sign of hysteria.
  20. This is eerie. I am thinking the same thing. Okay so what is your reason for this type of inexplicable thinking? A mild psychosis or just irrational fear that the " Muricans may invade Finland " ? Empathy, Bruce. Empathy.
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