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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Witness the creation of a future mass-shooter, gentlemen.
  2. Is there anywhere where you can get pure numbers on each state without having to select it individually in a nice graph? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VAcF0eJ06y_8T4o2gvIL4YcyQy8pxb1zYkgXF76Uu1s/htmlview Although whoever made the sheet has not updated it with final numbers After a quick look at just California and New York, she won those states with about 3,6 million votes, i somehow understand the point of the electoral vote per state now. Btw, in column called "non-citizen", California stands out with 16,7%. That's 6,5 million in total, do they even pay taxes?
  3. Is there anywhere where you can get pure numbers on each state without having to select it individually in a nice graph?
  4. In real news, TPP is now dead: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/11/10/the-trans-pacific-partnership-is-dead-schumer-tells-labor-leaders/
  5. Haha, i have become old.
  6. The bible has some screwy stuff in it; might be best if they don't read it. Come on, the Old Testament is a fantastic guide to living. After all, what would we do without Strong Family Values? Surely everything would descend into gibbering chaos as the last light of virtue and beauty gets extinguished by the nihilist and decadent intelligentsia as they reshape the world to mirror the emptiness that is within their hearts I don't see how that's a bad thing. bu-bu-but western culture and civilization fades away and surely nothing worthwhile could possibly follow it because it's rooted in the deepest truths of the human experience It's already dead but the corpse started to smell so that the people voted in someone able to remove it.
  7. Well, that picture depicts hell and sin, so i would say that it is quite accurate. > the picture depicts hell > accurate pick one Hell is usually depicted across cultures either as a place of chaotic punishment or as a stage of society being controlled by its vices. I would say that the picture displays that quite accurately.
  8. 82 is a quite impressive age considering it is the entertainment business. R.I.P.
  9. Well, that picture depicts hell and sin, so i would say that it is quite accurate. I much more prefer his other work though: "Hunters in the Snow", for example. I recommend seeing it in action in Vienna, it's sheer size plays part of the impact:
  10. The bible has some screwy stuff in it; might be best if they don't read it. Come on, the Old Testament is a fantastic guide to living. After all, what would we do without Strong Family Values? Surely everything would descend into gibbering chaos as the last light of virtue and beauty gets extinguished by the nihilist and decadent intelligentsia as they reshape the world to mirror the emptiness that is within their hearts We are. It's easily reflected in our culture, arts and architecture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RM1oTw6fPg
  11. When the left protested against war, ending mass surveillance, globalism and for free speech one could easily understand their grievances. Now it requires university degree to understand.
  12. If things get worse, they should anything but get angry and organize to vote for someone else in 2020.
  13. Those "millenials" (people born 1980s to 2000) that cared to vote majority 55% voted Clinton according to exit polls. But yet again most of them didn't vote. Although millenial white people voted for trump 48% versus 43% to Clinton. But youth turn out for GOP nominee was fourth-lowest since 1972. 8% of millenials that vote voted third party candidate, up form 3% in 2012. 19% of all voters were millenials. Compared to Obama, Clinton lost millenial votes, but Trump didn't gain any compared to Romney, meaning that millenials that Clinton lost voted third party candidate instead of Trump. Had only millennials voted, Clinton would've won the election in a landslide, with 473 electoral votes to Trump's 32. How many of the 60's flower power generation raising the banners for McGovern voted for Reagan in '84? Even if they are now pro-Clinton you cannot predict the same voting patterns for the future.
  14. Are people still parroting the "Millennials" BS on voting? They tried the same thing with Kerry/Bush in 2004 and here we are. Very few people have the same political leanings their whole lives.
  15. Probably the most shocking revelation of this election: https://twitter.com/cdenizok/status/796432176761995269/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw How could she? I don't even....
  16. Actually, his plans for the next 100 days are quite sensible: http://www.npr.org/2016/11/09/501451368/here-is-what-donald-trump-wants-to-do-in-his-first-100-days McConnell has to bend the knee though. Putting Obama-care above structural changes, like term limits and campaign financing is unforgivable.
  17. The couch-potatoes, the Homer Simpsons and those simply not caring are the true silent heroes of this election.
  18. Nah, they have already found a new target: https://archive.is/eQuzX
  19. My grin is out of orbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZiI6kVkPXs
  20. Thanks for the laughs, Nate Silver:
  21. Oh dear, hahaha. Why not blame the most obvious boogieman on the internet?
  22. Source? Anyhow, another interpretation:
  23. There was a moment in Hillary's concession speech where she sounded like a human being, about when she talked about never giving up in what you believe in. I have to give her that.
  24. Until the actual election results I would have agreed with your friend because my experience is many people, including some forum members, did seem almost obsessed with the email scandal But I would ask your friend when was Trump homophobic, because I can recall when he demonstrated other forms of bigotry but not homophobia ? When he chose Pence, who is openly and actively against LGBT rights and protections and who thinks that conversion therapy is not just okay but better target for governmental funding than AIDS prevention, you know that he isn't big supporter of LGBT people. I wonder if Pence still thinks that ? Pence is an insurance. If anyone tries to get rid of Trump, they get him instead. Look back at Dan Quale and Bush; there were even rumors abound that the CIA would "take care" of Quale if anything would've happened to Bush.
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