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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. John Bolton is another Neocon who should not be anywhere near any power.
  2. What if those Latinx, LGBQ, trans, muslim and people of color voted for Trump and feel better than ever?
  3. I think that they will conveniently forget that. Only when someone tries to brigade an assissination they will be removed due to embaressment, not due to vigilance of safe spacing. A lot of kids have the same haircut as Spencer. Or does Spencer have the same haircut as a lot of kids? Anyway, i give it a listen. Kudos!
  4. Oh? My bad then. In any case it is just a matter to have a sound rule of thumb, pushing for social norms that are too constrictive will cause the corridor of acceptable behaviour to be so narrow that everyone with a living soul will be left outside as we all will larp as our personas instead of ourselves. Finding a complete a complete binary set for such will never happen either as the human experience is inheritly organic and chaotic. Use common sense and at the same time try not to subvert what common sense is to something that it is not, best of luck!
  5. In this case i would say the Zoological Association of America. They can decide if an ape would be offended or not. See this right here just strikes me as passive aggressive douchbaggery. If, as GD said, un-PC comments are supposed to rebel against thought control, I fail to see how this comment meets the criteria. But I'd be happy to hear an explanation. The point is that you really can't on a legislative level, and if you try, you will fail and end with being the oppressive one. This is of course assumed that you want to live in a free society.
  6. http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-transition-team-lobbyists-2016-11?r=US&IR=T&IR=T Yeeeeeeeees.
  7. That has to be the lamest excuse for just wanting to get some rest. I mean, just look at him:
  8. In this case i would say the Zoological Association of America. They can decide if an ape would be offended or not.
  9. Boy are you guys ever pessimistic. Here we have now a president with all the drones at his disposal. Do you think Trump will break Obama's record in sanctioned murder? It will fun, excellent, super exciting!
  10. Professor Jordan Peterson of Toronto University calls the Cultural-Marxists "Neo-Marxists", but i hear no difference in how he describes them. The liberals need more of him.
  11. Meanwhile in the real world liberals are blaming the "Berniebros" for Trump's win and are dismissing class rhetoric as the concern of "single-issue voters" who don't care about PoC, women, LBGTQ people etc. Since the term "BernieBro" is a manufactured one by a think-tank employed by the Clintons to smear voters for Bernie as misogynists, i prefer not to use it. But, anyways, the BernieBros are the Trotskies to them and are treated as traitors since they have to gall to claim that the system is ****ed on a broader scope. They will be first against the wall before the enemy.
  12. The narrative has been set: https://twitter.com/WDFx2EU8/status/798050268688437248 People are calling for a bloody revolution.
  13. "Congratulations America, you put GamerGate into the White House" https://twitter.com/sarahjeong/status/798019322622844928 xD
  14. Poor Trump, he can't even pick the right kind of oppressed or minorities to his team.
  15. I am a member of Amnesty and i donate monthly, even if i don't always agree with the their views, but i find the overarching goal of freedom of expression and thought to be paramount. I also donate to the Red Cross on a regular basis.
  16. We absolutely need Dave Chappelle back on television. America is counting on him. How are things going for you Dave?
  17. While Zizek has great taste in women, is hilarious at times and can express his ideas in succinct forms at times, i find his lacanian outlook is too depressive and material. I find the Jungian perspective more positive.
  18. Base income can be supported if the old, redudant beaurocracies and institutions would be consequently abolished, which is most likely to be a much more difficult task.
  19. I live in a country that had it's version of political correctness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finlandization Growing up in that time period and having access to foreign TV-channels was surreal at times. Especially when it came to the news.
  20. Well, maybe look harder then. The common element is their longing for a return to a past they see as better, characterized by blind discipline, nationalism (with or without racialist tints), little tolerance for deviation from the social norms, political authoritarianism in diverse forms, etc. It's important to note that this representation of the past may or may not be accurate, but accuracy is less important than the feels from romantizicing the past. In short: reactionarism. The necessary and sufficient condition to be considered part of the alt-right. Conservatism in general is like that. You want to preserve a past that possibly didn't even existed to begin with. Preserving something that has never existed sounds like an oxymoron to me. Well, we are all dreamers after all, no matter the political inclination. Some other people are dreaming of futures that will never exist either.
  21. wait, what? You lost me there... Are you seriously saying that Marx and Mussolini both followed the same ideology only in different times? No. As the etymology of the word describes, it is the voicing of an opinion that goes against the current political dogma. In the 80's and 90's it was fit to call it a form of fascism because of the conservatives in the US enforcing moral purity everywhere. Today it is political incorrect to go against equality. Isn't going against equality against the very foundation of the US? "That all men are created equal, that they have been endowed by their creator with with certain unalienable rights" and so on.... Going against equality is a much more serious issue than the overuse of political correctness What you think qualifies for equality has nothing to do with what political correctness is.
  22. wait, what? You lost me there... Are you seriously saying that Marx and Mussolini both followed the same ideology only in different times? No. As the etymology of the word describes, it is the voicing of an opinion that goes against the current political dogma. In the 80's and 90's it was fit to call it a form of fascism because of the conservatives in the US enforcing moral purity everywhere. Today it is political incorrect to go against equality.
  23. It's origins is different, it has been switched back and forth during the years: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/287100.html Roger Ebert describes it as fascism since it promotes self-censorship: First it is inspired by Marx, now by Mussolini? I recommend you set your mind on what it is Wasn't i clear? It changes, and has historically changed, depending what the current political standards are at place.
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